Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

1) The Democrat candidate won't be as bad as the last one was.

2) White women appear to be leaving the Republican candidates.

I'm not super confident about Democrats next election, but I don't see how Republicans can be either. Those two points alone seem like a big deal to me.
I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.

One also has to divide up the suburbs into the more urban ones, and the so called exburbs, which have a more rural tone.

Exburbs are the growth area because the suburbs have filled up mostly.

Exurbs have many of the same well educated voters that the suburbs have. The Republican share of the vote dropped in the exurbs as well because of the .GOP's problem with those voters.

Midterm Results Show Erosion in Communities Crucial to Trump, GOP - American Communities Project

You confuse educated with intelligent, like most progressives do.

You confuse intelligence with voting for Trump. You also confuse not selling out your values with progressives. You are the unintelligent one.

The only value progressives care about is power.
Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.

House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.

To a certain extent, yes

But for the Democrats to take over a heavily gerrymandered house, they needed a Yuge Democratic turnout

As it was, they received 9 million more votes than Republicans

Hillary only pulled 3 million more

A similar turnout will crush Trump

Yes, because Democrats never gerrymander in those gigantic states they control.....
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

More propaganda from the Marxist media.

Many professional, suburban women — a critical voting bloc in the 2020 election — recoil at the abrasive, divisive rhetoric, exposing the president to a potential wave of opposition in key battlegrounds across the country.”

The article then goes on to say they didn’t vote for him last time, hated him already and were now ashamed to be Americans.

They then interviewed a few women who were “Democrat leaning” or “voted for Clinton reluctantly” but were shopping in an “affluent area” and were now...wait for it...STILL not going to vote for Trump!

Especially convincing was a “63-year-old registered Democrat” who excreted words of wisdom before “she pushed her shopping cart into an upscale grocery store in Newtown.”

These liberals, especially the millennial airheads journalism schools churn out now, are incredibly shallow and desperate to join the ranks of their betters.

But their blindness helps us. They still think that their love and loyalty and imitation of “affluent suburbs” means something to real people.
They will be as shocked in 2020 as they were in 2016 by what working people do again.

“But but but...affluent women with shopping carts said....”
Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.

House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.

To a certain extent, yes

But for the Democrats to take over a heavily gerrymandered house, they needed a Yuge Democratic turnout

As it was, they received 9 million more votes than Republicans

Hillary only pulled 3 million more

A similar turnout will crush Trump

Or they needed to break up the Reagan coalition. President Reagan put together a coalition that consisted of rural voters and suburban voters. The suburban voters voted heavily for Democrats in 2018.

Gwinnett County was the base for Newt Gingrich's rise to power in the 80's. In 2012, Nathan Deal won the county by 12 points in his re-election effort. in 2014. In 2016, Clinton won Gwinnet by 6 points and Abrams won the county by 13 points in 2018.

In Texas, Clinton won 3 suburban House districts for the first time. 2 of the 3 House districts went Democrat. In Tarrant County Texas, Ted Cruz won by 16 points in 2012. Trump won by 8 points in 2016 and O'Rourke won by 1 in 2018.
Democrat platform is emotionalism and which sex is that more appealing to?
Let's see... Trump's experience in reaching an audience...hmmm..
15 seasons... 192 episodes. over 3.4 BILLION viewers...hmmm
Wonder if Trump had a little inkling as to how to reach the audience.
I know he didn't wast any money on campaign advertising the states of NY and Calif as he knew that was a waste..electoral college wise!
In fact
Hillary Raised $1,191,000,000 Trump $646,800,000... Hillary raised and spent nearly 2 times what Trump did... and who won?
Oh right poor Hillary won the popular vote... but not the electoral college. So now the sore losers want to do away with the electoral college.
OK Trump says.. popular vote... Not a problem as he can spend more efficiently and if needs be reach the popular vote!

But of course all of you Trump haters are too sophisticated for that....yup you are falling for the socialist party line thinking yea that's the ticket!
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics
The Democrats are very proud that they hate suburban white voters and that is why they continuously call them names such as racist, uneducated and deplorable. Their 2020 campaign strategy is to scream racist at mainstream middle class Voters...…….. good luck with that LOL

Suburban voters are not being called anything by Democrats. Suburban voters agree that telling a person of color is racist by a margin of 57-20 according to the latest Fox poll. 52% of whites say that Trump does not respect racial minorities compared to 39% of whites. Women by a 64-27 margin agree with that statement.

Fox News Poll, 7/24
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Yeah and Trump has no path to victory.

He isn’t saying or doing anything worse than when he won in 2016. I live in the suburbs, I’m married to a suburban woman, I know plenty of them. That poll is bull shit.

The difference is that Hillary Clinton's negatives were nearly as high as Trump's. 29% of voters in 2016 saw BOTH Clinton and Trump as dishonest and untrustworthy. It is no surprise that 25% were voting against the other candidate.

You are bullshit. The fact is that Democrats took over the House by winning House seats in the suburbs. That included red states such as SC, Oklahoma and Texas. Maybe you need to read the news occasionally. Democrats won the House.
Democrats always think they will get the votes of white women and they never do. Democrats were convinced that white women would vote for Hillary in droves. Then Hill explained it away by saying women voted the way their husbands told them to vote. There is always an excuse.

White women are not going to vote democrat because democrats call Trump a racist. Democrats are already calling white women racists.
But they will still vote for him....their kitchens are flush with food their bills are paid and the kids are in new school more hand me downs or goodwill clothing for the first day of school....women are happy even if Trump's words are not their favorite words....I see him as fighting the liars and thieves that have made life so difficult in the past....and I encourage him to keep on exposing our nations worst....

Women are not happy. They are extremely negative towards Trump. The latest Fox News poll shows that 40% of women rate the economy as good or excellent. 38% say it is fair while 20% say it is poor. Overall, 51% say it good or excellent, 32% say it is fair and 15% say it is poor.
Trump won’t lose any women voters over the stuff he says. It’s silly to think he will. :)

Women care more about security and income than anything he says. With the record # of jobs and pay increases, I expect Trump to gain 5 women voters for every 1 whiner.

Women also appreciate and respect a strong leader. Trump wins again in that category.
I grew up in a relatively close in suburb to a major city. It was Republican when I lived there forty years ago, but has turned solidly Democrat over the last twenty years.

I now live in a former Ex-Burb of the same metro area (after living in other places in the U.S. for company moves). My Ex-Burb is growing exponentially, and is now a full blow suburb full of homes, and businesses. This has occurred in the twenty or so years that I have owned the property.

Our former Republican representatives were all replaced during the last midterm election by First Time, Women, Democrats. All of them. That has been the trend in ALL of the suburbs and ex-burbs in this metro area. The city and all surrounding counties are Democrat majorities.

Did you ever think that maybe it's because what you 'grew up' in has become just another shithole populated by Inner City dimocrap scum escaping the ghettos THEY created??

Ever think that?

Didn't think so.

"Urban Blight" has moved to the Suburbs, Spanky.

Been going on for decades

Trump blight has moved to rural areas.
Yet the dems drift into free shit for illegal aliens and abolishing ICE had buoyed Trump's polls.

We have Veterans committing suicide in VA Parking Lots because they can't get the care they need and scumbag dimocrap FILTH want to give Free shit to illegal beaners?

We have American Citizens living on the Street in shitholes like LA, Sang Frang and New Yawk Shitty because they either have a drug problem (caused by the despair of unemployment too often) or because they can't afford the cost of housing in those shitholes....

And dimocrap FILTH want to give away the store to some illegal beaners??

You vote dimocrap, you are a scumbag. End of story. Period.

I don't care what 'single issue' occupies your tiny brain. I don't care if you're more concerned about your pussy than you are the Country, or if you're more worried about the right to Marry your pet goat or if you're super-concerned about the right to murder your own baby.....

You vote dimocrap -- You are scum.

I'm talking you, your mama, your daddy, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your neighbor, your Aunt Tilly.....

You vote dimocrap, you are scum.

Because -- NOBODY is that stupid that they believe the SHIT the dimocraps are peddling

Nobody. The only other explanation is --

You are scum

You are the scum. No one is buying Trump's garbage or the garbage you are peddling.

Republicans are the party of racists, fascists and neo-nazis.

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