Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections.

Wrong. 30 Republican retirements is what lost the House.

Plus your President wasn't on the ballot.

Untrue. 29 Republicans incumbents were defeated by Democrats while 2 lost to Trump sycophants in the primary. Democrats took those seats.

Trump was indeed part of the election. A number of strong pro-Trump candidates lost statewide races or narrowly won. Chris Kobach lost the Governor's race in deep red Kansas. A pro-Trump candidate lost the Governor's race in Minnesota. Mark Sanford lost the primary to a strongly pro-Trump candidate in SC and Democrats took the seat.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

With the House changing there was no risk of actual change for them. Electing a far left Dem would result in actual harm for them.

With a House Election they could virtue signal with minimal risk. With the Presidency up (and the Senate) there is more on the line, and I believe they will see that.

Perhaps. If the Dems nominate a far left loon like Bernie, people might go with Trump again just to be safe, but does the GOP really want to risk that? Think of how much easier it would be to secure a reelection if he wasn't such an asshole. Plus, do you really think he could beat someone like Biden with this behavior?

It's time to stop playing patty-cake with the treacherous leftist Democrats and establishment politicians. Trump may be brash and crass, but he's fighting a worthy fight.
That "article" is nothing more than another "Orange Man Bad" regurgitation.

"6 women say Orange Man Bad, therefore Orange Man must be bad" is what that article is.

They didn't happen to cherry pick who they interviewed did they? Of course they did. :rolleyes-41:

This is worse than those edited "Man on the street" videos because AP is supposed to be a credible news source.
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Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Well maybe that just says that surburban women aren't very bright. Maybe it even says they're just too damn dumb to be voting at all.

Trump supporters are the dumb ones. Suburban women are too smart to be taken in by a conman.
We deserve much better than Trump
You mean like Hillary?
No question Hillary would have done better than Trump

She would not be stupid enough to start a trade war in a strong economy. She would not have run a trillion dollar deficit in a strong economy
She would not have humiliated the reputation of the US around the world

Did you just land here from another planet or did you just slither out from under a rock because you're absolutely clueless as to how much damage that evil, selfish bitch wrought on this nation.


Hilary was respected around the world. Not just as a First Lady but as a Senator and Sec State

Trump and his spouse are not

Hilary was respected around the world. Not just as a First Lady but as a Senator and Sec State

Trump and his spouse are not

Hillary sold her office to the highest bidder same as her rapist husband did....they should both be in federal prison.
Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.

House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Strange, we're suburban and the women I know speak nothing like this.

Of course it's the AP....just saying. Wonder how many they went through before finding "36"?

Hint: That's why polls are worthless

The numbers show you are wrong. The Democrats took over the House tanks to suburban voters especially women. That included suburban House seats in red states like SC and Oklahoma.
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I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.

One also has to divide up the suburbs into the more urban ones, and the so called exburbs, which have a more rural tone.

Exburbs are the growth area because the suburbs have filled up mostly.

Exurbs have many of the same well educated voters that the suburbs have. The Republican share of the vote dropped in the exurbs as well because of the .GOP's problem with those voters.

Midterm Results Show Erosion in Communities Crucial to Trump, GOP - American Communities Project

You confuse educated with intelligent, like most progressives do.

You confuse intelligence with voting for Trump. You also confuse not selling out your values with progressives. You are the unintelligent one.
Obama lost way more seats in his first midterm election than Trump, and lost both houses due to his radical, far left policies.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics
What lost the midterm was a bunch of incumbent Rs quitting.

As for suburban women, I am getting a different vibe.


I just looked specifically at the numbers for white women in the 2016 election and the 2018 midterm election.

In 2016, white women supported Trump by 10 points. (53% to 43%)
In 2018, white women were dead even between Democrat candidates and Republican candidates. (49% to 49%)

That's a 6-point swing, and that's HUGE considering how big the population of white women is in the electorate. In the 2016 election, for example, they made up approximately 37% of all voters.

Now of course they weren't directly voting against Trump in the midterms, so it's difficult to say how likely we are to see the same results in the 2020 presidential election, but let's see what it would look like if that 6-point swing did carry over into the next election.

In 2016, Trump won (but with less overall votes) 63 million to 66 million.
In 2020, if white women maintain that 49-49 split, that would be a net difference against Trump of 5 million more votes.

Obviously the numbers will be different with different candidates, but it would look like Democrats getting 69 million votes and Republicans getting 61 million votes. I'm not sure the Republicans can win the electoral college with that big of a difference. But it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Here's a few graphs:


Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.

House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.

To a certain extent, yes

But for the Democrats to take over a heavily gerrymandered house, they needed a Yuge Democratic turnout

As it was, they received 9 million more votes than Republicans

Hillary only pulled 3 million more

A similar turnout will crush Trump
Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.

Republicans also have a balance that they have to perform. They didn't do that in 2018 and it cost them the House. The last Fox poll ad 87% of Democrats voting for Biden and 84% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Trump will have to move to the center.

House elections have nothing to do with Presidential Elections. Two different matrices, two different voting bases.

That is not true. House elections are the canary in the coal mine. The House elections in 2016 are likely what pulled Trump over the top. Trump was a major issue.
I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.

One also has to divide up the suburbs into the more urban ones, and the so called exburbs, which have a more rural tone.

Exburbs are the growth area because the suburbs have filled up mostly.

I can speak to Novi, Mi, one of the suburbs from which the AP gathered these "suburban moms". Very close to the city but not super close; very diverse now; highly educated. So, a lot more liberal than MI in general.

If they had gone a little further out, you are exactly correct.
Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Once again another example of how the MSM biases the news and WHY the majority of Trump supporters
like me continue to point this out to those people like these suburban women!

“I just don’t like the way he talks about other people,” Evans, a 79-year-old retired data entry supervisor, said recently as she walked through a shopping mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin, days after Trump fired off a racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen.
Many professional, suburban women — a critical voting bloc in the 2020 election — recoil at the abrasive, divisive rhetoric, exposing the president to a potential wave of opposition in key battlegrounds across the country.

BUT do these "many professional, suburban women" really understand how their "emotions" are manipulated by the MSM like AP?
For example... what was the "racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen."
This is exactly the supposedly "racist" tweet:
"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

A) NO where did he talk about SENDING!!! He said why don't they go back... freely... no forcing..
B) Why don't they fix their places from which they came...Detroit, Somalia...etc...
C) HE asked them to come back and show us how it is done!

So where is the "RACISM" in that tweet? NO WHERE! Trump was being an honest person who was pointing out what the Bible said in Matthew 7:5.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "
Health myths, FYI

The ridiculous posts were 3 consecutive posts by Trump, NOT just the one you posted.

View attachment 271956

I didn't post the other two because the ONLY tweet that people other than you attacked Trump on as "racist" was what I showed.
And it wasn't because he told them to go remove the plank from their eye first before they attacked the homeland security ..."feces".. "drinking from toilets" all lies.
What he wanted them to do is take care of their neighborhoods first before attacking our homeland security efforts!
You know, if Trump had said to them to take the plank out of their own eye before they try to take a piece of sawdust out of his, he would have in the least made the point you believe he was trying to make.

But instead, he had to do those awful tweets as if these American women did not belong in their own country, in such a below the President level of slithering, to make people actually think and wonder, is he a racist?, is something he intentionally brought on, to take the press off one of his many scandals, imo.... it is what he does, keep the cameras rolling, rolling, rolling...
Trump isn’t going to change.
Yeah. He's not going to change who he is.

This will be about (a) the economy, and (b) how insane the Democrats decide to get, in that order.

The democrats are stuck with a delicate balance. The actual candidate will have to move to the center, but any move too far to the center would spawn a potential third party challenge.
I am not in agreement. If the Ds nominate a candidate that is for the poor, working class, and middle class while be against the interests of the .1%, they beat the shit out of Donnie.

Problem is they are the party of the .1%, so it is unlikely they will do the right thing.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

One more thing:

If the Dems cannot get their act together and put together a positive platform instead whine, cry and moan about tweets and how bad Trump is, they will lose.

Right now, I do not see that changing. We will see.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics
If Trump’s rhetoric is enough to force women to ignore the DemoRat Hoaxes, the New Green Deal, and the disastrous Russian Collusion fiasco, as well as the DemoRats open border policies, and their constant unwarranted race-baiting, as well as their anti-cop campaign, then it's time women looked in the mirror and decide if they want their kids to grow up in a socialist society where our check goes straight to Washington and the peasants only get the scraps they grudgingly feel they have coming to them.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics
What lost the midterm was a bunch of incumbent Rs quitting.

As for suburban women, I am getting a different vibe.


I just looked specifically at the numbers for white women in the 2016 election and the 2018 midterm election.

In 2016, white women supported Trump by 10 points. (53% to 43%)
In 2018, white women were dead even between Democrat candidates and Republican candidates. (49% to 49%)

That's a 6-point swing, and that's HUGE considering how big the population of white women is in the electorate. In the 2016 election, for example, they made up approximately 37% of all voters.

Now of course they weren't directly voting against Trump in the midterms, so it's difficult to say how likely we are to see the same results in the 2020 presidential election, but let's see what it would look like if that 6-point swing did carry over into the next election.

In 2016, Trump won (but with less overall votes) 63 million to 66 million.
In 2020, if white women maintain that 49-49 split, that would be a net difference against Trump of 5 million more votes.

Obviously the numbers will be different with different candidates, but it would look like Democrats getting 69 million votes and Republicans getting 61 million votes. I'm not sure the Republicans can win the electoral college with that big of a difference. But it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Here's a few graphs:



The trend was more pronounced in states that Trump surprisingly won in 2016.

In Pennsylvania, it was more pronounced.
Female voters
Clinton 54%
Trump 41%

Female voters
Wolf (D) 65%
Wagner (R) 35%

Even in the Virginia elections we saw the same thing.
Female voters
Clinton 56%
Trump 39%

Female voters
Northam (D) 65%
Gillespie (R) 35%

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