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Summing Up The News.....

As the indictments mount and get closer to T it will be a race to see who loses their mind first Pol Chic or Trump.
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."
World Nut Daily. The perfect source for a nutcase like yourself.
Just once use a legitimate site. You can’t because it wouldn’t push your propaganda.

I'm certainly not the first to remind all that those who cannot dispute the facts.....FACTS...presented, attempt to scoff at the source.

Perhaps you can help find clarity here, with reference to your post....

I can never decide which of these is the case:

a. Those who decry the source of a statement rather than the truth of same, ....are they doing so because they are unable to deny the truth of what is being said....


b. ...are they simply so stupid that they don't recognize that the source is secondary to the importance and the veracity of what is stated?

Which one???
Garbage in garbage out.
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."
The impeach-Trump conspiracy
World Nut Daily. The perfect source for a nutcase like yourself.
Just once use a legitimate site. You can’t.

In her defense, she did use the Free Beacon, you know the people that initially paid for the Trump dossier

"... the Free Beacon, you know the people that initially paid for the Trump dossier"


They did no such thing....only the Democrats dealt with and paid the Kremlin for the dossier.

The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

Seems I destroy your worldview effortlessly, eh?
Last edited:
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."
The impeach-Trump conspiracy
Pretty sure this 'chic' is a Russian troll... nobody is this stupid

Was there anything in my posts you are able to dispute?


You're a government school grad, huh?
"Unfortunately, the indictments of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner Richard Gates have nothing whatever to do with "collusion," however broadly defined.

Politically speaking, we have learned nothing except what we already knew: namely, that a shady businessman who briefly worked for the Trump campaign is, in fact, a very shady businessman indeed, one who has just pled not guilty to failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of the Ukrainian puppet government and not declaring all of his income derived from his essentially pro-Kremlin lobbying.

Even George Papadopoulos' guilty plea is no smoking gun. The former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign admits that he lied about email exchanges with a shadowy figure known as "the professor" who had promised Russian "dirt" on Clinton. But as far as we can tell, his communications with Dr. Dirt went nowhere. Papadopoulos also made vague references in his emails to "meetings" with Russian officials that probably did not end up taking place, which seems important only if you ignore the fact that presidential candidates, especially after securing their parties' nominations, routinely meet with foreign leaders, even heads of state.

The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether the presidential campaign of Donald Trump knowingly colluded with the Russian government in the hope of altering the outcome of the 2016 election, not to see whether any person even loosely connected with the former could be found guilty of any crime, including perjury."
Mueller is running amok

Can I get an 'amen'!!!

Looks more and more like Muelller effort is to hid his own culpability....
another media thread in the politics forum from pc ..

Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentance of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were involved during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin: Only done to divert attention away from these incoming indictments.
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton
Last edited:
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentence of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were invovled--during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin:
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

This entire event will be almost as great a heartbreak for you as last election night.

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentence of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were invovled--during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin:
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

This entire event will be almost as great a heartbreak for you as last election night.

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

Are you trying to win the Stupid Award for this thread? Scroll back up to the post I just gave you (post # 49) and spend more than 2 seconds on it.


Like they say 'trying to reason with a Trump supporter, is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee".
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentance of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were involved during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin: Only done to divert attention away from these incoming indictments.
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

sure hope Manaforts money trail doesnt trace back to Trump and Mueller subpoenas his tax records don'y you ?

Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."
The impeach-Trump conspiracy

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentence of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were invovled--during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin:
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

This entire event will be almost as great a heartbreak for you as last election night.

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

Are you trying to win the Stupid Award for this thread? Scroll back up to the post I just gave you (post # 49) and spend more than 2 seconds on it.


Like they say 'trying to reason with a Trump supporter, is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee".

Let's check:

1. There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:

The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.

The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

2. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"

52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

The first Republican President

And this:

3. "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."



4. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"

Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


5. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

6. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia


Democrat collusion???

7. "Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

8. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

9. And we now know.....


a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have energy....so it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.

10. The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.
Lots of names, lots of 'facts,'......lots of 'fake news.'

The hermeneutic key that puts all of it in perspective, is the following:

"... this city’s hatred for President Trump, and its fanatic determination to bring him down in disgrace, predates his presidency.

For Trump ran in 2016 not simply as the Republican alternative. He presented his candidacy as a rejection, a repudiation of the failed elites, political and media, of both parties. Americans voted in 2016 not just for a change in leaders but for a revolution to overthrow a ruling regime.

Thus, this city has never reconciled itself to Trump’s victory, and the president daily rubs their noses in their defeat with his tweets.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites.

If Trump is brought down on the basis of what Putin correctly labels “nonsense,” this city will have executed a nonviolent coup against a constitutionally elected president.

Such an act would drop us into the company of those Third World nations where such means are the customary ways that corrupt elites retain their hold on power."

We know where the Fake news is coming from now lol. After a guilty plea and 3 criminal indictments, all the Fake news is coming from your right wing web sites and talk show hosts, whom have relentlessly called the Russian investigation fake.

"...guilty plea..." to what?



And now the professor says Papadopolous was lying.....it never happened.

"Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign"
Professor Denies Evidence He Shopped Kremlin ‘Dirt’ on Hillary to Trump Campaign

Any other lies you bought like they were on sale?

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

This is just the 1st inning. What we do have is INTENT to commit collusion--they have the emails to prove that. What you should be concerned about is this George Papadopolous that came out of nowhere. He was arrested in July, 2017 at the Dallas Airport--then was indicted on October 2nd, 2017. He's made a plea deal with Mueller, and is only being charged with lying to the FBI--attached with a sentance of 0 to 6 months and a fine of $500.00 to $9200.00. Clearly they have used him to communicate with others possibly with a wire tap or attached a wire to him to get others that were involved during this interum of between July and October 30, yesterday.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort with these 11 indictments is looking at a 30 year prison sentence. This too cannot be argued because it's a money paper trail. You cannot argue that. So he may turn evidence and work with Mueller on this. No one is going to spend 30 years in prison to protect Trump and his cohurts in this.

What happened to Michael Flynn? Who asked for immunity from prosecution, citing "he has a story to tell." I was certain he would be indicted and he hasn't been. So he may be working with Mueller also.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

Then you have this:

Then Trump goes on an NBC interview and admits he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is Obstruction of Justice, an impeachable offence, which he is under investigation for.

What Trump & team never realised is that they were being monitored & watched since 2015, by several different foreign intelligence sources.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

As far as Hillary Clinton (Dossier & Uranium one conspiracy)--I have never seen a better take down of the RNC and FOX NEWS than this (with FACTS.) You might want to watch this--:badgrin: Only done to divert attention away from these incoming indictments.
Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

sure hope Manaforts money trail doesnt trace back to Trump and Mueller subpoenas his tax records don'y you ?


Is this the fall-back position, now that the 'collusion' charges have fallen apart?
Holy crap. Political chic is losing it. Look at those desperate novel length posts. None of that clears Trump. Eat it lol
There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians.

OTOH, The Tramp campaign, the son, son-in-law, and a national security advisor, had DIRECT contact with Russian dirt peddlers and therefore there was NO collusion between the Tramp campaign and the Russians. :cuckoo:
There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians.

OTOH, The Tramp campaign, the son, son-in-law, and a national security advisor, had DIRECT contact with Russian dirt peddlers and therefore there was NO collusion between the Tramp campaign and the Russians. :cuckoo:

1. "Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians."

Let's see if I can set you straight...
a. The Clinton's have a history of relations with communist nations, to the detriment of America....They took $ millions in bribes to sell nuclear material to be used for weapons, to Russia.

b. President Bill Clinton allowed Communist China to gain missile guidance technology, to be able to aim nuclear missiles at America, in return for campaign donations.

Bill Clinton, "Democrat in the White House betrayed America by working hand in hand with our Communist enemies in mainland China. As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

.... accepted millions of dollars from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions...." Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology

Chinagate. Foreign countries funneled millions into Clinton's campaign. ".... Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts ."

"When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, Chinese missiles were greatly limited in terms of their range and accuracy. But as journalist Richard Poe noted in 2003, “Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.”.... "'We like your president. We want to see him reelected,' former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

"Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

"Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

"Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others."Bill Clinton - Discover the Networks

"Agents for the Chinese government and military funneled millions into President Clinton’s re-election campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.

The DOJ reported “A pattern of events suggests a level of knowledge within the White House–including the President’s and First Lady’s offices–concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort.” Hillary Clinton A Career Criminal Video | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

ChinaGate Against campaign finance law, China donated to Bill Clinton's campaign so as to influence US policies. Agents for the Chinese government, and the military, funneled millions into Clinton's campaign.

DoJ: ...knowledge within the President's and First Lady's Offices...concerning the injection of foreign funds in the reelection effort.

Of course America-hating nations wanted Hillary over Trump.....the Clinton family has a long history of selling out America.

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.
Last edited:
There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians.

OTOH, The Tramp campaign, the son, son-in-law, and a national security advisor, had DIRECT contact with Russian dirt peddlers and therefore there was NO collusion between the Tramp campaign and the Russians. :cuckoo:

"OTOH, The Tramp campaign, the son, son-in-law, and a national security advisor, had DIRECT contact with Russian dirt peddlers and therefore there was NO collusion between the Tramp campaign and the Russians. :cuckoo:"

The Clinton associated GPS Fusion sent a Russian woman to Trump's son supposedly with dirt on Hillary.....as if there wasn't enough available......and he found out that what she wanted was to talk about Russian adoptions.

"Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
Jul 10, 2017 - Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya has denied working for the Russian ... that the person who sought the meeting is associated with Fusion GPS, ...
...the person who sought the meeting is associated with Fusion GPS, a firm which according to public reports, was retained by Democratic operatives...."
Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier

Now....read this slowly: if the Trrump campaign was aligned with Putin.....why would they need to have a meeting with this unknown woman????

Did just put you in your place again??

Are we having fun?
There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians.

OTOH, The Tramp campaign, the son, son-in-law, and a national security advisor, had DIRECT contact with Russian dirt peddlers and therefore there was NO collusion between the Tramp campaign and the Russians. :cuckoo:

1. "Let me see if I have this straight, The Clinton campaign hired a lawyer, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired MI6 agent Steele, who paid Russian informants for dirt on Tramp. The Clinton campaign is 4 steps removed from contact with the Russian dirt peddlers, therefore there is collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Russians."

Let's see if I can set you straight...
a. The Clinton's have a history of relations with communist nations, to the detriment of America....They took $ millions in bribes to sell nuclear material to be used for weapons, to Russia.

b. President Bill Clinton allowed Communist China to gain missile guidance technology, to be able to aim nuclear missiles at America, in return for campaign donations.

Bill Clinton, "Democrat in the White House betrayed America by working hand in hand with our Communist enemies in mainland China. As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

.... accepted millions of dollars from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions...." Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology

Chinagate. Foreign countries funneled millions into Clinton's campaign. ".... Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts ."

"When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, Chinese missiles were greatly limited in terms of their range and accuracy. But as journalist Richard Poe noted in 2003, “Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.”.... "'We like your president. We want to see him reelected,' former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

"Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

"Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

"Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others."Bill Clinton - Discover the Networks

"Agents for the Chinese government and military funneled millions into President Clinton’s re-election campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.

The DOJ reported “A pattern of events suggests a level of knowledge within the White House–including the President’s and First Lady’s offices–concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort.” Hillary Clinton A Career Criminal Video | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

ChinaGate Against campaign finance law, China donated to Bill Clinton's campaign so as to influence US policies. Agents for the Chinese government, and the military, funneled millions into Clinton's campaign.

DoJ: ...knowledge within the President's and First Lady's Offices...concerning the injection of foreign funds in the reelection effort.

Of course America-hating nations wanted Hillary over Trump.....the Clinton family has a long history of selling out America.

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin.....to sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.
So you got nothing on the Clinton campaign colluding with the Russians in the 2016 election.
No surprise there.
The Clinton associated GPS Fusion sent a Russian woman to Trump's son supposedly with dirt on Hillary

Fusion GPS was hired by "Putin's Honey Pot," as your MessiahRushie likes to call her, not the other way round as you LIE!

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