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Susan Collins may be forced to vote No on Brett Kavanagh

No one is "forced" to vote no on a qualified candidate. If the FBI supplemental background check clears Kav, he should get at least all GOP votes, and then a few dem votes from red state dems. If the vote for Kav fails, then we can wait for the mid-term results to see if we replaced some RINOs with solid GOP votes and can pass Kav in January. The GOP is expected to pick up 3 or 4 Senate seats in the mid-terms.

Really? Because the way it looks right now, the GOP is going to lose seats in NV, TN and AZ. They might pick up SD.

We might even get the folks to get tired of Creepy Ted Cruz and get rid of him.

Cruz is safe, it's TX. AZ and TN are probably safe, but TN has a popular dem running.
The dem seats that the GOP might pick up are ND, FL, MT, WV, MO and IN. Probably not all of the toss-ups, but the dems won't keep them all either. Remember how much the 2016 polls underestimated the Trump voters?
One of the biggest problems the US has right now is how the MSM and their fake news outlets slant the "news" against the Trump administration, being 95% negative, as compared to 67% positive for the Obama administration. You'd think "news" would be less partisan.

It isn't a partisan issue, guy.

The news is anti-Trump because Trump is a crazy person who is morally and intellectually unfit for office, and everyone - including his own staff - knows this.

the real problem is that the Press tries to treat it like this is all "normal". The GOP is trying to get their usual pet projects like tax cuts for rich people under the wire while Trump distracts us.

Now, if you want REAL reform, the way to do that is to end gerrymandering, get rid of the Electoral College, and do other things to make sure that democracy extends beyond a few swing states and swing districts.

The fact is, all this tumult, only 9 senate seats and 40 house seats are actually in play this year.
Sour grapes? The Constitution sets up the way it is, so deal with it. The same electorate that elected Obama and Clinton elected Bush and Trump. One party rule never works, ever.
Trump is sane, a billionaire, morally acceptable, and an Ivy League intellectual that graduated Penn and Wharton. The problem is that his business experiences were limiting as compared to the broad spectrum of issues confronting the President. There is obviously a learning curve to being president. Remember Obama's rollout of Obamacare and the web site didn't work? I remember when SOS Tillerson called Trump retarded and then Trump got NK to the table. Trump is learning to listen more to his experts, rather than forcing his views.
Both parties gerrymander. The Electoral College is here to stay. The dems have the coasts (see democrat archipelago map) and the GOP the flyover country. The swing states and and swing districts are what keeps the US from becoming Europe.

Lets track those toss-up seats, look at AL, stupid candidates lead to lost seats. Upset specials in the mid-terms could be NJ (Menendez) and WI.
our grapes? The Constitution sets up the way it is, so deal with it

The constitution also said slavery was okay, and blacks were 3/5th of a white person.

The same electorate that elected Obama and Clinton elected Bush and Trump.

well, no, Clinton and Obama won a vote of the people.. Bush and Trump didn't.

Trump is sane, a billionaire, morally acceptable, and an Ivy League intellectual that graduated Penn and Wharton.

And this is where the cultist drinks the koolaid.

There is obviously a learning curve to being president. Remember Obama's rollout of Obamacare and the web site didn't work?

Yeah, kind of small potatoes compared to sending kids to concentration camps.... and the daily litany of horror we have coming out of this white house.

Do you know what I don't remember? People in Obama's administration going to the press and saying, "Don't worry, we'll keep him from doing anything too crazy".
Both parties gerrymander. The Electoral College is here to stay. The dems have the coasts (see democrat archipelago map)

You mean "where people actually live".. um, yeah. Nobody wants to fuck sheep out in the middle of Kansas.

Lets track those toss-up seats, look at AL, stupid candidates lead to lost seats. Upset specials in the mid-terms could be NJ (Menendez) and WI.

Unlikely. Upset specials might be Texas...

Here's the thing... your party just told women they should accept it when guys try to rape them and their daughters.... that's not going to play well for you in November.
our grapes? The Constitution sets up the way it is, so deal with it

The constitution also said slavery was okay, and blacks were 3/5th of a white person.

The same electorate that elected Obama and Clinton elected Bush and Trump.

well, no, Clinton and Obama won a vote of the people.. Bush and Trump didn't.

Trump is sane, a billionaire, morally acceptable, and an Ivy League intellectual that graduated Penn and Wharton.

And this is where the cultist drinks the koolaid.

There is obviously a learning curve to being president. Remember Obama's rollout of Obamacare and the web site didn't work?

Yeah, kind of small potatoes compared to sending kids to concentration camps.... and the daily litany of horror we have coming out of this white house.

Do you know what I don't remember? People in Obama's administration going to the press and saying, "Don't worry, we'll keep him from doing anything too crazy".

You mean "where people actually live".. um, yeah. Nobody wants to fuck sheep out in the middle of Kansas.

Here's the thing... your party just told women they should accept it when guys try to rape them and their daughters.... that's not going to play well for you in November.

Combining posts...
Those "concentration camps" have 1000x better living conditions than where the kids came from. Don't enter the US illegally and avoid the lavish treatment.
Daily litany of horrors, please list a few...I'm blanking???
The people in the Obama admin didn't have a hostile press reporting 95% negative fake news.
Living in the urban plantation? A democrat? Drank the koolade? See CA lately, that liberal democrat paradise? Please be careful so you don't step on feces or needles...
Most women remember the Duke Lacrosse Team (now Kavanaugh) and the nightmare they endured proving that poor raped girl lied her ass off. Bring on November, the voters see which party has the truth on their side.
Is the United States an ATHEIST NATION? No. More than 90% of people believe in some form of the supernatural in the United States. You have more in common in a country where most people attack religion and do not believe in GOD than you do in one that does.

Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? Were you dropped on your head as a baby a bunch of times?

Go back and read what I said, and when you have a clear understanding, get back to me and we can have a conversation, stupid.

Most of the founders prayed to GOD and certainly did not resist prayer in government or a Cross on a wall in a classroom.

Most of our founders thought Bleeding was an effective medical treatment, shit in chamber pots and owned slaves. But even they knew the craziness of state religion or religion as public policy. They looked at 200 years of Civil War in England over what religion the King was this week, and knew that wasn't much of a plan.

A federal government with a President, 100 Senators and 435 Representatives who currently ALL believe in some form of the supernatural.

Or at least that's what they tell you. If you really think your betters actually believe in talking snakes, you are kind of naive.

This is not a normal job interview so don't even begin to compare it to that. An allegation of a crime as been made and this is full view of the entire WORLD. Most job interviews are done in private. This is a nomination to the supreme court and has everything to do with reputation, politics, public opinion, and many other factors that have NOTHING to do with your stereotypical job interview.

Wait a minute, you are arguing that his crazy angry drunk routine wasn't disqualifying because it was done in public? Really?

You act like a typical Atheist. Attacking other people and making derogatory comments about them. Attacking religion and people who believe in God. Attack, Attack, Attack.

The knowledge of medical treatment at the time or how they disposed of waste 200 years ago is totally irrelevant.

The Founders did not endorse any particular religion, but they were NOT Atheist, they prayed before and after government functions JUST LIKE TODAY. They take and oath on the bible, JUST LIKE TODAY. They had not problem with a cross being on a wall, or IN GOD WE TRUST on money. They were not opposed to Religion as Atheist are. They did not support what Atheist have done in the 20th century or what those that are still around in the 21st century are trying to do.

Believing in GOD does not mean someone believes in a talking snake or any other strawman you like to come up with. The fact is, there are no Atheist or at least openly Atheist elected leaders in the Federal Government in 2018. That is because the United States a society and country are NOT ATHEIST. We don't like Bigots, mass murders and rapist, all well represented by the actions of Atheist leaders and their followers in the Soviet Union and China and World War II. Atheism never had more power than it did then, and it what it did with that power nearly destroyed the world an enslaved all of mankind. It was pure evil!

The difference between an Army of Atheist and an Army of Christians. In World War II as the American army advanced toward and into Germany from the West and the Soviet Army advanced and moved into Germany from the East, One Army along the way Raped over 5 million women, in territories occupied by Germany and Germany itself. In the other army such offenses were rare and those that committed them were executed. Its was the Soviet Army, an Atheist army, that raped over 5 million women on their way to Germany. They celebrated it. In the Christian Army, the American Army, any such offenses, although rare, were treated seriously with the attacker executed.
Both parties gerrymander. The Electoral College is here to stay. The dems have the coasts (see democrat archipelago map)

You mean "where people actually live".. um, yeah. Nobody wants to fuck sheep out in the middle of Kansas.

Lets track those toss-up seats, look at AL, stupid candidates lead to lost seats. Upset specials in the mid-terms could be NJ (Menendez) and WI.

Unlikely. Upset specials might be Texas...

Here's the thing... your party just told women they should accept it when guys try to rape them and their daughters.... that's not going to play well for you in November.

No they value the presumption of innocence, unlike Atheist like you and your biggest power leaders like Lenin and Stalin. Your kind of people like to destroy others based on mere allegations. Your kind of people murdered millions of people based on mere allegations wants they obtained power in the Soviet Union and China.

In the United States, a religious country were Atheism is rare, we value the presumption of innocence. Senator Jeff Flake stated the presumption of innocence and lack of corroborating evidence as the reason he voted Yes on Kavanaugh so the confirmation proceedings could move to the floor of the Senate and be voted on by the Senate.
One of the biggest problems the US has right now is how the MSM and their fake news outlets slant the "news" against the Trump administration, being 95% negative, as compared to 67% positive for the Obama administration. You'd think "news" would be less partisan.

It isn't a partisan issue, guy.

The news is anti-Trump because Trump is a crazy person who is morally and intellectually unfit for office, and everyone - including his own staff - knows this.

the real problem is that the Press tries to treat it like this is all "normal". The GOP is trying to get their usual pet projects like tax cuts for rich people under the wire while Trump distracts us.

Now, if you want REAL reform, the way to do that is to end gerrymandering, get rid of the Electoral College, and do other things to make sure that democracy extends beyond a few swing states and swing districts.

The fact is, all this tumult, only 9 senate seats and 40 house seats are actually in play this year.

You don't like are system of government as well as the fact that its not an Atheist country. I really think you would be happier in North Korea.
Is the United States an ATHEIST NATION? No. More than 90% of people believe in some form of the supernatural in the United States. You have more in common in a country where most people attack religion and do not believe in GOD than you do in one that does.

This is not a normal job interview so don't even begin to compare it to that. An allegation of a crime as been made and this is full view of the entire WORLD. Most job interviews are done in private. This is a nomination to the supreme court and has everything to do with reputation, politics, public opinion, and many other factors that have NOTHING to do with your stereotypical job interview.

Wait a minute, you are arguing that his crazy angry drunk routine wasn't disqualifying because it was done in public? Really?

If this was just a job interview, it would be in private. Because it is in public for the whole world to see, the analogy does not work. There are huge consequences for any candidate that is forced to deal with unsubstantiated allegations in the most public of settings. For the candidate, it is a trial with the entire world passing judgement in some sense.

Kevanaugh acted about as well as anyone would when suddenly accused of such things in the most public of settings as well as the fact that the Democrats set this up and planned in terms of delaying the release of the allegations.
People can tell you that whether they are religious or not. And, with enough support, can enforce it as a rule of law. But that is not the point here anyway.

Now, define "free exercise" without sounding like an idiot.

But that's exactly the point here, guy. Keep your backward ass bronze age superstitions to yourselves. It's kind of for your own good, because left to your own devices, you'd go back to killing each other over whether Jesus was made of bread or some such shit.
"Whether Jesus was made of bread"? LOL
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
If her state is blue, why does she keep getting re-elected. Oh, and she isn't up for re-election till 2020. That's a long time from now.
Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career.

Being a Senator (or a House Representative or President) was never intended to be a CAREER.

As to Collins, she is another POS worthless back-stabbing RINO whom the GOP foolishly let run under the Republican banner. We will pay the price yet again.
GFY, Toobfreak. Pick on your own Senators. We happen to like having a sensible moderate in Washington. She doesn't have to be extreme just so you won't bully her. She's a Mainer and she doesn't care what you fools say.
She liked Kavanaugh prior to the accusations, the accusations were all from when he was a teenager, and she probably was sympathetic to his behavior before the Committee. A lot of politicians can understand it. I believe she'll vote yes because she thinks he'll be a good justice. Period. Of course, I don't agree and I email her daily to her tell I wish she'd vote no, but it sure wouldn't be the first time I've disagreed with her. I do respect her though.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
If her state is blue, why does she keep getting re-elected. Oh, and she isn't up for re-election till 2020. That's a long time from now.
We aren't a BLUE state. We've had Paul LePage for 8 years. Ever heard of him? We elect Republican senators most of the time. Just because we have somehow managed to elect Democratic presidents seven times in a row doesn't make us blue by a long shot. We are lousy with conservatives up here.
If Susan Collins votes no she will become a GOP outcast.

She is representing her constituents
They will be the ones voting for her
I think her constituents are pretty split on this. If the abortion issue is the main factor, Maine is Pro-Choice, but if he doesn't get in, another Pro-Life justice will be nominated, so what's the sense?
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Is the United States an ATHEIST NATION? No. More than 90% of people believe in some form of the supernatural in the United States. You have more in common in a country where most people attack religion and do not believe in GOD than you do in one that does.

This is not a normal job interview so don't even begin to compare it to that. An allegation of a crime as been made and this is full view of the entire WORLD. Most job interviews are done in private. This is a nomination to the supreme court and has everything to do with reputation, politics, public opinion, and many other factors that have NOTHING to do with your stereotypical job interview.

Wait a minute, you are arguing that his crazy angry drunk routine wasn't disqualifying because it was done in public? Really?

If this was just a job interview, it would be in private. Because it is in public for the whole world to see, the analogy does not work. There are huge consequences for any candidate that is forced to deal with unsubstantiated allegations in the most public of settings. For the candidate, it is a trial with the entire world passing judgement in some sense.

Kevanaugh acted about as well as anyone would when suddenly accused of such things in the most public of settings as well as the fact that the Democrats set this up and planned in terms of delaying the release of the allegations.
We the people are doing the interview
If Susan Collins votes no she will become a GOP outcast.

She is representing her constituents
They will be the ones voting for her

Her role here isn't to "represent her constituents." Her role here isn't to do what's best for her career. Being a Senator isn't supposed to be a career anyway. Her job here is to vote up or down on the absolute qualifications of a candidate whether her "constituents" like him or not based on the facts and evidence presented. And as a Repub, they ought to EXPECT her to vote for him. So far, he was an inch away from being confirmed to the SC based on a lifetime of outstanding, impeccable service, then some woman out of his childhood came along with this wild story that the guy grabbed her pussy at a party when she was a kid, that no one can corroborate, she was too young to be at, had no way to get there, forgets half the details, never reported, was drunk out of her skull, apparently has a history of mental issues, and now we are supposed to just dump this guy's life and career into the can?

I think NOT.

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