Taxing just the rich is a futile effort.

Not a kid and you apparently know less than the other one about the military budget, in 2005 we were spending in round numbers about 600 billion, this year we spent 900 billion. The sequestration wants to cut it to about 800 billion next year, with spending growth like that and our two big wars winding down it would seem the military is ripe for some spending cuts but not republicans.

Key word: winding down. We still have presence in Iraq. We still are in Afghanistan. We still face a heightened threat around the world. Like, say, Libya, where our embassy was over run and the ambassador killed.
Lets not forget the 100+ million man militaries our enemies can field..... seems our entitlement programs are ripe forth cutting....yet they always say no.

It will mean widows and children starving in the street. We'll go back to being a third world country like we were in 2007.
Sure. Why not? Adopt the entire 2005 budget. Game for it?

Not really, I am never in favor of reckless policy, are you in favor of the defense cuts in the sequestration act? I just suggested cutting them by twice as much.

OK, so you're wimping out. Again.
What is reckless about returning spending to where it was just 7 years ago?

More people, worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007. Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession. you are talking sucking a trillion dollars from the economy with the stroke of a pen, reckless.
Key word: winding down. We still have presence in Iraq. We still are in Afghanistan. We still face a heightened threat around the world. Like, say, Libya, where our embassy was over run and the ambassador killed.
Lets not forget the 100+ million man militaries our enemies can field..... seems our entitlement programs are ripe forth cutting....yet they always say no.

It will mean widows and children starving in the street. We'll go back to being a third world country like we were in 2007.
It should frighten everyone that so many people are enslaved to the good will and benevolence of our elected politicians.
Dude the kid is a moron.

Not a kid and you apparently know less than the other one about the military budget, in 2005 we were spending in round numbers about 600 billion, this year we spent 900 billion. The sequestration wants to cut it to about 800 billion next year, with spending growth like that and our two big wars winding down it would seem the military is ripe for some spending cuts but not republicans.

Key word: winding down. We still have presence in Iraq. We still are in Afghanistan. We still face a heightened threat around the world. Like, say, Libya, where our embassy was over run and the ambassador killed.

Is it your position that there is no waste that can be cut from the military budget? It seems like you are actually saying that.
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.
Not really, I am never in favor of reckless policy, are you in favor of the defense cuts in the sequestration act? I just suggested cutting them by twice as much.

OK, so you're wimping out. Again.
What is reckless about returning spending to where it was just 7 years ago?

More people, worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007. Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession. you are talking sucking a trillion dollars from the economy with the stroke of a pen, reckless.

So youy think it is better to suck a trillion dollars from the economy by raising taxes instead?
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.

Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.
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OK, so you're wimping out. Again.
What is reckless about returning spending to where it was just 7 years ago?

More people, worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007. Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession. you are talking sucking a trillion dollars from the economy with the stroke of a pen, reckless.

So youy think it is better to suck a trillion dollars from the economy by raising taxes instead?

Obama is demanding a trillion dollar tax hike in one year? OMG!
More people, worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007. Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession. you are talking sucking a trillion dollars from the economy with the stroke of a pen, reckless.

So youy think it is better to suck a trillion dollars from the economy by raising taxes instead?

Obama is demanding a trillion dollar tax hike in one year? OMG!

You're wimping out, again.
Obama is demanding a tax increase that will go nowhere towards balancing the budget and everywhere towards making this country a Eurosocialist state.
But what he wants is irrelevant.
I ask again: do you propose sucking a trillion dollars out of the economy by taxation, and is that better somehow than cutting spending?
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.

Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.

How would returning spending levels to 2005 cause economic turmoil? It wouldn't.
So youy think it is better to suck a trillion dollars from the economy by raising taxes instead?

Obama is demanding a trillion dollar tax hike in one year? OMG!

You're wimping out, again.
Obama is demanding a tax increase that will go nowhere towards balancing the budget and everywhere towards making this country a Eurosocialist state.
But what he wants is irrelevant.
I ask again: do you propose sucking a trillion dollars out of the economy by taxation, and is that better somehow than cutting spending?

No difference if all you care about is the deficit, it's why I say we need both. Eurosocialist state? Where do you maniacs get this crap?
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.

Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.

You have comprehension issues.

I know whats coming.

Its coming no matter what YOU think we should do.

All we've done is prop up the economy to give the illusion that its ok.

It isn't ok, and we can't get better until it gets worse.

There is a worldwide crash coming.

So fuck whatever it is you want everyone to think....its beyond repair.
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.

Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.

How would returning spending levels to 2005 cause economic turmoil? It wouldn't.

So what was all that over in Europe this last year? And more importantly, did they work yet?
Obama is demanding a trillion dollar tax hike in one year? OMG!

You're wimping out, again.
Obama is demanding a tax increase that will go nowhere towards balancing the budget and everywhere towards making this country a Eurosocialist state.
But what he wants is irrelevant.
I ask again: do you propose sucking a trillion dollars out of the economy by taxation, and is that better somehow than cutting spending?

No difference if all you care about is the deficit, it's why I say we need both. Eurosocialist state? Where do you maniacs get this crap?

I dont care about the deficit per se. I care about the current level of the deficit, which is unsustainable.
High levels of taxation with GDP growth of 1-2% and high entitlement spending is the definition of Eurosocialism.
worse economy, weaker dollar, poverty has increased, in short we are in a different situation than 2007

All due to Obama.

Such deep cuts would make the "fiscal cliff" look like nothing and would really trigger a real recession.

We are going to get this recession anyway, one can't print 41 Billion a MONTH in perpetuity without consequences....hyper-inflation and economic ruin are coming.

Monetizing a nations debt has NEVER worked and it won't now.

Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.

You have comprehension issues.

I know whats coming.

Its coming no matter what YOU think we should do.

All we've done is prop up the economy to give the illusion that its ok.

It isn't ok, and we can't get better until it gets worse.

There is a worldwide crash coming.

So fuck whatever it is you want everyone to think....its beyond repair.

Since you have given up and have nothing more to add than useless dire predictions then turn off your computer and go hide in your bunker. You can be assured that cooler heads than yours are considering the problems at hand.
Are you even keeping up? Sudden austerity cuts do not have such a hot track record either. My point is that sudden reckless national economic policy causes more problems than they solve in the short term, yet people like you are convinced that they are worth it, maybe they are in the long term maybe not but immediately they suck. Would you be prepared for the economic turmoil that huge cuts to 2005 levels would cause? I doubt you are even prepared for the political blowback it would bring to the party (republicans) who are demanding them.

You have comprehension issues.

I know whats coming.

Its coming no matter what YOU think we should do.

All we've done is prop up the economy to give the illusion that its ok.

It isn't ok, and we can't get better until it gets worse.

There is a worldwide crash coming.

So fuck whatever it is you want everyone to think....its beyond repair.

Since you have given up and have nothing more to add than useless dire predictions then turn off your computer and go hide in your bunker. You can be assured that cooler heads than yours are considering the problems at hand.

Sorry kid, you are a moron with delusions of granduer :)

You are the one hiding ;)

Pretending you have a solution, you don't.

The truth was revealed when Bush did Tarp 1, your lack of knowledge coupled with your pride is funny :)
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You're wimping out, again.
Obama is demanding a tax increase that will go nowhere towards balancing the budget and everywhere towards making this country a Eurosocialist state.
But what he wants is irrelevant.
I ask again: do you propose sucking a trillion dollars out of the economy by taxation, and is that better somehow than cutting spending?

No difference if all you care about is the deficit, it's why I say we need both. Eurosocialist state? Where do you maniacs get this crap?

I dont care about the deficit per se. I care about the current level of the deficit, which is unsustainable.
High levels of taxation with GDP growth of 1-2% and high entitlement spending is the definition of Eurosocialism.

Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive. If it is breaking down it is because we did not protect our middle class and their good paying jobs from unreasonable competition by third world slave labor forcing our industrial base abroad and allowing the income divide to widen to the worst in the western world. We are burdened with an economy fraught with structural flaws designed in to keep the money flowing upward and offshore never to return. Don't blame it all on the government being too generous, at least blame some of it on the plutocracy for abandoning us for cheap labor and huge short term gain.
[Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive..

And, what, may I ask, is preventing you to move to one of those paradises?

Go down to Key West , Florida and impress the fuck out of us , by swimming to Havana.

Esther La Vista, dude.

You have comprehension issues.

I know whats coming.

Its coming no matter what YOU think we should do.

All we've done is prop up the economy to give the illusion that its ok.

It isn't ok, and we can't get better until it gets worse.

There is a worldwide crash coming.

So fuck whatever it is you want everyone to think....its beyond repair.

Since you have given up and have nothing more to add than useless dire predictions then turn off your computer and go hide in your bunker. You can be assured that cooler heads than yours are considering the problems at hand.

Sorry kid, you are a moron with delusions of grandur :)

You are the hiding ;)

Pretending you have a solution, you don't.

The truth was revealed when Bush did Tarp 1, your lack of knowledge coupled with your pride is funny :)

Your contention is that we are beyond hope and the end is near so why are you even on this board? If you look around I am sure you can find a board where the others are similarly convinced that the apocalypse is at hand.

I don't claim to have the solution but I am not suggesting anyone freak out and do something rash. If there is a solution it will take far longer than conservatives are willing to wait, this is not a time for grand dramatic gestures akin to using a nuclear bomb to stop an oil-well blowout as some suggested, patience, diligence and incremental change over decades will fix this.

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