Taxing just the rich is a futile effort.

No difference if all you care about is the deficit, it's why I say we need both. Eurosocialist state? Where do you maniacs get this crap?

I dont care about the deficit per se. I care about the current level of the deficit, which is unsustainable.
High levels of taxation with GDP growth of 1-2% and high entitlement spending is the definition of Eurosocialism.

Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive. If it is breaking down it is because we did not protect our middle class and their good paying jobs from unreasonable competition by third world slave labor forcing our industrial base abroad and allowing the income divide to widen to the worst in the western world. We are burdened with an economy fraught with structural flaws designed in to keep the money flowing upward and offshore never to return. Don't blame it all on the government being too generous, at least blame some of it on the plutocracy for abandoning us for cheap labor and huge short term gain.

Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.
[Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive..

And, what, may I ask, is preventing you to move to one of those paradises?

Go down to Key West , Florida and impress the fuck out of us , by swimming to Havana.

Esther La Vista, dude.


What's keeping you from moving to some other country where you can feel better about your lot in life? There's plenty of places where they let people starve in the street and some wealth can buy you an awesome amount of unaccountable power and freedom from horrible taxation. Of course you will have to hire your own security and bribe what passes for the local authority but you should be able to get by cheaper.

I kind of like it here and I suspect you do too, quit complaining that it sucks balls, America is pretty awesome by any social measure and it is our safety nets that help make it that way.
Since you have given up and have nothing more to add than useless dire predictions then turn off your computer and go hide in your bunker. You can be assured that cooler heads than yours are considering the problems at hand.

Sorry kid, you are a moron with delusions of grandur :)

You are the hiding ;)

Pretending you have a solution, you don't.

The truth was revealed when Bush did Tarp 1, your lack of knowledge coupled with your pride is funny :)

Your contention is that we are beyond hope and the end is near so why are you even on this board? If you look around I am sure you can find a board where the others are similarly convinced that the apocalypse is at hand.

I don't claim to have the solution but I am not suggesting anyone freak out and do something rash. If there is a solution it will take far longer than conservatives are willing to wait, this is not a time for grand dramatic gestures akin to using a nuclear bomb to stop an oil-well blowout as some suggested, patience, diligence and incremental change over decades will fix this.

LOL....I am here because I want to be kid, deal with it ;)

The end, what end?

The world will collapse economically, then it will get better.

It must reset, grow up and deal with it.
I dont care about the deficit per se. I care about the current level of the deficit, which is unsustainable.
High levels of taxation with GDP growth of 1-2% and high entitlement spending is the definition of Eurosocialism.

Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive. If it is breaking down it is because we did not protect our middle class and their good paying jobs from unreasonable competition by third world slave labor forcing our industrial base abroad and allowing the income divide to widen to the worst in the western world. We are burdened with an economy fraught with structural flaws designed in to keep the money flowing upward and offshore never to return. Don't blame it all on the government being too generous, at least blame some of it on the plutocracy for abandoning us for cheap labor and huge short term gain.

Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.

It's not wimping out to think you are suggesting an unmitigated disaster. Why don't you try to jump your car over the grand canyon? Don't wimp out on me now.
Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive. If it is breaking down it is because we did not protect our middle class and their good paying jobs from unreasonable competition by third world slave labor forcing our industrial base abroad and allowing the income divide to widen to the worst in the western world. We are burdened with an economy fraught with structural flaws designed in to keep the money flowing upward and offshore never to return. Don't blame it all on the government being too generous, at least blame some of it on the plutocracy for abandoning us for cheap labor and huge short term gain.

Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.

It's not wimping out to think you are suggesting an unmitigated disaster. Why don't you try to jump your car over the grand canyon? Don't wimp out on me now.

Let's just have the Fed print a Gazillion Dollars and give everyone a billion $.
Sorry kid, you are a moron with delusions of grandur :)

You are the hiding ;)

Pretending you have a solution, you don't.

The truth was revealed when Bush did Tarp 1, your lack of knowledge coupled with your pride is funny :)

Your contention is that we are beyond hope and the end is near so why are you even on this board? If you look around I am sure you can find a board where the others are similarly convinced that the apocalypse is at hand.

I don't claim to have the solution but I am not suggesting anyone freak out and do something rash. If there is a solution it will take far longer than conservatives are willing to wait, this is not a time for grand dramatic gestures akin to using a nuclear bomb to stop an oil-well blowout as some suggested, patience, diligence and incremental change over decades will fix this.

LOL....I am here because I want to be kid, deal with it ;)

The end, what end?

The world will collapse economically, then it will get better.

It must reset, grow up and deal with it.

Not going to happen, economic emergencies are manufactured and planned to be confined to localized regions, not worldwide. America will be fine, the plutocrats just like to scare us into doing dumb shit from time to time.
Revenues went up when Clinton raised taxes.

Clinton lowered the Capital Gains tax rate from 28% to 20%.

The total average federal tax rate for all households went from 21.1% in 1992 to 22.7% in 2000.

Do you have anything else stupid to say?

Do you remember the Dot Com bubble? The Y2K bubble? The telecom bubble?

Do you remember what employment was like back then and what happened to average wages?
Progressive taxation and social programs have been part of every civilized country on earth for longer than we have been alive. If it is breaking down it is because we did not protect our middle class and their good paying jobs from unreasonable competition by third world slave labor forcing our industrial base abroad and allowing the income divide to widen to the worst in the western world. We are burdened with an economy fraught with structural flaws designed in to keep the money flowing upward and offshore never to return. Don't blame it all on the government being too generous, at least blame some of it on the plutocracy for abandoning us for cheap labor and huge short term gain.

Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.

It's not wimping out to think you are suggesting an unmitigated disaster. Why don't you try to jump your car over the grand canyon? Don't wimp out on me now.

You say it with no rationale. I say taxing a trillion dollars out of the economy will be an unmitigated disaster. We need pro growth policies. Not pro big government policies.
Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.

It's not wimping out to think you are suggesting an unmitigated disaster. Why don't you try to jump your car over the grand canyon? Don't wimp out on me now.

Let's just have the Fed print a Gazillion Dollars and give everyone a billion $.

Let's all just derail the discussion with hyperdramatic hyperbole! OMG! The sky is falling! the sky is falling! Calm the hell down.
Not really, I am never in favor of reckless policy, are you in favor of the defense cuts in the sequestration act? I just suggested cutting them by twice as much.

You mean double effect getting rid of the military?

What fucken country are you living in?

America, where republicans whine all day about government spending but refuse to do it to the bloated stuff they like. The sequestration cuts will not even put us back to 2005 spending levels yet for some we are gutting the military.

Cutting a trillion dollars out of the military budget will erase the military numb-nuts.

The current budget is $671 billion.

Budget 2012: Defense Department
By Walter Pincus

The president's proposed fiscal 2012 budget requests $553 billion for the Defense Department's base spending and another $118 billion for Afghanistan and Iraq for a total of $671 billion.

While the base budget would rise $22 billion above the fiscal 2010 figure expected to be available this year, the funds for Iraq and Afghanistan would drop by $41 billion from the $159 billion expected for this year. That would put the proposed overall fiscal 2012 figure almost $20 billion under overall defense spending for the current year.

......despite President Obama's intention to solve the budget stalemate in the beginning of his second term, House Republicans remain skeptical.

"The president talks about a 'balanced' approach to deficit reduction that includes spending cuts and reforms, but he has offered only tax hikes," said Kevin Smith, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner.

"The president tells the American people the sequester proposed by his White House 'will not happen,' but he has never offered a plan to prevent it. The president says he's for helping small businesses, but he's pushing a plan that will raise their taxes. The credibility of anything the president says about 2013 is being demolished by the reality of his actions right now, in 2012."

Sequestration cuts defense by $500 billion part of $1.2 trillion in cuts.

Links]44 - Budget 2012: Defense Department
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Uh no. And it wouldn't matter. Slavery was practiced longer than any of us have been alive as well. It is irrelevant.
Your knowledge of economics is pitiful. It is no wonder you are a Democrat.
Again you wimp out from real discussion and default to slogans and cliches.

It's not wimping out to think you are suggesting an unmitigated disaster. Why don't you try to jump your car over the grand canyon? Don't wimp out on me now.

You say it with no rationale. I say taxing a trillion dollars out of the economy will be an unmitigated disaster. We need pro growth policies. Not pro big government policies.

You mean the pro-growth policies that republicans routinely passed over the last thirty years? The ones that explode deficit you hate so much? They aren't working and are still raising the deficit so what new are you wanting to do?
Clinton lowered the Capital Gains tax rate from 28% to 20%.

The total average federal tax rate for all households went from 21.1% in 1992 to 22.7% in 2000.

Do you have anything else stupid to say?

Do you remember the Dot Com bubble? The Y2K bubble? The telecom bubble?

Do you remember what employment was like back then and what happened to average wages?

Unemployment was down after 8 years of Clinton; tax rates were up.
You mean double effect getting rid of the military?

What fucken country are you living in?

America, where republicans whine all day about government spending but refuse to do it to the bloated stuff they like. The sequestration cuts will not even put us back to 2005 spending levels yet for some we are gutting the military.

Cutting a trillion dollars out of the military budget will erase the military numb-nuts.

The current budget is $671 billion.

Budget 2012: Defense Department
By Walter Pincus

The president's proposed fiscal 2012 budget requests $553 billion for the Defense Department's base spending and another $118 billion for Afghanistan and Iraq for a total of $671 billion.

While the base budget would rise $22 billion above the fiscal 2010 figure expected to be available this year, the funds for Iraq and Afghanistan would drop by $41 billion from the $159 billion expected for this year. That would put the proposed overall fiscal 2012 figure almost $20 billion under overall defense spending for the current year. 44 - Budget 2012: Defense Department

Sequestration cuts defense by $500 billion part of $1.2 trillion in cuts.

Here is the chart I have been looking at, doesn't look all that disastrous to me.

30 Defense Spending Chart United States 2005-2017 - Federal State Local Data
They also went up when Bush lowered them.

No, actually, adjusted for inflation they did not. Revenues were lower than the 2000 revenues in 6 of the 8 years of the Bush presidency.

Do you remember the dotcom crash in 2000?

Do you remember 9/11?

Do you remember the 2001 recession?

Really, some historical perspective wouldn't hurt you.

I merely pointed out that the people who keep claiming that Bush's tax cuts increased revenues are wrong.

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