Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Lots of videos of cops shooting people or beating them, or planting evidence on them with no justification whatsoever. It's reasonable for people are scared of the cops.
Usually if you feel uncomfortable around cops, means you're guilty of something.
Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Lots of videos of cops shooting people or beating them, or planting evidence on them with no justification whatsoever. It's reasonable for people are scared of the cops.
Usually if you feel uncomfortable around cops, means you're guilty of something.
racism/stupidity/bigotry/etc to name some
They should have told the snowflake that felt unsafe, that relief was as close as the exit door....

Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Lots of videos of cops shooting people or beating them, or planting evidence on them with no justification whatsoever. It's reasonable for people are scared of the cops.

Yeah you get a lot of help for the community when Cops get treated like criminals. And the criminals are martyrs! I bet that Starbucks customer doesn't go into the "places" these Police officers have too! Police have a strange way of remembering you when you desire to be recognized the least. I see lots of "tickets" and Court dates in this persons future.:th_waiting:
Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Lots of videos of cops shooting people or beating them, or planting evidence on them with no justification whatsoever. It's reasonable for people are scared of the cops.

Yes criminals do not like cops... Very true.

Idk why anyone would pay 5 bucks for coffee that tastes like oil sludge anyway.
5 bucks?....you must live in a ritzy part of town....

I've only had their coffee once and don't remember the cost but it was nasty coffee

Starbucks coffee is the worst tasting shit swill masquerading as a consumable liquid I can ever imagine. The fact that it's a PC status symbol and that half of liberal America reports to Starbucks everyday to pretend to enjoy paying $5 for 8 oz of piss is a reminder of exactly who it is with dealing with in the progressive arena. The Starbucks founder is a genius similar to Trump. He knows his customer base and he knows what it is they want to hear, what they want to see and what they want to believe.

Tempe police reportedly asked to leave Starbucks

A group of Tempe police officers were reportedly asked to move or leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer felt uncomfortable.

According to a tweet from the Tempe Officers Association, six Tempe Police Department officers were drinking coffee before their shift at the Starbucks near Scottsdale and McKellips roads when a barista told them a customer "did not feel safe" by their presence.

The barista allegedly asked the officers to move out of the customer's line of sight or to leave, the tweet states.

"This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening. While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019," the organization wrote. "We know this is not a national policy at Starbucks Corporate and we look forward to working collaboratively with them on this important dialogue."

Reggie Borges, a spokesperson for Starbucks, said the company is still gathering details about the incident.

"We have a deep respect for the Tempe Police and their service to the community," he said. "We've reached out to the Tempe Police Department and Tempe Officers Association to better understand what happened and apologize. We want everyone in our stores to feel welcomed and the incident described is not indicative of what we want any of our customers to feel in our stores."

Borges declined to comment about any disciplinary actions.

Starbucks Corporate seems to be handling the situation pretty well, but the barista never should have made such a request in the first place. The customer who made the request should have been the one asked to leave. One costumer compared to a group guaranteed to come in and buy coffee and donuts all the time? Sounds like a no-brainer.

Lots of videos of cops shooting people or beating them, or planting evidence on them with no justification whatsoever. It's reasonable for people are scared of the cops.
Usually if you feel uncomfortable around cops, means you're guilty of something.

I feel uncomfortable about the Starbucks down the Street because of all the "Socialist Millenials " that go in there! Shut 'er down !:laughing0301:
Idk why anyone would pay 5 bucks for coffee that tastes like oil sludge anyway.
5 bucks?....you must live in a ritzy part of town....

I only buy Starbucks when I want to disguise myself as Snowflake to go view Moon bats at the latest Socialist protest. I buy it because it's like super fucking hot so it acts as a defensive weapon in case my "redneck starts showing"
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
you just fked up--again!!
cops don't put people on death row --judges and juries do that
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
blacks murder over 3000 per year
cops shoot about 1000 criminals per year
you would have to be a real dumbass to be more afraid of cops-- unless you are a criminal--are you ? ]
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
Well they probably did something they didn't get caught for in the past so the system compensated. Are they still on death row? If not! The system worked perfectly . If so, The system is "still working" perfectly. :flirtysmile4:
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
Well they probably did something they didn't get caught for in the past so the system compensated. Are they still on death row? If not! The system worked perfectly . If so, The system is "still working" perfectly. :flirtysmile4:

There are a few dirty cops... It's inevitable...but that doesn' invaldate the entire Justice system. There's a reason for an IA Dept.

According to Lefty however if you buy sour gallon milk from the local grocery store it then becomes necessary to assassinate all the dairy Farmers in the United States.

Don't like starbucks? Don't go there.

Problem solved.

I quit drinking that liberal bean juice years ago. But if they’re being scum to law enforcement I’m gonna say something. Is that ok with you?
Your post is idiotic.

You have no idea what the employee’s politics are – she could be a conservative for all you know, which is nothing.

And the notion that ‘liberals’ are hostile to the police is just as moronic and wrong.
Yes and police officers why?

True story a cop just pulled me over..

And he didn't even shoot me.
Good for you.
So you going to report to us when you got shot by a cop?
Haven't been yet.

I'll keep you posted.

We're waiting for the results..
Still good here.
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
blacks murder over 3000 per year
cops shoot about 1000 criminals per year
you would have to be a real dumbass to be more afraid of cops-- unless you are a criminal--are you ? ]

Yeah the problem remains that more than 15,000 people lost their lives to violent crime (Murder) in America. With Lib states like Cali killya, and New York, leading the way. I'm very surprised the numbers aren't higher.
EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.
blacks murder over 3000 per year
cops shoot about 1000 criminals per year
you would have to be a real dumbass to be more afraid of cops-- unless you are a criminal--are you ? ]

Yeah the problem remains that more than 15,000 people lost their lives to violent crime (Murder) in America. With Lib states like Cali killya, and New York, leading the way. I'm very surprised the numbers aren't higher.

They are always underreported. The real numbers are most likely 20% higher.

EXACTLY--thank you!!!!!
here's my post--you must not be able to comprehend basic English:
''''if you do the research and can understand 4th grade math, you should be fearful of BLACKS--not cops''''

Why. A cop can shoot me and probably get away with it... a black person is lucky if he only gets arrested for what he actually did...

I live in a state where the cops put 15 people on death row for crimes they didn't commit.

Cops don't convict people dumbass
Remember, to a liberal the end always justifies the means no matter how violent; disgusting; animalistic. When infants are expendable what value might such a creature place on anyone or anything else?
you just fked up--again!!
cops don't put people on death row --judges and juries do that

After cops lie about evidence, falsify statements and beat confessions out of people...

blacks murder over 3000 per year

Okay... so let's look at that. We have 16,000 homicides a year, of which African Americans are responsible for 3000. Doesn't that mean we should be afraid of whites, who are committing most of the 13,000 that remain?

cops shoot about 1000 criminals per year

No, they shoot 1200 citizens who have not had their cases adjudicated by a court. MEANWHILE, in the United Kingdom their cops only shoot about 3 people a year.
Well they probably did something they didn't get caught for in the past so the system compensated. Are they still on death row? If not! The system worked perfectly . If so, The system is "still working" perfectly.

Well, no, they didn't do anything that merited the DP, and if someone else did it, it means they were still on the street.

The system was so fucked up that IL got rid of the death penalty altogether, so now they just have to worry about being locked up for life for things they didn't do.

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