Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

So why aren't you holding skullhead to that same standard.

We had 16,000 gun suicides and 11,000 gun murders last year.

and only 201 cases of homicide in self-defense.

No one tracks self defense statistics unless the person involved is charged and acquitted. That number, where ever you dug it up from, if it is real, actually indicates the number of times people were charged with murder when they shouldn't have been, not the number of times someone killed an attacker in self defense.

Actually, the number tracks how many times a murder was ruled a justifiable homicide...

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Happens about as often as people dying from lightening strikes.

As many times as you have had your argument proven wrong, looks like you would stop discussing the second amendment.
This thread is about as constructive as a session in group navel contemplation.

Liberals make it all about emotion. = gay.

Bottom line is, its all just banter and posturing by dumbasses on the left. The NRA is dominating the narrative and the tens of millions of gun owners in America are very politically involved, at least from a voting standpoint.......and the pols know it too. Some idiot in congress from a k00k left district might......might......bring a vote to the floor for universal registration which will have as much clout as the impeachement efforts against George Bush.

This is not an issue for the limpwristers to take seriously in the efforts at trying to create their gay utopia.......its a political loser at best and at worst, gun confiscation efforts would end up changing the lives of all of us permanently.

Time to move on........maybe the k00k left can get behind something else like legislation to earmark money to build emergency arks when global warming consumes us all!!!:2up:
So.............your answer is no registry, even if the people are totally unstable?

Unstable people are the ones responsible for things like the CO shooting in the movies, and the shooting at Sandy Hook.

Apparently these shooters are SANE enough to go to GUN-FREE-ZONES. You are aware that the movie shooter purposely avoided all of the theaters CLOSER to his residence because they permitted customers to carry handguns.

If someone is SANE enough to figure out they can only carry out their plans at GUN FREE ZONES, then they are not CRAZY, they are EVIL.



"Evil" is not a valid argumentative value. It's a vague subjective emotion. You can't make an argument with emotion. All that is is a rant. Try again.
This thread is about as constructive as a session in group navel contemplation.

Liberals make it all about emotion. = gay.

Bottom line is, its all just banter and posturing by dumbasses on the left. The NRA is dominating the narrative and the tens of millions of gun owners in America are very politically involved, at least from a voting standpoint.......and the pols know it too. Some idiot in congress from a k00k left district might......might......bring a vote to the floor for universal registration which will have as much clout as the impeachement efforts against George Bush.

This is not an issue for the limpwristers to take seriously in the efforts at trying to create their gay utopia.......its a political loser at best and at worst, gun confiscation efforts would end up changing the lives of all of us permanently.

Time to move on........maybe the k00k left can get behind something else like legislation to earmark money to build emergency arks when global warming consumes us all!!!:2up:

Homo-testosteronic desperation noted. Patient unimproved since yesterday. Recommend brain rest.
Also recommend eye exercise where patient looks up to see who's pulling his puppet strings. May improve reading efficiency.

Cliff Snotes wanted to remind you the thread isn't about "legislation". Cliff also wanted to know why people post here without reading the thread. Cliff is not amused.
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The Windsor Star article said the had a problem with drug gangs but a dedicated police unit and citizen involvement combined to get the problem under control. What's the chances of Detroit citizens cooperating with the police? Like I said before the problem exist because the people there tolerate it. So I guess it is culture, not necessarily gun culture.

Worthy answer. Thanks.

I made the comparison because the contrast is so striking. My thought: If we consider Chicago, which I see brought up all the time as "a city with gun control" that obviously has a murder problem, and if we consider that in this case Windsor plays the part of Chicago, we may tend to eliminate "gun control" as a factor, which would leave culture.

I'll just venture this general posit: if we were all sitting in Canada having the same discussion, the tone of dialogue would be dramatically different in therms of sniping, attacks and emotional meltdowns.


Personally I think the people in Canada are idiots for allowing themselves to be disarmed. Of course they have already surrendered to socialism and the nanny state, that being said they have about 1/10 the population of the US so it's hard to make real comparisons. We have the same cultural problems in most major US cities which has been reenforced by our pop culture. When you have people on radio, music, TV, video games and movies telling people gangstas are cool and cooperating with law enforcement is not, what can you expect? If you think about it honestly all this can be traced to relative moral-ism that has permeated our society since the late 50"s to early 60's, where we were all told that disciplining children was abuse and a time out would be as effective as a kick in the ass. Yep look at what that has gotten us, and the left says full speed ahead.

Given a couple of tweaks on details I agree with the gist here. This ^^ is more like rational debate.
Because criminals and crazies will abide by these background checks? Also, how do one check to see if someone is mentally ill, unless a registry of mentally ill people are also created?

Such a registry of mentally ill people would be an invasion of privacy. Some people deserve that violation of privacy, like CHILD MOLESTERS. Yes, they are on an easy to view registry. However, are you saying that the mentally ill must now register themselves publicly? Can the government label you as mentally ill, just like they can label you a terrorist without due process?

Off to bed for tonight, expect my follow up response within 8 hours.

W@W! How much are tickets?
You get neg repped because you post stupid shit that you refuse to defend and then whine about it. Your points have been refuted about 6,000 times and you persist with the same nonsense.

No, not at all - everything I have posted here has been sourced, linked and I'm delighted to discuss it in any detail you like. Nothing that I have posted here has been in any way refuted, obviously.

Give me a post # for any question I missed and you have my word I'll address it.

You neg repped the OP before you had even responded to the thread, and we both know why.
You get neg repped because you post stupid shit that you refuse to defend and then whine about it. Your points have been refuted about 6,000 times and you persist with the same nonsense.

No, not at all - everything I have posted here has been sourced, linked and I'm delighted to discuss it in any detail you like. Nothing that I have posted here has been in any way refuted, obviously.

Give me a post # for any question I missed and you have my word I'll address it.

You neg repped the OP before you had even responded to the thread, and we both know why.

dude, you live in finland? like 1 in two people have a gun over there. also like only half of the estimated firearms are registered. you can own prety much the same stuff we can have over here.
I have to comment on the tactics of some gun supporters to these threads.

Pogo mentioned being neg repped by posters who hadn't commented on the thread - I also got neg repped by Darkwind (who I haven't seen posting on the thread) for my apparently wanting to confiscate guns. In fact, I don't recommend confiscating guns, and would not support such a move.

In all, I've been neg repped 5 times on this thread, and yet everything I have posted has been linked, sourced can be confirmed elsewhere.

I'm also amazed how many simply fatuous arguments we have seen here - insisting the US can not be compared to Germany, the UK or France - and then comparing the US with Switzerland. Presenting UK crime figures - from 1997. Posting material without links or sources.

Any neutrals reading through these threads would do well to consider what this all means....

You get neg repped because you post stupid shit that you refuse to defend and then whine about it. Your points have been refuted about 6,000 times and you persist with the same nonsense.

Negger please. You of all people have the worst understanding of negging in this room. You're emotionally unprepared for debate; the minute anyone proves you wrong you soil your little diapers.

... Nomsayin'?
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I have to comment on the tactics of some gun supporters to these threads.

Pogo mentioned being neg repped by posters who hadn't commented on the thread - I also got neg repped by Darkwind (who I haven't seen posting on the thread) for my apparently wanting to confiscate guns. In fact, I don't recommend confiscating guns, and would not support such a move.

In all, I've been neg repped 5 times on this thread, and yet everything I have posted has been linked, sourced can be confirmed elsewhere.

I'm also amazed how many simply fatuous arguments we have seen here - insisting the US can not be compared to Germany, the UK or France - and then comparing the US with Switzerland. Presenting UK crime figures - from 1997. Posting material without links or sources.

Any neutrals reading through these threads would do well to consider what this all means....
lol at you whining about being negged :eusa_whistle:
Soonman -

Do note that most of the fallacious and inexplicable arguments I mention were yours.

This forum doesn't often see posting as weak as yours has been on this thread.
You get neg repped because you post stupid shit that you refuse to defend and then whine about it. Your points have been refuted about 6,000 times and you persist with the same nonsense.

No, not at all - everything I have posted here has been sourced, linked and I'm delighted to discuss it in any detail you like. Nothing that I have posted here has been in any way refuted, obviously.

Give me a post # for any question I missed and you have my word I'll address it.

You neg repped the OP before you had even responded to the thread, and we both know why.

dude, you live in finland? like 1 in two people have a gun over there. also like only half of the estimated firearms are registered. you can own prety much the same stuff we can have over here.

Weeeee! More made up unsourced "facts".

Did you know 97.23% of your posts are made up on the spot?
dude, you live in finland? like 1 in two people have a gun over there. also like only half of the estimated firearms are registered. you can own prety much the same stuff we can have over here.

Your stats are a bit off, but you are basically right!

Finland has the 4th highest gun ownership in the developed world.

Subsequently, we have a homicide rate that is a national disgrace, and one of the worst records in the world of school shootings.

We face the same issue the US does, but the difference seems to be that here the issue is not partisan. It can be talked about, and we should have safety-based regulation within a year or two.


Guns per 100 people:

USA 88
Finland 45
England 6

Homicides committed with firearm (rate of gun-related homicides)

USA 9,146 (38.97)
Finland 24 (0.45)
England 41 (0.07)


There seems to be a pattern there...!
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You are paranoid and a waste of time to attempt to discuss anything with.

You have no knowledge. Being realistic isn't paranoia. You are backing out of the discussion because you lost. The Sam Harris quote destroyed you.



Deep logic there. When all else fails, find mirror, declare victory. :beer:

Are we done sniping yet, kids? Or should we go 'til noon and break for lunch?
"Evil" is not a valid argumentative value. It's a vague subjective emotion. You can't make an argument with emotion. All that is is a rant. Try again.

I guess you still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy too.

This is what's wrong with the far left. They need to excuse and feel sorry for everyone, no matter what they have done.

How about you write a letter/blog to the families of Sandy Hook, and explain to them that Lanza was not evil.

[ee-vuhl] Show IPA
morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
harmful; injurious: evil laws.
characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.

That is the definition of evil in Merriam Webster dictionary.

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