
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind
Hey Jackass, how do you test for a virus that has already split into three different variants? Why don't you stop running your mouth, shut up and do something useful?
It is hard to believe someone as stupid this guy really thinks he knows what is going on.
Tests can be developed covering the basic characteristics of the coronavirus-19 and basic mutations.
It is scary to think there are people so stupid in our world and have no idea how stupid they are.
So true.
And Trump is still lying about our testing failure
That's the elephant in the room

Testing is knowledge and knowledge is power

We are powerless until we know who has had the virus

Who has it now

WHERE is it now

How severe it was in those that have had it

We need this on a national basis and it needs to go into a national database

We just passed a TWO TRILLION dollar package.

We need 30 BILLION--50 BILLION going into a MASSIVE NATIONAL COORDINATED testing program and until we do...we're flying blind

OK, lets discuss testing. Lets say I take the test today and test negative, then I catch the virus tonight at the grocery store, what did the test accomplish?

Unless you are planning to test 330 million people every morning before they leave their houses, its a waste of time and money. Only those with symptoms need to be tested. It would be nice to know who has already has it so the antibody tests should be run with any annual physical or routine Dr visit.

this virus is no where near as bad as we have been led to believe. less than 1% mortality rate and then it is only deadly to those who are already sick or have impaired immune systems. The common cold an flu are dangerous to these same people. Wake up.
And Trump is still lying about our testing failure

what is our failure? who is not being tested that needs to be? do you think we should be testing every one of 330 million americans every day? What would be enough for you?
And Trump is still lying about our testing failure

what is our failure? who is not being tested that needs to be? do you think we should be testing every one of 330 million americans every day? What would be enough for you?
I just heard that there are not enough tests to even test the SENATE.

Testing is so far behind the curve it's not even funny
OK, lets discuss testing. Lets say I take the test today and test negative, then I catch the virus tonight at the grocery store, what did the test accomplish?

Unless you are planning to test 330 million people every morning before they leave their houses, its a waste of time and money. Only those with symptoms need to be tested. It would be nice to know who has already has it so the antibody tests should be run with any annual physical or routine Dr visit.

this virus is no where near as bad as we have been led to believe. less than 1% mortality rate and then it is only deadly to those who are already sick or have impaired immune systems. The common cold an flu are dangerous to these same people. Wake up.
See there's the problem. You're a fuckin idiot.

Testing isn't about YOU. It has SOME benefit to you in that if you test positive it tells you that
A. You need to quarantine strictly whether you have symptoms or not and that you should be aware of how it progresses in order to get the medical help you might need.

B, More importantly it tells EXPERTS...where the virus is and where it is not. It allows contact tracing in order to find other people you may have infected and possibly who infected you in order to quarantine those individuals and those that they may have infected besides you

A negative test tells YOU very little, It DOES tell experts where the virus is NOT...at this particular moment

Do you understand better now?

I doubt it
we need to test every single american, we need to track every single test, and we need to track the trackers

if Trump does that, then i think he's doing a great job
Testing for the virus in widespread form, an anti-body test, a reliable course of treatment for people exposed to the virus, and finally, a vaccine. I don't see how you can reliably open things up and assure people of a minimum amount of safety without the first two being available for everyone you want to send back to work and school.
Too much testing is bad. The problem is some people (liberals) freak out if the number of positive tests keeps getting higher. We need to remain calm and we need to keep our economy humming along.

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