Texas lawmakers react to the El Paso migrant rush: 'Full-blown invasion at our southern border'

Farming would take a huge hit if we started cracking down on a state level. It's about money. Kick all the migrants out and we might end up paying $7.50 for a dozen eggs. Haha

Rubbish. Less than 2% of crops are picked by hand. Even blueberries and oranges are mostly picked by machine now. And in any case, it's about labor racketeering and nothing else.

Launched after World War II and fine-tuned during the 1980s, the H-2A program was designed to allow farmers to temporarily employ foreign workers during periods of labor shortage. In reality, farmers are increasingly using H-2A to permanently replace American workers with a captive labor force. With little official oversight, growers simply turn away domestic workers, or offer wages so low that flipping burgers becomes more appealing. In effect, H-2A has turned NAFTA inside out: Since U.S. farms can’t go to the Third World, the federal government allows agribusiness to bring the Third World to U.S. farms. Some 42,000 workers on H-2A visas — mainly from Mexico, Jamaica, and Peru — now harvest tobacco in Virginia, clip onions in Georgia, pick apples in New England, cut sugarcane in Arkansas and Louisiana, herd sheep in Idaho and Nevada, and operate combines throughout the Midwest. A related program called H-1B allows employers to import 195,000 skilled workers a year, bringing computer programmers to Silicon Valley and other high-tech hot spots.

Although the federal government oversees wages and working conditions, farmers often mistreat H-2A workers without fear of being penalized. A six-month investigation of the program by Mother Jones reveals widespread complaints that growers have threatened workers at gunpoint, refused them water in the fields, housed them in crumbling, rat-infested buildings where sewage bubbles up through the drains, and denied them medical care after exposing them to pesticides. Farmers control their visitors, their mail, even their weekly shopping trips. A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office notes that H-2A workers, knowing they can be deported at any time, “are unlikely to complain about worker protection violations, fearing they will lose their jobs or will not be hired in the future.” Workers say they have adopted several unwritten rules: Don’t gripe about wages and working conditions. Don’t seek the benefits you’re entitled to. Don’t make noise, even when your health is in jeopardy. “What you see, you must remain silent,” says a Jamaican H-2A worker assigned to a Massachusetts vegetable farm. “What you hear, remain silent.”

Yeah, I know, the article has more than one sentence and wasn't on Twitter, but a couple of people might read it.

There are no 'labor shortages, never have been. they have always been manufactured and lied about.

In fact, study after study of the H-2A program concludes that there’s actually a surplus of agricultural labor, not a shortage. “Unemployment and underemployment are endemic among farmworkers,” says one Labor Department report. “Even at the seasonal peak in September, one-third of farmworkers are still not working in U.S. agriculture.” In studies and congressional testimony about the program, the General Accounting Office also dismisses the idea of a labor shortage. “Agricultural employers in most of the United States have had adequate supplies of labor for many years and continue to do so,” the GAO reports.

The agency acknowledges that some regions do experience local shortages, but notes that those might be alleviated “with fairly modest wage increases.” Instead, H-2A enables farmers — from small operators to corporate giants employing more than 600 workers — to effectively circumvent the free market, paying guestworkers as little as $6.39 an hour rather than raising hourly wages to attract U.S. workers. “A lot of farmers say, ‘I advertised for 300 jobs and no one applied,'” says Thom Myers, a farmworker advocate in Raleigh, North Carolina. “But what about the guy who runs a hardware store who has the same argument? What about the guy who runs a restaurant? If this was any other industry, the government would say, ‘Hey, raise your pay until the supply and demand curves cross.'”

Rather than pay market wages, H-2A growers have instead developed a litany of schemes to ward off domestic workers. In Idaho, the Snake River Farmer’s Association urged its members to write backbreaking job descriptions to discourage Americans from applying. “Irrigators or pipe movers is a great job description because no one wants to move pipe,” explains an association handout.

The last thing 'libertarians' and big business wants is 'free markets' and 'competition', especially in labor. This is why the right wing Hives all constantly tell their Useful Idiots to run around sniveling about 'lazy workers', 'minimum wage sucks n stuff', ad nauseam.
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Farming would take a huge hit if we started cracking down on a state level. It's about money. Kick all the migrants out and we might end up paying $7.50 for a dozen eggs. Haha

lol minimum wage here is still $7.50 an hour, and a burger basket with fries and a drink or close to $10 and over now. That's another lie being peddled by people who flunked 3rd grade arithmetic,

he said that we should swarm to the border to meet the needs of those wanting to enter. What is there not to understand?

Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression you should come."
he said that we should swarm to the border to meet the needs of those wanting to enter. What is there not to understand?

Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression you should come."
No need for us to surge to the border, we live here.
Biden's incompetency is real and has become dangerous!
They must have got the word that some Republican governors will give them rides and free burgers to other parts of the country for jobs.

It is enticing.
Farming would take a huge hit if we started cracking down on a state level. It's about money. Kick all the migrants out and we might end up paying $7.50 for a dozen eggs. Haha
So like the good racist you are, the only skills an illegal has is a crop picker? Do you work for Nancy Piglosi?

So like the good racist you are, the only skills an illegal has is a crop picker? Do you work for Nancy Piglosi?

Yeah, you got me dude. I'm a racist.

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

And after we've taken over politics we will use our secret stash of Hitler DNA to clone the fuhrer and begin the next Reich.

Sieg Heil!

And then it will be abortions and solar panels for EVERYBODY!

Sieg Heil!

Oh, and those Jews! We've got a surprise for them!
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My Fox week aint till next week so my outrage is kinda waning, however a few weeks ago during Fox week the outrage was the border was completely open and you could just pretty much walk back and forth with your fentanyl. Is that still the situation?
Yeah, you got me dude. I'm a racist.

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

And after we've taken over politics we will use our secret stash of Hitler DNA to clone the fuhrer and begin the next Reich.

Sieg Heil!

And then it will be abortions and solar panels for EVERYBODY!

Sieg Heil!

Oh, and those Jews! We've got a surprise for them!
Wow, talk about being triggered...
Biden's incompetency is real and has become dangerous!
Stop it bro, its NOT incompetency, that is the excuse the rinos use to help him subvert the nation, its intentional and nowhere near incompetent, they know exactly what the fuck they are doing.

Want it stopped? Get your AR15's, all your neighbors, and all of their neighbors, and go down there and enforce the border, and shoot every agent that attempts to protect the invaders!

If you cannot do that, then bend over and take that huge Biden cock right up the rectum, because that is just what he is doing! :wink:
Stop it bro, its NOT incompetency, that is the excuse the rinos use to help him subvert the nation, its intentional and nowhere near incompetent, they know exactly what the fuck they are doing.

Want it stopped? Get your AR15's, all your neighbors, and all of their neighbors, and go down there and enforce the border, and shoot every agent that attempts to protect the invaders!

If you cannot do that, then bend over and take that huge Biden cock right up the rectum, because that is just what he is doing! :wink:
Keyboard warrior.

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