Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

No, I want everything but the west coast and the Northeast. I get virtually all the oil and plenty of industry, and People who value God, family, America, and hard work. You get all the mouths to feed, the liberal media, self loving secularists, and the gang bangers.

Right. Because gangstas don't exist in Texas. Go down to Houston's 5th ward and let me know what you see.

Never mind the rest of your fantasy bs.


Obamanation said:
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You are really going to compare gang problems of good America with the gang problems of the liberal coasts? LMAO!!! the only fail - is O!!!!


Apparently, you've never been to Houston. I have. I was born and raised there. Like I said, go down to the 5th ward and tell me there are no gang bangers there.

Dumb ass.

Show me where I EVER said there were NO gang bangers in houston... moron!

I made a generalization --- there are gang bangers in cities of 30K people in the middle of Kansas ---- so what!!!
Apparently, you've never been to Houston. I have. I was born and raised there. Like I said, go down to the 5th ward and tell me there are no gang bangers there.

Dumb ass.

You took a step outside Montrose?
I'm amazed.

Queers don't survive long in 5th ward.

So, how did you survive outside of Westminster? Faggot?
No such thing as a blue state.... only blue parts of Red states... and unless you have gobs of money, dollars to donuts, your kids are gonna be screwed up if you raise them in blue parts of red states...

The blue states fund the country, fool!

Once again --- this moron thinks EVERYTHING is about gov't...

and there is still no such thing as blue states --- only crappy parts of red states crammed full of foolish "blue" people who think gov't is the answer to everything... lol - morons...

Very true. If you look at county by county voting patterns states are mostly red with the blue areas the bloated cities. If not for Los Angeles and San Francisco California would be a red state. Drain or confine the cities and the so called blue states would largely cease to exist except in an isolated north east.
Liberals are always willing to trade their freedom for free shit. Problem is that the free shit has to come from those who have earned it, and there's a limit to how long they will allow government to take what they've earned.
This movement is just the beginning. It will grow (it IS growing), and at some point, the numbers will be formidable. There are many millions of Americans who are fed up with the direction in which our country is headed but are not yet at a point where they're willing to give up on trying to work within the system. Little by little, more and more Americans will realize that secession is inevitable and will join the movement. It will snowball and it won't just be in Texas.
Texas isn't leaving shit.

If it does, there would be a MASSIVE migration out of the country for the majority of residents who would prefer to keep their United States citizenship.

Would also probably be a healthy group of "freedom fighters" ready to reclaim it back for the United States when the inevitable war to bring it back happens if it did manage to secede itself.

I'd be one of the ones who leaves, but I'd certainly support freedom fighters.
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you call me a fool and you are still equating EVERYTHING to the gov't --- gov't is not the answer, gov't is the PROBLEM... too dense to even see his own shortcomings...


Let me explain it to you in simple terms that even a fool can understand! Our state has a Senate and House of Representatives and all those members have their territory with people living there. Those people vote for Democrats by a two to one margin. You were the fool claiming your state was all red, so what the hell did you mean? Is every person in your state a Republican? Explain yourself, fool!

See, all you keep explaining is how everything is about the gov't -- that is the ERROR in your liberal thinking... The best thing the gov't can do - RED or BLUE --- is to limit it's involvement in you life allowing you to grow and prosper!

Not every person in any state is red or blue -- in reality they are all just people --- I just said I was happy live in a state that was ALL RED on the map.... your gov't minded moron self made it all about gov't --- imagine that...

You brought up government, liar!

I sure am proud to live in an ALL red state!! ---and there still are a few left... America is not gone yet!

An "ALL red state!!" can't be the people, liar!
There is no such thing as an ALL red state.


In the 2012 presidential elections OK and UT were entirely red.

But you are correct in that most states do have at least one small dem enclave, normally huddled around the state capitol where politicians are doling out government cheese to their dead-beat constituants.
There is no such thing as an ALL red state.


In the 2012 presidential elections OK and UT were entirely red.

But you are correct in that most states do have at least one small dem enclave, normally huddled around the state capitol where politicians are doling out government cheese to their dead-beat constituants.

Areas around Austin where people are educated.
There is no such thing as an ALL red state.


In the 2012 presidential elections OK and UT were entirely red.

But you are correct in that most states do have at least one small dem enclave, normally huddled around the state capitol where politicians are doling out government cheese to their dead-beat constituants.

Areas around Austin where people are educated.


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