Thank you, President Trump

In this case, Trump had two weeks to listen to the hard liners and they HAVE to have reminded him by now of what his base thinks, and yet he STILL is actually advocating for reasonable solutions. He doesn't care what the NRA thinks -- he doesn't need their money (maybe the only good reason to elect a billionaire).

Look, Trump's long history of lying and bullshitting should clue you into the fact that he's not intending to do anything about guns, and is paying lip service to this because his approval ratings are in the toilet. A man so consumed with himself says, not does, anything he can to make people like him. But ultimately, nothing will come of this because Trump doesn't even have a clue what he wants. Everything is off the top of his head, like improv. He doesn't know how to move legilsation forward, and doesn't want to.

And you can sure as shit bet he needs NRA money. They contributed $30M to him in 2016. How much of his own money did he spend campaigning? $0.

That's right...$0.

Trump didn't spend a single cent of his own money to campaign. That's why he was asking for donations all the time. That's why he was selling made-in-China MAGA hats. That's why he attended fundraisers with wealthy Republican donors. That's why he kissed Sheldon Adelson's ring.

Trump's entire business model is to spend other people's money. He just licenses his name. That's all he does.
I'll agree with you on a couple things here, Derp. Donald speaks off the top of his head, like improv, and he doesn't know how to move actual legislation forward. However, whatever Trump may be, he is not an actor. You've heard his speeches from the teleprompter, his "hostage" speech apology after the Access Hollywood tape. He can't put enthusiasm into something he doesn't believe in to save his soul. Much as we hate it, he's transparent. I do believe that.
I think he's the worst Pres we've ever had, but it doesn't change my mind on his current position on gun control.
He gets the tip of my hat.
while they are being evaluated for mental illness.

So what's prompting the mental illness evaluation? Simply buying a gun? So your proposal is that anyone who is buying a gun must undergo a mental health evaluation?

Most mentally ill people don't even know or think they're mentally ill, so they never seek treatment. So how does this proposal of Trump's actually work, in your mind?

Look at all the information we know about the shooter. Police were reportedly called to his house 45 times in the last decade because of his violent outbursts. Seems to me that's a sign of something wrong that warrants further investigation.
Yeah I saw the fuck-head president of the NRA blame everyone else.. these morons pay off the polictions to pass bills , stripping away laws that keep the mentally ill from buying assault rifles . I had a neighbor for 18 years who was not supposed to have a gun..he murdered his son and killed himself..( I found them ) he was able to walk right in and get a gun..they made a movie about it..
Daddy Dearest behind mansion walls.. I saw personally what a gun can do to a kid I saw grow up.)

like this kid who just had to say "no I don't have any mental illness ..WTF no back round check or anything .


Who dropped the ball with this kid? Answer it honestly or fug off with your BS. If procedures had been followed he'd never been allowed to purchase a gun.


Goddamn loons
When you're done wiping the spittle off your chin, tell me what procedures would have put the kid on the NICS list. As things stand today.

OMG if you don't know that you're more fucking stupid than I ever dreamed possible
I repeat my question. If you don't tell me, I'll assume you don't know the answer.

Well golly gee, maybe the police being called upwards of 39 times, perhaps posting he wanted to be a professional school shooter, students warned he was a risk, he wasn't allowed to be on campus with a was reported teachers sought a mental health transfer for Cruz?

Nah no warning signs there was there? Just blame the NRA and call it a day
I didn't say there weren't warning signs. If Florida had the laws Maine has, he could have been arrested pronto for threatening to shoot up the school. In Florida, though, you have to threaten a PERSON, not an institution, in order to be arrested. Maybe they'll change that.

I'm not blaming the NRA here. I hate their stances, but what this thread is about is thanking Donald Trump.
Mental health treatment in this country is almost entirely outpatient now and it leaves a lot to be desired. I ran into it a lot as a caseworker and it can suck out loud. People won't take the meds that could stabilize them. You call the cops on them when they're agitated and the cops will take 'em to the hospital for an overnight and then they're back, screwed up as ever. Years and years ago, our governments state and federal decided to stop institutionalizing crazy people. It saved them big bucks. Go for it if you want to put crazies away again, but that's another fight and it hasn't happened yet. Your complaints about the system wouldn't have helped him. He WAS being helped. Fat lot of good it did.
Look at all the information we know about the shooter.

Setting Parkland aside for a moment, what of the Vegas shooter...who killed 58 people and had no documented history of violence, criminality, or mental illness. You all say he was mentally ill and that's why he did what he OK...if that's the case, how would the Trump system have stopped him?
Look at all the information we know about the shooter.

Setting Parkland aside for a moment, what of the Vegas shooter...who killed 58 people and had no documented history of violence, criminality, or mental illness. You all say he was mentally ill and that's why he did what he OK...if that's the case, how would the Trump system have stopped him?
It can't, if there are no outward signs. Actually, and not surprisingly, a stupid question.
Look at all the information we know about the shooter.

Setting Parkland aside for a moment, what of the Vegas shooter...who killed 58 people and had no documented history of violence, criminality, or mental illness. You all say he was mentally ill and that's why he did what he OK...if that's the case, how would the Trump system have stopped him?

I don't think the Vegas shooter was mentally ill. I think there is a lot about that story that we aren't being told. But if I talk about it too much, this thread will get banished into the conspiracy theory section.
Lip service. He’ll bend to the far right like always.

You do not know that until he does.

The reality is Trump is showing his true colors and is not the staunch Tea Party Conservative and is the New York Conservative which is another way to say Liberal in America...
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

So, you're not a fan of the right of Due Process in the Constitution?
It can't, if there are no outward signs. Actually, and not surprisingly, a stupid question.

First of all, not a stupid question because it's YOUR SHITTY PROPOSAL.

Secondly, if there are no outward signs you cannot safely say someone is or isn't mentally ill, and if you can't safely say that what the fuck makes you think they should be allowed to waltz into a store and buy a gun?

So then why do you want to roll the dice with everyone else's safety?
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.

Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun

LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?


There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it
I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.

Unlike the voices we hear on social media, the vast majority of the country would not fight over this. I live in gun country. They may not like the word "ban," but AR's aren't their thing. Grab your shotgun to protect your home. Use a hunting rifle in deer season. That's how it is. No one opposes background checks that I've run into.

Oh stop with your "I live in gun country but.... they don't like ARs..." It's BS
Okay, so tell me all about it, gated community bitch.
Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?
Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.
Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun
Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?


There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it
I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.

Unlike the voices we hear on social media, the vast majority of the country would not fight over this. I live in gun country. They may not like the word "ban," but AR's aren't their thing. Grab your shotgun to protect your home. Use a hunting rifle in deer season. That's how it is. No one opposes background checks that I've run into.

Oh stop with your "I live in gun country but.... they don't like ARs..." It's BS
Okay, so tell me all about it, gated community bitch.

Jealous you cranky old crab? I don't believe your statement for one moment.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

They could have done that already....he had broken the law several times, made violent threats on several occasions and committed a felony by brining bullets into a gun free zone.....if the police won't act on current laws, they won't act on future laws....

The bump stock saved lives in Vegas......the rate of fire lifted the muzzles sending rounds over the crowd, not into the crowd, had the guy not used the bump stock he would have killed more people......

Well, since neither one would stop the mass shootings, your supporting them is pretty silly.

I have to agree and if LEO refuses to enforce the laws already on the books then they will not enforce new laws either.

Flordia is the failure on LEO and not the avaerage citizen just like they failed with the Nightclub shooting that there were signs showing the guy was unstable...
It can't, if there are no outward signs. Actually, and not surprisingly, a stupid question.

First of all, not a stupid question because it's YOUR SHITTY PROPOSAL.

Secondly, if there are no outward signs you cannot safely say someone is or isn't mentally ill, and if you can't safely say that what the fuck makes you think they should be allowed to waltz into a store and buy a gun?

So then why do you want to roll the dice with everyone else's safety?
The same dice that is rolled every time an illegal or Muslim enters the country, that dice?
Most mentally ill people don't even know or think they're mentally ill, so they never seek treatment. So how does this proposal of Trump's actually work, in your mind?
I've little doubt the irony of this post is completely lost on you. Suffice to say you should never even have a kitchen knife.
The same dice that is rolled every time an illegal or Muslim enters the country, that dice?

No, it's not the same dice. In fact, you snowflakes are the ones who are killing people in this country, not illegals or Muslims.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Not embarassed. Just sad. To suggest that the CCW reciprocity bill be stopped is wrong. It violates the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution. If states are free to reject licenses from other states, how long will it be before a marriage license from Hawaii be rejected in Texas? Or, a driver's license from New York not be honored in Colorado?

The CCW reciprocity bill is what is wrong. If a state has decided it doesn't want any Tom Dick or Harry walking around with a concealed weapon, it is up to the people to respect that, or risk being arrested. When the federal government wants gun legislation, the standard reply is "leave it to the states." When it is up to the states, now the reply is, "we won't honor your decision?"

And so you'll also support Texas saying gay marriage won't be honored in their state? Or, that a mixed race couple's marriage is invalid in Alabama?

Or, are you just going to be a hypocrite?

If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it.

Personally, I think that's disappointing, but you may wear the label proudly if you choose.
Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.
Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun
There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it
I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.

Unlike the voices we hear on social media, the vast majority of the country would not fight over this. I live in gun country. They may not like the word "ban," but AR's aren't their thing. Grab your shotgun to protect your home. Use a hunting rifle in deer season. That's how it is. No one opposes background checks that I've run into.

Oh stop with your "I live in gun country but.... they don't like ARs..." It's BS
Okay, so tell me all about it, gated community bitch.

Jealous you cranky old crab? I don't believe your statement for one moment.
I just tried to debunk it but it looks like she is right. They have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. Also, this. I dont know how true it is but here it is nonetheless.
AR-15 rifles rare in Maine, firearms enthusiasts report
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

So, you're not a fan of the right of Due Process in the Constitution?
I'm going to say it again, Thanks, President Trump, for supporting common sense gun laws.
I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.
Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun
I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.

Unlike the voices we hear on social media, the vast majority of the country would not fight over this. I live in gun country. They may not like the word "ban," but AR's aren't their thing. Grab your shotgun to protect your home. Use a hunting rifle in deer season. That's how it is. No one opposes background checks that I've run into.

Oh stop with your "I live in gun country but.... they don't like ARs..." It's BS
Okay, so tell me all about it, gated community bitch.

Jealous you cranky old crab? I don't believe your statement for one moment.
I just tried to debunk it but it looks like she is right. They have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. Also, this. I dont know how true it is but here it is nonetheless.
AR-15 rifles rare in Maine, firearms enthusiasts report

I'm not questioning gun ownership I'm questioning her claim "ARs are not their thing" wtf she do take a survey?
Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun
Unlike the voices we hear on social media, the vast majority of the country would not fight over this. I live in gun country. They may not like the word "ban," but AR's aren't their thing. Grab your shotgun to protect your home. Use a hunting rifle in deer season. That's how it is. No one opposes background checks that I've run into.

Oh stop with your "I live in gun country but.... they don't like ARs..." It's BS
Okay, so tell me all about it, gated community bitch.

Jealous you cranky old crab? I don't believe your statement for one moment.
I just tried to debunk it but it looks like she is right. They have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. Also, this. I dont know how true it is but here it is nonetheless.
AR-15 rifles rare in Maine, firearms enthusiasts report

I'm not questioning gun ownership I'm questioning her claim "ARs are not their thing" wtf she do take a survey?
Lol read the article

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