Thank you, President Trump

The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Oldlady I actually thought that he was being sincere when he spoke to the kids even though he had notes in his hand.

I am sure that the NRA and paid off GOP are having panic attacks.


LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It
Classic Trump. Say something outrageous to get everyone's attention and start conversation (clearly it worked), and then negotiate something for both sides.
We'll see if the Republicans were "moved." I have a feeling a lot of them are more afraid of the NRA's lack of support than the President's. The President is one guy. The NRA represents how many voters?
The 4th Amendment is violated daily yet no one complains, just the 2nd Amendment, that may be violated in the future is whined about...
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.
Classic Trump. Say something outrageous to get everyone's attention and start conversation (clearly it worked), and then negotiate something for both sides.
Indeed. A great way to start a negotiation is shitting on our 5th and 2nd amendment rights

No one is confiscating guns before due process. However, more importantly the conversation to get something done is still front and center.
The 4th Amendment is violated daily yet no one complains, just the 2nd Amendment, that may be violated in the future is whined about...

Don't worry, if the leftists get their way, that will be infringed upon moar. The 4th has to be violated in order to confiscate guns.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Oldlady I actually thought that he was being sincere when he spoke to the kids even though he had notes in his hand.

I am sure that the NRA and paid off GOP are having panic attacks.


LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?

Classic Trump. Say something outrageous to get everyone's attention and start conversation (clearly it worked), and then negotiate something for both sides.
Indeed. A great way to start a negotiation is shitting on our 5th and 2nd amendment rights

No one is confiscating guns before due process. However, more importantly the conversation to get something done is still front and center.
Then why would the asshole say it?
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

I can't speak for trumplestiltskins... but I think for me, its that I think it will be like the DACA thing and he'll go back to his rightwingnut base and not do anything that anyone to the left of atilla the hun wants.

if he actually does good things, i'll acknowledge it. I just can't imagine him ever doing a decent thing.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Oldlady I actually thought that he was being sincere when he spoke to the kids even though he had notes in his hand.

I am sure that the NRA and paid off GOP are having panic attacks.


LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?


There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it
Classic Trump. Say something outrageous to get everyone's attention and start conversation (clearly it worked), and then negotiate something for both sides.
Indeed. A great way to start a negotiation is shitting on our 5th and 2nd amendment rights

No one is confiscating guns before due process. However, more importantly the conversation to get something done is still front and center.
Then why would the asshole say it?

Because every other previous President hasn't done shit to protect our schools. The shooting happens, gun debate begins, prayer and memorials happen and then everyone forgets until the next shooting. Someone needs to force people to talk and come up with a solution. I hope he says more outrageous shit so the conversation keeps going and law enforcement doesn't lose sight of the next shooter.
Not sure where this will go, since for starters, you just never know what is going to come out of Trump's mouth.
Second, 'due process' is something that even a president cannot get around.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Oldlady I actually thought that he was being sincere when he spoke to the kids even though he had notes in his hand.

I am sure that the NRA and paid off GOP are having panic attacks.


LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?


There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it

I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.

The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.

Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Oldlady I actually thought that he was being sincere when he spoke to the kids even though he had notes in his hand.

I am sure that the NRA and paid off GOP are having panic attacks.


LOL reality.....

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser– In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time.

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Well that is because the NRA has way too much power in America... The NRA is not the 2nd amendment Sassy.
No group, especially a Non-Profit should have so much power on Americans..why is that ok with you?


There ya go again...NRA NRA NRA!!!!!!!!!! You're redundant

You're not going to get a gun it

I think that people are realizing just how much power this one group has ... At this point it is not so much about a ban, it is about taking our power back which could almost start a civil war ..People have looked the other way for too long.


You have nightmares about the NRA don't you? The NRA didn't have squat to do with the FL shooting, nada, zilch, NOTHING. Direct your energy at the real problem....what you idiots on the left have done to children with your pampering, everyone is inclusive, etc BS.
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

I can't speak for trumplestiltskins... but I think for me, its that I think it will be like the DACA thing and he'll go back to his rightwingnut base and not do anything that anyone to the left of atilla the hun wants.

if he actually does good things, i'll acknowledge it. I just can't imagine him ever doing a decent thing.

he talks out of both sides of his mouth.. it's part of the "art" of his deal.

say anything and you can point to it later on, when push comes to shove just point at either side and say, well i tried, or that's not what i said, or what i meant when i said it, etc..blame the other side..blame everyone but me!!
Last edited:
The President's meeting with legislators yesterday about gun control was a stunner:
Ban bumpstocks, Fix NICS, support ERPO's, raise age to buy assault weapons to 21. I was particularly impressed that he pushed the Republicans to cut the CCW reciprocity bill from the mix. It would never pass, is right.

Not much discussion on ol' USMB about this that I could see. The Conservatives are embarrassed? and the Democrats can't bring themselves to say something positive about Trump? I dunno, but I think it is really noteworthy, if only because it's the first time I've been able to warmly and 100% applaud our President.

Thank you, Mr. President. Stick to your guns, as they say.

Yes....ask the democrats what they got from their meeting with him on DACA....see how much of this holds up in Congress too.....

And...please....oldlady, explain how any of these would have stopped the mass shooter...since the police could have arrested him 39 times and the FBI had clear reason to bring him in at least twice...... support everything that won't stop the next mass shooter, and yet you expect us to treat you as an intelligent, thoughtful individual?

Actually, an ERPO law would have allowed the police to take his weapons before Feb 14. The bump stock law would have brought down the death/injury count in Vegas. Nothing wrong with either of those things in my book.

I've heard that paddock had a class III license and an M249 in the room on a tripod. I could care less about bump stocks.

Does an M249 shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds?

Not sure.

Theoretically 725 rounds a minute, so I suppose.

You can't keep that fire rate up, because of barrel heat.

85 rpm is sustained fire max.

Btw, OldLady, that's a full automatic military weapon in current use.

Just to sort of show how loony people look when they talk about AR-15s firing 800 rounds a minute.

Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), M249 Light Machine Gun

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