Thanks Republicans for wasting your Vote and electing Obama!!!

I left the Republican party, millions have and millions more will be… Is this where you tell me and other to get fucked, then sit back and watch your party bleed to death, or do you think it’s time to elect people that have a record to run off over God, War, hating gays, hating abortion and how much they hate Dimacrats! Because currently the Republican platform by actual policy is that of massive Government (Medicare part D, Romneycare and so on) and positions on issues that have no role in the Federal Government, like gay marriage and how awesome God is.

I left it 6 months ago. Since then...Ive been met with nothing but bitter hatred and told to go fuck myself. You'll probably meet the same. The Republican Party is dying a slow death. For me, it was their 2 year long attack on teachers, firemen and cops, and creating the ugly monster known as the "government worker" in their message, as if all govt workers are evil parasites.

They didn't realize that a lot of people dont share that view, and the election showed that.

They wont change. The GOP is dead.
Ahhh. The 1%ers are here to tell us they have the candidates America wants and need.

How'd your neocon carnie barker make out last night?

Oh yeah....

57 million votes.

How many did Gary Johnson get?

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

I'll bet your all laffs, I mean you just elected Obama for another 4 years...

Once again, because you're the problem that I just talked about... Do you keep pushing to the left or elect a conservative?

Less people voted for Republicans, less people voted for Democrats, you're a dying party. People are far less likely to vote for a third party candidate seeing as even at 10% they can't win, so calling me or anyone a 1%er is pointless when you can't win a GE with hundreds of millions and your candidate in all debates and on every news station and news paper as well as polling.

More or less, you're a fucking retard SF. Keep pushing people out of your party, because admitting you were wrong is the new standard for Republicans, but you learned to be that when you shifted to the left, towards Obama, the excuse/blame king.
Ahhh. The 1%ers are here to tell us they have the candidates America wants and need.

How'd your neocon carnie barker make out last night?

Oh yeah....

57 million votes.

How many did Gary Johnson get?

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

So what your saying is.... You lost?

Sadly if GJ had 4-6% of the vote you could at least blame him, instead you managed to lose 100% on your own.

You're looking even more stupid as the thread moves along, I guess you fit in the "I don't wana change" group of the dying Republican party.
Paul was in position to be made to look loony. Not that his economics is really crazier than the others', but in general his views had already been classed enough to the eccentric side that the electorate, too conditioned to the present standards of discussion that passes for political debate, would have found it difficult to digest.

America needs to end the two party dictatorship.
Ahhh. The 1%ers are here to tell us they have the candidates America wants and need.

How'd your neocon carnie barker make out last night?

Oh yeah....

57 million votes.

How many did Gary Johnson get?

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.
No closer to the Oval Office than is your boy.

But go ahead and keep alienating the 5%-10% who could be persuaded to support your team...It's been working out so well for ya so far. :rolleyes:
Way to keep building that rapport, Gomer.

And you wonder why we sit it out or vote LP. :lol:
57 million votes.

How many did Gary Johnson get?

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

That's quite a consolation laugh you've got going.

I know you're crying inside.

You guys post a lot and lay out elaborate arguments all year long.

Your candidate got less than 1% of the popular vote, didn't he?

The difference is one is a "never going to win" protest vote. GJ spends like 2-3 million in all while Mitt spends 500,000,000 million or more (I honestly dono). One is on every poll, one is on every TV station, one is in every newspaper...

To make my point clear, you could but up a douche bag and a turd-sandwich and they would both collect at MIMIMUM 45% of the vote....

The fact that this has to be described to you either shows how out of touch with reality you are or just how desperate you are to shift from crying in your bathtub to finding something to be falsely happy about. Yes, I 100% believe you are rolling on your floor laughing over this, it’s just hilarious!!! Then again how sad could you be that Obama won when the guy you voted for held near every policy position as Obama at one point or another.

Once again, my question was what will Republicans do... I didn't say you needed to have GJ or Ron Paula t the head of your ticket. If you believe you need to keep shifting to the left that's fine SF.
blah blah blah.

You wax esoterically on your theory and philosophy of government, and you get less than 1% of the public to vote for you in the election.

Why are you guys actually posting in a political forum?

blah blah blah.

You wax esoterically on your theory and philosophy of government, and you get less than 1% of the public to vote for you in the election.

Why are you guys actually posting in a political forum?


Oh gawd you sound like TM now, is this what happens when people becomes full blown Progressives?

At least my party is growing, yours is shrinking/dying by the millions. Keep attacking anyone that could ever vote Republican, that will help your cause. lol.
blah blah blah.

You wax esoterically on your theory and philosophy of government, and you get less than 1% of the public to vote for you in the election.

Why are you guys actually posting in a political forum?


Oh gawd you sound like TM now, is this what happens when people becomes full blown Progressives?

At least my party is growing, yours is shrinking/dying by the millions.

No. Seriously.

You don't matter, at all, to anyone in politics.

Why do you spend your time posting here when you could be surfing porn or something?

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