Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Lol now this is the most hilarious shit you ever posted. If Texas is going through rolling black outs that is a republican issue. The last time democrats controlled Texas was in the early 1990s. Sorry your stupid ass does not understand ice but the shit brings down power lines. Blame not normally getting that kind of weather dumb ass. It happens up here also, where ever there are electric lines on poles.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
The thread premise is a lie, a ridiculous strawman fallacy.
No they aren't.

When the first sentence of the OP is a stupid lie, it's time to exit the thread.
The sentence is true

are the power companies increasing energy production to meet demand?


they are telling consumers to sit in the dark for five or 10 hours and pound sand till its their turn to have electricity
Yes, it's a stupid lie.
You always blame liberals because even though you claim to be conservative, what do you do to prevent electrical outages from causing you problems when they happen. In my case I consider myself and intelligent independent. I live in a rural area and with any severe weather our utility company goes out. I put in Solar in 2005 and had a generator which with propane ran my 3 zone furnaces. In 2019 I put in Mitsubishi electric and cooling systems in my house and a new generator with automatic transfer switch. Before 2019 when the electricity went out I had to go and start my generator now everything runs automatically. Unfortunately I am not in a position to go off grid. I consider myself to be very fiscally conservative but also able to realise problems that effect me and look for solutions which will best meet my needs and I don't consider them liberal or conservative. Stop the blame game and use your intelligence which I'm sure you have.
Do you seriously expect 99 out of 100 people to be as proactive as you are?

how about biden voters in the hood?

should they put solar panels on their section 8 housing?
I don't expect most people to be as proactive as I am, I just got fed up with my lousy utility company and did something about it. People living in low income housing whether their paying rent or own are usually not in a financial position to afford solar and also it depends on where they are situated geographically on how much benefit they would derive. I'll ignore your racist comment about the hood. Section 8 housing a government HUD program subsidises landlords and depending whether it's apartment houses or single or multiple family dwellings the landlord would have to make the assesment whether some form of green energy would provide greater profitability or not. We do live in a capitalistic system and it certainly is not perfect but most utility companies care first about their profitability and lastly the consumer. When technology impacts them they will either have to adopt or they will soon go out of business.
unfortunately for the next few days it seems that winter put the windmills in Texas out of business ....
You always blame liberals because even though you claim to be conservative, what do you do to prevent electrical outages from causing you problems when they happen. In my case I consider myself and intelligent independent. I live in a rural area and with any severe weather our utility company goes out. I put in Solar in 2005 and had a generator which with propane ran my 3 zone furnaces. In 2019 I put in Mitsubishi electric and cooling systems in my house and a new generator with automatic transfer switch. Before 2019 when the electricity went out I had to go and start my generator now everything runs automatically. Unfortunately I am not in a position to go off grid. I consider myself to be very fiscally conservative but also able to realise problems that effect me and look for solutions which will best meet my needs and I don't consider them liberal or conservative. Stop the blame game and use your intelligence which I'm sure you have.
In a 100% green energy grid you would not be able to get propane. That's the green energy movement.
Why would Texas even bother with wind turbines anyhow? The state has plenty enough oil and gas to run their power
They never should have been built in the first place. It was Rick Perry ( who I actually met and have some respect for) that allowed that shit. He was lobbied by GE and bullshit artists to build these fuckin things and they're less than worthless.
You always blame liberals because even though you claim to be conservative, what do you do to prevent electrical outages from causing you problems when they happen. In my case I consider myself and intelligent independent. I live in a rural area and with any severe weather our utility company goes out. I put in Solar in 2005 and had a generator which with propane ran my 3 zone furnaces. In 2019 I put in Mitsubishi electric and cooling systems in my house and a new generator with automatic transfer switch. Before 2019 when the electricity went out I had to go and start my generator now everything runs automatically. Unfortunately I am not in a position to go off grid. I consider myself to be very fiscally conservative but also able to realise problems that effect me and look for solutions which will best meet my needs and I don't consider them liberal or conservative. Stop the blame game and use your intelligence which I'm sure you have.
In a 100% green energy grid you would not be able to get propane. That's the green energy movement.
Ye of little reasoning power, the only reason that I'm still using propane genius is simple the battery technology is not cost effective yet to go off grid for me. Clint Eastwood whom I would consider conservative has been off Grid for years. He probably has a bigger installation then mine and is much better off finacially.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.

That's true enough, and Al Gore has even bother to go to either of those states to explain himself and Global Warming
Of course not there is travel restrictions. So, now you'll have to bitch to God for your loss of civil rights.
That's unalienable rights. Civil rights has been used to blur the loss of them. With Surveillance and Patriot Acts and Homeland Security edicts and the deep state in collusion with politicians, radical judges, actors and media and as you can see people are not be destroyed for the most minor infractions if they are that. Tyrants turn on their flocks time after time. There is not use for the useless once they are used.
Put moonglow on ignore.
I'll ignore your racist comment about the hood.
There is nothing racist about it at all unless you think section 8 housing exists only for black people

if I had said that you would rear up and insist that more whites than blacks are on welfare
If Texas is going through rolling black outs that is a republican issue.
Not when obama spent 8 years forcing the closing of coal plants

and when democrats hate nuclear energy

Some clueless libs seem to think that everyone in Texas is a republican and that democrats have no influence over pubic policy at all

you may be on of the libs who are uninformed about that
If Texas is going through rolling black outs that is a republican issue.
Not when obama spent 8 years forcing the closing of coal plants

and when democrats hate nuclear energy

Some clueless libs seem to think that everyone in Texas is a republican and that democrats have no influence over pubic policy at all

you may be on of the libs who are uninformed about that
Oh I am absolutely informed on how idiot repugs take responsibility for nothing lol. You are obviously one of those. Hillarious Republican leadership for a long time dumb fuck.
In addition to the cold, the Beaumont closure was also driven by a shortage of natural gas.

And thanks to biden we will have less natural gas in the future as liberals put even more restrictions on gas production
If Texas is going through rolling black outs that is a republican issue.
Not when obama spent 8 years forcing the closing of coal plants

and when democrats hate nuclear energy

Some clueless libs seem to think that everyone in Texas is a republican and that democrats have no influence over pubic policy at all

you may be on of the libs who are uninformed about that
Oh I am absolutely informed on how idiot repugs take responsibility for nothing lol. You are obviously one of those. Hillarious Republican leadership for a long time dumb fuck.
Republicans want more energy supply - democrats want less

we should have more coal production - obama and biden want less
There hasn't been a democrat elected state-wide in Texas since like 1992 or something....yet every disaster in the state is blamed on democrats.
I'll ignore your racist comment about the hood.
There is nothing racist about it at all unless you think section 8 housing exists only for black people

if I had said that you would rear up and insist that more whites than blacks are on welfare
My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.

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