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The 47% Strawman

I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Idiotic logic.

Everyone but you knows that the 47% refers to FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

And yet if one was to do a search I would bet that 9 out of 10 posts on it fail to make that distinction.

"Sigh".....But I guess not making that distinction makes for a better sound bite.

They call it having 'no skin in the game', so of course they're wrongly assuming that these people are paying nothing.
Funny how the rw's defend Mitten's not paying income taxes because he had no wages but despise other Americans who do do not pay income taxes because they had no (or not enough) wages.

I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Idiotic logic.

Everyone but you knows that the 47% refers to FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

Does that include everyone who refers to those people as having NO skin in the game?

Yes... for they do have no skin in the federal income tax game...

And lest ye forget, those paying the burden of the federal income taxes ALSO pay those other taxes that the ~47% pay
Idiotic logic.

Everyone but you knows that the 47% refers to FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

Does that include everyone who refers to those people as having NO skin in the game?

Yes... for they do have no skin in the federal income tax game...

And lest ye forget, those paying the burden of the federal income taxes ALSO pay those other taxes that the ~47% pay

"Mr. I'm Jealous of the Poor" has spoken.
Ah it's you. Cowards hide behind the anonymity of the net and claim they deferred taxes etc... Real people don't have to. Google my name and I'm the first three entries. Look at my profiel and waddya know, our corporate website! Your turn. What? You can't? You're just SO important that the Rockafellers would be upset if you did?
You may now continue being full of crap. Not that that is surprising.
Oh, and you deferred NINETY PERCENT of your income? yeah okay... Oh wait. You couldn't do THAT could you? Seems the law is designed specifically to be advantageous to those who can defer an enormous percentage of their income doesn't it? NM. Kool-aid clouds the thinking.

I averaged my taxes when I got a reenlistment bonus while I was in the Navy. That was pretty common back when Reagan was president, even if the rules are different now. Want to try again, or do you want to throw up more logical fallacies?

Just because you have a corporation does not mean you understand taxes. The one thing I learned when I studied taxes in school was that all businessmen should have a CPA on retainer. Go talk to your CPA and ask him how to get a tax break for moving a business overseas. After he tells you that no such break exists feel free to come back here and apologize for trying to act like you know what you are talking about.

Sounds like your CPA should be apologizing to you. Or simply fired.

A look at the world's new corporate tax havens - CBS News

Now you did it. You scared it away.

From 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and thousands of US factories closed down. The Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Chinese, Indians and Russians, mostly the Chinese, gave seminars across the US in major cities to teach American business how to "outsource" to China and other countries. You could print out the invitation and show up to the seminars. I've linked to it a dozen times.

Republicans say, "Democrats do it to". Some do, no doubt about it. But the COC gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats for a reason.

Why these Republicans on this board defend the rape of American Manufacturing is beyond me. And they applaud the screwing of the American Middle Class, calling it, of all things, "good capitalism".
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Funny how the rw's defend Mitten's not paying income taxes because he had no wages but despise other Americans who do do not pay income taxes because they had no (or not enough) wages.


He loves to fire people.

You would think that Republicans would love people after reading their "mystical texts". Guess I was wrong.
I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Idiotic logic.

Everyone but you knows that the 47% refers to FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

Does that include everyone who refers to those people as having NO skin in the game?

It refers to people who pay no FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

And that's all it refers to.

On second thought it also refers to the people who actually receive more back than they pay in as well
I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

splitting hairs

Everyone pays sales tax and everyone knows that.

When it comes to income tax, not only will I get it all back, I will, again, get more than I paid.

Not a poll
not an opinion
not fuzzy math

fact, I and many others will get all of it back and then some.

Now tell me; What have I done to earn your money?

So whats stopping you from returning the excess above and beyond what you paid in?
I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

splitting hairs

Everyone pays sales tax and everyone knows that.

When it comes to income tax, not only will I get it all back, I will, again, get more than I paid.

Not a poll
not an opinion
not fuzzy math

fact, I and many others will get all of it back and then some.

Now tell me; What have I done to earn your money?

So whats stopping you from returning the excess above and beyond what you paid in?

If Warren Buffet won't voluntarily pay more why should TT give back what the law entitles him to?
splitting hairs

Everyone pays sales tax and everyone knows that.

When it comes to income tax, not only will I get it all back, I will, again, get more than I paid.

Not a poll
not an opinion
not fuzzy math

fact, I and many others will get all of it back and then some.

Now tell me; What have I done to earn your money?

So whats stopping you from returning the excess above and beyond what you paid in?

If Warren Buffet won't voluntarily pay more why should TT give back what the law entitles him to?

But isn't that the same tired story you guys keep using. "If you want to raise taxes, nothing is stopping you from sending in more money".

So how does that not apply in reverse to? "If you don't think people should be getting back more than they pay in, shouldn't you send it back?"
I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Most don't pay taxes....

You think tax write-offs are exclusive to the rich??

The only tax the 47% pay is a fucking sales tax -- And that is the only unbiased tax their is.

The 47% get big fat checks in the mail via our federal and state governments every April, May or June for a reason - They didn't make enough to be taxed..

Yet of course on the other-hand it's the rich who are taxed -- they don't get a fucking income tax return -- THEY PAY FUCKING MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT..

Of course its the 47% that benefit from the "53%" considering their the ones PAYING THE GOVERNMENT to provide in various ways for the other 47%, weather it be via college or welfare...

Oh, BTW it is quite obvious Keynesian economics is a failure..

People argue about fairness all the time - well guess what? people should be treated equally and that means people should pay an equal percentage of tax.... The rich shouldn't be taxed higher than anyone else just because they have more wealth...

How the fuck is that equal?? one guy pays nothing and the other guy pays everything...

Not to mention I'm against excessive government spending anyways - government shouldn't be supporting people - it's not their fucking job.
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I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Most don't pay taxes....

You think tax write-offs are exclusive to the rich??

The only tax the 47% pay is a fucking sales tax -- And that is the only unbiased tax their is.

The 47% get big fat checks in the mail via our federal and state governments every April, May or June for a reason - They didn't make enough to be taxed..

Yet of course on the other-hand it's the rich who are taxed -- they don't get a fucking income tax return -- THEY PAY FUCKING MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT..

Of course its the 47% that benefit from the "53%" considering their the ones PAYING THE GOVERNMENT to provide in various ways for the other 47%, weather it be via college or welfare...

Oh, BTW it is quite obvious Keynesian economics is a failure..

So for those that "don't pay" here is how they breakdown.

31% of nonpaying American households making $10,000 or less per year in 2010. An American household of any size making this amount of money, including just one person, is automatically under the poverty threshold.

61% of nonpaying American households making $20,000 or less per year.

87% of nonpaying American households making $40,000 or less per year.

And just to add this nugget

16.3% of their incomes that the bottom 20 percent of American earners paid in all forms of taxes combined, on average, in 2010. Some taxes, like state, local, sales, and payroll taxes, take a larger percentage of poor people's income than they do the top 1 percent's.

By the Numbers: What the 47 Percent Who Pay No Income Tax Look Like - Yahoo! News

Ok, knowing this. How much should those people be made to pay? Specifically.
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So whats stopping you from returning the excess above and beyond what you paid in?

If Warren Buffet won't voluntarily pay more why should TT give back what the law entitles him to?

But isn't that the same tired story you guys keep using. "If you want to raise taxes, nothing is stopping you from sending in more money".

So how does that not apply in reverse to? "If you don't think people should be getting back more than they pay in, shouldn't you send it back?"

Show me where TT said he wants to raise taxes.
I'm a capitalist. Hell, I'm a business-owner and a REAL job creator in that, everyone I hire is actually American.
So I watch FOX and then I see the parroting on this and other boards about how "OMG! How can they ask the Rich to pay more in income tax?!?! 47% of Americans don't even pay taxes!"
This is a pretty good strawman. It's deceitful as hell, combines truth with lies and uses some great misdirection to get attention of the real crux of the issue.
1. Those 47% do pay taxes. They pay them every time they buy things etc... We're just at a point in our history where so many people are broke, they don't pay income taxes.
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.
3. "But everyone has the same laws so the rich don't get anything that others can't have! They're just smarter!" This is completel bs. Could you have your boss "hold" 90% of your pay for a few years, so you won't have to pay taxes on it? Of course not. Our tax code is specifically designed to be unfair. Income deferments, Stock options, insurance etc... are all things that "anyone" can use but practically speaking, someone making $50K a year can't live on $5K a year. But someone making $20 MILLION a year can probably scratch by on $170,000 a month.

So yes. Our tax system is unfair. It offers loopholes to "everyone" - that only the rich can afford to use. This is the only country I've ever lived in, where people will actually say "Oh those poor rich people, THEY are the ones needing protecting!" .
Now they're talking about eliminating the deduction for mortgage interest. Does anyone NOT see the long-term consequence of such follishness? Some day historians will look at this period at our history and say "That's when the Middle Class that used to exist in America, voted themselves out of existence."

Most don't pay taxes....

You think tax write-offs are exclusive to the rich??

The only tax the 47% pay is a fucking sales tax -- And that is the only unbiased tax their is.

The 47% get big fat checks in the mail via our federal and state governments every April, May or June for a reason - They didn't make enough to be taxed..

Yet of course on the other-hand it's the rich who are taxed -- they don't get a fucking income tax return -- THEY PAY FUCKING MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT..

Of course its the 47% that benefit from the "53%" considering their the ones PAYING THE GOVERNMENT to provide in various ways for the other 47%, weather it be via college or welfare...

Oh, BTW it is quite obvious Keynesian economics is a failure..

So for those that "don't pay" here is how they breakdown.

31% of nonpaying American households making $10,000 or less per year in 2010. An American household of any size making this amount of money, including just one person, is automatically under the poverty threshold.

61% of nonpaying American households making $20,000 or less per year.

87% of nonpaying American households making $40,000 or less per year.

And just to add this nugget

16.3% of their incomes that the bottom 20 percent of American earners paid in all forms of taxes combined, on average, in 2010. Some taxes, like state, local, sales, and payroll taxes, take a larger percentage of poor people's income than they do the top 1 percent's.

By the Numbers: What the 47 Percent Who Pay No Income Tax Look Like - Yahoo! News

Ok, knowing this. How much should those people be made to pay? Specifically.

They should be made to pay the same percentage as the "rich" and anything other than that would be blatant discrimination against the "rich" or the "poor."
If Warren Buffet won't voluntarily pay more why should TT give back what the law entitles him to?

But isn't that the same tired story you guys keep using. "If you want to raise taxes, nothing is stopping you from sending in more money".

So how does that not apply in reverse to? "If you don't think people should be getting back more than they pay in, shouldn't you send it back?"

Show me where TT said he wants to raise taxes.

LOL, I get it. It's a semantic game. Because he didn't say it in this thread means he doesnt think the poor are getting a free ride. I got it.
Most don't pay taxes....

You think tax write-offs are exclusive to the rich??

The only tax the 47% pay is a fucking sales tax -- And that is the only unbiased tax their is.

The 47% get big fat checks in the mail via our federal and state governments every April, May or June for a reason - They didn't make enough to be taxed..

Yet of course on the other-hand it's the rich who are taxed -- they don't get a fucking income tax return -- THEY PAY FUCKING MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT..

Of course its the 47% that benefit from the "53%" considering their the ones PAYING THE GOVERNMENT to provide in various ways for the other 47%, weather it be via college or welfare...

Oh, BTW it is quite obvious Keynesian economics is a failure..

So for those that "don't pay" here is how they breakdown.

31% of nonpaying American households making $10,000 or less per year in 2010. An American household of any size making this amount of money, including just one person, is automatically under the poverty threshold.

61% of nonpaying American households making $20,000 or less per year.

87% of nonpaying American households making $40,000 or less per year.

And just to add this nugget

16.3% of their incomes that the bottom 20 percent of American earners paid in all forms of taxes combined, on average, in 2010. Some taxes, like state, local, sales, and payroll taxes, take a larger percentage of poor people's income than they do the top 1 percent's.

By the Numbers: What the 47 Percent Who Pay No Income Tax Look Like - Yahoo! News

Ok, knowing this. How much should those people be made to pay? Specifically.

They should be made to pay the same percentage as the "rich" and anything other than that would be blatant discrimination against the "rich" or the "poor."

What percentage is that? I asked for specifics.
So for those that "don't pay" here is how they breakdown.

31% of nonpaying American households making $10,000 or less per year in 2010. An American household of any size making this amount of money, including just one person, is automatically under the poverty threshold.

61% of nonpaying American households making $20,000 or less per year.

87% of nonpaying American households making $40,000 or less per year.

And just to add this nugget

16.3% of their incomes that the bottom 20 percent of American earners paid in all forms of taxes combined, on average, in 2010. Some taxes, like state, local, sales, and payroll taxes, take a larger percentage of poor people's income than they do the top 1 percent's.

By the Numbers: What the 47 Percent Who Pay No Income Tax Look Like - Yahoo! News

Ok, knowing this. How much should those people be made to pay? Specifically.

They should be made to pay the same percentage as the "rich" and anything other than that would be blatant discrimination against the "rich" or the "poor."

What percentage is that? I asked for specifics.

Income/personal gains - 8% at the federal level.

I suppose per the Tenth Amendment states could tax themselves into oblivion (as if its not happening today for that matter)...
2. The Effective Rate thing. They use the 47% don't pay taxes as if it applies to the Middle Class. it doesn't. Ask yourself this question: Do youpay taxes? About what percent do you pay? If it's more than 18%, you're paying more than millionaires or most business-owners. If it's more than 0%, you're paying more than many international companies that are based in the USA. Do people like me, who employ 100% American workers, get special tax loopholes from the government? Do we get special consideration, investment, tax credits, subsidies or breaks? Nope. Who does? Companies that ship jobs overseas. Do those companies ship jobs to say, India for tax reasons? The rate in India is 33% and the average effective rate is higher than the USA. So no, that's a bill of goods that is being bought by a lot of people lately.

Is not the same thing as this:
Sounds like your CPA should be apologizing to you. Or simply fired.

A look at the world's new corporate tax havens - CBS News

An address in the Cayman Islands is not "shipping jobs overseas". Unless all those overseas workers are inside a post office box.

The overseas address is a tax avoidance scheme, the downside being that the money cannot be brought into the US. And this creates its own special problems for the companies that do it.

Companies that "ship jobs overseas" do so because it saves on labor costs, not taxes.

So to make some kind of connection that "companies that ship jobs overseas" are being given tax breaks for doing so is disingenous.
They should be made to pay the same percentage as the "rich" and anything other than that would be blatant discrimination against the "rich" or the "poor."

What percentage is that? I asked for specifics.

Income/personal gains - 8% at the federal level.

I suppose per the Tenth Amendment states could tax themselves into oblivion (as if its not happening today for that matter)...

So 8% for all? And what do you think that means to someone making less than $20,000 a year? Do you think that $1,600 they no longer have will have a significant impact on their life?

And now that those that are better off are only paying 8% what will that do to our nations deficit and the money we owe?

Seems like 8% will only hurt the poor and hurt or country even further by increasing our deficit. No?

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