The Angry Leftist Lynch Mob: Ripe with Hatred & Lies, Wants To Govern You

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
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Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.
If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators who only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
barrels of guns do wonders.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.
If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators who only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
barrels of guns do wonders.
they called that the civil war right? is that really what these uninformed boobs really want? to die?
Fighting the Battle of ideas, and demanding Justice, and adherence to things like Due Process would be a good start before actual live fire. If our leadership would have some courage, and refuse to give the Radical Left even an inch, this never even gets to this point.

The GOP flinched and you cannot afford to flinch with sharks in the water. They smelled blood, they pumped more money in to the process and offered larger rewards for anyone who could whip up any accusation against Kavanaugh, and it matters not that none of them are credible. It serves as a platform for their propaganda war against The United States of America and our Democracy.

You can never give these kinds of people even an inch, because they will take 10 miles and run with it.
Fighting the Battle of ideas, and demanding Justice, and adherence to things like Due Process would be a good start before actual live fire. If our leadership would have some courage, and refuse to give the Radical Left even an inch, this never even gets to this point.

The GOP flinched and you cannot afford to flinch with sharks in the water. They smelled blood, they pumped more money in to the process and offered larger rewards for anyone who could whip up any accusation against Kavanaugh, and it matters not that none of them are credible. It serves as a platform for their propaganda war against The United States of America and our Democracy.

You can never give these kinds of people even an inch, because they will take 10 miles and run with it.
dude when you have traitors in the senate, house, fbi, and doj, not sure how normal people are supposed to get by. when a man and his wife can't even eat supper without Madmax telling her base to go disrupt them cause she doesn't like trump, well, it will be what will happen. I can tell you if that had been me, the dude that was in Cruz' face would have been wearing something other than the skin and teeth he was displaying. I'm just saying.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
I agree with your basic premise here (so far as I understand it), that our liberty is being seriously jeopardized by ill-intended political machines being driven by a desire to control our democratic processes. Where we have a disagreement is that this is tactic being exclusively used by folks who wrap themselves in leftist ideology. So far as I can tell this technique is being exploited by all sides of the political spectrum. The senates refusal to even have a hearing on a sitting presidents nomination for the SC was also, while within in the rules of the senate, dirty pool. Which is unfortunately what we are experiencing right now.
As for your conspiracy theory that the Democratic party is pulling the strings, I suggest that you may be giving Democrats far too much credit. This is a party that has been largely defined by their incompetence at passing legislation or even organizing any type of useful resistance to what they see as problematic issues within society. (Take LBJ’s War on Poverty for example) Remember that the Affordable Care Act was passed when Dems held complete control of our government and they still couldn’t pass what they wanted to. So, while I think your accusations about the left are mostly accurate, I also believe that this is a criticism that, unfortunately, could be applied to a far wider swath of those who are politically active.
I fear what we will become if we disagree with any opinion that differs from our own without actually hearing it out. As an example, let us consider the idea of Democratic Socialism; nice idea that everyone gets what they want/need but how would we pay for it Bernie?
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
YES! They make more sense to the world and humanity than the ones in power now!!!
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.
If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators who only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
barrels of guns do wonders.
they called that the civil war right? is that really what these uninformed boobs really want? to die?
Bring it on sucker!
Fighting the Battle of ideas, and demanding Justice, and adherence to things like Due Process would be a good start before actual live fire. If our leadership would have some courage, and refuse to give the Radical Left even an inch, this never even gets to this point.

The GOP flinched and you cannot afford to flinch with sharks in the water. They smelled blood, they pumped more money in to the process and offered larger rewards for anyone who could whip up any accusation against Kavanaugh, and it matters not that none of them are credible. It serves as a platform for their propaganda war against The United States of America and our Democracy.

You can never give these kinds of people even an inch, because they will take 10 miles and run with it.
Funny how none of your phony scandals ever make it to the real world of journalists and law enforcement, super duper.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.
If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators who only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
barrels of guns do wonders.
they called that the civil war right? is that really what these uninformed boobs really want? to die?
Bring it on sucker!
it's a coming. you think it's funny, but dude, it's like right there. you ready to walk out your front door someone shooting at you? wait for it sucka!!! that person would be like, whass-sup
Laura Ing-rah-ham is the biggest hater. Really a true story there
how long have you known her?
how long has that hag known people she hates on her radio show?
so you don't know her. judge much?
I know her better than she knows the people she hates on daily. She has been a public person for ages ,, and it shows. She's an old hateful hag
naw, you're just jealous of her popularity. thought you liked women right leftist punk?

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