The black view on the 2020 presidential election

This is so much spin. This poll was conducted in sept. 2019 when a majority of people wanted trump impeached, not after the disaster of the impeachment when trump numbers went up ten points. Im2 does what every democrat does, twist the truth to fit their narrative, and unfortunately for the casual observer this strategy is effective in brainwashing the masses.
In some polls trump enjoys 30% approval rating among blacks. So take the 15% in this poll and take the average. 22.5%. If trump gets 20% of the black vote the election is over before it starts
Black support for trump is 10 percent. September 2019 was just 5 months ago. There is no 30 percent black support for trump. there is no credible poll that shows 30 percent black support for trump and that 15 percent you are using did not say they would vote for trump. There is no 22.5 percent of trump support as Gallup has maintained a poll for 3 years and black support has never risen above eleven percent.
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I don't know about all that - but -
Blacks are not keen on open homosexuality, that is for sure true.

I'm black and we are less keen on trump.
This is your history with the democrat party. Do not ever think white democrats will give you the power

This is the history of the republican party you don't want to talk about.


This is my history with the democratic party.​


Blacks have been given power in that party.

No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

I know you would like that to be the history, but it's not. This is.


And since I am black, whites like you need to just shut your mouths trying to tell me about black America. Like I said, it's funny how only republicans are doing this, yet they try telling me how liberals are telling me how to think.

Now show me the black republican president or shut the fuck up.
high crime rate and low graduation rate = black America is fked up
Then ma
Do you ever get the sense about 95% of what you are doing on here is feeding a bunch of retarded, right-wing, frustrated trolls at various stages of dementia?

A lot of times I do believe that is the case.

Careful....I am a meticulous student of your prolific bantha poodoo....from what I can see you don't actually know what you believe.


I don't give a fuck what you say you are, whatever you thought you had about me is wrong. From what I see, your ass is blind.

Lol....or maybe I just see you for who and what you really are. Nobody asked you to give a fuck.


You really don't, but keep thinking you do. I asked myself to give a fuck. You don't matter.

Scares you to death doesn't it?
The fact that you have been outed?

New polls show black support for Trump surging
you know im2, I don’t mind if you have a different opinion. But when you out and out lie because you don’t want your radicalism to be exposed you are not worth debating. Maybe if you want to be known for having any integrity you should reflect on your USMB sins.
Gallup is the best in the business. It is the most accurate and credible in the business and 2 days ago Gallup had black support for trump at 12 percent. Emerson and Rasmussen are not credible polls and these are the only ones you guys cite when you talk about this. Last, let me repeat, if black approval of trump was 30 percent, that means 70 percent of blacks can't stand his ass. So there is no real black support for trump no matter what number you try citing.
Then ma
A lot of times I do believe that is the case.

Careful....I am a meticulous student of your prolific bantha poodoo....from what I can see you don't actually know what you believe.


I don't give a fuck what you say you are, whatever you thought you had about me is wrong. From what I see, your ass is blind.

Lol....or maybe I just see you for who and what you really are. Nobody asked you to give a fuck.


You really don't, but keep thinking you do. I asked myself to give a fuck. You don't matter.

Scares you to death doesn't it?
The fact that you have been outed?


If he could make the claim that he is also a transgender, Muslim, he could at least move to the front part of the handout line.

Nah, all I need to be is a white male.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.
Lol, you have nothing to lose...
IM2, you should just get a fucking job and earn your own living like everyone else, and quit waiting for a fucking handout. The left is so full of various minority groups who are looking for a handout that it doesn't make any difference what race or nationality you are, if you are a homo or not, or what religion you are. You are simply another lefty with your hand out for free shit, and your race is no more special than anyone else's. Get a fucking job.

If he could make the claim that he is also a transgender, Muslim, he could at least move to the front part of the handout line.

Nah, all I need to be is a white male.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I don't identify with non existent entities. But you are a white identity practitioner and that's white supremacy.

I don't blame whites for failures I haven't had. But you blame blacks because of your failures as a white man.

You are the race baiter. And that's why your white ass gets slammed on my discretion.

You cannot cite any sentence in any paragraph, in any post, on any board OR any other place where I have blamed the blacks for any failures of white people. As a man, I have not failed. I DID lose my job once due to Affirmative Action. I was on tv and newspapers back then and I put the blame on the government. But, that did not make me a failure.

After about a month or so of not having a job, I enlisted in the Seabees. Does that sound like failure to you? All you do on this board is bitch about white supremacy and how they've held you down. Nothing is holding your ass down so that you cannot jump on a boat, train, or plane and go somewhere you think can give you a better deal.
IM2, you should just get a fucking job and earn your own living like everyone else, and quit waiting for a fucking handout. The left is so full of various minority groups who are looking for a handout that it doesn't make any difference what race or nationality you are, if you are a homo or not, or what religion you are. You are simply another lefty with your hand out for free shit, and your race is no more special than anyone else's. Get a fucking job.

If he could make the claim that he is also a transgender, Muslim, he could at least move to the front part of the handout line.

Nah, all I need to be is a white male.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


I never thought about it, but thinking about it, you could be right. There aren't many blacks on this board that identify with anything the guy says. It could be a mind game.
If he could make the claim that he is also a transgender, Muslim, he could at least move to the front part of the handout line.

Nah, all I need to be is a white male.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.

So, you're seven years away from retirement age, but show up here every day to complain about the white man holding you down? Did it ever dawn on you that if you spent as much time working toward your future, the more money you'd have and the less stress you'd put yourself through, blaming white people because you weren't handed a Cadillac and a mansion based on your race? Get real. Find a job and build yourself a retirement fund. Quit this silly nonsense.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.

Have any white college professors?


I haven't gone to college since 1989.

Driving past LSU and attending college football games doesn't count.
Nah, all I need to be is a white male.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.
Lol, you have nothing to lose...

The reason the guy doesn't have anything is due to the fact that he is here, every day, scapegoating whites because he's apparently too lazy to work.
No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

Is the fate of the Trumpublican party to endlessly post false memes on Social Media. Lincolns quotes can be sourced to the debates where he was campaigning to a very white and very racist electorate, whereas those are phony LBJ quotes. Mind you he was a crass bastard and nearly everybody used the near censored word.
So it's your attempt to dodge history by claiming it's fake?

You dodge republican history completely. Then you lie about it.
Republicans don't have a history of racism you fucking moron

They most certainly do.
Democrats have history of racism, most recently their support of affirmative action.
No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.
Lol, you have nothing to lose...

The reason the guy doesn't have anything is due to the fact that he is here, every day, scapegoating whites because he's apparently too lazy to work.

Everything he posts is taken from other places. He's just a ball of hate and bitterness and I doubt that it has anything at all to do with any real racism frankly. People out there hate Trump like the plague....but don't even really know why....maybe his wife left him for a white guy...another white guy.

No way, really? Nobody would have ever guessed what race all your hatred was focused on. You must have made race-hating your career.

It is ironic that, on a daily basis, posters are here to challenge the race baiters and show them that the left has brainwashed them (presuming they have a brain) and that while they are blaming the world for their problems, their real enemy is the face they see in the mirror every morning.

The Dems have decided to play the role of Santa Claus, but one wonders why the left has so many rich guys like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer trying to buy the White House. IM2 is one of those who blames white America for all his failures in life, condemning the working white class and if you dare disagree with him, you are a white supremacist.

As these guys are doing this, they are backing the Democrats. Bloomberg has an atrocious way of treating his employees, but you'll never know the truth... he forced all of them to sign non-disclosure agreements! But, how do you suppose all those rich Dems made their money? I recall that Hitlery Clinton was on the Board of Directors of Walmart when Walmart was forcing people out of their homes and abusing eminent domain statutes to bring Walmart to town. Once there, Walmart paid shit wages and their families were the group with the most children on government assistance. Amazingly, while cheating their employees out of all that money, Walmart was building good community relations by "giving some of it back" to charitable organizations. So, at the bottom rung of the ladder, how many people do you suppose people like Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates, and Bezos employ in a blue collar capacity in their multi-million dollar corporations that don't get paid enough to exist on, much less live?

Instead of focusing, the black supremacists, of which IM2 clearly identifies, blames the working whites for his failures in life. Maybe it's his laziness, ignorance of the political propaganda prostitutes he supports in politics, or his race based religion of black people worship that keeps him in the dark. Either way, somebody different is serving up a can of whoop ass on him daily. I doubt he will ever get the message.

I broke the rules a while back and did some personal targeting here on the bad. Through my work I have access to a rather extensively data supported prosaic simile system that profiles written info into likely categories. It's similar to the stuff used by all the university systems to detect plagiarizing activity in term paper submissions. It does more than that however it also compiles likely profiles based on hundreds of thousands of inputs.
When I ran IM2's stuff it came back as high probability of white male in late forties to early I mean take it for what it's worth.


Whatever you used, it made a serious error. I am a black man, will be 59 years old next Tuesday. And if anyone wants to wager their lifetime earnings that I am not, I will be glad to bet mine against yours.
Lol, you have nothing to lose...

The reason the guy doesn't have anything is due to the fact that he is here, every day, scapegoating whites because he's apparently too lazy to work.

" I'll have them neggers voting democrat for the next 100 years"....

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No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

Is the fate of the Trumpublican party to endlessly post false memes on Social Media. Lincolns quotes can be sourced to the debates where he was campaigning to a very white and very racist electorate, whereas those are phony LBJ quotes. Mind you he was a crass bastard and nearly everybody used the near censored word.
So it's your attempt to dodge history by claiming it's fake?

No. Lincoln said those words, and words like them during all the public debates he had with Douglas .

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 - Lincoln Home National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Care to back up those phony LBJ quotes?
Yes Lincoln said those words but he also freed blacks.

He was still a racist in that he believed that White people were inherently superior. Don't take it so hard, nearly everybody was back in those days. Had to be. Half the country owned slaves, so to protect the national conscience we had to convince ourselves that their inferiority was mostly to blame for their status as slaves. He was an abolitionist, which was pretty liberal at the time.
Republicans Freed slaves Democrats wanted to keep their slaves
Republicans made sure Blacks rights were protected Democrats Jim crowed free slaves
And please don't act like all the years of democrat enslavement of blacks is going to simply flip in a couple of years 64-68
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866
Republicans don't have a history of racism you fucking moron

They most certainly do.
Republicans don't try to deprive blacks of the rights dumbass
Yes they do.

Now show me the black republican president.
I can guarantee you you're not see another black president because the Democratic party won't allow it
This is not about what the democratic party won't allow, it is about what the republican party has never allowed.
Republicans have been protecting blacks civil rights since 1866
No this is the history of the democrat party and black America

Is the fate of the Trumpublican party to endlessly post false memes on Social Media. Lincolns quotes can be sourced to the debates where he was campaigning to a very white and very racist electorate, whereas those are phony LBJ quotes. Mind you he was a crass bastard and nearly everybody used the near censored word.
So it's your attempt to dodge history by claiming it's fake?

No. Lincoln said those words, and words like them during all the public debates he had with Douglas .

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 - Lincoln Home National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Care to back up those phony LBJ quotes?
Yes Lincoln said those words but he also freed blacks.

He was still a racist in that he believed that White people were inherently superior. Don't take it so hard, nearly everybody was back in those days. Had to be. Half the country owned slaves, so to protect the national conscience we had to convince ourselves that their inferiority was mostly to blame for their status as slaves. He was an abolitionist, which was pretty liberal at the time.

Respectfully, I don't recall ever reading anything that historically validates Lincoln being an abolitionist.
A true abolitionist would have believed in the immediate end to the practice of slavery in ALL states.

Lincoln's first priority was to preserve the union. Slaves in select states were freed by default in his accomplishing that objective.
Is the fate of the Trumpublican party to endlessly post false memes on Social Media. Lincolns quotes can be sourced to the debates where he was campaigning to a very white and very racist electorate, whereas those are phony LBJ quotes. Mind you he was a crass bastard and nearly everybody used the near censored word.
So it's your attempt to dodge history by claiming it's fake?

No. Lincoln said those words, and words like them during all the public debates he had with Douglas .

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 - Lincoln Home National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Care to back up those phony LBJ quotes?
Yes Lincoln said those words but he also freed blacks.

He was still a racist in that he believed that White people were inherently superior. Don't take it so hard, nearly everybody was back in those days. Had to be. Half the country owned slaves, so to protect the national conscience we had to convince ourselves that their inferiority was mostly to blame for their status as slaves. He was an abolitionist, which was pretty liberal at the time.

Respectfully, I don't recall ever reading anything that historically validates Lincoln being an abolitionist.
A true abolitionist would have believed in the immediate end to the practice of slavery in ALL states.

Lincoln's first priority was to preserve the union. Slaves in select states were freed by default in his accomplishing that objective.

History overplays Lincoln's humanitarianism. His main objective was to restructure the economy of the Southern States. Massive plantation networks with up to a thousand slaves per owner had enormous financial advantages and were prone to sell directly to Europe without the consent of the central government. Taking slave labor from them accomplished their goal.

Blacks were republicans for years in honor of Lincoln, knowing he was a racist, but he freed the slaves. I

Was Abraham Lincoln a RACIST, or was he a Segregationist who ignorantly believed white and black people could not peacefully co-exist, much like the beliefs held by today's Segregation-minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination practicing PRO BLACK community?

_Bridging Racial Dixides NOTICED PRO BLACK #HATE.png
Abraham Lincoln.png


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