The “Bombshell”: President Trump reached for steering wheel of limo and fought with Secret Service Agents.

One problem with you reality, the City cops that watched it verified it. Imagine that.
One problem with that. They were not in the car and the windows are tinted, restricting visibility. Time for you democrats to try another lie, again.
I don't drink, you fucking moron.

Leftards LIE. ^^^

It's what they do

More juvenile bullshit?

Iggy for you. You're too stupid to talk to.

Just another dimwitted leftard.

(Is there any other kind?)

Another one bites the dust.

This is false, but you'll believe anything.
Projecting your own qualities again?

What are their names and when did they testify? Oh. can't answer that? Because they haven't been allowed to testify by this so called committee, to prove the lies that have been told with the blessings of this committee (witch hunt).

As for believing anything, you seem to believe whatever you are told by this group, who allows no cross examination of anything their chosen people say and demand total belief in what is said. A totally one sided process that only goes to show how desperate the democrats truly are.
Where is your proof that they haven't testified? Because they haven't made it public?

You're kind of a dumbass.
Where is your proof that they have? It appears that it is yet again you that are the dumbass for not supplying proof of your false claim.
Bullshit you lying asshole. Multiple agents who were there and gave their names debunked her entire story. You truly are a mindless lemming.
"Multiple agents"?
Then post the comment of ONE.

You can't because you're FOS.
The damage may well be permanent for you since you continue to post hearsay as proof, even when it directly contradicts what you claim.
You're FOS, you don't even know the meaning of the word, like most Trump humpers.
A mental health provider perhaps could provide you some relief, but you are to far gone for real help to calm you down, In words that you may, with your limited reasoning abilities. Although you seem to not desire any help to return to logic and truth.
Funny, coming from a retard who doesn't know what hearsay even is.

I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
Hard for me to feel sorry for you, you're willfully ignorant, just like the rest of Trump's cult.
Because the kangaroo court is only interested in testimony that supports their pre-determined conclusion, dumbass.
Of course, it is you fucking retard, that's why they had nothing, but former Trumptards testify.
Democrat "justice" is interesting. It seems Democrats never commit any crimes. Well, they do, but they're never investigated or prosecuted.
You're FOS.
Not from lack of trying by criminal republicans, only 12 years of investigations of Obama and Hillary and they STILL couldn't find anything to charge them with, let alone arrest anyone.

Teabaggers think because they're corrupt criminals, everyone must be.
And you are definitely okay with that. How very Soviet of you.
You're blaming me for something your party can't prove?

Rudy captures the entire decades long republican BS investigations.
" We have plenty of theories, we just don't have the evidence".
"Sources". And you believed these bullshit stories without question or hesitation.

Mindless, gullible sheep.
Where are these Secret Service agents that disputed her?
You believe hearsay, "Oh' the secret service agent said that's not true", as told by FOX, not the agent.

Mindless gullible sheep believe hearsay, moron.
Agreed by all: Trump demands to be taken to the capital to address his invading army of misfits then gets irate with the agents who refuse to take him there.

Disputed: Did he touch the wheel, leap for the wheel, reach for the wheel, point at the wheel? Who the fuck cares?
"Multiple agents"?
Then post the comment of ONE.

You can't because you're FOS.

You're FOS, you don't even know the meaning of the word, like most Trump humpers.

Funny, coming from a retard who doesn't know what hearsay even is.

Hard for me to feel sorry for you, you're willfully ignorant, just like the rest of Trump's cult.
The te3ypical reaction of a liberal when caught lying. Full denial and trying to shift the blame for his own shortcomings to others. Seen it time and again.

Must be some strong shit that you are Smokin' op.
The te3ypical reaction of a liberal when caught lying. Full denial and trying to shift the blame for his own shortcomings to others. Seen it time and again.

Must be some strong shit that you are Smokin' op.

And you are a substandard Criminal MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorist and Traitor. We need to house you in Gitmo.
And you are a substandard Criminal MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorist and Traitor. We need to house you in Gitmo.
And you have documente4d proof of your slanderous claims, or just more hate from you for one who can see the truth? Also, you don't know the purpose of GITMO or of those who are detained there. Further proof that you lie and are stupid.
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And yo0u have documente4d proof of your slanderous claims, or just more hate from you for one who can see the truth? Also, you don't know the purpose of GITMO or of those who are detained there. Further proof that you lie and are stupid.

You are supporting an Orange MAGA Domestic Terrorist and Traitor. Therefore, you...........

And I know more about Gitmo than you will ever know. But maybe we can get you an upclose and personal view of it from the inside. But I would settle for you to go to Levenworth, iti's such a fun place.

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