The Carrier Deal

Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

They didnt pay them shit you fucking moron..

Tax break= tax payers dont pay a damn thing
Every deduction, exemption, and credit has to be made up for by someone else, moron.

That $7 million bribe will have to be made up for by the Indiana taxpayers.

It's a transfer of wealth. That's what tax expenditures are. They are no different than food stamps or Obamaphones in their effect on taxpayers. Except tax expenditures add up to TWICE the amount of all welfare programs.

This is basic fiscal conservative stuff, retards.

No it doesnt you fucking moron its a tax break...

They dont just say well now we have to make up that 7 million...

Who the fuck are you trying to bull shit?

Wow. Your innumeracy is in big bold letters now. You must be so proud of your ignorance.

Hey dumb shit. When someone pays LESS taxes, someone else has to pay MORE. Or you have a DEFICIT.

Got it now, retard? This is really BASIC shit.

Since when does some one have to pay more shit for brains?

Search on my username and the words "tax expenditures".

Notice how often I point out the $1.2 trillion in annual government gifts which are given away by the federal government each year. Notice how that is MUCH more than the annual deficit.

It doesn't take a fucking genius to realize tax expenditures are the leading cause of our debt.

Too bad you tards are too innumerate to figure out even the most basic math.

You don't even know this opposition to tax expenditures is hardcore, old school, fiscal conservatism. You have gotten so used to being lied to and so blind to the fact Republicans spend as much as Democrats, you don't even know what a real conservative principle is.

You never have.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

They didnt pay them shit you fucking moron..

Tax break= tax payers dont pay a damn thing
Every deduction, exemption, and credit has to be made up for by someone else, moron.

That $7 million bribe will have to be made up for by the Indiana taxpayers.

It's a transfer of wealth. That's what tax expenditures are. They are no different than food stamps or Obamaphones in their effect on taxpayers. Except tax expenditures add up to TWICE the amount of all welfare programs.

This is basic fiscal conservative stuff, retards.

No it doesnt you fucking moron its a tax break...

They dont just say well now we have to make up that 7 million...

Who the fuck are you trying to bull shit?

Wow. Your innumeracy is in big bold letters now. You must be so proud of your ignorance.

Hey dumb shit. When someone pays LESS taxes, someone else has to pay MORE. Or you have a DEFICIT.

Got it now, retard? This is really BASIC shit.

Since when does some one have to pay more shit for brains?

Higher tax rates, idiot. That's how. Our tax rates are as high as they are precisely because of tax expenditures.

If we eliminated the $1.2 trillion in annual federal tax expenditures, we could substantially lower federal tax rates.

The same holds true for state tax expenditures.

Goddam, how do you not know this?

How could anyone who has deluded themselves into thinking they are a conservative not know this?
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

I disagree with your characterization that the State of Indiana is giving them $7 million. That money was already Carrier's to begin with. It's just $7 million less that state is confiscating through the theft of taxation. There is a difference.

That said, you are correct. It is crony capitalism at its finest. We need a level playing field for all businesses across the board, not a pay for play scheme where winners and losers are chosen by central planners.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

I disagree with your characterization that the State of Indiana is giving them $7 million. That money was already Carrier's to begin with.
This is the Big Lie which keeps the sheep in the dark. You are brainwashed into bleeving "they are getting to keep more of their own money!"

But that tax money they get to keep has to be made up for by someone else! This is the part you are not told. This is the part that never occurs to you. You are told only HALF of the tax equation.

When one special interest pays LESS, someone else has to pay MORE.

Every tax expenditure is a government gift which has to be paid for by other taxpayers. Just like food stamps.

This is why our tax rates are as high as they are.
7 Mil is paltry compared to other deals reached in other states pursuing the same goal as was mentioned earlier.

Sounds like OP is just sour grapes :( He must be a Dem Establ- voter :thup:
He said he was going to vote for Kasich.
His is a purely Republican stance. Why would you think he was a Dem? Just because he's in disagreement with Trump? You folks need to rethink that belief that every time someone disagrees with Trump it's a crying Democrat.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

They didnt pay them shit you fucking moron..

Tax break= tax payers dont pay a damn thing
Every deduction, exemption, and credit has to be made up for by someone else, moron.

That $7 million bribe will have to be made up for by the Indiana taxpayers.

It's a transfer of wealth. That's what tax expenditures are. They are no different than food stamps or Obamaphones in their effect on taxpayers. Except tax expenditures add up to TWICE the amount of all welfare programs.

This is basic fiscal conservative stuff, retards.

No it doesnt you fucking moron its a tax break...

They dont just say well now we have to make up that 7 million...

Who the fuck are you trying to bull shit?

Wow. Your innumeracy is in big bold letters now. You must be so proud of your ignorance.

Hey dumb shit. When someone pays LESS taxes, someone else has to pay MORE. Or you have a DEFICIT.

Got it now, retard? This is really BASIC shit.

The propaganda machine is out with you in full force today you fucking moron..

Here is a news flash we have been giving tax breaks to companys forever..

For a trade off on Jobs that produce more revenue in taxes you stupid shit.

Why are you against jobs? you pretend republican..

God the bull shit is strong with you today

I wonder if Carrier still gets the tax breaks for shipping those 1300 jobs to Mexico? When he assumes office, do you think the Groper Elect should impose the full tariff on them or a proportional one?

I wonder if Carrier still gets the tax breaks for shipping those 1300 jobs to Mexico?

There is a tax break for shipping jobs to Mexico?
When was it passed? Link?
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

They didnt pay them shit you fucking moron..

Tax break= tax payers dont pay a damn thing
? Who makes up the 7 mil that won't be paid by Carrier? Tax payers.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

They didnt pay them shit you fucking moron..

Tax break= tax payers dont pay a damn thing
Every deduction, exemption, and credit has to be made up for by someone else, moron.

That $7 million bribe will have to be made up for by the Indiana taxpayers.

It's a transfer of wealth. That's what tax expenditures are. They are no different than food stamps or Obamaphones in their effect on taxpayers. Except tax expenditures add up to TWICE the amount of all welfare programs.

This is basic fiscal conservative stuff, retards.

No it doesnt you fucking moron its a tax break...

They dont just say well now we have to make up that 7 million...

Who the fuck are you trying to bull shit?

Wow. Your innumeracy is in big bold letters now. You must be so proud of your ignorance.

Hey dumb shit. When someone pays LESS taxes, someone else has to pay MORE. Or you have a DEFICIT.

Got it now, retard? This is really BASIC shit.

The propaganda machine is out with you in full force today you fucking moron..

Here is a news flash we have been giving tax breaks to companys forever..

So longevity of a corrupt practice makes it okay, eh?

News flash: I have been speaking out against this practice forever.

For a trade off on Jobs that produce more revenue in taxes you stupid shit.

Why are you against jobs? you pretend republican..

God the bull shit is strong with you today


The $1.2 trillion in annual tax expenditures is a transfer of wealth. You are stealing from Paul to bribe Peter, idiot. This does not produce fuck-all except an unlevel playing field which DESTROYS our capitalist system, moron.

And it adds to our debt more and more, which also creates a drag on our economy.

YOU are the one who has been brainwashed, fool.

You don't even know what fiscal conservatism is.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

Sadly this is nothing new and it is utterly bipartisan, it began again about half a century ago, more and more societal responsibility shifted away from the substantial people (concentrated corporate power and wealth) and onto the back of working people. There's a reason almost all governors stay away from this stuff, the reason even Pence didn't do this before now with His Highness; it is recognized as a race to the bottom. Nothing about and no one in this recent election was going to alter the trajectory.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was.
I've lived in three states and two of the three used and use that tacitic that G5000 calls bribery and that Trump supporters are calling a tax break. It doesn't seem to have done much good, since the companies walked anyway after awhile. It seems it was just delaying the inevitable.
It is certainly nothing "novel" though.
Tax expenditures are government interference in the marketplace. They are social engineering. They are a means for the government to control behavior.

You are punished for not behaving the way the government wants you to behave.

If you don't have a mortgage, you pay a tax penalty.

If you don't have kids, you pay a tax penalty.

If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, you pay a tax penalty.

If you don't buy the right kind of electricity, you pay a tax penalty.

If you don't buy the right kind of car, you pay a tax penalty.

So it was not a big leap to make you pay a tax penalty for not buying the right kind of health insurance, retards.

You are sheep, willingly submitting yourself to government behavioral controls. Not just willingly, you are DEMANDING to be controlled, and stupid enough to think you are coming out ahead as you hand over more and more control over your life to the government.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

Sadly this is nothing new and it is utterly bipartisan, it began again about half a century ago, more and more societal responsibility shifted away from the substantial people (concentrated corporate power and wealth) and onto the back of working people. There's a reason almost all governors stay away from this stuff, the reason even Pence didn't do this before now with His Highness; it is recognized as a race to the bottom. Nothing about and no one in this recent election was going to alter the trajectory.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was.
I've lived in three states and two of the three used and use that tacitic that G5000 calls bribery and that Trump supporters are calling a tax break. It doesn't seem to have done much good, since the companies walked anyway after awhile. It seems it was just delaying the inevitable.
It is certainly nothing "novel" though.
Exactly, Carrier will still leave Indiana when it is financially smart for them to do so.

And Indiana taxpayers will be out $7 million they will have to make up for.
You pay more for your house because of the mortgage interest deduction, and you pay higher tax rates because of that deduction.

You aren't getting to keep more of your money, as you have been brainwashed into bleeving. You are actually being ripped off. Your wealth is being transferred up the food chain to those who profit from higher home prices.

That's why the real estate lobby spends over $100 million a year on lobbying and campaign donations.

Sarah Palin:

When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent. Meanwhile, the invisible hand that best orchestrates a free people’s free enterprise system gets amputated. Then, special interests creep in and manipulate markets. Republicans oppose this, remember? Instead, we support competition on a level playing field, remember? Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail.
Wow !! You are actually QUOTING Sarah Palin the soccer mom from Alaska.

I should relegate you to the hell fires of the Ignore List for this.

Sarah Palin:

When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent. Meanwhile, the invisible hand that best orchestrates a free people’s free enterprise system gets amputated. Then, special interests creep in and manipulate markets. Republicans oppose this, remember? Instead, we support competition on a level playing field, remember? Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail.
Wow !! You are actually QUOTING Sarah Palin the soccer mom from Alaska.

I should relegate you to the hell fires of the Ignore List for this.

Like I said. Even a dingbat like Palin can smell the rank hypocrisy on Trump and his Chumps.
Donald Trump and Mike Pence got Carrier to stay in Pence's state of Indiana by giving them a $7 million bribe that will have to be made up for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Sarah Palin has called this the usual crony capitalism that has NOT been making America great.

So much for a level playing field, boys and girls.

Sadly this is nothing new and it is utterly bipartisan, it began again about half a century ago, more and more societal responsibility shifted away from the substantial people (concentrated corporate power and wealth) and onto the back of working people. There's a reason almost all governors stay away from this stuff, the reason even Pence didn't do this before now with His Highness; it is recognized as a race to the bottom. Nothing about and no one in this recent election was going to alter the trajectory.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was.
I've lived in three states and two of the three used and use that tacitic that G5000 calls bribery and that Trump supporters are calling a tax break. It doesn't seem to have done much good, since the companies walked anyway after awhile. It seems it was just delaying the inevitable.
It is certainly nothing "novel" though.
Exactly, Carrier will still leave Indiana when it is financially smart for them to do so.

And Indiana taxpayers will be out $7 million they will have to make up for.
The Carrier deal was pure theater by Trump. It's nice for the employees that won't be laid off--yet. But anyone who thinks this is going to become sweeping policy is crazy. Trump is too smart for that, I think. I hope.

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