The Christian American Dream (Theocracy)

Also Jesus may have not said anything about homosexuality directly, but his view on the matter is clear in this passage, he fulfills the laws of the old covenant(on homosexuality, adultery etc). He doesn't come to abolish the law.

Matthew 5:17-18
17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law(Old Testament Law) or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.…

DAMN! Well, I guess it is back to stoning, then....

Stoning isn't necessary, I think Putin's laws against homosexual propaganda is a good start. For repeat offenders, lashings in the public square. And pull an Andrew Jackson and axe all these rulings in favor of gay marriage.

I've gotta tell a very abbreviated story which plugs right in to this.

Back in the 90s, I was working for a fortune 500 company. I suppose I thought they had what one might call a liberated outlook due to all their talk and training about pluralism etc. They also had a fair amount of gays working there, and a LOT of them were out of the closet. Some of them were actually fairly militant and vocal too.

BUT, oddly enough, the company had a LARGE number of fundamentalist Christians working there too. Many people had Bibles right on their desk, prominently displayed. Others would use a work setting for proselytizing. At any rate, this one guy kept coming over to my work area on his breaks and talking about Jesus this and Jesus that to a woman who sat next to me (while also talking about other issues near and dear to the religious right). At first I put up with it because I thought it was just a passing thing (it wasn't), and because he was an old friend (who at one point told me that God told him we could no longer be friends, probably because I wouldn't become what he considered to be a Christian in good standing as far as he was concerned). So, although I didn't want to do it, I finally complained to management. Well, he tried to turn it into a religious freedom issue. However, I had made it clear from the very beginning that I wasn't trying to stop him from doing what he was doing. I just wanted him to take it someplace else while I was trying to work. I suggested that he be allowed to use any open conference room before, during, and after business hours where he could invite ANYONE he chose to invite. I even said it was perfectly fine with me if they had prayer meetings etc. So, I wasn't trying to create a religious free workplace by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanted to be able to work without that kind of distraction in much the same way that I wouldn't want any distraction.

What struck me the most was this: while I was just looking for an accommodation that would give everyone what he really needed to make the work place a functioning environment where everyone would be able to fit in without feeling marginalized or disrespected, this guy was NOT interested in compromise of any kind. He wanted to be able to turn the workplace into a zone where he could talk about Jesus and his faith whenever he pleased under any circumstances he pleased, regardless of what anyone else thought or whether they liked it or not. It was a real learning experience.

To put an end to the story, eventually he agreed to take it somewhere else. But I always had a funny feeling I had put a target on my back for doing what I did because I KNOW the other Christians didn't like what I did.

You were exceptionally kind and tolerant. It simply amazes me how Christian zealots think they are so smart after reading one old book written by ancient, superstitious old men. Simply amazing...

It amazes me how internet atheists read one book by a fat dead alcoholic and employ strawman arguments, and in the process call themselves intellectuals and free thinkers.

Jesus never said anything of the kind. You are putting words in his mouth, just like you do for everyone else.

What Jesus would have said is what Rome does is up to Rome, your only concern is the Kingdom (meaning Reign) of God. If you'd stop trying to make Christianity, the parts you agree with that is, into Law, a whole lot of people would respect Christians a whole lot more. Not me of course but many.

It's forbidden in the Old Testament(Leviticus), is that not proof enough for you, anti-semite?

What are you going to say next, that Hitler never said anything specifically about gassing Jews?

Paul, one of Christ's apostles, and one of the Early Church Father's was clear on the matter:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9–10).

paul was not a contemporary of the christian god jesus, he came 80 years after the jesus story was born, he also suffered from epilepsy hence the blinding light and hearing voices, and so he started the biggest scam known and sold to man, Christianity

One man, without a penny to his name, who never wrote a word, and who died in his thirties, is known more broadly in the world today, than the finest scholar who ever lived. The ignorant casigate him, and the evil attempt to destroy him and his teachings. In 2000 years, they have not succeeded, they will not succeed in the future, although they will not give up trying.

Christianity succeeds because the simple truth and wisdom of Jesus's words are compelling to intelligent people. But, rant on. We always need a good laugh.

BTW, if Paul didn't come into the picture until 80 years after Jesus's death, Peter must have been getting pretty long in the tooth when he met Paul.
I have. In growing up in Atlanta, it was illegal to open virtually any business on Sundays until I was about 25 years old. Exceptions were made for gas stations convenience stores, move house, and Bowling alleys. That was about it.

Yep. There also used to be dry counties, no alcohol. That was voted on by the people. So what are you afraid might happen?

Actually, closing businesses on Sunday was never voted on by the people. In fact, the people, who were sick and tired of losing convention revenue, because no organization wanted to hold a convention in a city where the sidewalks rolled up every night, demanded that these laws change, which they did, as soon as the political machine realized that they were going to get voted out of office if they did not change them.

People had to have voted for Sunday closing for it to be law. Times change.
I've gotta tell a very abbreviated story which plugs right in to this.

Back in the 90s, I was working for a fortune 500 company. I suppose I thought they had what one might call a liberated outlook due to all their talk and training about pluralism etc. They also had a fair amount of gays working there, and a LOT of them were out of the closet. Some of them were actually fairly militant and vocal too.

BUT, oddly enough, the company had a LARGE number of fundamentalist Christians working there too. Many people had Bibles right on their desk, prominently displayed. Others would use a work setting for proselytizing. At any rate, this one guy kept coming over to my work area on his breaks and talking about Jesus this and Jesus that to a woman who sat next to me (while also talking about other issues near and dear to the religious right). At first I put up with it because I thought it was just a passing thing (it wasn't), and because he was an old friend (who at one point told me that God told him we could no longer be friends, probably because I wouldn't become what he considered to be a Christian in good standing as far as he was concerned). So, although I didn't want to do it, I finally complained to management. Well, he tried to turn it into a religious freedom issue. However, I had made it clear from the very beginning that I wasn't trying to stop him from doing what he was doing. I just wanted him to take it someplace else while I was trying to work. I suggested that he be allowed to use any open conference room before, during, and after business hours where he could invite ANYONE he chose to invite. I even said it was perfectly fine with me if they had prayer meetings etc. So, I wasn't trying to create a religious free workplace by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanted to be able to work without that kind of distraction in much the same way that I wouldn't want any distraction.

What struck me the most was this: while I was just looking for an accommodation that would give everyone what he really needed to make the work place a functioning environment where everyone would be able to fit in without feeling marginalized or disrespected, this guy was NOT interested in compromise of any kind. He wanted to be able to turn the workplace into a zone where he could talk about Jesus and his faith whenever he pleased under any circumstances he pleased, regardless of what anyone else thought or whether they liked it or not. It was a real learning experience.

To put an end to the story, eventually he agreed to take it somewhere else. But I always had a funny feeling I had put a target on my back for doing what I did because I KNOW the other Christians didn't like what I did.

You were exceptionally kind and tolerant. It simply amazes me how Christian zealots think they are so smart after reading one old book written by ancient, superstitious old men. Simply amazing...

It amazes me how internet atheists read one book by a fat dead alcoholic and employ strawman arguments, and in the process call themselves intellectuals and free thinkers.


Well, sparky, I'm 67 and never read Hitchens' book. I've been an Atheist since I was around 10 years old. There are various definitions of Atheism. but mine is simple - I don't believe in any Gods. I believe the Bible may contain some historical facts, but I believe the supernatural parts are pure bullshit. Noah's Ark is especially amusing.
You were exceptionally kind and tolerant. It simply amazes me how Christian zealots think they are so smart after reading one old book written by ancient, superstitious old men. Simply amazing...

It amazes me how internet atheists read one book by a fat dead alcoholic and employ strawman arguments, and in the process call themselves intellectuals and free thinkers.


Well, sparky, I'm 67 and never read Hitchins' book. I've been an Atheist since I was around 10 years old. There are several definitions of Atheism - but mine is simple. I don't believe in any Gods. I believe the Bible may contain some historical facts, but I believe the supernatural parts are pure bullshit. Noah's Ark is especially amusing.

This doesn't make you any less stupid.
It's forbidden in the Old Testament(Leviticus), is that not proof enough for you, anti-semite?

What are you going to say next, that Hitler never said anything specifically about gassing Jews?

Paul, one of Christ's apostles, and one of the Early Church Father's was clear on the matter:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9–10).

paul was not a contemporary of the christian god jesus, he came 80 years after the jesus story was born, he also suffered from epilepsy hence the blinding light and hearing voices, and so he started the biggest scam known and sold to man, Christianity

One man, without a penny to his name, who never wrote a word, and who died in his thirties, is known more broadly in the world today, than the finest scholar who ever lived. The ignorant casigate him, and the evil attempt to destroy him and his teachings. In 2000 years, they have not succeeded, they will not succeed in the future, although they will not give up trying.

Christianity succeeds because the simple truth and wisdom of Jesus's words are compelling to intelligent people. But, rant on. We always need a good laugh.

BTW, if Paul didn't come into the picture until 80 years after Jesus's death, Peter must have been getting pretty long in the tooth when he met Paul.

I don't think you have his age right. I think that Mohammad died at about 47, or....
It amazes me how internet atheists read one book by a fat dead alcoholic and employ strawman arguments, and in the process call themselves intellectuals and free thinkers.


Well, sparky, I'm 67 and never read Hitchins' book. I've been an Atheist since I was around 10 years old. There are several definitions of Atheism - but mine is simple. I don't believe in any Gods. I believe the Bible may contain some historical facts, but I believe the supernatural parts are pure bullshit. Noah's Ark is especially amusing.

This doesn't make you any less stupid.

Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
Well, sparky, I'm 67 and never read Hitchins' book. I've been an Atheist since I was around 10 years old. There are several definitions of Atheism - but mine is simple. I don't believe in any Gods. I believe the Bible may contain some historical facts, but I believe the supernatural parts are pure bullshit. Noah's Ark is especially amusing.

This doesn't make you any less stupid.

Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
I don't want to convert you, your atheism doesn't bother me, and nothing I could say will convince you to become a christian anyways.

All will say is the the merits of a religion for society exist independent of whether it is true or not in the end.
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I've been an atheist ever since about 1960, when pastors all over the South, where I grew up were preaching that segregation was god's will, because otherwise he would not have put blacks on another continent. It occurred to me that if god could not foresee ocean vessels, then he wasn't all that smart. So, I decided to look behind the curtain, and behold, there was a funny little man moving all the levers....
This doesn't make you any less stupid.

Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
I don't want to convert you, your atheism doesn't bother me, and nothing I could say will convince you to become a christian anyways.

All will say is the the merits of a religion exist independent of whether it is true or not in the end.

Seems like a terrible waste of one's life. The Dalai Lama makes the most sense.

I think the OP is trying to bring you back to the God of the Bible since that's what Christians claim they really want.

As for what I think? My guess is that if this were to ever happen, a flood of Conservative Christians would be clamoring for bleeding-heart liberal Democrats to save them from their strident, uncompromising leaders and the oppressive rules being forced on them.

That's funny. A Marxist talking about God's oppressive rules. Made my day. The founders were very oppressive, huh.

Take a look at any theocracy. They're not exactly pluralistic in their outlook. You're either living according to God's will (as they define it), or you're not. Guess what generally happens if you're not.

And it's Groucho Marxism, dufus! That's considerably different from Karl Marxism.

Look at what the bible teach those "choose this day whom you will serve."

The bible teaches us that God wants us to choose Him of our own free will
Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
I don't want to convert you, your atheism doesn't bother me, and nothing I could say will convince you to become a christian anyways.

All will say is the the merits of a religion exist independent of whether it is true or not in the end.

Seems like a terrible waste of one's life. The Dalai Lama makes the most sense.


LOL coming from the guy who puts on a ruse as a holy man to re-institute a feudal state in tibet.

The bible talks about phonies like this man.

But honestly I feel sorry for you if you think being a socially modest person that practices acts of charity and has a spiritual community to fall back on is a waste of life. You sound like a bitter and depressed person that is lacking in certain aspects of your life.
The basic thing about liberals they are athesit at heart dont want no responsibletyl or reaction.To thier heart

I've gotta tell a very abbreviated story which plugs right in to this.

Back in the 90s, I was working for a fortune 500 company. I suppose I thought they had what one might call a liberated outlook due to all their talk and training about pluralism etc. They also had a fair amount of gays working there, and a LOT of them were out of the closet. Some of them were actually fairly militant and vocal too.

BUT, oddly enough, the company had a LARGE number of fundamentalist Christians working there too. Many people had Bibles right on their desk, prominently displayed. Others would use a work setting for proselytizing. At any rate, this one guy kept coming over to my work area on his breaks and talking about Jesus this and Jesus that to a woman who sat next to me (while also talking about other issues near and dear to the religious right). At first I put up with it because I thought it was just a passing thing (it wasn't), and because he was an old friend (who at one point told me that God told him we could no longer be friends, probably because I wouldn't become what he considered to be a Christian in good standing as far as he was concerned). So, although I didn't want to do it, I finally complained to management. Well, he tried to turn it into a religious freedom issue. However, I had made it clear from the very beginning that I wasn't trying to stop him from doing what he was doing. I just wanted him to take it someplace else while I was trying to work. I suggested that he be allowed to use any open conference room before, during, and after business hours where he could invite ANYONE he chose to invite. I even said it was perfectly fine with me if they had prayer meetings etc. So, I wasn't trying to create a religious free workplace by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanted to be able to work without that kind of distraction in much the same way that I wouldn't want any distraction.

What struck me the most was this: while I was just looking for an accommodation that would give everyone what he really needed to make the work place a functioning environment where everyone would be able to fit in without feeling marginalized or disrespected, this guy was NOT interested in compromise of any kind. He wanted to be able to turn the workplace into a zone where he could talk about Jesus and his faith whenever he pleased under any circumstances he pleased, regardless of what anyone else thought or whether they liked it or not. It was a real learning experience.

To put an end to the story, eventually he agreed to take it somewhere else. But I always had a funny feeling I had put a target on my back for doing what I did because I KNOW the other Christians didn't like what I did.

You were exceptionally kind and tolerant. It simply amazes me how Christian zealots think they are so smart after reading one old book written by ancient, superstitious old men. Simply amazing...


What I find amazing is you think you are so smart when you don't read anything. I've always found reading to be educational. Especially when you read thousands of years of human wisdom
Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
I don't want to convert you, your atheism doesn't bother me, and nothing I could say will convince you to become a christian anyways.

All will say is the the merits of a religion exist independent of whether it is true or not in the end.

Seems like a terrible waste of one's life. The Dalai Lama makes the most sense.


The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says...."Make me one with everything."
Well, please provide some proof and maybe you can convert me. ANY kind of proof...
I don't want to convert you, your atheism doesn't bother me, and nothing I could say will convince you to become a christian anyways.

All will say is the the merits of a religion exist independent of whether it is true or not in the end.

Seems like a terrible waste of one's life. The Dalai Lama makes the most sense.


And yet even him you ignore
That's funny. A Marxist talking about God's oppressive rules. Made my day. The founders were very oppressive, huh.

Take a look at any theocracy. They're not exactly pluralistic in their outlook. You're either living according to God's will (as they define it), or you're not. Guess what generally happens if you're not.

And it's Groucho Marxism, dufus! That's considerably different from Karl Marxism.

Look at what the bible teach those "choose this day whom you will serve."

The bible teaches us that God wants us to choose Him of our own free will

I know that God supposedly gave man free will. But I also know that there's also plenty of people and preachers who interpret the Bible in such a way as to push their own agenda by conflating their will with the will of God.

Obviously, the Bible has plenty of what might be termed 'moral lessons' for people to learn. I don't have a problem with that. But I've never really gotten the impression that free will was really free since there are some pretty heavy consequences for choosing wrongly.

With that said, I'll let you have an opportunity to back up what you claimed. Which (and how many) passages support your claim?

Read your bible, Christians, are you sure about ALL the rules??

The point being-- todays Christian Americans pick and choose which rules they will follow, usually based on their own fears and insecurities.
Typical libtard banter about something you obviously know nothing about.

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