The cisalpini, true indigenous celtic all over europe!


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
The most recent archaeological research ( De Maranis , Arslan , Prodocimi , Kruta ) has landed in the nineties to this conclusion: the Golasecca culture , and with it all the cultures that have evolved into proto models lateniani in historical times , are Celtic .
In practice, the pre-Alpine peoples of the western part of the Po valley can be considered as indigenous Celts . According to some , they are direct descendants of the Insubres and Cenomani , who lived between the Ticino and the Adige River in historic times . That transalpine tribes that occupied the territories traditionally ascribed to Insubri and Cenomani mingled peacefully with his cousins ​​Golasecchian .
The first celtizzazione the north of the Italian peninsula is found in the fundamental text of the Celts in Italy Wenceslas Kruta and M. Valerio
Manfredi , Arnoldo Mondadori Editore , Milan, 1999 already in the Bronze Age ( Alexandre Bertrand again in the second half of 800, preferred to call to France and Northern Italy, " was the Celtic " ) and found organic growth (which preceded Canegrate from civilization , which anticipates developments and forms ) with the civilization of Golant (begun in the twelfth century BC), which is rightly regarded as one of the first " Celtic civilization " of the entire European continent.
It is therefore not strange that in the archaeological Golasecca was found the oldest evidence of a Celtic language in Europe :
from a funeral in the second quarter of the sixth century BC , located near Castelletto Ticino , in fact we find the famous Gallic genitive in the Etruscan alphabet - capenate - Xosoio - graffiti on the vessel.
From the text by the constant references to exchanging cultural , ethnic, and trade with the Alpine populations ( including camuni ! ) And transalpine who sees a strong network of relationships among the ancestors of those who will be the future of the peoples of Central Europe.
The Celtic invasion "historic " or " lateniana " Italy is rich in historical and military who saw the confrontation and the clash between the Celts and the Mediterranean populations and Latin , and realizes an overlap ( in PIemonte eastern and largely part of Lombardy ) with the existing Celtic culture of Golant ..

Correct the " Vulgate " historic about the Celts "invaders" of the Po valley If the picture that now presents itself to historians today is that of attending a peaceful and neighborly contacts that extend for centuries , it was believed until recently instead that the Celtic peoples were considerably distant not only geographically but also culturally by Italic northern Italy .
So the people of Celtic descent from the fifth century was painted for a long time , like the descent of foreign peoples , less civilized and " unknown " in a rich and attractive . It was created simplistic opposition between barbarism and civilization of the Celts in the Mediterranean world .
The " Vulgate " rests principally on the tale of two ancient historians :
Polybius and Livy . Polybius wrote in the mid- second century :
The Gauls who attended the Etruscans because of the neighborhood and had watched with envy the beauty of the country, with a futile pretext attacked them by surprise with a great army , drove them from the region of the Po plain and occupied themselves ..
Kruta comments: " the invasion is presented as an unexpected event , which followed a period of peaceful relations ."
Livy distinguishes five successive waves of Celtic groups according to the fixed pattern of the bypassing of the first areas settled . So the first to go down in Italy were the Biturigi of Belloveso ; in the second wave Cenomani settled in Brescia - Verona beyond the Insubri ( regarded as indigenous by the Romans ) ; third were Libui and Salluvians (which merged with the Insubri ) ; Boi , arrived later , they passed the Po with their allies Lingoni ; Finally, the Senonian , the last wave , past the Boi and Lingoni to occupy the extreme edge of the Po Valley and part of the Piceno

There are those who for a long time thought in these terms: " the Celts were still a state- tribal people , their culture was at a level well below that of the same period Italic , while the pressure of population and shortage of land was so acute " ( Ogilvie ) that the invasion of the Po Valley in the fifth century it became inevitable.
On the contrary, the enormous socio-economic development of central Gaul between the seventh and sixth centuries . B.C. " presupposes the accumulation of wealth and surplus appropriate to an exploitation of labor that may require a measure of ver sacrum " ( Torelli ) as the one who had to Belloveso protagonist and is also told by tradition.
Today, these descriptions are only as of the reports that reflect the historical reality in a very indirect and who requires a decryption key that is not the one indicated by trafdizione strogiorafica of the " Vulgate ."
The archeology defines in fact quite a different picture ( Foraboschi ) , the celtizzazione of the Po valley in the western foothills of the Alps is much older.
Kruta correctly detects that "the so-called historical Celts ( similar to the Culture lateniana - V c.) Only represent a fraction of the Celtic -speaking peoples who lived in Europe in the middle of the last millennium BC ." Among these must be included of course the culture of Golant , which spread over the Alpine foothills between Lombardy and Piedmont. So the Insubres and Cenomani already existed in prehistoric times as peoples , even before the historical migrations across the Alps .
In conclusion, what should hit in the relations between the Italians and the Celts is not so much penetration to the south in the fifth century of the latter , but the intense cultural influence of the continental Celts received from the centers of our country because of reports ongoing that lasted for centuries. The upper classes then carried out trade on this side and beyond the Alps long before the fifth century BC : so also among the Celts was much developed an elite , able to treat at par with the elite Italic . Surely one of the first areas Celtic interested in these exchanges was that around Marseille " ( colony founded by Greeks from Phocaea ) .

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