The Civil War

From the North : they did not want to lose the $$$ in the vast agricultural of the south
They didn't want more slavery states with 2 Senate seats each and a tbd number of House seats each. It was about $$$ and political power.
Some try to say slavery was not so bad. Uhhhh, would you work for no wages under the threat of being beaten. The more I research the more angry I become at the repugnant anti Christian slave owners and I'm as white as it gets.

The slaves were provided with all the necessities and very few were whipped....and never to the extent many think. Slaves were very valuable property and no sane person would do anything harmful to his property.

The Slaves did know if they misbehaved or refused to work they would be subjected to disciplinary actions.

Also....many if not most slaves were allowed to have a patch of ground to grow their own produce ....which they could sell or use for barter purposes.

Fort the most part Slavery in the Southern U.S. was very humane.

Even after the slaves were freed most remained on the same plantation under a system known as share-cropping.

When you read the memoirs of former slaves you see many if not most had very fond memories of life on the old plantation....and of their former mastahs.



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The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
good lord you are a dumb fuck.

Slavery was the central issue. Everybody knows that. Although states were fighting for their own rights, everyone of their declarations stated that they had the right to continue their slavery.

Now shut the fuck up you goddamn idiot.

The current Civil War we're engaged in, which was started by you communist faggots has nothing to do with any slavery but that of white men.

Now go fuck yourself.
Wow, I never had anyone who basically agreed with what I said, be so ASININE about it. And just try to shut me up, Bootney (?). I'm not a communist faggot but I'm probably friends with some. (I don't pry, and I don't care. Is that the worst insult you can think of?)

And yes, you white men are the most pathetic victims on the planet. Boo hoo!
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The end of slavery was one of the eventual outcomes of the war. Odd that every other country that had slaves was able to ban slavery without killing a million of its own citizens...UK and France for example.

No you silly person; the Civil War was about $ usual.

Make no mistake; that slavery was ended was a good thing and overdue. You must also be aware that the North DESTROYED the South's ECONOMY. No money for reparations.

The North destroyed the South's economy because the South made war upon the North. Remember Fort Sumpter?
I do remember. Do you remember that they shot at Sumpter because they seceded from the Union? Do you remember the reason they did that?
Yes; it was then Sth Carolina so a part of the Confederate States; the Union soldiers were trespassing. Re-inforcing the fort was an act of war. Also, Ft Sumter was about 85 Union Troops of whom 84 survived....ONE died when his cannon blew up!!!

btw: your buddy Marx said:

"In October 1861 Marx, who was living in Primrose Hill, summed up the view of the British press: ‘The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war is, further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery and in fact turns on Northern lust for sovereignty.’ That view was shared by Charles Dickens, who wrote: ‘The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.’"


What the War Between The States was really about........ the Civil War Wasn’t About Slavery - LewRockwell
You had Southern White Democrats who thought black people were sub human and shouldnt be allowed to be free. That thought has continued by the Democrat party even today.
View attachment 461146
That was true of the Democratic Party in the 1860s. That was NOT true of the Democratic Party of the 1960s. Don't be ridiculous.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The Jews in Europe were not uneducated and sold by their parents into slavery.
The Jews ran businesses and were doing quite well.
Germany actually admitted such and has been giving reparations.
I don't understand what you mean by your post. "The Jews in Europe were not uneducated..." OK, that means that the Jews WERE educated. You go on to state, "...and sold by their parents into slavery." Now, do you mean that they were NOT sold by their parents into slavery? Because the first part of your sentence is predicated on "not" so it would imply that "not" would apply to the second part of your sentence as well. But one could also interpret your sentence to mean that Jews were sold into slavery by their parents. Which is it?
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
Money and political power was the bottom line.
When your avatar is Jefferson Davis, that says a lot about your position.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
It actually was not a Civil War. The Confederacy was not trying to win control of the federal government. They just wanted to be left alone. It also wasn't all about slavery. A significant number of Union states still had slavery, moron. I could spend all day tearing your claim into pieces, but I have better things to do.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
When did Lincoln do that?
The Corwin Amendment, numskull.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The end of slavery was one of the eventual outcomes of the war. Odd that every other country that had slaves was able to ban slavery without killing a million of its own citizens...UK and France for example.

No you silly person; the Civil War was about $ usual.

Make no mistake; that slavery was ended was a good thing and overdue. You must also be aware that the North DESTROYED the South's ECONOMY. No money for reparations.

The North destroyed the South's economy because the South made war upon the North. Remember Fort Sumpter?
Nope. Lincoln made war on the South. Ft Sumter was SC territory.
Slavery was the basis of the problem that led to the war in America between 1861 and 1865 (call it what you wish).
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.

So, just to be clear, those citizens WEREN'T from different states?
Some were, but they were ALL from the same country, idiot. Please don't respond any further because it's a waste of time.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The end of slavery was one of the eventual outcomes of the war. Odd that every other country that had slaves was able to ban slavery without killing a million of its own citizens...UK and France for example.

No you silly person; the Civil War was about $ usual.

Make no mistake; that slavery was ended was a good thing and overdue. You must also be aware that the North DESTROYED the South's ECONOMY. No money for reparations.

The North destroyed the South's economy because the South made war upon the North. Remember Fort Sumpter?
I do remember. Do you remember that they shot at Sumpter because they seceded from the Union? Do you remember the reason they did that?
So you admit that Fort Sumter was part of SC when the later fired on it to kick out the Union trespassers.
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The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
It actually was not a Civil War. The Confederacy was not trying to win control of the federal government. They just wanted to be left alone. It also wasn't all about slavery. A significant number of Union states still had slavery, moron. I could spend all day tearing your claim into pieces, but I have better things to do.
Hey, when the Civil War began, slavery was legal in much of the United States. But as I've posted elsewhere, a civil war is "a war between citizens of the same country." The definition does NOT include the ambition to overthrow the government, or the desire to be left alone. It's a war between citizens of the same country, period.

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