The Debt Ceiling: What do Republicans Want?

What should the GOP about the debt ceiling?

  • Don't mess with this, pick another battle

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • Go up to the deadline to scare the bejeesus out of people

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Vote "present"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pass the deadline and then back off

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pass the deadline come what may, it's worth the damage

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters
What do the Dems want this year? Are they always for raising the debt ceiling only when they are the big spenders or do they still think that raising the debt ceiling demonstrates a failure of the administration? Just curious since Obama is allowed to bounce all over the place without a shred of criticism.

Face it, the fact that we are raising it again is because this administration is just as stupid as the previous ones. And congress, past and present, don't know what the hell they are doing.

They all got us into this mess and they keep making it worse with their fucked up ideas to solve problems. They can't. Next year, the ceiling will get raised again. Spending will continue out of control. No budget will be passed yet again, which I thought was against the law. Taxes will continue to rise, though the increases in spending means that the new taxes won't pay down the debt. Illegal aliens will continue to pour in and cost more and more billions each year. Jobs will continue to disappear thanks to Obamacare. The tax payers' burden will continue to get heavier by the day. Congress will still give themselves raises, big expense accounts and other perks. The president will keep taking vacations like it's no big deal.

The economy will eventually collapse under it's own weight and we are done.

So, defend this is you want, but it's more of the same stupidity that created the mess and anyone who believes that Obama and the Dems can fix the country is sadly mistaken. They don't want it fixed. They want this country to collapse because that is the only way they can rebuild it. Some have already said the country is too broke to fix and needs to be completely rebuilt. Think about it and then ask yourself if you really think they want to get us out of debt, create jobs and create policies that encourage growth of the private sector.

How will it collapse?

If anything, what will "collapse" it is this political nonsense.

The last snit the Republicans threw cost us a triple A credit rating, 19 billion dollars and shook the markets world wide.

And this "spending crisis" is one they created by cutting revenue and larding up spending with 2 wars, a new department and a shit load of other goodies.

So are you saying more of the same will help?
actually dear since Jefferson's first balanced budget amendment Democrats have killed 30 Republican Balanced Budget Amendments
. Newts passed the house and failed in the Senate by one vote.

LIve and learn, liberal!!

Pub dupes!! Pubs pass Balanced Budget BS, scream for spending cuts, cut taxes, but refuse to say exactly WHAT spending cuts- when in power they run up HUGE deficits, hamstring the country when Dems get in...the hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Thanks for the depression and screwing up the recovery with mindless obstruction, holding the economy hostage for pure propaganda and for austerity that would put us back into recession.

STFU and learn how to compromise, a-holes. Now the brainwashed ignorami are in charge of the GOP asylum...

I have to say, I am beginning to have more respect for democrats than Republicans. After all, democrats preach that increased spending and bigger government will save us all. Republicans have to pretend they are against these things while glibly going along with them.

Pub dupes!! Pubs pass Balanced Budget BS, scream for spending cuts, cut taxes, but refuse to say exactly WHAT spending cuts- when in power they run up HUGE deficits, hamstring the country when Dems get in...the hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Thanks for the depression and screwing up the recovery with mindless obstruction, holding the economy hostage for pure propaganda and for austerity that would put us back into recession.

STFU and learn how to compromise, a-holes. Now the brainwashed ignorami are in charge of the GOP asylum...

I have to say, I am beginning to have more respect for democrats than Republicans. After all, democrats preach that increased spending and bigger government will save us all. Republicans have to pretend they are against these things while glibly going along with them.


Third party anyone?
Spending CUTS, moron.

Mac isn't exactly the sharpest Crayola in the 64 pack. LOL

President Obama has stated he will not bargain for the full faith and credit of the United States. He has said he is living this to congress to do their job and does not plan to invoke the 14th Amendment.

Exactly what is there to bargain with?

The R turned down his spending cuts and then took less than he offered, and ended up taking exactly what he wanted in tax increases.

What are they bargaining for?

If they're bargaining, they're pretty lousy at it.

Why not? He did it last time.

Republicans will be taken seriously when they put in writing their own spending cuts -

* and if they include the Defense Dept.
Third party anyone?

We already have dozens of political parties so I don't know that that would help.

First thing I'd like to see happen is to get ALL money out of politics.

Wont happen though because you need money to make changes and around and around we go.
Mac isn't exactly the sharpest Crayola in the 64 pack. LOL

President Obama has stated he will not bargain for the full faith and credit of the United States. He has said he is living this to congress to do their job and does not plan to invoke the 14th Amendment.

Exactly what is there to bargain with?

The R turned down his spending cuts and then took less than he offered, and ended up taking exactly what he wanted in tax increases.

What are they bargaining for?

If they're bargaining, they're pretty lousy at it.

Why not? He did it last time.


I started to tell you to think this through but that's just silly. Instead, I'll instruct you to read my sig.
What do the Dems want this year? Are they always for raising the debt ceiling only when they are the big spenders or do they still think that raising the debt ceiling demonstrates a failure of the administration? Just curious since Obama is allowed to bounce all over the place without a shred of criticism.

Face it, the fact that we are raising it again is because this administration is just as stupid as the previous ones. And congress, past and present, don't know what the hell they are doing.

They all got us into this mess and they keep making it worse with their fucked up ideas to solve problems. They can't. Next year, the ceiling will get raised again. Spending will continue out of control. No budget will be passed yet again, which I thought was against the law. Taxes will continue to rise, though the increases in spending means that the new taxes won't pay down the debt. Illegal aliens will continue to pour in and cost more and more billions each year. Jobs will continue to disappear thanks to Obamacare. The tax payers' burden will continue to get heavier by the day. Congress will still give themselves raises, big expense accounts and other perks. The president will keep taking vacations like it's no big deal.

The economy will eventually collapse under it's own weight and we are done.

So, defend this is you want, but it's more of the same stupidity that created the mess and anyone who believes that Obama and the Dems can fix the country is sadly mistaken. They don't want it fixed. They want this country to collapse because that is the only way they can rebuild it. Some have already said the country is too broke to fix and needs to be completely rebuilt. Think about it and then ask yourself if you really think they want to get us out of debt, create jobs and create policies that encourage growth of the private sector.

How will it collapse?

If anything, what will "collapse" it is this political nonsense.

The last snit the Republicans threw cost us a triple A credit rating, 19 billion dollars and shook the markets world wide.

And this "spending crisis" is one they created by cutting revenue and larding up spending with 2 wars, a new department and a shit load of other goodies.

The funding of two wars cost taxpayers $820 Billion for a 7 year time span

The stimulus bill $787 Billion, add Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Appliances (no jobs created for either) Chevy Volt incentives (worthless waste of money)

Add a few green corporations for "political" reasons ..... Solyndra, US Geothermal, BrightSource Energy 1.4 billion, First Solar $2 billion, First Solar $2 billion, each of which went bankrupt

Fisker Automotive 525 million to a car manufacture in Finland (yeah that put a lot of Americans back to work)

Helps when you put "spending" into its proper perspective.

what would you like to see happen here? .

sort like what the credit card companies like. A limit on how much debt somone can have based on ability to pay and history of paying.

I wish that line of thought would have surfaced during the Bush years. Those two unfunded wars, the MEDICARE PART D debacle, and tax cuts for the rich wouldn't be credited to the Obama administration as part of that 16 trillion debt you RW cretins keep yelping about!

Given liberals are 16 trillion in debt, heading to 50 trillion and making the Fed buy 70% of Obama's new debt I'd they should be cut back to $10 trillion right away!!

There you go again, fabricating things that just are not true. Before you spout off again, find out how the "spending and borrowing" process works at the US government level. You might be amazed to find that Obama can't spend or borrow a dime without the approval of Congress...specifically the Rat pack over in the House that holds the purse strings.

Do a little personal research and you also might find some merit in raising the debt ceiling so that we can pay our bills and our operating expense as well.
President Obama has stated he will not bargain for the full faith and credit of the United States. He has said he is living this to congress to do their job and does not plan to invoke the 14th Amendment.

Exactly what is there to bargain with?

The R turned down his spending cuts and then took less than he offered, and ended up taking exactly what he wanted in tax increases.

What are they bargaining for?

If they're bargaining, they're pretty lousy at it.

Why not? He did it last time.


I started to tell you to think this through but that's just silly. Instead, I'll instruct you to read my sig.

You are low hanging fruit. LOL
Republicans will be taken seriously when they put in writing their own spending cuts -

* and if they include the Defense Dept.

Defense department only amounts to a 20% of the total budget, in comparison, to a much larger piece of the pie that's left to entitlement spending. They also already cut defense spending ..... They have yet to cut and reform entitlements.

Also what would Dems know about spending, when this administration had yet to pass a single budget?
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It won't matter what Republicans want. Wall Street isn't going to let us get downgraded again. The Corporate Masters will speak and Republicans will fall in line.

:lmao::lmao: The Conservative savors in action... Please bring back the Confederate Army for more entertantment... As they know how to lose with style...:lmao::lmao:
Pub dupes!! Pubs pass Balanced Budget BS, scream for spending cuts, cut taxes, but refuse to say exactly WHAT spending cuts- when in power they run up HUGE deficits, hamstring the country when Dems get in...the hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Thanks for the depression and screwing up the recovery with mindless obstruction, holding the economy hostage for pure propaganda and for austerity that would put us back into recession.

STFU and learn how to compromise, a-holes. Now the brainwashed ignorami are in charge of the GOP asylum...

I have to say, I am beginning to have more respect for democrats than Republicans. After all, democrats preach that increased spending and bigger government will save us all. Republicans have to pretend they are against these things while glibly going along with them.


Want my guns - take my lead first!

You traitorous bastard. I hope that gunship helos filled with men in black visit you soon just like they did Bin Laden!

Long live America!
Republicans have to pretend they are against these things while glibly going along with them.

too stupid!! Republicans were 100% against the Stimulus and Obama care plus they sign the pledge, not Democrats. Getting it now??

I know the Republicans are very upset about the debt ceiling issue, so just to clarify, two part question:

1. In your heart of hearts, what would you like to see happen here? Specifically?

2. Assuming that Obama refuses to debate the debt ceiling, what would you like to see happen, specifically?


What republicans in Washington want, and what their constituents want are two very different things.

What republican supporters want is a reduction in spending, for the government to live within its means. But don't you dare do it by touching their sacred cow of defense.

What republicans in washinton want is political theater. They want to draw lines in the sand and create divisiveness. It makes it easier for them to get elected.

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