The debt limit!

You mean the money we spent on COVID? Is that the spending youre mad about? Youre a fucking idiot if you think the GOP blows money like dems. Sorry, but we have all the receipts. Youre dishonesty isnt going to fly here.
Covid was less than 1/3rd of Trump's $7.5 trillion debt.
ā€œPresident Barack Obamaā€™s vacation is costing taxpayers millions of dollars ā€” unbelievable!ā€ he wrote in one of many tweets criticizing Obama for taking a trip.

ā€œCan you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter,ā€ Trump said in 2014.

"I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done," Trump said to the Hill in June 2015, the month he launched his presidential campaign. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off."

Trump said last August that if he became president, he wouldnā€™t have time for golf. ā€œIā€™m going to be working for you, Iā€™m not going to have time to go play golf,ā€ he said at an event in Virginia.

Trump's visits to golf clubs in four years: 296 as of December 30 2020

Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency: 306
Yep, and Trump was an idiot, if I had supported Trump, youā€™d have a point. I donā€™t criticize Presidents for vacation, you can, I donā€™t.
Yep, and Trump was an idiot, if I had supported Trump, youā€™d have a point. I donā€™t criticize Presidents for vacation, you can, I donā€™t.
No, the criticism comes from the lies.

"I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done," Trump said to the Hill in June 2015, the month he launched his presidential campaign. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off."

Trump said last August that if he became president, he wouldnā€™t have time for golf. ā€œIā€™m going to be working for you, Iā€™m not going to have time to go play golf,ā€ he said at an event in Virginia.

And hypocrisy.

ā€œPresident Barack Obamaā€™s vacation is costing taxpayers millions of dollars ā€” unbelievable!ā€ he wrote in one of many tweets criticizing Obama for taking a trip.

ā€œCan you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter,ā€ Trump said in 2014.
No, the criticism comes from the lies.

"I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done," Trump said to the Hill in June 2015, the month he launched his presidential campaign. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off."

Trump said last August that if he became president, he wouldnā€™t have time for golf. ā€œIā€™m going to be working for you, Iā€™m not going to have time to go play golf,ā€ he said at an event in Virginia.

And hypocrisy.

ā€œPresident Barack Obamaā€™s vacation is costing taxpayers millions of dollars ā€” unbelievable!ā€ he wrote in one of many tweets criticizing Obama for taking a trip.

ā€œCan you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter,ā€ Trump said in 2014.
If thatā€™s what still gets you off, Iā€™m over him and ready to move forward, seems that the majority here on both sides are still obsessed with Trump.
No, the criticism comes from the lies.

"I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done," Trump said to the Hill in June 2015, the month he launched his presidential campaign. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off."

But only one side is suddenly, obsessed with the debt.
Depends on which party is in office, then the other becomes obsessed with debt. Both are the same, the longer I have been on this board the more I see it. It looks like Obama criticized vacations as well but you donā€™t seem to care. It is only when one side is in office. Me, it doesnā€™t matter, its a tough job and they deserve vacations.
ā€œThe bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,ā€ Obama said. ā€œI am giving myself to you.ā€

That's crazy, EVERY president did that.
They don't mean it literally.
No president has ever NOT taken a phone call from the office, while on vacation.
Every president is on call, 24/7.
Obama never criticized any president for taking vacations, Trump did.
Depends on which party is in office, then the other becomes obsessed with debt. Both are the same, the longer I have been on this board the more I see it. It looks like Obama criticized vacations as well
but you donā€™t seem to care. It is only when one side is in office. Me, it doesnā€™t matter, its a tough job and they deserve vacations.
Depends on what type and how many.
Biden takes too many trips to Delaware in my book, doesn't matter how close it is, it isn't necessary.
Especially with the logistics involved.
ā€œThe bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,ā€ Obama said. ā€œI am giving myself to you.ā€

That's crazy, EVERY president did that.
They don't mean it literally.
No president has ever NOT taken a phone call from the office, while on vacation.
Every president is on call, 24/7.
Obama never criticized any president for taking vacations, Trump did.

That's US politics. You try to sell yourself. In Dementia's case he sold himself on taxing the rich to death, increasing the national minimum wage, magically getting us off of fossil fuels. He didn't do any of those things. When we hit 200,000 covid deaths in this country, he also said any President that would allow that to happen should step down from office. And remember what he said after the raid at Mar-A-Lago.

Both sides can go back and forth on this, but the truth is we've never had a US President in modern times that didn't lie about something.

Depends on what type and how many.
Biden takes too many trips to Delaware in my book, doesn't matter how close it is, it isn't necessary.
Especially with the logistics involved.
Now Biden takes too many vacations, never heard you voice that opinion before now. Some how your words ring hollow.
That's US politics. You try to sell yourself. In Dementia's case he sold himself on taxing the rich to death,
NO, he didn't.
Trump gave the rich, more tax breaks.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club
increasing the national minimum wage, magically getting us off of fossil fuels. He didn't do any of those things.
Never heard about those.
When we hit 200,000 covid deaths in this country, he also said any President that would allow that to happen should step down from office.
But Trump said one day "Covid will magically disappear".
And remember what he said after the raid at Mar-A-Lago.
August 8 2022
The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trumpā€™s resort home in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump said Monday evening.

In a lengthy statement, Trump said his residence was ā€œcurrently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.ā€
The raid was ā€œunannounced,ā€ he said, adding, ā€œThey even broke into my safe!ā€
Both sides can go back and forth on this, but the truth is we've never had a US President in modern times that didn't lie about something.
SOME, more than others.
Now Biden takes too many vacations, never heard you voice that opinion before now. Some how your words ring hollow.
Too bad.
I'm not like republicans, who seem to defend their leaders, actions and words, in lockstep.
There is plenty I disagree with Biden on, but NOT enough for me vote for a republican.
NO, he didn't.
Trump gave the rich, more tax breaks.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club

Yes, he gave most of us tax breaks. So?

Never heard about those.

That's because it's a leftist agenda, something he didn't support.

But Trump said one day "Covid will magically disappear".

Speculation just like all others that made predictions.

August 8 2022
The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trumpā€™s resort home in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump said Monday evening.

In a lengthy statement, Trump said his residence was ā€œcurrently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.ā€
The raid was ā€œunannounced,ā€ he said, adding, ā€œThey even broke into my safe!ā€

What does that have to do with what Dementia said about keeping classified material at your home?

SOME, more than others.

Maybe, but it's not how many lies they tell, it's what the lies are about that's important.

Trump saying that we had the best economy ever doesn't hurt me one bit. DumBama telling us he has a healthcare plan that will be quality, affordable, everybody will be covered, you can keep your doctor and hospital was a huge lie. It cost me and millions of others our employer sponsored healthcare. It cost me thousands of dollars afterwards paying medical bills and Commie Care fines.

I'll take 100 Trump innocuous lies over one huge lie like that.
Yes, he gave most of us tax breaks. So?
Yeah, the rich and corporations tax breaks were in the millions, of $$$.
Individuals, got hundreds.
Corporations and the rich tax breaks are permanent.
Individual's tax breaks expire in 2 years.
That's because it's a leftist agenda, something he didn't support.
But you stated Trump did.
Speculation just like all others that made predictions.
Trump sure speculated a lot, when is Mexico making that deposit into the US treasury?
What does that have to do with what Dementia said about keeping classified material at your home?
"ā€œWhen is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified,ā€ Trump said on his Truth Social account, sharing an article on the document discovery from CBS News.
Maybe, but it's not how many lies they tell, it's what the lies are about that's important.

Trump saying that we had the best economy ever doesn't hurt me one bit.

DumBama telling us he has a healthcare plan that will be quality, affordable, everybody will be covered, you can keep your doctor and hospital was a huge lie.
NO, it wasn't.
STILL...... waiting on Trump's healthcare plan.
One day, it will magically...........appear?

It cost me and millions of others our employer sponsored healthcare. It cost me thousands of dollars afterwards paying medical bills and Commie Care fines.
Then you worked for one shitty employer.
I'll take 100 Trump innocuous lies over one huge lie like that.
Yeah, you would.
Yeah, the rich and corporations tax breaks were in the millions, of $$$.
Individuals, got hundreds.
Corporations and the rich tax breaks are permanent.
Individual's tax breaks expire in 2 years.

Yes they do, in other words, if you want to keep those tax breaks, vote Republican. This is a common political strategy. How much do you think it would have cost us to give every tax payer millions in tax cuts? Before covid, we had over a million more jobs than Americans who could work them, and tax cuts for businesses were part of that success.

But you stated Trump did.

No, I was talking about Dementia. My quote:

That's US politics. You try to sell yourself. In Dementia's case he sold himself on taxing the rich to death, increasing the national minimum wage, magically getting us off of fossil fuels.

Trump sure speculated a lot, when is Mexico making that deposit into the US treasury?

Nobody really cares except TDS'rs. The rest of us are happy he was able to erect more than 460 miles of replacement and new barriers. There would have been much more if Dementia didn't stop the wall construction on his first day in office.

"ā€œWhen is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified,ā€ Trump said on his Truth Social account, sharing an article on the document discovery from CBS News.

Again, what does that have to do with what Dementia said after the Mar-A-Lago raid? You already lost the debate when your only defense to everything is "But Trump! But Trump! But Trump!"

NO, it wasn't.
STILL...... waiting on Trump's healthcare plan.
One day, it will magically...........appear?

Yes it was, it was a huge lie. Trust me, I signed up for it. They have no reasonable plans for my health provider, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. Try it yourself. Only one company sold plans, and they wanted a policy for every sector of the institution. I couldn't afford over a half-dozen plans and my crystal ball wasn't working to tell me which department I would be needing services from in the future.

The other plans came with a $7,000 out of pocket and a $7,000 deductible. Why have any insurance at all? It was pure garbage.

Then you worked for one shitty employer.

Then so did millions of other Americans because many small companies dropped their coverage. After Commie Care officially started, my employers healthcare premiums went up 30%. He simply couldn't afford it any longer.
and idiotic wasteful spending is what caused the 9.1% inflation rate under the first year of Biden, as opposed to to the 1.5% inflation rate we had in February of 2019.
Such bullshit. It was the oil bubble created when OPEC + reduced production and then when the world's economies started back up the demands for oil were not met with increased production. By April of 2021 the year over year inflation value of gas was already hugely increasing as the price was over a dollar a gallon more than in April of 2020.


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