The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

Chicken? You're the one running away from a callout.
For some one who supposedly wants to debate, you two losers sure spend a lot of time avoiding debate and pouting at me instead. Everyone gets it. I live rent-free in your little cult minds. No need to keep hammering on that point. Now, let me do what always enrages you two the most, which is discuss the actual topic, instead of deflecting with personal attacks.

Debate this:


The surface temperature chart clearly shows steady warming. So why do so many deniers deny it?

Ding, why don't you put up your dishonest charts that omit the last century of data now? That is one of your standard deceptions, after all. May as well rake you over the coals for it again.
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For some one who supposedly wants to debate, you two losers sure spend a lot of time avoiding debate and pouting at me instead.

Everyone gets it. I live rent-free in your little cult minds. No need to keep hammering on that point.
You're scared to debate me one on one in the bull ring.
For some one who supposedly wants to debate, you two losers sure spend a lot of time avoiding debate and pouting at me instead. Everyone gets it. I live rent-free in your little cult minds. No need to keep hammering on that point. Now, let me do what always enrages you two the most, which is discuss the actual topic, instead of deflecting with personal attacks.

Debate this:


The surface temperature chart clearly shows steady warming. So why do so many deniers deny it?

Ding, why don't you put up your dishonest charts that omit the last century of data now? That is one of your standard deceptions, after all. May as well rake you over the coals for it again.

Less than 1 degree in 140 years?

$76 trillion!!!
For some one who supposedly wants to debate, you two losers sure spend a lot of time avoiding debate and pouting at me instead. Everyone gets it. I live rent-free in your little cult minds. No need to keep hammering on that point. Now, let me do what always enrages you two the most, which is discuss the actual topic, instead of deflecting with personal attacks.

Debate this:


The surface temperature chart clearly shows steady warming. So why do so many deniers deny it?

Ding, why don't you put up your dishonest charts that omit the last century of data now? That is one of your standard deceptions, after all. May as well rake you over the coals for it again.
I don't deny that happens. I say so what? Wake up to a day of 32 degrees and by 4 pm it is 75 degrees. Describe the catastrophe that causes? Because it is normal.
I don't deny that happens. I say so what? Wake up to a day of 32 degrees and by 4 pm it is 75 degrees. Describe the catastrophe that causes? Because it is normal.
Well, no, it's not normal. That's kind of the point.

The catastrophe?

Crop failures around the world would be the big one. People like to eat. Can't grow crops without rain. Crop failures mean mass migrations.
Well, no, it's not normal. That's kind of the point.

The catastrophe?

Crop failures around the world would be the big one. People like to eat. Can't grow crops without rain. Crop failures mean mass migrations.

Thankfully, greentards are shutting down farms before that can happen.
The catastrophe?

Crop failures around the world would be the big one. People like to eat. Can't grow crops without rain. Crop failures mean mass migrations.
And yet that is not what is happening in the USA. Where is this going on?

YES catastrophe. Supposedly we republicans are single handedly wiping out the planet.
Meanwhile, back in reality:

ROTFLMAO!! Your own chart shows the Earth was cooling during that time - just like I said it was 🤣 🤣 🤣


I put red arrows just to preempt any of your crying & lying 😂

Seriously Mammaries…you are so bad at this. You’re even too lazy to come up with plausible lies.
That's just a PragerU propaganda piece.
It’s an MIT atmospheric physicist 😂 😂 😂

MIT is an elite academic institution and his expertise is in the atmosphere.

Only a clown like you - who knows he is wrong - would attempt to dismiss someone like that.
It’s an MIT atmospheric physicist
Yes, someone who doesn't understand pronouns and grammar is trying to lecture the normal people.

This is a discussion board, so discuss. Don't just whimper "WAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT MY LINK", and then run away in tears. Instead, make a point, back it up, and discuss it.

Check your groin area. Use high magnification, and then try to find your gonads. Then give us an argument in your own words.

However, if your quest to find your gonads fails, keep doing what you're doing.
ROTFLMAO!! Your own chart shows the Earth was cooling during that time - just like I said it was
Yes, dumbass here really did claim that the red line which is very clearly going up was actually going down.

I don't know if he's really that stupid, or if he's just so addicted to lying, he can't help himself.

In either case, it explains why nobody takes him seriously.

I imagine that the poor quality of dumbass's lies here are really disappointing to his ChinaMasters, and they'll be having a discussion with him. He's really embarrassing them.
Yes, dumbass here really did claim that the red line which is very clearly going up was actually going down.

I don't know if he's really that stupid, or if he's just so addicted to lying, he can't help himself.

In either case, it explains why nobody takes him seriously.

I imagine that the poor quality of dumbass's lies here are really disappointing to his ChinaMasters, and they'll be having a discussion with him. He's really embarrassing them.
Why do you think the previous interglacial period was 2C warmer than today with 26 ft higher seas than today and 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today?
Yes, someone who doesn't understand pronouns and grammar is trying to lecture the normal people.
So now you’re desperate argument is the MIT atmospheric physicist doesn’t have a solid grasp of the English language? Really? 😂
This is a discussion board, so discuss.
I did discuss. I embarrassed you with basic facts. Why don’t you discuss how 97.8% of all “Global Warming” predictions never came to fruition?
Yes, someone who doesn't understand pronouns and grammar is trying to lecture the normal people.
Mammaries wants to pretend that the cross-dressing preferred-pronouns crowd are the “normal people” 😂
Yes, dumbass here really did claim that the red line which is very clearly going up was actually going down.
You can’t get out of this one, snowflake. The red arrows clearly show the earth’s temperature dropping during the exact time frame I said 😂😂😂

You dumb ass…you defeated yourself by posting something that proved what I said was 100% accurate 😂😂😂

You can’t get out of this one, snowflake. The red arrows clearly show the earth’s temperature dropping during the exact time frame I said

This isn't a debate. The line is going up. Everyone can see it. Why tell such a stupid lie?
So now you’re desperate argument is the MIT atmospheric physicist doesn’t have a solid grasp of the English language? Really?
No, I'm pointing out you don't grasp the English language. Sweet Jeebus, even for a Trump cultist, you're dim, and that's saying something.

"It's an MIT atmospheric physicist."

That's you.

Why don’t you discuss how 97.8% of all “Global Warming” predictions never came to fruition?
I've reamed you out for that BigLie before, and laughed along with everyone else as you pissed yourself and ran.

Shall we do it again? I'm up for it. Humiliating fascist liars never gets old.

Maybe Beijing and Moscow have come up with some newer talking points you could try. You should run back to your masters and check.

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