The Democrat message

What is the Democrats agenda for 2018?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

I worked my way thru school-------starting at age 14----I worked.......50 cents an hour as a baby sitter and
later on 1,25 an hour as a "sales girl" and clerk in a hospital on the weekend. -------I was DAMNED
stingy-----saved and saved and got thru college on that work-----some little scholarships and some loans.
My sense is that if the work I did DEMANDED $15 an hour-----that work WOULD NOT HAVE EXISTED
for me. ---------all of my four brothers made it to Ph-d level-------starting out on minimum wage
jobs ad Mc DONALDS---------I do not believe that McDonalds can function on 15 dollars per hour
for every kid that needs a job. A high minimum wage keeps NEEDY KIDS out of the work force.
A very high minimum wage---------is not SO FANTASTIC an idea
Under true capitalism, there is no unemployment, only underpayment.

Stop with that utopian shit.....there is unemployment in every system....because nothing is perfect
They can if they live at home, get at least two years at community college, and take 6 years to get a bachelors.

So kids have to give up two years of their working life just because we won't raise minimum wage
A gift to employers. Two years of your working life so they can make more profit

Perhaps. But perhaps by making an education something they actually have to work for, rather than is given to them, perhaps they'll get degrees that make them employable. And the reason we could pay tuition by working min wage in summer was because we taxed the more wealthy more for higher education, and in my case, my father sent me money for rent, and I could make enough working part time to sustain myself (and buy pot and beer!)

I was in a similar situation. I went to school with many kids whose daddy paid their way. They goofed off, changed majors often and didn't care if they graduated
I worked summers to pay my tuition and didn't spend a dime frivolously
But I was able to pay my way through college on that $2 an hour wage

That is what minimum wage should do. Let you get started in life without going into massive debt

Employers plead poverty while those low wage workers have to take out loans to give them higher profits

Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Hold Trump accountable for treason, and prepare a new version of the ACA without any of the GOP proposed amendments for passage in 2020.

Also, stop Trump from the multiple wars he wants to start.

What wars????

Obama and Clinton loved to start wars......and threaten and then not do anything like a pussy.
Funny. You never mentioned Bush's three wars.

Please tells us what wars Obama and Clinton started which compare to Bush's wars.
Because Obama didn't stop those wars.....and old rocks is spouting more bullshit....his guy starts wars as well......
Hold Trump accountable for treason, and prepare a new version of the ACA without any of the GOP proposed amendments for passage in 2020.

Also, stop Trump from the multiple wars he wants to start.

That’s your winning strategy?
Yes. I know wars and caskets draped in flags really arouse republicans, but I’m a country first type of guy.

Okay, I don't care who you are, that right there is some funneh!!
So kids have to give up two years of their working life just because we won't raise minimum wage
A gift to employers. Two years of your working life so they can make more profit

Perhaps. But perhaps by making an education something they actually have to work for, rather than is given to them, perhaps they'll get degrees that make them employable. And the reason we could pay tuition by working min wage in summer was because we taxed the more wealthy more for higher education, and in my case, my father sent me money for rent, and I could make enough working part time to sustain myself (and buy pot and beer!)

I was in a similar situation. I went to school with many kids whose daddy paid their way. They goofed off, changed majors often and didn't care if they graduated
I worked summers to pay my tuition and didn't spend a dime frivolously
But I was able to pay my way through college on that $2 an hour wage

That is what minimum wage should do. Let you get started in life without going into massive debt

Employers plead poverty while those low wage workers have to take out loans to give them higher profits

Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop
Perhaps. But perhaps by making an education something they actually have to work for, rather than is given to them, perhaps they'll get degrees that make them employable. And the reason we could pay tuition by working min wage in summer was because we taxed the more wealthy more for higher education, and in my case, my father sent me money for rent, and I could make enough working part time to sustain myself (and buy pot and beer!)

I was in a similar situation. I went to school with many kids whose daddy paid their way. They goofed off, changed majors often and didn't care if they graduated
I worked summers to pay my tuition and didn't spend a dime frivolously
But I was able to pay my way through college on that $2 an hour wage

That is what minimum wage should do. Let you get started in life without going into massive debt

Employers plead poverty while those low wage workers have to take out loans to give them higher profits

Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
What is the Democrats agenda for 2018?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

I worked my way thru school-------starting at age 14----I worked.......50 cents an hour as a baby sitter and
later on 1,25 an hour as a "sales girl" and clerk in a hospital on the weekend. -------I was DAMNED
stingy-----saved and saved and got thru college on that work-----some little scholarships and some loans.
My sense is that if the work I did DEMANDED $15 an hour-----that work WOULD NOT HAVE EXISTED
for me. ---------all of my four brothers made it to Ph-d level-------starting out on minimum wage
jobs ad Mc DONALDS---------I do not believe that McDonalds can function on 15 dollars per hour
for every kid that needs a job. A high minimum wage keeps NEEDY KIDS out of the work force.
A very high minimum wage---------is not SO FANTASTIC an idea
Under true capitalism, there is no unemployment, only underpayment.

Stop with that utopian shit.....there is unemployment in every system....because nothing is perfect
We have a mixed market economy that bails out the rich on a regular basis; the right wing complains the most, when the poor claim they need a bailout.
So kids have to give up two years of their working life just because we won't raise minimum wage
A gift to employers. Two years of your working life so they can make more profit

Perhaps. But perhaps by making an education something they actually have to work for, rather than is given to them, perhaps they'll get degrees that make them employable. And the reason we could pay tuition by working min wage in summer was because we taxed the more wealthy more for higher education, and in my case, my father sent me money for rent, and I could make enough working part time to sustain myself (and buy pot and beer!)

I was in a similar situation. I went to school with many kids whose daddy paid their way. They goofed off, changed majors often and didn't care if they graduated
I worked summers to pay my tuition and didn't spend a dime frivolously
But I was able to pay my way through college on that $2 an hour wage

That is what minimum wage should do. Let you get started in life without going into massive debt

Employers plead poverty while those low wage workers have to take out loans to give them higher profits

Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Less unemployment as more people may be willing to look for work.
What is the Democrats agenda for 2018?
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

I worked my way thru school-------starting at age 14----I worked.......50 cents an hour as a baby sitter and
later on 1,25 an hour as a "sales girl" and clerk in a hospital on the weekend. -------I was DAMNED
stingy-----saved and saved and got thru college on that work-----some little scholarships and some loans.
My sense is that if the work I did DEMANDED $15 an hour-----that work WOULD NOT HAVE EXISTED
for me. ---------all of my four brothers made it to Ph-d level-------starting out on minimum wage
jobs ad Mc DONALDS---------I do not believe that McDonalds can function on 15 dollars per hour
for every kid that needs a job. A high minimum wage keeps NEEDY KIDS out of the work force.
A very high minimum wage---------is not SO FANTASTIC an idea
Under true capitalism, there is no unemployment, only underpayment.

Stop with that utopian shit.....there is unemployment in every system....because nothing is perfect
We have a mixed market economy that bails out the rich on a regular basis; the right wing complains the most, when the poor claim they need a bailout.

The left bailed out the rich...the right was against the GM bailout and such......
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

I worked my way thru school-------starting at age 14----I worked.......50 cents an hour as a baby sitter and
later on 1,25 an hour as a "sales girl" and clerk in a hospital on the weekend. -------I was DAMNED
stingy-----saved and saved and got thru college on that work-----some little scholarships and some loans.
My sense is that if the work I did DEMANDED $15 an hour-----that work WOULD NOT HAVE EXISTED
for me. ---------all of my four brothers made it to Ph-d level-------starting out on minimum wage
jobs ad Mc DONALDS---------I do not believe that McDonalds can function on 15 dollars per hour
for every kid that needs a job. A high minimum wage keeps NEEDY KIDS out of the work force.
A very high minimum wage---------is not SO FANTASTIC an idea
Under true capitalism, there is no unemployment, only underpayment.

Stop with that utopian shit.....there is unemployment in every system....because nothing is perfect
We have a mixed market economy that bails out the rich on a regular basis; the right wing complains the most, when the poor claim they need a bailout.

The left bailed out the rich...the right was against the GM bailout and such......
It would never have happened without a right wing majority.

Corporate welfare goes to artificial rich Persons.
I was in a similar situation. I went to school with many kids whose daddy paid their way. They goofed off, changed majors often and didn't care if they graduated
I worked summers to pay my tuition and didn't spend a dime frivolously
But I was able to pay my way through college on that $2 an hour wage

That is what minimum wage should do. Let you get started in life without going into massive debt

Employers plead poverty while those low wage workers have to take out loans to give them higher profits

Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
It is the capitalists who profit off of illegals
Not the workers

Why aren't you throwing them in jail?
Are you kidding?
that's not what min wage is....
to not allow you to go into debt? cant control if people are stupid
and college....why are we not trying to price control the colleges like you want to do business?
college has gone up so know why? student people don't care about the cost, it's kinda like medicare.......same principal.
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
It is the capitalists who profit off of illegals
Not the workers

Why aren't you throwing them in jail?
Who says we wont, that's what verify is for.......
What minimum wage isn't

A wage where employers cannot exploit low skilled workers while society has to make up the difference so they can survive

oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
It is the capitalists who profit off of illegals
Not the workers

Why aren't you throwing them in jail?
Who says we wont, that's what verify is for.......
Too funny

Illegals have been working for decades. How many employers have spent even a day in jail?
oh so once we raise min wage, no one will get fired(/sarcasm) and we can get rid of welfare(/excitement).....sounds great...sign me up!
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
It is the capitalists who profit off of illegals
Not the workers

Why aren't you throwing them in jail?
Who says we wont, that's what verify is for.......
Too funny

Illegals have been working for decades. How many employers have spent even a day in jail?

no shit, who wanys the amnesty, the people of bith parties in charge. who protects the employers, same people.

mandate everify and arrest those breaking the law, i dont think your side would be for it
Pay wages above what qualifies for welfare and those rolls will drop

look if you want to carry a household sweeping the floors at McDonalds, you don't know the purpose of a job, how they are created and how the pay scale works.

but hey thanks to your illegals you guys love, wages are kept down, because they do "jobs Americans don't want to do."
It is the capitalists who profit off of illegals
Not the workers

Why aren't you throwing them in jail?
Who says we wont, that's what verify is for.......
Too funny

Illegals have been working for decades. How many employers have spent even a day in jail?

no shit, who wanys the amnesty, the people of bith parties in charge. who protects the employers, same people.

mandate everify and arrest those breaking the law, i dont think your side would be for it
I am for arresting the CEO of any company found hiring illegals
Arrest just one and jou will see those jobs dry up overnight
No need for a wall

The illegals? Just some poor guy trying to feed his family
Let him go

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