The Derek Chauvin effect/affect on law enforcement

I would agree that the nationwide, BLM riots during the 2020 pandemic yielded more crime than current day crime -- unless you count the faux "asylum seekers" and record high / growing border crossings.
It's actually just bullshit because if you remove the organized social movements from the equation actual violent crime is on the rise. That includes more than just gun crime.

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Yep....when you prosecute officers for doing their jobs you will get less job and more of what it is they're supposed to be stopping. The new, more polite and less aggressive policies don't work. People are people...not automatons that follow lines from some psychology book.

Humans are rather ugly creatures. Not only do they have the full range of animal instincts they also dangerously have enough intelligence to figure out how to apply those instincts against all social norms for their own benefit. Give them more room for their dysfunction and That is exactly what you will get, more of the dysfunction. This is generally a hard and fast rule.

We condemn Islam for making thieves one handed citizens and yet you never hear about flash mob theft in an Islamic country.

Islam for all of its intrinsic viciousness recognizes human nature in ways the western civilizations never will.

So while we pride ourselves on civility the criminal element counts on societal support for their criminality. They can't be reformed....they have to be made to realize that they cannot survive unless they change. Only this will create change.

Derek Chauvin is a perfect example of how the new rules have failed us.

This thead is hot garbage. Kneeling on a man's neck until he dies is not part of the job. What useless slime and propaganda this is.
Violent crime is down nation wide.

Good reading....
This thead is hot garbage. Kneeling on a man's neck until he dies is not part of the job. What useless slime and propaganda this is.
Kneeling on key body points is a long time police arrest method.

Chauvin was told not to use it.
He did anyway. Floyd did not die from the kneeling.
Kneeling on key body points is a long time police arrest method
Weasel attempt. Intentional use of vague language to try to sidestep the point by being inappropriately obtuse.

Kneeling on a person's neck for 9 minutes is not part of the job. As we heard in the testimony from Chauvin's boss that got Chauvin thrown in prison for the rest of his life.
Weasel attempt. Intentional use of vague language to try to sidestep the point by being inappropriately obtuse.

Kneeling on a person's neck for 9 minutes is not part of the job. As we heard in the testimony from Chauvin's boss that got Chauvin thrown in prison for the rest of his life.
Very much part of the job. You wouldn't know a goddamn thing about it.

There's nothing vague in my statement I took you head on and simply defeated you on the merits of the subject. Chauvin's actions were neither unusual nor rare and are still used throughout the nation's police departments today.
Very much part of the job.
It very much isn't, per the testimony of the guy who wrote the rules, and whose testimony sent Chauvin to prison for rhe rest of his life. Also per the statements of police chiefs from all over the country.

You can struggle to put words in just the right order to create an alternate reality where this isn't true, but you will fail.

This fact will be waiting for you, when you tire out.
Yep....when you prosecute officers for doing their jobs you will get less job and more of what it is they're supposed to be stopping.
Killing people is murder. Killing unarmed and handcuffed people should warrant the death penalty. Chauvin got off light.
Here is another example of what the pussy, anti-cop, Left-tards have created. We have all seen the video of 2 burly cops wrestling with a skinny little punk while being assaulted by that mob of Illegals in New York City. These 2 cops were being kicked in the head repeatadly but would not use enough force to subdue a mutt half their size. The longer they played nice, the greater the chance the perp gets ahold of their gun with disastrous results.
Afraid of the civil or criminal consequences, these 2 cops would not, or could not use the correct and needed force to deal with this situation.
They should have punched him in the face or clubbed him with their night-stick, or used the chokehold, or stuck their gun in his mouth. Anything available to take control.
Screw all you left-wing nut-jobs.

Actually, the cops started the incident.

Prosecutors released new footage of a viral attack on two police officers that appears to conflict with police accounts of their initial interaction with a group of migrants that quickly escalated into a melee that triggered nationwide outrage.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office released the footage three hours after a press conference on Thursday where he announced six new indictments in the Jan. 27 attack. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny had said the attack began when officers asked a group of men blocking the sidewalk outside a West 42nd Street migrants shelter to disperse.

“Everybody disperses except for Mr. Brito,” Kenny said, referring to 24-year-old Yohenry Brito, who was indicted earlier in the week and is being held on Rikers Island on $15,000 bail. “He turned around and got confrontational with the police officers. He refused a lawful order.”

But the newly released video footage appears to directly conflict with that account.

Officer body camera videos and surveillance footage show Brito was originally standing with the other men around a concrete traffic bollard at the edge of the sidewalk outside of a migrant shelter as people walked by them unhindered.

A police officer then approaches Brito, swatting his jacket with his hand and saying “Let’s go. Vamos.” Brito, backing away from the officer, responds in Spanish: “Don’t touch, don’t touch me.” The officers order the men to “Go to West Four One.”

As the men start walking away, some of them chant lyrics from a song in Spanish by the Puerto Rican rapper Hades 66. The surveillance footage shows Brito walking down the sidewalk away from the police officers, pushing a baby carriage that appears to be holding his possessions.

“He looks like ugly Betty,” Brito says in Spanish while walking away, referring to the Colombian telenovela later remade for American television.

Moments later, one of the officers grabs Brito by his collar and rams him up against the wall of the adjacent building. As Brito struggles with the officer, the group of men who had been walking away return and start yelling at the police. After Brito tumbles to the ground, an officer on top of him, several other men take turns kicking the officers and grabbing them in an attempt to free Brito.
It very much isn't, per the testimony of the guy who wrote the rules, and whose testimony sent Chauvin to prison for rhe rest of his life. Also per the statements of police chiefs from all over the country.

You can struggle to put words in just the right order to create an alternate reality where this isn't true, but you will fail.

This fact will be waiting for you, when you tire out.
There is no struggling simply defeat for your wrong position.

It's not hard to defend a point that needs no defending. To tire out would first require exertion. Proving you wrong is simply effortless.
Haha you watch too much Trump.on TV.

You think stomping your feet will make facts go away.

Sorry Al, your thread is hot garbage.
No it's not.... Not only are the numbers accurate they closely match what people are experiencing.
Only when criminals do it. That's not a compelling point.
Ahhh.....attaboy....keep up the attack on law enforcement. Meanwhile violent crimes will continue to rise as they are doing even now due the the Derek Chauvin effect. Oh and effective control measures will continue to be.... effective.
No it's not.... Not only are the numbers accurate they closely match what people are experiencing.
Oh look, more intentionally vague horseshit.

Here is something not vague and contrived by someone trying to write an 8th grade persuasive essay:

The guy who wrote the rules testified it was not part of the job. Thanks in large part to his testimony, Chauvin went to prison for the rest of his life.

In response, police chiefs across the country spoke up and stated it is not part of the job. As did unions for police officers.

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