The Election WAS Stolen

Stop lying. Dems not only showed up at the Capitol they conspired to fabricate a number of false insurrectionist charges against Trump and attempted to impeach him twice. Dems attacks on democracy are historic.

Republicans are the ones who are attacking voting rights. Many of Trump's remaining cabinet members resigned after the attacks and cited Trump's inciting the attacks on the capitol. Attacks which were carried out by Trump supporters.
Bonehead, this has all been proven 10X over as indisputable FACT now. 2020 was a STEAL, J6 was a FRAME. Coming soon will be JUSTICE. The entire Dem-infested Fed is a criminal thuggery.

Hope it doesn't BITE you in the ass.

The only thing that is a indisputable FACT is that you are a fascist and a liar. 2020 was fair and J6 was a attack on the capitol by right wing Trump fascists. Republicans are the criminal thugs.
You are a lie. There was no terrorist attack on J6. There WAS an orchestrated attack engineered by pelousi and her minions.

Yet another reichstag fire. Morons, like you are either too blind, or too stupid to see it happening again.

So which are you?

You are the ones who are blind and stupid. You are the ones attacking this country. You are nothing but a right wing fascist.
Dems and their 2 fake impeachments are proof. Dems are the lowest forms of human. There's no lie they won't tell. No story they won't fabricate. Plus their are dumb as a post.

You thugs are the trash that infest this country. You thugs have been fabricating lies for years.
Well, if there are any good candidates running, I pick the best one. How is this so hard for you to grasp?
So, who have you voted for? What if you don't think there are any good candidates running? And, how many do you have to choose from? If you eliminate the R's and the D's right off the bat, that doesn't leave many left to actually vote for.
Biden had no support among the living; he'd hold a rally and have to offer blowjobs to get anyone to attend. What he had was the CCP/democrat Party/Sinaloa Dream Team working literally round the clock to make the votes for him

Oh and Biden's "win" was statistically near impossible

It was not statistically impossible. The then Republican legislature in Michigan found no evidence of fraud. No one has found any proof.
Democrats based their 2020 election cheating on the Florida happenings in 2000 and multiplied it across several states.

Only states where someone in the state government could run cover for it. You know, like Jeb! did for W. in FL in 2000.

Al Gore actually did carry FL, not by much, but by the time it was discovered he had already conceded.

And ofc Jeb! buried it. I remember he made the election commissioner fall on the sword.

There was no Democrat cheating. You are just a sore loser.
So, who have you voted for?
That doesn't matter. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm just asking you to stop voting for candidates that you know to be bad. That's idiotic.

What if you don't think there are any good candidates running?
Write someone in. Or don't vote. Just don't vote for bad candidates. How is the eluding you?

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