The Election WAS Stolen

Nope not even close. She has a much larger set of Balls than the Trumpyturd has.

"Thank you so very much for being here. I love you all, too. Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.

I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for, and I'm sorry we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.

But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together. This vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America, and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.

I know how disappointed you feel, because I feel it too. And so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful, and it will be for a long time. But I want you to remember this.

Our campaign was never about one person, or even one election. It was about the country we love and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power.

We don't just respect that. We cherish it. It also enshrines the rule of law; the principle we are all equal in rights and dignity; freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values, too, and we must defend them.


Hillary has had a net to fall on her whole life. Not very talented and has a career built on the coattails of her husband, who would not be known nationally if not for Ross Perot.
What the fuck does that have to with your often repeated lie that Hillary played election denier just like the Nasty Trumpybear did.
You are a Moron. The sow denied that Trump was a legitimate President and denied that the election itself was legitimate. It’s right there on the video. Numerous times.

How stupid exactly are you, BlindPoo?
You are a Moron. The sow denied that Trump was a legitimate President and denied that the election itself was legitimate. It’s right there on the video. Numerous times.

How stupid exactly are you, BlindPoo?
So what? Millions of people thought he was unfit for the Presidency. His actions in 2020 proved millions were correct too. She conceded like all losing candidate have done in the past for the good of the country. You can piece together clips from her years later whining about his legitimacy but you can't ignore her concession after the election. Well you can, but that's a refusal to accept known reality.....something Faux Viewers are good at.
Hillary has had a net to fall on her whole life. Not very talented and has a career built on the coattails of her husband, who would not be known nationally if not for Ross Perot.
She still has bigger balls than Tiny Trumpyberra.
It was not statistically impossible. The then Republican legislature in Michigan found no evidence of fraud. No one has found any proof.

Republicans aren't like democrats, we never had Fort Marcy Park to keep dissidents in line. There are so many "republicans" who worked so very hard to get Biden elected.
It's a chick, but yeah.

Why? I have different values than you. Likely we won't agree. What is the point of this question? What evasion/excuse are you working on here?

Absolutely. Voting for a bad candidate is worse, FAR WORSE, than not voting all. Read that a couple of times. Give it a chance to sink in.
Doesn't sink in. When you have at least two people running, no matter how bad they are, one is more bad than the other. Not voting doesn't solve anything. In fact, it could be responsible for helping the worst bad candidate win. I have been voting for decades and I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of the two evils. But, that's just life and I have to accept that.

Voting third party out of spite when that person is clearly not qualified to hold the office is not the solution. The whole system is corrupt. Basically, for the most part, you can't even run in the first place unless you are beholden to others for money and that includes Libertarians or other parties. It's not as simple as just voting for other because other is either not qualified or is also beholden to others for money. If it makes you feel any better, I wrote in John Kasich for president in 2016. Just a wasted vote. Other doesn't ever win. In fact, if Trump runs as a third party, he can't win either.
Doesn't sink in. When you have at least two people running, no matter how bad they are, one is more bad than the other. Not voting doesn't solve anything. In fact, it could be responsible for helping the worst bad candidate win. I have been voting for decades and I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of the two evils. But, that's just life and I have to accept that.

Voting third party out of spite when that person is clearly not qualified to hold the office is not the solution. The whole system is corrupt. Basically, for the most part, you can't even run in the first place unless you are beholden to others for money and that includes Libertarians or other parties. It's not as simple as just voting for other because other is either not qualified or is also beholden to others for money. If it makes you feel any better, I wrote in John Kasich for president in 2016. Just a wasted vote. Other doesn't ever win. In fact, if Trump runs as a third party, he can't win either.

There is a group of people out there who somewhere got the idea that standing aside and letting others decide their fate is somehow noble.
They are above it all.
Does it make sense.
No, not to normal thinking people.
Doesn't sink in. When you have at least two people running, no matter how bad they are, one is more bad than the other. Not voting doesn't solve anything. In fact, it could be responsible for helping the worst bad candidate win. I have been voting for decades and I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of the two evils. But, that's just life and I have to accept that.
I've seen this idiot "logic" a thousand times. It's gets dumber every time I read it. It's a scam, cooked up by partisans, to get you to vote for their candidates even when they suck.

It's very simple. We get bad leaders because we vote for bad candidates. That won't change until we stop falling for the con you outline above.
There is a group of people out there who somewhere got the idea that standing aside and letting others decide their fate is somehow noble.
They are above it all.
Does it make sense.
No, not to normal thinking people.
Yes, if you don't vote then you can claim you are not responsible for the losers in office, everyone else is. And, you can bitch and gripe about who the others voted in. I imagine it is very satisfying to them. I can actually see the appeal of it. But, that's not me. I'm going to vote because there is a better choice even if the two candidates wind up being Hitler or Stalin.
I've seen this idiot "logic" a thousand times. It's gets dumber every time I read it. It's a scam, cooked up by partisans, to get you to vote for their candidates even when they suck.

It's very simply. The reason we get bad leadership is that we vote for bad candidates. That won't change until we stop falling for the con you outline above.

It is simple.
the more people who sit out the fewer votes either bad candidate needs to win.
You are enabling one of the bad candidates to win, not stopping them, not even slowing them down.
You are a lie. There was no terrorist attack on J6. There WAS an orchestrated attack engineered by pelousi and her minions.

Yet another reichstag fire. Morons, like you are either too blind, or too stupid to see it happening again.

So which are you?
Lying about the 2020 election being ‘stolen’ is to make war on democracy.

With every lie, the illiberal, reprehensible right seeks to dismantle our democratic institutions.

The right’s war on democracy continues.
I've seen this idiot "logic" a thousand times. It's gets dumber every time I read it. It's a scam, cooked up by partisans, to get you to vote for their candidates even when they suck.

It's very simple. We get bad leaders because we vote for bad candidates. That won't change until we stop falling for the con you outline above.
But then you refuse to tell us who the good candidates are and proudly proclaim that you don't vote. I don't honestly see how you can make such as post as this and then admit that there are many times when you don't even vote.
It is simple.
the more people who sit out the fewer votes either bad candidate needs to win.
You are enabling one of the bad candidates to win, not stopping them, not even slowing them down.
Wow. People are soooo brainwashed with this shit. It's kinda hard to believe - but there it is. Garbage in, garbage out.
But then you refuse to tell us who the good candidates are and proudly proclaim that you don't vote. I don't honestly see how you can make such as post as this and then admit that there are many times when you don't even vote.
You don't seem to be very good at understanding words. But I'll try again - I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm asking you to stop voting for candidates when you know they're bad. Regardless of your excuses, can't you see how incredibly stupid that is?

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