The Fact of Black Genetic Dominace and Racial superiority.

We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.
and half breeds have a higher IQ on average than darker negroes ,but will still have a lower IQ than whites !!!

Show me a credible link that backs that up and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.

are you serious about paying attention to credible studies on this? Scarr did a paper on adopted babies, some white, some black, some mixed. it was originally planned to show what great improvements were possible putting children into favourable homes but ended up showing that kids end up being like their birth parents not their adopted ones
We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.
and half breeds have a higher IQ on average than darker negroes ,but will still have a lower IQ than whites !!!

Show me a credible link that backs that up and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.
the bell curve !!! shit lips !!!
That's plausible, but then races would simply reverse, and the attendant intelligence would likely follow. The reason whites are smarter than blacks is because of these cold climates, which forced them to think over longer ranges of time. But for the purposes of public policy today, assuming an equality of racial intelligence and behavior is a deadly game. One that whites lose.

All that cold climates added to the human population, besides clothing and lighter skin tones to compensate for less sunlight exposure, was technology. Technology, like language, were survival tools. Where not needed for survival, technology didn't develop as quickly.

Don't mistake technology for intelligence... Who is smarter, the population who learned how to make more efficient war, or the population who learned how to feed everyone and get along?

Racism is a shallow and stupid argument for the greed behind war.

Agreed. Choose sides or learn to think for yourself. True people need to work out their frustrations, yet for every cause there is an effect, and those are filled with unintended consequences.
and half breeds have a higher IQ on average than darker negroes ,but will still have a lower IQ than whites !!!

Show me a credible link that backs that up and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.
the bell curve !!! shit lips !!!
Me thinks that there is too much fluoride in your drinking water, Yidnar. For each of us, there is what we are born with, and then there is conditioning and society's impact.
and half breeds have a higher IQ on average than darker negroes ,but will still have a lower IQ than whites !!!

Show me a credible link that backs that up and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.

are you serious about paying attention to credible studies on this? Scarr did a paper on adopted babies, some white, some black, some mixed. it was originally planned to show what great improvements were possible putting children into favourable homes but ended up showing that kids end up being like their birth parents not their adopted ones

I'm saying that there's no fucking way anyone is going to be coming up with a credible study linking higher IQ's to lighter skin on a scale described in yidnar's silly rant.

I've quite simply met too many smart black people and too many genuinely stupid Caucasians for there to be a verifiable link between IQ and skin tone.

Hell, this message board is proof that Intelligence isn't linked to skin color and neither is Stupid.
perhaps you need to realize that joyce isn't the only racist motherfucker posting goofy shit in this thread. the original premise of the very first post is dumb as shit and, in relation to that, I think joyce makes a valid point. Since we all came from Africa, show me 10 cities from Africa that compare with 10 cities from europe.

It's apples to oranges, dude. Not to mention the colossal damage that the Europeans did to Africa as Western 'Civilization' used their war technology to expand across the globe like a viral plague.


Also... Show me a Black Dominated City that isn't Tyranized by Liberal Policies that Assume Failure on them from Birth.

And I'll show you a Successful City.


Show me a credible link that backs that up and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game you buy the tickets for.
the bell curve !!! shit lips !!!
Me thinks that there is too much fluoride in your drinking water, Yidnar. For each of us, there is what we are born with, and then there is conditioning and society's impact.
Didja read "The Bell Curve", Intense?

They did study the impact of environment as well as heredity.

I would ask you to consider that each time you make an exculpatory statement about Negroes, see how that applies to Asians and Caucasians for fairness/equality.

PS- Can you name one successful city run by Negroes?
perhaps you need to realize that joyce isn't the only racist motherfucker posting goofy shit in this thread. the original premise of the very first post is dumb as shit and, in relation to that, I think joyce makes a valid point. Since we all came from Africa, show me 10 cities from Africa that compare with 10 cities from europe.

It's apples to oranges, dude. Not to mention the colossal damage that the Europeans did to Africa as Western 'Civilization' used their war technology to expand across the globe like a viral plague.


Also... Show me a Black Dominated City that isn't Tyranized by Liberal Policies that Assume Failure on them from Birth.

And I'll show you a Successful City.


You can't name one city run by Negroes which is successful, Mal?
the bell curve !!! shit lips !!!
Me thinks that there is too much fluoride in your drinking water, Yidnar. For each of us, there is what we are born with, and then there is conditioning and society's impact.
Didja read "The Bell Curve", Intense?

They did study the impact of environment as well as heredity.

I would ask you to consider that each time you make an exculpatory statement about Negroes, see how that applies to Asians and Caucasians for fairness/equality.

PS- Can you name one successful city run by Negroes?

I read TBC. it almost totally ignored the racial aspect of intelligence. on purpose so that their thesis on how society has become stratified by intelligence wouldnt get sidetracked. but it did anyways.

if you really want to learn about race and intelligence you should read either 'Bias in Mental Testing' or 'The g Factor', both by Arthur Jensen. a brilliant scientist who methodically probes every area of intelligence, answers every question, and brings up even better questions and answers those too.
It's apples to oranges, dude. Not to mention the colossal damage that the Europeans did to Africa as Western 'Civilization' used their war technology to expand across the globe like a viral plague.


Also... Show me a Black Dominated City that isn't Tyranized by Liberal Policies that Assume Failure on them from Birth.

And I'll show you a Successful City.


You can't name one city run by Negroes which is successful, Mal?

Run by Liberals... Race has ZERO to do with Natural Ability... Only as far as it's used to Oppress and Liberals have been Assuming Failure on Blacks for Generations now...

And they are getting what their Policies are Designed for...

Including a Dependable Vote for the Promise of Fixing what they Created while they Blame the other People.

Liars... The Worst kind. :thup:


Me thinks that there is too much fluoride in your drinking water, Yidnar. For each of us, there is what we are born with, and then there is conditioning and society's impact.
Didja read "The Bell Curve", Intense?

They did study the impact of environment as well as heredity.

I would ask you to consider that each time you make an exculpatory statement about Negroes, see how that applies to Asians and Caucasians for fairness/equality.

PS- Can you name one successful city run by Negroes?

I read TBC. it almost totally ignored the racial aspect of intelligence. on purpose so that their thesis on how society has become stratified by intelligence wouldnt get sidetracked. but it did anyways.

if you really want to learn about race and intelligence you should read either 'Bias in Mental Testing' or 'The g Factor', both by Arthur Jensen. a brilliant scientist who methodically probes every area of intelligence, answers every question, and brings up even better questions and answers those too.
Thanks for the reminder about Jensen's work, Ian.
Imagine, in this day, this happening in the academic world:
After the paper was released, students and faculty staged large protests outside Jensen's U.C. Berkeley office. Jensen was denied reprints of his work by his publisher and was not permitted to reply in response to letters of criticism—both extremely unusual policies for their day.

In a later article, Jensen argued that his claims had been misunderstood:

...nowhere have I "claimed" an "innate deficiency" of intelligence in blacks. My position on this question is clearly spelled out in my most recent book: "The plain fact is that at present there exists no scientifically satisfactory explanation for the differences between the IQ distributions in the black and white populations. The only genuine consensus among well-informed scientists on this topic is that the cause of the difference remains an open question." (Jensen, 1981a, p. 213).

PS-Your response to my post reminds me that there hasn't been an answer to my questions of "Intense".
Also... Show me a Black Dominated City that isn't Tyranized by Liberal Policies that Assume Failure on them from Birth.

And I'll show you a Successful City.


You can't name one city run by Negroes which is successful, Mal?

Run by Liberals... Race has ZERO to do with Natural Ability... Only as far as it's used to Oppress and Liberals have been Assuming Failure on Blacks for Generations now...

And they are getting what their Policies are Designed for...

Including a Dependable Vote for the Promise of Fixing what they Created while they Blame the other People.

Liars... The Worst kind. :thup:



Oh please the blacks have been assuming failure on "themselves" and playing the victim sense the time of Malcom X in the 60s, race has absolutely nothing to do with how well your city fares rather it has to do with how that race "chooses" to run that society or community.
You can't name one city run by Negroes which is successful, Mal?

Run by Liberals... Race has ZERO to do with Natural Ability... Only as far as it's used to Oppress and Liberals have been Assuming Failure on Blacks for Generations now...

And they are getting what their Policies are Designed for...

Including a Dependable Vote for the Promise of Fixing what they Created while they Blame the other People.

Liars... The Worst kind. :thup:



Oh please the blacks have been assuming failure on "themselves" and playing the victim sense the time of Malcom X in the 60s, race has absolutely nothing to do with how well your city fares rather it has to do with how that race "chooses" to run that society or community.

I can't Judge the Generations since LBJ...

I didn't grow up in the bad areas of Detriot... Atlanta... Chicago... New Orleans...

Every single one of those Children was Retarded by Liberal Policies and every single one of them was Born Innocent.

Did you grow up with Government Handouts, Murder, Drugs and Piss Poor Schools?...

I Doubt it.

I was on Welfare as a Child in Richmond California...

Just a taste of it.

I was also Blessed to have 2 Parents, even when Divorced, who Cared for me...

Not having a Father in your Life and being Raised by the Streets is a Recipe for Failure.

Blacks are no LESS Capable than Whites of Success.

It's Generational Oppression via Liberal Policies that Assume and Foster Failure that have done that.

Until this Path is Changed, nothing will Change.


Run by Liberals... Race has ZERO to do with Natural Ability... Only as far as it's used to Oppress and Liberals have been Assuming Failure on Blacks for Generations now...

And they are getting what their Policies are Designed for...

Including a Dependable Vote for the Promise of Fixing what they Created while they Blame the other People.

Liars... The Worst kind. :thup:



Oh please the blacks have been assuming failure on "themselves" and playing the victim sense the time of Malcom X in the 60s, race has absolutely nothing to do with how well your city fares rather it has to do with how that race "chooses" to run that society or community.

I can't Judge the Generations since LBJ...

I didn't grow up in the bad areas of Detriot... Atlanta... Chicago... New Orleans...

Every single one of those Children was Retarded by Liberal Policies and every single one of them was Born Innocent.

Did you grow up with Government Handouts, Murder, Drugs and Piss Poor Schools?...

I Doubt it.

I was on Welfare as a Child in Richmond California...

Just a taste of it.

I was also Blessed to have 2 Parents, even when Divorced, who Cared for me...

Not having a Father in your Life and being Raised by the Streets is a Recipe for Failure.

Blacks are no LESS Capable than Whites of Success.

It's Generational Oppression via Liberal Policies that Assume and Foster Failure that have done that.

Until this Path is Changed, nothing will Change.



The hand outs no, the murder only partially, the drugs yes, the piss poor schools yes and was also Blessed with two Parents but all of that was balanced out by being one of only four white kids in an almost black exclusive school with the added handy cap of epilepsy, i also remember a college student from the local black community college shooting someone but the worst thing was my best friend was black and that kind of thing was frowned upon. Do you even realize how bad it is to be a white kid in a black school?
Last edited:
Oh please the blacks have been assuming failure on "themselves" and playing the victim sense the time of Malcom X in the 60s, race has absolutely nothing to do with how well your city fares rather it has to do with how that race "chooses" to run that society or community.

I can't Judge the Generations since LBJ...

I didn't grow up in the bad areas of Detriot... Atlanta... Chicago... New Orleans...

Every single one of those Children was Retarded by Liberal Policies and every single one of them was Born Innocent.

Did you grow up with Government Handouts, Murder, Drugs and Piss Poor Schools?...

I Doubt it.

I was on Welfare as a Child in Richmond California...

Just a taste of it.

I was also Blessed to have 2 Parents, even when Divorced, who Cared for me...

Not having a Father in your Life and being Raised by the Streets is a Recipe for Failure.

Blacks are no LESS Capable than Whites of Success.

It's Generational Oppression via Liberal Policies that Assume and Foster Failure that have done that.

Until this Path is Changed, nothing will Change.



The hand outs no, the murder only partially, the drugs yes, the piss poor schools yes and was also Blessed with two Parents but all of that was balanced out by being one of only four white kids in an almost black exclusive school with the added handy cap of epilepsy, i also remember a college student from the local black community college shooting someone but the worst thing was my best friend was black and that kind of thing was frowned upon. Do you even realize how bad it is to be a white kid in a black school?

Yes... Do you even know where Richmond CA is?... :lol:

Makes Oakland seem nice. :thup:

And in Southside East Westminster, North Denver, my first friend as a little one was Black... Next door... Mid-70's.

2 out of 4 standing with me on my Wedding Day were Hispanic.

My Mentor in my Professional Career is Black.

And you as a White, REGARDLESS of where you were, don't have the same Challenges that Black Children do in the Ghetto.

Fact not Fiction.

Generations of Liberal Policies have Caused this and until that's Changed, nothing will Change...

From looks of Chicago over Memorial Day, I'd say it's getting Worse. :thup:

Baltimore?... Yep.


A recent study, reported on NPR last week, studied the impact of per capita spending on students' performance in a public school system. The funds were unlimited, and no expense was spared- including an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Guess what they found!
Immigrant Negroes did better than American Negroes. (Asians and Caucasians will be left out of the equation for the moment.)

The difference? PARENTS. Not money.
We all know that Black Genes are dominate. If a Black person and a White person produce a child the Child will have Black Dominate features.Weather
the Black person is male or female.

Does this transfer into racial superiority?. How can whites argue for racial superiority, with degenerative genes?.

I say white superiority is a big lie. It is all false.

Black people and black genes are dominate throughout nature, and everyday life.
Apparently, the black gene for good writing is recessive.
I can't Judge the Generations since LBJ...

I didn't grow up in the bad areas of Detriot... Atlanta... Chicago... New Orleans...

Every single one of those Children was Retarded by Liberal Policies and every single one of them was Born Innocent.

Did you grow up with Government Handouts, Murder, Drugs and Piss Poor Schools?...

I Doubt it.

I was on Welfare as a Child in Richmond California...

Just a taste of it.

I was also Blessed to have 2 Parents, even when Divorced, who Cared for me...

Not having a Father in your Life and being Raised by the Streets is a Recipe for Failure.

Blacks are no LESS Capable than Whites of Success.

It's Generational Oppression via Liberal Policies that Assume and Foster Failure that have done that.

Until this Path is Changed, nothing will Change.



The hand outs no, the murder only partially, the drugs yes, the piss poor schools yes and was also Blessed with two Parents but all of that was balanced out by being one of only four white kids in an almost black exclusive school with the added handy cap of epilepsy, i also remember a college student from the local black community college shooting someone but the worst thing was my best friend was black and that kind of thing was frowned upon. Do you even realize how bad it is to be a white kid in a black school?

Yes... Do you even know where Richmond CA is?... :lol:

Makes Oakland seem nice. :thup:

And in Southside East Westminster, North Denver, my first friend as a little one was Black... Next door... Mid-70's.

2 out of 4 standing with me on my Wedding Day were Hispanic.

My Mentor in my Professional Career is Black.

And you as a White, REGARDLESS of where you were, don't have the same Challenges that Black Children do in the Ghetto.

Fact not Fiction.

Generations of Liberal Policies have Caused this and until that's Changed, nothing will Change...

From looks of Chicago over Memorial Day, I'd say it's getting Worse. :thup:

Baltimore?... Yep.



I think my intelligence fell just from talking to you Mal :eusa_eh:
The hand outs no, the murder only partially, the drugs yes, the piss poor schools yes and was also Blessed with two Parents but all of that was balanced out by being one of only four white kids in an almost black exclusive school with the added handy cap of epilepsy, i also remember a college student from the local black community college shooting someone but the worst thing was my best friend was black and that kind of thing was frowned upon. Do you even realize how bad it is to be a white kid in a black school?

Yes... Do you even know where Richmond CA is?... :lol:

Makes Oakland seem nice. :thup:

And in Southside East Westminster, North Denver, my first friend as a little one was Black... Next door... Mid-70's.

2 out of 4 standing with me on my Wedding Day were Hispanic.

My Mentor in my Professional Career is Black.

And you as a White, REGARDLESS of where you were, don't have the same Challenges that Black Children do in the Ghetto.

Fact not Fiction.

Generations of Liberal Policies have Caused this and until that's Changed, nothing will Change...

From looks of Chicago over Memorial Day, I'd say it's getting Worse. :thup:

Baltimore?... Yep.



I think my intelligence fell just from talking to you Mal :eusa_eh:

How can it fall from Zero?... :dunno:



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