The Far Left is sooo Transparent, and Yet we are Dumb enough to Answer Their Questions!

Of course, Republicans “hate our democracy”, that’s why they were protesting a rigged election instead of going along with it, because they “hate democracy”. :laughing0301:
I saw it live on tv Hawk. It looked a lot more like assholes being assholes, than protesters protesting.

I swear to God.
Just make sure at 2am, the Reppublican poll watchers arent chased out again like they have done in the last two elections, and all voting machines arent bugged to turn Republican Ballots into Democrat.

So you're not voting next year?
Of course you are not offended by an attack on our Democracy
You are a Republican
LOL, “aN aTtAcK oN dEmOcRaCy!”

It was a mostly peaceful protest against an obviously rigged election. Protesting an actual attack on democracy: election theft.

Here you are, defending stolen elections.
You’re a Democrat.
Because you reelected him in 2018, Klan uniform and all.

Uh no. Virginia Governors aren't "re-elected". It is largely a one and done job because the constitution of the state prohibits anyone from serving two successive terms in office.
Democrats know Fauci is a liar. Democrats know Biden is a liar and corrupt. Yet, all they can do is go after Trump because Trump will upset their agenda. They're nasty vile evil creatures that hate real Americans.
So you're not voting next year?
Many times.........


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