
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
I know the Democrats have a dark and ugly history - but in this era of the information age - it's silly to keep pretending. We all know who and what the Democrats are. It's time to properly rebrand themselves to the new Obstructioninst Party.

Everything and anything to hinder President Trump. Everything and anything to bring down the United States. When you publish a document called "resist" with ideas for obstructing a president who was months away from being sworn in - you know you are truly the Obstructionist Party.

After whining about Republicans - who were sent to Washington to reverse course after two full years of Obama and the Dumbocrats nearly collapsed the U.S. (not to mention shredding the constitution) - being "obstructionists", the left sets out to do exactly what they cried about without even giving President Trump two months. Dems - you are the party of obstruction. Own it.

Meet Indivisible, the young progressives leading the resistance to President Trump
I know the Democrats have a dark and ugly history - but in this era of the information age - it's silly to keep pretending. We all know who and what the Democrats are. It's time to properly rebrand themselves to the new Obstructioninst Party.

Everything and anything to hinder President Trump. Everything and anything to bring down the United States. When you publish a document called "resist" with ideas for obstructing a president who was months away from being sworn in - you know you are truly the Obstructionist Party.

After whining about Republicans - who were sent to Washington to reverse course after two full years of Obama and the Dumbocrats nearly collapsed the U.S. (not to mention shredding the constitution) - being "obstructionists", the left sets out to do exactly what they cried about without even giving President Trump two months. Dems - you are the party of obstruction. Own it.

Meet Indivisible, the young progressives leading the resistance to President Trump

Soon they will be Inconsolable, as their fantasy world is taken apart and people that matter laugh at them more.
We may be seeing only the beginning of the left's meltdown. President Trump destroyed decades of liberal PC and suppression of any world view other than their own. Trust me these filth are in panic mode.
Yeah, the GOP has never once used obstructionism in government against their opponents...
I know the Democrats have a dark and ugly history - but in this era of the information age - it's silly to keep pretending. We all know who and what the Democrats are. It's time to properly rebrand themselves to the new Obstructioninst Party.

Everything and anything to hinder President Trump. Everything and anything to bring down the United States. When you publish a document called "resist" with ideas for obstructing a president who was months away from being sworn in - you know you are truly the Obstructionist Party.

After whining about Republicans - who were sent to Washington to reverse course after two full years of Obama and the Dumbocrats nearly collapsed the U.S. (not to mention shredding the constitution) - being "obstructionists", the left sets out to do exactly what they cried about without even giving President Trump two months. Dems - you are the party of obstruction. Own it.

Meet Indivisible, the young progressives leading the resistance to President Trump

Just declare the Democratic Party to be a political religion.
What they want to fund and believe among their own membership is their business.
But their beliefs should not be imposed on the public, and certainly not on the
entire nation through federal govt "under penalty of law."

Call the party out for what it is.
let's get the conversation started from there.
Should have plenty to address in terms of Political Beliefs,
enough to call a Convention of States and start hashing all these
The disturbing reality is that now in America, being patriotic is viewed as an insult and a crime. I pray you get back on track.
Thanks to Barack Obama - we are. The American people have seen life under the hatriots and it wasn't pretty. That's why the American people turned over the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of 50 states to the Republicans. Over 1,000 Dumbocrats seats lost since Obama took office.
What you have to remember is, government power and control is the play-pretty of the left. The 2016 elections represented the ripping of their favorite toy from the hands of a petulant little child. The behavior is predictable.

It's going to take a clock cleaning in 2018 before they snap out of the anger and denial stage they are now in. They don't have a strategy for dealing with Trump's nationalist populism. They believe their only hope is to become as much 'dead weight' as they can in congress, delay and obstruct as much as possible, keep fanning fake smoke at wild speculative scandals and hope that some miracle happens in 2018 to reverse the course of things.

But... sorry to report, the Miracle Train will not be leaving the station in 2018. Democrats have 23 seats up for grabs, more than 10 are in states Trump won by significant numbers. If Republicans capture 10 seats in the Senate, they enter the next session with 62 GOP votes.
Party of no used to be the GOP, now it the Dems....it has never ended from the day the USA was made..

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