The GOP will lose big in 2018 !!!!

Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings.

Isn't this obvious?

Pelosi vowed to take back the Trump tax cuts if they win, my god Dems will win in a landslide. :auiqs.jpg:
that won't make the news.
if the economy isn't doing better, people actually will vote for that nonsense.

trump needs to cut spending, by a lot for it to have enough of an affect.

Pelosi will be voted out as House Leader...when the Dems win.
No one knows who will have more winners in the mid terms. could name a number of things that seem to be doing ok, and there are more things if done with some care could be good. there are also some not good things that have been done, or are in the process of being trying to stay as calm as possible. as he is a newbee to government wish Trump would close his mouth more & move with more care.
The swing of power will most likely go towards the party lacking it

And nothing will change ,especially the partisan howling

That said, here's something interesting>>>


The horrors of South Africa will eliminate white guilt, and the demographic changes will create an army that will crush what is left of the Democratic party.
Do you think that American minorities are paying more attention to "horrors of South Africa" than they are to Trump saying he doesn't know who David Duke is, the support he's getting from white nationalists from coast to coast, and the wall he's building between the GOP and Hispanics?

Minorities don't get to decide whether white people have rights or not(regardless of how many of them there are).

Only anti-white pieces of shit think white nationalists are any different from black lives matter.

If every white man and woman has to become Rambo to secure our rights against the Democrats and their racist special interest groups, then that is what will happen.

white supremacists tend to be economically marginal and uneducated losers... you know, like you. so that they are afraid of anyone who doesn't look like them.

but please, when you're grown up, little one, go compete for jobs with people who actually speak English.
The horrors of South Africa will eliminate white guilt, and the demographic changes will create an army that will crush what is left of the Democratic party.
Do you think that American minorities are paying more attention to "horrors of South Africa" than they are to Trump saying he doesn't know who David Duke is, the support he's getting from white nationalists from coast to coast, and the wall he's building between the GOP and Hispanics?

Minorities don't get to decide whether white people have rights or not(regardless of how many of them there are).

Only anti-white pieces of shit think white nationalists are any different from black lives matter.

If every white man and woman has to become Rambo to secure our rights against the Democrats and their racist special interest groups, then that is what will happen.

white supremacists tend to be economically marginal and uneducated losers... you know, like you. so that they are afraid of anyone who doesn't look like them.

but please, when you're grown up, little one, go compete for jobs with people who actually speak English.
Enemies of white nationalists are all low IQ inbreds who couldn't get a real job, or pass a real college course if a gun was held to their parents' heads, and that includes you and your dipshit son.

Idiots like you will be in street crying and begging for scraps once this country can no longer pretend it is functional anymore, while people like myself will be more than ready for the world we knew was coming decades ago.
m-m-m-m-aybe, most likely i'll be old & useless, but good luck storming the gates and all.....~S~
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings.

Isn't this obvious?

Pelosi vowed to take back the Trump tax cuts if they win, my god Dems will win in a landslide. :auiqs.jpg:
uhhhh, nope!

She vowed to repeal and REPLACE!

....but we know how well that worked out for the Republican and President's health care plan that they were going to repeal and replace! :D
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings. Isn't this obvious?
One of the mistakes the GOP is making is assuming that everyone shares their priorities. They do not.

The party appears to be completely ignoring our demographic changes. Why that is, remains a mystery.

False, the gop knows precisely that the 3rd world population living in shitholes do not share their first world values. That's why they should not be let in.

For us, first world westerners, retaining one's own income is the foundation of the society. Of course, if you do not want to do so, you are welcome to donate your paycheck to the government.
Most red areas are like third world countries. Even worse, poor education.
tax cuts put more money in my check
it did the same for yours.

so everyone, including yourself, knows you just lied.
Odds are it didn't for BOTH of you!
All the GOP did was jigger the withholding tables and took out less each month. Remember how the Right kept reminding us how 47% paid no income taxes, so that 47% can't pay less taxes than zero, so all their bigger take home pay means is for about 1 out of 2 workers they will get less back in their refund after April 15th.

So everyone, including yourself, knows you've just been had again, SUCKER.
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings. Isn't this obvious?
One of the mistakes the GOP is making is assuming that everyone shares their priorities. They do not.

The party appears to be completely ignoring our demographic changes. Why that is, remains a mystery.

False, the gop knows precisely that the 3rd world population living in shitholes do not share their first world values. That's why they should not be let in.

For us, first world westerners, retaining one's own income is the foundation of the society. Of course, if you do not want to do so, you are welcome to donate your paycheck to the government.
Most red areas are like third world countries. Even worse, poor education.
There are even more uneducated people in blue areas.
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings. Isn't this obvious?
One of the mistakes the GOP is making is assuming that everyone shares their priorities. They do not.

The party appears to be completely ignoring our demographic changes. Why that is, remains a mystery.

False, the gop knows precisely that the 3rd world population living in shitholes do not share their first world values. That's why they should not be let in.

For us, first world westerners, retaining one's own income is the foundation of the society. Of course, if you do not want to do so, you are welcome to donate your paycheck to the government.
Most red areas are like third world countries. Even worse, poor education.
There are even more uneducated people in blue areas.
From my experience those in red areas are more likely to be less educated, more prejudist....they are not exposed much to other cultures and therefore they fear things they don't know.
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings. Isn't this obvious?
One of the mistakes the GOP is making is assuming that everyone shares their priorities. They do not.

The party appears to be completely ignoring our demographic changes. Why that is, remains a mystery.

False, the gop knows precisely that the 3rd world population living in shitholes do not share their first world values. That's why they should not be let in.

For us, first world westerners, retaining one's own income is the foundation of the society. Of course, if you do not want to do so, you are welcome to donate your paycheck to the government.
Most red areas are like third world countries. Even worse, poor education.
There are even more uneducated people in blue areas.
From my experience those in red areas are more likely to be less educated, more prejudist....they are not exposed much to other cultures and therefore they fear things they don't know.
That is just an ignorant, baseless assumption. Red areas are much more diverse than areas run by Black National Caucus members and the like.

Blue areas also tend to house extreme anti-white racism without shame.
Americans will vote Democrat so that we can keep less of their own earned earnings.

Isn't this obvious?

Pelosi vowed to take back the Trump tax cuts if they win, my god Dems will win in a landslide. :auiqs.jpg:
that won't make the news.
if the economy isn't doing better, people actually will vote for that nonsense.

trump needs to cut spending, by a lot for it to have enough of an affect.

Pelosi will be voted out as House Leader...when the Dems win.

she promised to drain the swamp then went out of her way to make sure it stayed full.

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