The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

Thank you for deciding that homosexual behavior is a choice. As is all sexual behavior.

Sexual impulses are sexual impulses. There's no biology that determines what we are attracted to.
Sexual impulses are sexual impulses. There's no biology that determines what we are attracted to.

prove that assumption, dummy.

your opinion just isn't the consensus you seem to think it is.

Obviously, you didn't comprehend my post very well.

but it's funny to watch you claim that nothing in your biology made you heterosexual... Hey, maybe you can name drop some website and then totally scramble backward after someone clicks on your link and sees that it doesn't say anything REMOTELY close to what you claim!

I hear thats how all the smart kids prove their point!

my point is that you could likewise choose to be asexual but that doesn't really have anything to do with orientation, does it?

I'm glad the lefty example was brought up. If one were forced to write with their Right hand while being a lefty... does this erase their proficiency with using their left hand?

Sure, Gandhi chose... but he was still hungry, eh? Sure, gays can choose NOT to act upon their sexual orientation... but does that make them any less attracted to men? Would you be able to choose to be attracted to men for a month even if you chose to be asexual?

I see your point but I think that with enough behavior modification, possible psychotic drug treatments and a menu of other things, you can even change not only ones actions but also their desires. It would take a lot of time and trouble and discomfort. It would be expensive It would figuratively be a great big pain, but I think that it can be done. You can change one’s preference for different ice creams. How did the North Koreans convince POW’s to change sides? Chemical and psychological conditioning can work – but why go through all of that trouble. As I see it, it is okay to be gay. They don’t need to be “treated” or “reprogrammed”.
would you consider TREATMENTS the same as merely CHOOSING an orientation?

Sure, I can lobotomize someone and change their behaviour but.. is this really the same thing as an autonomous choice?

I say no.

going further, I'd also say that even a lefty being socially forced to write with their right hand is still, by definition, a lefty because his ability does not decrease in the left with the increase of the right. Similarly, Gandhi didn't get less hungry because he chose not to eat. Likewise, gays choosing to be strait has a pretty laughable result on average because choosing not to act is not making a choice about orientation.

you don't have to justify your position either. I don't smell the gay hating vitriol from you that others radiate like afrosheen on the couch cushion.

Sexual impulses are sexual impulses. There's no biology that determines what we are attracted to.

prove that assumption, dummy.

your opinion just isn't the consensus you seem to think it is.

Obviously, you didn't comprehend my post very well.

but it's funny to watch you claim that nothing in your biology made you heterosexual... Hey, maybe you can name drop some website and then totally scramble backward after someone clicks on your link and sees that it doesn't say anything REMOTELY close to what you claim!

I hear thats how all the smart kids prove their point!


Go ahead and make the scientific connection between biology and sexuality. I already proved ad nauseum that homosexuality is a choice. And you actually agreed with me. Briefly, before loping off into lala land again.
You haven't proved shit.

Even your OWN sources admit the BIOLOGIC factor.

but go ahead and keep telling yourself different.... It's not like I haven't already stomped a mud hole in your ability to debate today...


like I said.. PROVE your lame fucking assertions this time. I won't be taking sources from lame catholic sites either.
would you consider TREATMENTS the same as merely CHOOSING an orientation?

Sure, I can lobotomize someone and change their behaviour but.. is this really the same thing as an autonomous choice?

I say no.

going further, I'd also say that even a lefty being socially forced to write with their right hand is still, by definition, a lefty because his ability does not decrease in the left with the increase of the right. Similarly, Gandhi didn't get less hungry because he chose not to eat. Likewise, gays choosing to be strait has a pretty laughable result on average because choosing not to act is not making a choice about orientation.

you don't have to justify your position either. I don't smell the gay hating vitriol from you that others radiate like afrosheen on the couch cushion.


I am not saying whether or not there might be a natural preference that one might be born with. What I am saying is that with enough conditioning, even preferences that one might be born with can be overcome. Provided he is not “over the hill”, if a left-handed person has his left hand tied behind his back and is forever more prevented from using it, and is forced to write often each day with his right hand, and perform other things only with his right hand forever more, I believe that the skill that he had with his left hand would slowly diminish due to lack of use and that the skill that he has with his right hand would steadily improve to the point at which his right hand may surpass his left hand.

Consider the anorexics. I’m no doctor but I think that in such cases they have so conditioned themselves to prefer to be thin that they develop mental disorders and prefer to starve themselves.

Yes. I have sympathy for the gay people. Outside of law and the Constitution which may need to be amended (I’ll leave that to the legal scholars.) I see no compelling reason why we should not at least have the federal government recognize civil unions for gay couples – so that they, as couples, can have the same benefits and responsibilities as married couples have.
You haven't proved shit.

Even your OWN sources admit the BIOLOGIC factor.

but go ahead and keep telling yourself different.... It's not like I haven't already stomped a mud hole in your ability to debate today...


like I said.. PROVE your lame fucking assertions this time. I won't be taking sources from lame catholic sites either.

The source was USA today, dumbass. And the bibliography was from all over the world.

In modern times, it is more common to find people considered ambidextrous who were originally left handed, and learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during childhood in institutions such as schools where right-handed habits are often emphasized. Also, since many everyday devices are designed to be only ergonomic for right handed people, many left handed people have no choice but to use the device with the right hand (a good example is a can opener). As a result, left handed people are much more likely to develop motor skills in their non-dominant hand than right handed people (who are not subjected to left-favouring devices). Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as juggling, swimming, percussion or keyboard music, word processing, surgery, and combat[citation needed].

im not following your anorexia example. Even if they suffer from a disorder in which they choose not to eat like Gandhi they still have the biologic function of hunger.
No shit? Then you're agreeing with me again. Even though they have the biological urge to have sex, they can choose how, where and with whom. Making homosexuality a choice.
The source was USA today, dumbass. And the bibliography was from all over the world.

then link to it from USA TODAY, bitch.

But you can't can you? I've googled the article already too and discovered, SUPRISE SUPRISE, that not only won't you find it at USA TODAY but it only really comes up at, timpani's please, CATHOLIC BLOGS....

see, this is why no one takes your shit seriously.

BUT, hell, feel free to prove me wrong and link it from the source instead of some lame fucking catholic website.
No shit? Then you're agreeing with me again. Even though they have the biological urge to have sex, they can choose how, where and with whom. Making homosexuality a choice.

You are not a logical person, are you? It;s funny to see you grasp this desperately for what you think proves your point. Indeed, this is why people know how stupid you are.

Sexual orientation doesn't go away just because one chooses to be ASEXUAL.

Are CATHOLIC PRIESTS all of a sudden making a choice NOT TO BE HETERO when they abstain from sex?

of course not.

but you are stupid so I don't blame you for seeing the difference.

Even though they have the biological urge to have sex with a MAN

hey, thanks for agreeing that there IS a biologic aspect to orientation!
Another irrational and rambling post which doesn't deserve an answer, as it is meaningless.

Make an argument or shut up, felon.
No shit? Then you're agreeing with me again. Even though they have the biological urge to have sex, they can choose how, where and with whom. Making homosexuality a choice.

If they can do it you can do it. Please give it a try if you are so dead certain it is a choice. Start with a Google image search of 'beautiful women,' tell which woman turns you on. Be honest here and make the choice and let us know. Send link and I'll let you know if a heterosexual man agrees with your selection. You could find things out about yourself you never expected!
Another irrational and rambling post which doesn't deserve an answer, as it is meaningless.

Make an argument or shut up, felon.

oh NOW it's libel, eh bitch?

Funny that you can't attack my criticism of your logic but you can ASSUME that I'm a felon. yes, that probably doesn't speak VOLUMES about how stunted is your capacity to comprehend life around you.

Poor girl.. I really should stop picking on the locally mentally challenged.

If they can do it you can do it. Please give it a try if you are so dead certain it is a choice. Start with a Google image search of 'beautiful women,' tell which woman turns you on. Be honest here and make the choice and let us know. Send link and I'll let you know if a heterosexual man agrees with your selection. You could find things out about yourself you never expected!

Watch her squirm out from under proving her own assertions..

It's funny to see how desperate someone who is mentally paralyzed is to strut around like a thinker..
I'm dead certain it's a choice. The science agrees, and I certainly am not obligated to do a sex side show for the entertainment of the lower levels of humanity.

And your "criticism", Shogun, is nothing more than spastic jerking and diversion tactics. I've addressed and overcome every single real objection you've thrown my way. The rest is just you suffering death throes, and I've treated it as such.

And the names are incidental. I just like to call you names. There's nothing scientific about it. It is telling you react so strongly. It's typical of someone who doesn't like facing the truth.
I'm dead certain it's a choice. The science agrees, and I certainly am not obligated to do a sex side show for the entertainment of the lower levels of humanity.

And your "criticism", Shogun, is nothing more than spastic jerking and diversion tactics. I've addressed and overcome every single real objection you've thrown my way. The rest is just you suffering death throes, and I've treated it as such.

And the names are incidental. I just like to call you names. There's nothing scientific about it. It is telling you react so strongly. It's typical of someone who doesn't like facing the truth.

Still insisting that the CONSENSUS of a BIOLOGIC function is a liberal myth, eh? Even when it comes from your very own "evidence"?

No one cares what YOU are convinced of.. I'm sure a tour of your brain and the things that YOU are convinced of would be like touring the inside of a padded cell. YOU have not provided page ONE of evidence that proves a choice. Hell, i'm not even certain you know what's going on when you google something and post the first thing that comes up and HOPE that it says what you think. You have an opinion which you can't support and insist that YOUR opinion is some scientific standard. CLEARLY it's not.

But, like waiting for the CDC evidence or anything from USA TODAY I'm sure I'll be waiting a while for you to discover what good evidence looks like.. Indeed, spare me you lecture. I don't take lessons from foolish bitches who think they are winning from half a mile behind the rest of us.

Indeed, I'm partial to picking the scab of your ignorance too. Feel free to keep playing. it's fun to watch you walk into the wall of a dominant mind again and again and again and again and again and again and...

your kind used to be dead certain that the world was flat and was the center of the universe too...

who cares what you are certain of? Certainly NOT the scientific consensus!

You're the one here denying the facts, not me. Not only are you denying the facts, you're lying as well.

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