The House has Passed Two Stimulus Bills. The Senate has not acted.

Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
One would think that is the way t would work, but with Pelosi that is all but impossible

Pelosi and the Democrats did their job. You and I (to be truthful) may not like it but all the House or Senate can do is pass legislation. They did that. Twice. The Senate is doing nothing. So your post is simply not factual.
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

The two bills are not acceptable.
Why not?

Bailouts for poorly run Democrats jurisdictions.

Extract all but Covid relief, and off you go.

Yup that all that should be in the bill. The Dems need to remove the pork and send it to the Senate. The Senate will pass it without the pork.
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

The two bills are not acceptable.

The two bills are INTENTIONALLY unacceptable!

This is why you change it, vote on it, pass it (or reject it) and then have a conference committee.

The American Taliban running the House has shown ZERO interest in conferences or compromise.
It was probably stuffed with the likes of:

A. free stuff for illegals
B. Free entry for immigration
C. Sex-changes on public dime, abortions too
D. Trump will provide his tax returns
E. Revise Constitution
F. Blacks are treated differently
G. Blacks are treated differently
H. Eight zillion to fight mother Earth
I. New pussy for Kamala, she wore the old one out
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.
Oh Bullshit! The house sent a pork infested Bill that they knew wouldn't pass in the Senate. They weren't serious,
it was just a political game.
So please, explain the portion you believe is pork. All we are hearing from you guys is vague claims of pork and waste. Be specific so we can discuss the topic and not just hear whining.
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

The two bills are not acceptable.
Why not?

Bailouts for poorly run Democrats jurisdictions.

Extract all but Covid relief, and off you go.

Yup that all that should be in the bill. The Dems need to remove the pork and send it to the Senate. The Senate will pass it without the pork.


The Senate can take the bill it has and do exactly what you're saying. They are not bound by anything outside the Senate. Where are they?
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
thats what they are trying to do but the dems in the house want to pack it full of stuff that has nothing to do with relief,,,

The Senate isn't working on any bill that the house sent them. I don't think they are even in session right now.
you should prolly educate yourself on the facts,,,the senate has talked to them and made it clear they wont support a packed bill,,,

they should just send a clean bill with only the relief package and end the fight,,,

Again...the rhetoric is fine. As Americans members can say anything they want. But the way it's supposed to work is that one house passes a bill, the other side gets the bill, changes whatever they want in it, passes it (or rejects it) and then there is a conference committee that hammers out differences (or not).

Where is the Senate's bill?
my understanding is they will only accept a single item bill,,,so all the house has to do is send them that,,,


Pass the single item bill then...strip everything away from the house bills except for that single item, raise the funding levels (or cut the funding levels) to the dollar amount you want; pass it in the Senate--they have the votes--and then have a conference committee. That is the process, right?
Send a clean Bill. Why can't you acknowledge that the House could do that?
Your way would take the process into next year, you do realize that, don't you?
But, I know you aren't serious about this.
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?
One would think that is the way t would work, but with Pelosi that is all but impossible

Pelosi and the Democrats did their job. You and I (to be truthful) may not like it but all the House or Senate can do is pass legislation. They did that. Twice. The Senate is doing nothing. So your post is simply not factual.

Sure they did. The sent a bill loaded with pork knowing the Senate wouldn't pass it. They need to send a bill for Covid relief period. No pork. Once they do that the Senate will pass it.
Shouldn't both houses get together and hammer out a bill and then send it to the President?

The House was getting together with the President's team to hammer out a bill.
The Dems kept loading it with crap, so the President walked away.

Correct. Which is why I'm asking about the Congress. Where is the Senate?
they are waiting for a clean bill,,, so the house should just send that if they care about relief for the american people,,,

for me I am against anymore debt and reject any relief,,,
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

The two bills are not acceptable.
Why not?

Bailouts for poorly run Democrats jurisdictions.

Extract all but Covid relief, and off you go.

Yup that all that should be in the bill. The Dems need to remove the pork and send it to the Senate. The Senate will pass it without the pork.


The Senate can take the bill it has and do exactly what you're saying. They are not bound by anything outside the Senate. Where are they?

Sure they can. They can remove the pork and send it back to the House. You wanna take a bet on the House approving it and sending it back without the Pork they stuffed into it??
I'm sure the stuffed it full of stuff. The Senate won't sign it and they sure won't send it to Trump cause you know HE won't sign it.
Again....shouldn't the CONGRESS get together and work this out?

I agree. They should but you know how it goes. Neither side want to bend.

The House did their job....they passed a bill. That is all that a body of Congress can do.
The Senate has not done their job. They have not passed a bill.

It's not a matter of bending, it's a matter of reconciling. There is nothing to reconcile if the Senate can't pass a bill of it's own.
Oh Bullshit! The house sent a pork infested Bill that they knew wouldn't pass in the Senate. They weren't serious,
it was just a political game.
So please, explain the portion you believe is pork. All we are hearing from you guys is vague claims of pork and waste. Be specific so we can discuss the topic and not just hear whining.
Paying off state debt to Ca., NY.
Don't be so fucking stupid
But they are coming into session to have hearings on a supreme court seat--which is important as well.

What about addressing the two bills the House sent you, Mitch?

The two bills are not acceptable.
Why not?

Bailouts for poorly run Democrats jurisdictions.

Extract all but Covid relief, and off you go.

Yup that all that should be in the bill. The Dems need to remove the pork and send it to the Senate. The Senate will pass it without the pork.


The Senate can take the bill it has and do exactly what you're saying. They are not bound by anything outside the Senate. Where are they?
Why don't you blame your tribe for stuffing the Bill with pork? You can't even bring yourself to do that, can you, Candy.
Of course not

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