The inevitable victory of the Left

Innovation is the fruit of a flexible and fearless mind, conservatives do not possess such a thing.
If liberals want to take credit for the advancement of mankind, conservatives can take the credit for conserving conditions in the universe since the beginning of humanity. Both are silly notions. :)
I have already said that conservatives are the guardians of stability and the status quo which is not necessary a bad thing until they start denying the reality of things. When things are in balance the pace of change is not too sudden but the really important challenges get met with sober imagination. Conservatives and progressives both have roles to play in society but all too often conservatives get too scared and try to set back the clock to time when they were less fearful. It never works but conservatives are nothing if not blindly and perversely stubborn.

I assure you the right has no monopoly on stubbornness.

Stubbornness is often good, stubbornly denying reality is never good.

Well, then it simply becomes a matter of whose version of reality one is more willing to accept.

Version of reality? lol

The hardcore Left has been very effective over time, because it has been very consistent in its messaging and very patient. We've now reached the point where earned success is questioned (or worse), where business owners didn't build that, where people are owed something for nothing.

Of course, the Right has been very helpful to the Left, as it has either (a) acted oblivious or (b) been oblivious to the negative effects of its simplistic, binary, knee-jerk reactions to all taxes, all regulation, all government, pretty much anything that doesn't fit into its tight little vacuum. The messaging skills of the Right have, uh, vanished, and it seems to have absolutely no comprehension of the critical nature of equilibrium. None, zero. A big assist to its political adversaries.

Meanwhile, the Left continues to pile up little victories. We'll know more in 2016, I reckon.



At least you still have humour

Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

Political Scientist Republicans Most Conservative They ve Been In 100 Years It s All Politics NPR

Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.

We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.

Let s just say it The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Yes, another thoughtful, objective analysis from an independent thinker.

"It's all their fault! Those guys, over there! AUUUGHHH! AUUUGHHH!



Yes, BECAUSE it's the left side of the political spectrum who created a MYTH about Reagan, who had a TOP RATE OF 50% FOR HIS FIRST 6 YEARS, yet they call Obama a socialist? Leaving out the ELEVEN 'revenue enhancements' he made (we call them tax increases on the left, they of course hit the poor and middle class the hardest)

Or Reagan who funded then cut and ran from terrorist? But Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, even though HE said he'd go in to Pakistan to get Bin Laden, and was criticized by the right? lol

Maybe it's the FACT that Reagan admin had the most convictions of ANY modern Prez as well as investigations in modern times? INCLUDING IRAN/CONTRA, THAT CONSTITUTIONAL THING, But Obama is trampling the Constitution? lol
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.

Census: White Population Will Lose Majority In U.S. By 2043

Census White Population Will Lose Majority In U.S. By 2043
It's already over. They're just dragging out the inevitable. The population is becoming more liberal as it becomes more educated and diverse. Support for liberal policies like drug legalization, feminism and abortion, and using words as a first resort rather than drones and bombs is going to keep growing. Support for the conservative positions like racism, sexism, and xenophobia are going to die off with the aging conservative population. I can honestly see a purely liberal America within the next fifty years if demographic trends continue. The main things holding us back from this are the bastions of the Right: the fear mongering conservative media, traditional Christian whitebread society, and religion. Luckily all three of these things are dying at record pace.
Yet, in the past 8 years, Republicans have increased their US House seats, their US Senate seats, hold more Governor seats and have taken more State Legislatures than any other time in the past 70 years.

All of that in the face of the only policy that progressives cling to.

Robbing Peter to get Paul's vote.

Weird, I thought Obama stopped robbing Peter to pay Paul be increasing tax revenues from Dubya's less than 15% to the current projected 18% this fiscal year? You know right wing Klowns LOVE to put things on the credit card for their kids.grand kids to pay for!
Yet, in the past 8 years, Republicans have increased their US House seats, their US Senate seats, hold more Governor seats and have taken more State Legislatures than any other time in the past 70 years.

All of that in the face of the only policy that progressives cling to.

Robbing Peter to get Paul's vote.

And what do Conservatives have to show for it? In fact, what do Conservatives have to show for the 6 years the GOP had majority in Congress and the Presidency from 2001 to 2007?
I know you think you have a point, but if you look closely, the makeup of the GOP in the 2001 to 2006 Congresses has been altered pretty drastically. Those that were the liberal go along to get along GOP'ers are being replaced with better representatives. Representatives that understand that we cannot continue to go the progressive way. It is disappointing and unfortunate the more republicans did not vote against the boner, but some did and that's a good example of the the country moving in the correct direction.

What we have to show for the growing and increasing popularity in the States and in the countries Congressional districts is a Congress that has finally started doing its job.

I realize that you lack civics education, but you see. The purpose of the House of Representatives is to write and pass legislation that addresses and corrects specific issues.

They are required to do this regardless of who controls the Senate or the Presidency.

The same can be said about the Senate. They are to do their job regardless of who controls the House or the Presidency.

For the past 6 years, only 1 chamber of the Congress has done its job.

Remember. Congress is under no obligation to follow a President or a President's agenda. None whatever.

Each time the President vetoes the just and legal legislation of the Congress, the people will see it. They will remember it. They will finally get a first-hand look at which who is obstructing whom.

So NOW it's NOT the Presedential direction that is number 1 thing that matters? lol

WHO has the actual control of things like the FBI, SEC, HUD, ETC? Which branch has oversight of Banksters? How about foreign policy? Which one nominates the fed members? SCOTUS?


GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

A recent memo by the Republican State Leadership Committee emphasizes the party's 2010 victories in state legislatures as central to the House GOP retaining its majority in the 2012 elections.

The reason? Redistricting -- or more precisely, gerrymandering.

In the memo -- titled "How a Strategy of Targeting State Legislative Races in 2010 Led to a Republican U.S. House Majority in 2013" -- RSLC boasts that it "raised more than $30 million in 2009-2010, and invested $18 million after Labor Day 2010 alone" to ensure statehouse victories in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
Yet, in the past 8 years, Republicans have increased their US House seats, their US Senate seats, hold more Governor seats and have taken more State Legislatures than any other time in the past 70 years.

All of that in the face of the only policy that progressives cling to.

Robbing Peter to get Paul's vote.

And what do Conservatives have to show for it? In fact, what do Conservatives have to show for the 6 years the GOP had majority in Congress and the Presidency from 2001 to 2007?
I know you think you have a point, but if you look closely, the makeup of the GOP in the 2001 to 2006 Congresses has been altered pretty drastically. Those that were the liberal go along to get along GOP'ers are being replaced with better representatives. Representatives that understand that we cannot continue to go the progressive way. It is disappointing and unfortunate the more republicans did not vote against the boner, but some did and that's a good example of the the country moving in the correct direction.

What we have to show for the growing and increasing popularity in the States and in the countries Congressional districts is a Congress that has finally started doing its job.

I realize that you lack civics education, but you see. The purpose of the House of Representatives is to write and pass legislation that addresses and corrects specific issues.

They are required to do this regardless of who controls the Senate or the Presidency.

The same can be said about the Senate. They are to do their job regardless of who controls the House or the Presidency.

For the past 6 years, only 1 chamber of the Congress has done its job.

Remember. Congress is under no obligation to follow a President or a President's agenda. None whatever.

Each time the President vetoes the just and legal legislation of the Congress, the people will see it. They will remember it. They will finally get a first-hand look at which who is obstructing whom.

The question was,

what do conservatives have to show for it?

Your answer is, quite clearly, Nothing.
Control of Congress. Next question.

Good thing they didn't have the Prez during that period, 2001-2006 who knows what might have happened


It is clear from Standard & Poor’s statement downgrading the federal government’s credit rating that it places the blame squarely on Republican actions and policies. Two of S&P’s biggest concerns about whether the United States will pay off its debt are whether Republicans will be so insane as to refuse to lift the debt ceiling, a possibility Republicans intentionally stoked fears of, and whether the United States will raise much-needed tax revenue. Specifically, S&P changed its baseline assumption that the Bush tax cuts would expire on schedule in 2012 because Republicans are so insistent that they must be renewed. “We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues,wrote S&P. That adds $4 trillion over ten years to the projected deficits.

GOP Causes S&P Downgrade, but Republican Candidates Blame Obama
Yet, in the past 8 years, Republicans have increased their US House seats, their US Senate seats, hold more Governor seats and have taken more State Legislatures than any other time in the past 70 years.

All of that in the face of the only policy that progressives cling to.

Robbing Peter to get Paul's vote.

And what do Conservatives have to show for it? In fact, what do Conservatives have to show for the 6 years the GOP had majority in Congress and the Presidency from 2001 to 2007?
I know you think you have a point, but if you look closely, the makeup of the GOP in the 2001 to 2006 Congresses has been altered pretty drastically. Those that were the liberal go along to get along GOP'ers are being replaced with better representatives. Representatives that understand that we cannot continue to go the progressive way. It is disappointing and unfortunate the more republicans did not vote against the boner, but some did and that's a good example of the the country moving in the correct direction.

What we have to show for the growing and increasing popularity in the States and in the countries Congressional districts is a Congress that has finally started doing its job.

I realize that you lack civics education, but you see. The purpose of the House of Representatives is to write and pass legislation that addresses and corrects specific issues.

They are required to do this regardless of who controls the Senate or the Presidency.

The same can be said about the Senate. They are to do their job regardless of who controls the House or the Presidency.

For the past 6 years, only 1 chamber of the Congress has done its job.

Remember. Congress is under no obligation to follow a President or a President's agenda. None whatever.

Each time the President vetoes the just and legal legislation of the Congress, the people will see it. They will remember it. They will finally get a first-hand look at which who is obstructing whom.

The question was,

what do conservatives have to show for it?

Your answer is, quite clearly, Nothing.
They have a product of their labor to present to the American people.

BTW....they gave us a safer country which has been squandered away.

There are more tangible results than a passed bill, but I know you won't get that.

The Congress and the Senate have begun a healing time. Where bills are debated and voted up, as it was meant to be.

Time will tell us if these chambers have begun to move in the correct direction, but one thing is certain. They have, at least for the moments, stopped going in the wrong direction.

IF by safer you mean they ALLOWED 9/11 to happen, then went to 2 UNFUNDED wars (one on false premises where thousands of US citizens have died), YES
And what do Conservatives have to show for it? In fact, what do Conservatives have to show for the 6 years the GOP had majority in Congress and the Presidency from 2001 to 2007?
I know you think you have a point, but if you look closely, the makeup of the GOP in the 2001 to 2006 Congresses has been altered pretty drastically. Those that were the liberal go along to get along GOP'ers are being replaced with better representatives. Representatives that understand that we cannot continue to go the progressive way. It is disappointing and unfortunate the more republicans did not vote against the boner, but some did and that's a good example of the the country moving in the correct direction.

What we have to show for the growing and increasing popularity in the States and in the countries Congressional districts is a Congress that has finally started doing its job.

I realize that you lack civics education, but you see. The purpose of the House of Representatives is to write and pass legislation that addresses and corrects specific issues.

They are required to do this regardless of who controls the Senate or the Presidency.

The same can be said about the Senate. They are to do their job regardless of who controls the House or the Presidency.

For the past 6 years, only 1 chamber of the Congress has done its job.

Remember. Congress is under no obligation to follow a President or a President's agenda. None whatever.

Each time the President vetoes the just and legal legislation of the Congress, the people will see it. They will remember it. They will finally get a first-hand look at which who is obstructing whom.

The question was,

what do conservatives have to show for it?

Your answer is, quite clearly, Nothing.
Control of Congress. Next question.

lol, excuse me retard but if controlling Congress doesn't advance your agenda you have gained nothing.

Will this Congress be kicking gays out of the military? Will they repeal Obamacare? Will they outlaw all abortion? Will they end the war on poverty? Will they outlaw all same sex marriage? Will they abolish the EPA?
Again, you show your fail at civics.

Whether or not a congress gets legislation past a President is not the focus of their job. Their job is to identify issues that are harming the country and craft laws that will alter or prevent that.

If it gets blocked by an obstructionist, then it does. But they have done their job and the American people will take note of it.

Just like they will take note of the Democrats who are waking up to the fact that they have a job to do independent of their party leader and are voting their concsious.

I hope to see more debates and more votes in both chambers. It proves our government is at least functional.


False premise. The most important military achievement of the 20th century was accomplished by the military of Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

...the RWnuts' most hated liberal.
Reagan helped bring down an empire without firing a shot. Beat that.

"Reagan helped"

Good you agree

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that.
Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents. As Tony Judt’s Postwar concluded: “…Washington did not ‘bring down’ Communism – Communism imploded of its own accord.”
Vox Verax The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
I gave you a list. Give me a plausible scenario where conservatives win on anything on that list.
I answered your question already. Feel free to make all the speculative lists you like. I won't read them, either.

Will conservatives ever end same sex marriage, one of their most precious goals?

Will conservatives ever end legal abortion, one more or their most precious goals?

You people fail generation after generation.
Will liberals ever put together a full century of such incredible accomplishment and progress such as the conservative businesspeople and US military did in the 20th Century?

Ideology fail.

False premise. The most important military achievement of the 20th century was accomplished by the military of Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

...the RWnuts' most hated liberal.
And yet war is such a....conservative concept. Although imprisoning the entire Japanese-American population gets props for it's digressive policy.

I hate to put a cramp in your self-aggrandizement, but for at the very least during the past 100 years virtually ALL innovation was the direct result of American business and military development. Hardly the bastions of liberalism that you envision. Perhaps the desire for advancement has never been as benevolent and esoteric as you imagined.

lol, Wingnutter, conservatives were responsible for the depression, Ronnie's S&L failure, being isolationists in BOTH World wars, allowing Robber Barons.

It was LIBERAL policy that broke the trusts, created labor laws, min wage, SS, union rights, etc that CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!
False premise. The most important military achievement of the 20th century was accomplished by the military of Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

...the RWnuts' most hated liberal.
Reagan helped bring down an empire without firing a shot. Beat that.
The USSR did not fall until 1991.........
Right. Reagan had nothing to do with it. Bush did it then.

That is some seriously lame stuff.

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents. As Tony Judt’s Postwar concluded: “…Washington did not ‘bring down’ Communism – Communism imploded of its own accord.”

Vox Verax The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

Of course Putin still has Russia right? lol
If not for liberalism you might have grown up working in a coal mine instead of going to school,

despite your obvious failure to learn much.
lol no I wouldn't have. But your abject failure has been noted and recorded for posterity.

Did conservatism end child labor? Prove it.
If not for liberalism you might have grown up working in a coal mine instead of going to school,

despite your obvious failure to learn much.
lol no I wouldn't have. But your abject failure has been noted and recorded for posterity.

You're pissing on your shoes, Granny.

I'm not interested in discussing anything with someone who doesn't acknowledge my posts, and simply changes the subject at will.

Win :D

Post like an adult and you'll be treated like an adult.
Are you saying William Wilberforce wasn't a Christian evangelist, and wasn't the leading abolitionist and the driving force behind the abolition of slavery in Britain?

dumb ass.

In 1784 Wilberforce became converted to Evangelical Christianity. He joined the Clapham Set, a group of evangelical members of the Anglican Church, centered around Henry Venn, rector of Clapham Church in London. As a result of this conversion, Wilberforce became interested in the subject of social reform.

...Wilberforce also became involved in other areas of social reform. In August 1789 Wilberforce stayed with Hannah More at her cottage in Blagdon, and on visiting the nearby village of Cheddar and according to William Roberts, the author of Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More (1834): they were appalled to find "incredible multitudes of poor, plunged in an excess of vice, poverty, and ignorance beyond what one would suppose possible in a civilized and Christian country".

....He argued that abolition would lead to an improvement in the conditions of slaves already in the West Indies, and sought to answer the economic arguments of his opponents. For him, however, the fundamental issue was one of morality and justice.
William Wilberforce
Much like unbridled capitalism.

Which doesn't exist.


WE had the closest we've had since the 1920's, under Dubya. How'd that turn out?
It's not any better now, in some ways the monopolists are even more emboldened since our "socialist" president didn't do anything to them except pass some almost symbolic regs that are already being chipped away piece by piece. There will be another bubble along to further enslave us to the big banks any time now.
Much like unbridled capitalism.

Which doesn't exist.


WE had the closest we've had since the 1920's, under Dubya. How'd that turn out?
It's not any better now, in some ways the monopolists are even more emboldened since our "socialist" president didn't do anything to them except pass some almost symbolic regs that are already being chipped away piece by piece. There will be another bubble along to further enslave us to the big banks any time now.

Chipped away? By whom?

Yes, there MAY be a bubble that is cheered on by ANOTHER GOPers/conservative, doubtful Obama, OR Prez Hillary would ignore regulator warnings like Reagan/Dubya did that caused both the S&L crisis (and 1987 black Monday drop) and Dubya's great recession
yup, wait until the 20 somethings turn 30 somethings
There are people who do not even remember the twentieth century eligible to vote right now, that scares the living dogshit out of the rapidly aging Republican party.
Based on the OP's username and content of the original post, I'm smelling the stink of white Tom coming through my 'puter.

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