The Jan 6th Capitol footage belongs to the American public.

You already have said how they got in. I am not disputing that. Someone made the decision to let them in

Still does not change the fact that there was violence.

It is no difference from BLM riots who were blamed for violence that was obvious done by local bad actors who took advantage of the situation.
That would be the Sargent of arms who would be following the direction of the speaker of the house.
You see lawsuits? They've had three years, Lerch.
Three years? They are still being arrested, butthole! And many have been held in solitary denied legal counsel, visitation, even medical care, asswipe, often beaten and abused. Meanwhile, the DOJ has sat on the evidence. Many of the convicted are only now seeing exculpatory evidence that was deliberately withheld during their trials! The lawsuits are coming and they will be huge. The government is already lawyering up in preparation.

You can't see past the end of your nose when it's up Trump's ass.
In your case, your ass IS your nose.
How many of those kids at the pro-Palestinian rallies have YOU asked?

Others have and I've seen the video. They are nothing but mindless, mass brainwashing emotionally charged sessions where one gets up in front of the crowd and chants over and over without explanation what to think, what to say and what to do.
I keep flip flopping on who my favorite domestic terrorist was at Trump`s riot. I like Pink Hat Lady who is so representative of Trump`s trash. She has 8 kids, no husband and no job.
On the other hand, there`s Stewart (I shot my eye out) Rhodes who earned an 18 year prison sentence. Yes, he really did shoot his eye out.
Schumer is his name and he buried the riot inciters deep. You`re cherry picking a half dozen words but ignoring the big picture. The twice impeached, 4 times indicted one incited a deadly riot and the whole world watched it. It wasn`t Hillary or Hunter Biden that embarrassed this country and those aren`t the people who smeared feces on the walls of our Capitol. The GOP owns this riot and the attempt to steal the presidency forever. Schumer`s words don`t mean squat because everyone watched it.
Yeah, the whole world watched it. That's how it knows you're full of shit. A riot is all it was, and the left just had one of those less than a week ago.
Trump is fearless.
The courage Trump is showing in standing up to these bad people that you always a beautiful thing to watch.
Yea & behind closed throws he's throwing dinner plates against walls.

Aderall also helps.
Three years? They are still being arrested, butthole! And many have been held in solitary denied legal counsel, visitation, even medical care, asswipe, often beaten and abused. Meanwhile, the DOJ has sat on the evidence. Many of the convicted are only now seeing exculpatory evidence that was deliberately withheld during their trials! The lawsuits are coming and they will be huge. The government is already lawyering up in preparation.

In your case, your ass IS your nose.
Fuck you. What proof do you have that rioters are being beaten, denied legal counsel, medical care, etc? Getting your info from scum buckets on Breitbart?

Let's have it, jerkoff.
Fuck you.
I'm sure you'd like to if you didn't have such a thimble-sized needledick.

What proof do you have that rioters are being beaten, denied legal counsel, medical care, etc?
I heard it directly several times from some of the J6 arrestees when they were able to get interviewed over the telephone, something that a program called Cowboy Logic seemed to do pretty regularly usually airing the conversations over the weekend. GITMO detainees have gotten far better treatment, in fact, as I recall, back during the Gulf War, democrats used to fight to get these people court trials in NYC to spare them military tribunals.

Let's have it, jerkoff.
I'm sure you'd like to if you didn't have such a thimble-sized needledick.

I heard it directly several times from some of the J6 arrestees when they were able to get interviewed over the telephone, something that a program called Cowboy Logic seemed to do pretty regularly usually airing the conversations over the weekend. GITMO detainees have gotten far better treatment, in fact, as I recall, back during the Gulf War, democrats used to fight to get these people court trials in NYC to spare them military tribunals.

My heart bleeds for your buddies who are rotting in jail for beating cops with flag poles & marauding thru the Capital. Maybe you can send them a CARE package to ease their pain, asshole.

That's what they get for helping Trump with his coup attempt.

My heart bleeds
I doubt that.

for your buddies
They're not my buddies, fudge-packer, but I like them better than you.

who are rotting in jail for beating cops with flag poles & marauding thru the Capital.
With incompetent police as they were, they deserved to get "marauded." A team of grandmothers could have gotten in that day thanks to Pelosi and the democrats who refused to stock normal police presence. I bet Nance guards her Jenny ice cream better than that!

Maybe you can send them a CARE package to ease their pain, asshole.
Only if you suck my ass first, asshole.

That's what they get for helping Trump with his coup attempt.
Remember that when it comes time for your turn. If that was a "coup attempt," the USA would have been overthrown that day with a pea-shooter. People who throw rigged elections deserve far worse.
Making all of that footage public exposes where the cameras are located.
How does footage tell you where the actual cameras are located??? You are desperate. It impacts your ability to think.
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I doubt that.

They're not my buddies, fudge-packer, but I like them better than you.

With incompetent police as they were, they deserved to get "marauded." A team of grandmothers could have gotten in that day thanks to Pelosi and the democrats who refused to stock normal police presence. I bet Nance guards her Jenny ice cream better than that!

Only if you suck my ass first, asshole.

Remember that when it comes time for your turn. If that was a "coup attempt," the USA would have been overthrown that day with a pea-shooter. People who throw rigged elections deserve far worse.
Keep crying for them, Cowboy.

You'll never be half the man that those P.O.'s were on that day, you pile of shit. You would've been crying for your Mama.

Try using your brain for something else other then wondering how to get in Trump's shorts. He wouldn't piss on you or J6 buddies if your ass was on fire.
Keep crying for them, Cowboy.
Keep blowing your Ken Doll, Doughboy!

You'll never be half the man that those P.O.'s were on that day, you pile of shit. You would've been crying for your Mama.
You'll never be half the man of your Ken blow up doll, faggot.

Try using your brain for something else other then wondering how to get in Trump's shorts.
Try using your dick for something else other than cleaning out the food between your buck teeth, homie.


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