The Kavanaugh Hearing Peanut Gallery..

Except for the ones that came out for Ford.

I see this is going to be,"let's make shit up" day.
Name one

Just one, give us a name of one woman from her high school days that has stepped up to speak for her

Take all the time you need
How about 599?

We Stand With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Ok, nice find
Now, let's talk about the letter

STILL no one is corroborating her story

It is a vague letter of support

Kavanaugh's supporters are speaking for his character

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

This is an obvious hit job on Kav

That's what the letter of Kavanaugh's was, just a letter of support from 65 women...some of whom have asked to be removed from it.

A hit job would not name a witness (who refuses to testify under oath). A hit job would not consist of emails sent among classmates of his back in July all talking about an incident that led reporters to a second woman. Ramirez didn't come forward of her own volition, a reporter asked her about it. A hit job would not pass a polygraph or tell people about the incidents years before coming forward.

The hit job is what the GOP is trying to pull by rushing this nomination through without proper vetting.
This is a political hit job
Name one

Just one, give us a name of one woman from her high school days that has stepped up to speak for her

Take all the time you need
How about 599?

We Stand With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Ok, nice find
Now, let's talk about the letter

STILL no one is corroborating her story

It is a vague letter of support

Kavanaugh's supporters are speaking for his character

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

This is an obvious hit job on Kav

That's what the letter of Kavanaugh's was, just a letter of support from 65 women...some of whom have asked to be removed from it.

A hit job would not name a witness (who refuses to testify under oath). A hit job would not consist of emails sent among classmates of his back in July all talking about an incident that led reporters to a second woman. Ramirez didn't come forward of her own volition, a reporter asked her about it. A hit job would not pass a polygraph or tell people about the incidents years before coming forward.

The hit job is what the GOP is trying to pull by rushing this nomination through without proper vetting.
This is a political hit job

Post in THIS thread until the Main Kavanaugh Judiciary Hearing thread opens tomorrow morning by 10AM. This thread will CLOSE when the other opens. Do NOT spawn multiple threads on this hearing.
Maybe Wil can close this thread and ban your power tripping hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :abgg2q.jpg:
Except for the ones that came out for Ford.

I see this is going to be,"let's make shit up" day.
Name one

Just one, give us a name of one woman from her high school days that has stepped up to speak for her

Take all the time you need
How about 599?

We Stand With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Ok, nice find
Now, let's talk about the letter

STILL no one is corroborating her story

It is a vague letter of support

Kavanaugh's supporters are speaking for his character

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

This is an obvious hit job on Kav

That's what the letter of Kavanaugh's was, just a letter of support from 65 women...some of whom have asked to be removed from it.

A hit job would not name a witness (who refuses to testify under oath). A hit job would not consist of emails sent among classmates of his back in July all talking about an incident that led reporters to a second woman. Ramirez didn't come forward of her own volition, a reporter asked her about it. A hit job would not pass a polygraph or tell people about the incidents years before coming forward.

The hit job is what the GOP is trying to pull by rushing this nomination through without proper vetting.
This is a political h
Now, let's talk about the letter

STILL no one is corroborating her story

It is a vague letter of support

Kavanaugh's supporters are speaking for his character

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

This is an obvious hit job on Kav

That's what the letter of Kavanaugh's was, just a letter of support from 65 women...some of whom have asked to be removed from it.

A hit job would not name a witness (who refuses to testify under oath). A hit job would not consist of emails sent among classmates of his back in July all talking about an incident that led reporters to a second woman. Ramirez didn't come forward of her own volition, a reporter asked her about it. A hit job would not pass a polygraph or tell people about the incidents years before coming forward.

The hit job is what the GOP is trying to pull by rushing this nomination through without proper vetting.
This is a political hit job

Not at all

She has political motivation and there are inconsistent statements

This helps Republicans in the midterms
More accusers; same problem.

If it was this egregious; there would have been some report...some one telling the school headmaster, the owner of the house where these wild parties took place, some security guard....some authority figure.

I don't care if 50 more come forward or 500 more come forward. If it wasn't important enough then to elevate to the level where you tell someone about this guy cramming his junk in your face or forcing you to have sex or's not important enough now. Yes....I understand and am sympathetic to the plight of some women who do not want to re-live the trauma of assault and prefer to keep silent. Sorry but our system is one of your having to put it in the record for it to count. Your silence then weighs heavily that it wasn't that tragic. That is the only conclusion that can be drawn.

Now show me where one of these women or his fellow male classmates reported that he was out of control and have some associated finding of fact or investigation and now you have a new ballgame. Until then, Kav has done nothing to signal that he would be anything but an impartial jurist.
I have a poll downstairs, did anyone personally attend a party where a gang rape was taking place, and out of twenty responses, NONE ever did. The three who said a friend had been at such a party and told them about it, every one of them said that the boys doing the raping were arrested within hours or a couple of days.
I have a feeling Swetnik's boys were in the hall for some other reason. Maybe the bathroom? Do rich boys not piss off the back porch?
If They Don't Believe Dr Ford. .They Will Not Believe Your Daughter Or Granddaughter! !!!!..WAKE UP AMERICA
If they believe the accusations without evidence or trial... They’ll condemn your sons, fathers and husbands too!
Top democrats are on record say g they will stop Kav by any means necessary

Disgusting what they are doing

I can't wait until the midterm elections the melts will be almost as good as 2016 when no blue wave materializes
More accusers; same problem.

If it was this egregious; there would have been some report...some one telling the school headmaster, the owner of the house where these wild parties took place, some security guard....some authority figure.

I don't care if 50 more come forward or 500 more come forward. If it wasn't important enough then to elevate to the level where you tell someone about this guy cramming his junk in your face or forcing you to have sex or's not important enough now. Yes....I understand and am sympathetic to the plight of some women who do not want to re-live the trauma of assault and prefer to keep silent. Sorry but our system is one of your having to put it in the record for it to count. Your silence then weighs heavily that it wasn't that tragic. That is the only conclusion that can be drawn.

Now show me where one of these women or his fellow male classmates reported that he was out of control and have some associated finding of fact or investigation and now you have a new ballgame. Until then, Kav has done nothing to signal that he would be anything but an impartial jurist.
I have a poll downstairs, did anyone personally attend a party where a gang rape was taking place, and out of twenty responses, NONE ever did. The three who said a friend had been at such a party and told them about it, every one of them said that the boys doing the raping were arrested within hours or a couple of days.
I have a feeling Swetnik's boys were in the hall for some other reason. Maybe the bathroom? Do rich boys not piss off the back porch?
The gang rape allegations are just stupid and tend to discredit Ms Blasey and any other accuser

With 2 men stepping forward to say it was them that were described in the alleged groping incident, this thing has gone off the rails

I don't believe them either FWIW

I see nothing more than dirty and nasty politics from both sides
Biggest reason I don't believe Dr Ford's statement

She claims to have gone to a small gathering with roughly a half dozen people

She claims to have run out of the party at the tender age of 15

No indication of how she got home, but she claims she did not involve her parents

Someone had to have taken her there, and that person would have wondered where she went

If her story happened, as described, someone would remember the night that a 15 year old friend just disappeared, someone would be able to corroborate that much at least

The whole thing still looks like a cheap hit job
As retired Law Enforcement I was looking at the number of non-credible accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

So I began to place investigative procedure in process to look at the claims and evaluate them.

1.) Ford's claim has no date, no time, no year, and the names she has reviled have claimed the event never occurred or they have no knowledge of it. The Alleged crime has no way to be investigated.

2.) Claim 2 -Rameriez. has now recanted that the event is so vague in her mind that she can not be sure it was Kavanaugh and she has no date, no time, and the year is in question. NO corroborating witnesses. Again those this woman claimed were witnesses say the event never happened or they have no knowledge of it.

3.) Claim 3. was a 3rd person hearsay that stated she can not be sure it was Kavanaugh or anyone else... No date, no time or place can be determined... Only that the woman said "she heard it happened"...

4.) Avanattie and Claim 4. This claim of 10 sex parties is so ludicrous that it is beyond reason. Again they have no dates, times, places, or any witnesses.. Now we still have no corroborating evidence.

5.) Claim 5 . A man called in and stated that he heard that Brent and a man named Mark raped a woman on a boat. NO date, No time, No year.. Problem is Kavanaugh has never been on the lake in question... The man has now called back in and apologized for making it up...

As and investigator I look for PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR. It's GLARING! Every single one is UN-investigatable. There are no witnesses, no dates, no times, and those who have been listed deny any event ever happened or they have no knowledge...

How does this happen by CHANCE? The odds are 1,000,000,000 to 1 that five incidents will have the exact same multiple traits...

The pattern suggests that this is a contrived event and that the behavior is one of a premeditated criminal defamation smear..

The Democrats are acting like the charge is sufficient to destroy a mans career and family with out corroborating evidence of ANY KIND!

Its time this was referred for a criminal investigation..
Delay, deflect make the DemonRATS look like total LOSERS to the vast majority of American voters...PRICELESS!

As retired Law Enforcement I was looking at the number of non-credible accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

So I began to place investigative procedure in process to look at the claims and evaluate them.

1.) Ford's claim has no date, no time, no year, and the names she has reviled have claimed the event never occurred or they have no knowledge of it. The Alleged crime has no way to be investigated.

2.) Claim 2 -Rameriez. has now recanted that the event is so vague in her mind that she can not be sure it was Kavanaugh and she has no date, no time, and the year is in question. NO corroborating witnesses. Again those this woman claimed were witnesses say the event never happened or they have no knowledge of it.

3.) Claim 3. was a 3rd person hearsay that stated she can not be sure it was Kavanaugh or anyone else... No date, no time or place can be determined... Only that the woman said "she heard it happened"...

4.) Avanattie and Claim 4. This claim of 10 sex parties is so ludicrous that it is beyond reason. Again they have no dates, times, places, or any witnesses.. Now we still have no corroborating evidence.

5.) Claim 5 . A man called in and stated that he heard that Brent and a man named Mark raped a woman on a boat. NO date, No time, No year.. Problem is Kavanaugh has never been on the lake in question... The man has now called back in and apologized for making it up...

As and investigator I look for PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR. It's GLARING! Every single one is UN-investigatable. There are no witnesses, no dates, no times, and those who have been listed deny any event ever happened or they have no knowledge...

How does this happen by CHANCE? The odds are 1,000,000,000 to 1 that five incidents will have the exact same multiple traits...

The pattern suggests that this is a contrived event and that the behavior is one of a premeditated criminal defamation smear..

The Democrats are acting like the charge is sufficient to destroy a mans career and family with out corroborating evidence of ANY KIND!

Its time this was referred for a criminal investigation..
So obvious what is going on

Democrats overplayed their hand
Except, every woman that has come forward as a character witness has done so on his behalf
Except for the ones that came out for Ford.

I see this is going to be,"let's make shit up" day.
Name one

Just one, give us a name of one woman from her high school days that has stepped up to speak for her

Take all the time you need
How about 599?

We Stand With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Yeah, students who attended her school long before or after this happened, who had no idea who she was before she was outed by DiFi's staff.

Where are the other women who were at the party?

Oops! They don;t know which party where it happened because she cannot tell tem!
Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

Wrong again stormy.... there is one that is credible and has given date, time, place facts and now has been investigated and deposed twice.


Click whichever is your favorite news source

Happy reading

twomen claim Kavanaugh - Google Search

No, no. You misunderstand. All this is so far is a claim from a Republican Senator's office about anonymous individuals. Such evidence doesn't come close to meeting the standards that have been put on Ford and those who are supporting Kav.

What I'm asking for is evidence that is sufficient for your standards you are demanding.

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