The Kavanaugh Hearing Peanut Gallery..

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

Wrong again stormy.... there is one that is credible and has given date, time, place facts and now has been investigated and deposed twice.


Click whichever is your favorite news source

Happy reading

twomen claim Kavanaugh - Google Search

No, no. You misunderstand. All this is so far is a claim from a Republican Senator's office about anonymous individuals. Such evidence doesn't come close to meeting the standards that have been put on Ford and those who are supporting Kav.

What I'm asking for is evidence that is sufficient for your standards you are demanding.

You must be reading an old report.
Except, every woman that has come forward as a character witness has done so on his behalf
Except for the ones that came out for Ford.

I see this is going to be,"let's make shit up" day.
Name one

Just one, give us a name of one woman from her high school days that has stepped up to speak for her

Take all the time you need
How about 599?

We Stand With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Yeah, students who attended her school long before or after this happened, who had no idea who she was before she was outed by DiFi's staff.

Where are the other women who were at the party?

Oops! They don;t know which party where it happened because she cannot tell tem!
Exactly, still no personal character witnesses that are speaking for her
Politics is for those too ugly or untalented to make it in Hollywood,
but still want to be center stage.

Also, another man has come forward to say it was him,not Jab

Wrong again stormy.... there is one that is credible and has given date, time, place facts and now has been investigated and deposed twice.


Click whichever is your favorite news source

Happy reading

twomen claim Kavanaugh - Google Search

No, no. You misunderstand. All this is so far is a claim from a Republican Senator's office about anonymous individuals. Such evidence doesn't come close to meeting the standards that have been put on Ford and those who are supporting Kav.

What I'm asking for is evidence that is sufficient for your standards you are demanding.
You are a hack, no standards have been put on Ford, not by leftists
I was reading chuck shumer demanded an apology from those saying it’s a smear campaign. It should be Bret Kavanaugh and his family demanding an apology. The Democrats have brought all this factless crap out to keep him off the Supreme Court. Well, it’s more than that, if he doesn’t get confirmed his career is destroyed. How can he remain as a federal judge if he’s considered unfit to be a Supreme Court judge? We shall find out later today.
I was reading chuck shumer demanded an apology from those saying it’s a smear campaign. It should be Bret Kavanaugh and his family demanding an apology. The Democrats have brought all this factless crap out to keep him off the Supreme Court. Well, it’s more than that, if he doesn’t get confirmed his career is destroyed. How can he remain as a federal judge if he’s considered unfit to be a Supreme Court judge? We shall find out later today.
Thus the reason this is a criminal defamation case... That needs investigation. To many common issues and all brought by far left wing democrats.
I just hope our side has their wood screwed today...
because you can bet the dems will be gunning for bear.
They know what's riding on this, and I'm sad to say it
but I'm not sure the R's on that committee do.
If they did, this whole thing would have been shot down
from day one.
I just hope our side has their wood screwed today...
because you can bet the dems will be gunning for bear.
They know what's riding on this, and I'm sad to say it
but I'm not sure the R's on that committee do.
If they did, this whole thing would have been shot down
from day one.

One hopes the Stupid Party will for once try not to be Stupid.
I just hope our side has their wood screwed today...
because you can bet the dems will be gunning for bear.
They know what's riding on this, and I'm sad to say it
but I'm not sure the R's on that committee do.
If they did, this whole thing would have been shot down
from day one.
This is why Trump was brilliant in nominating a veritable boy scout that is also an establishment guy

GOPe will go to the mat for him, because he is one of their own

And his record is exemplary, so much so that they had to resort to a decades old allegation that is not even a crime

This circus has also killed any chance of a blue wave
Ah - the age of the internet.
Anybody can say anything about anybody at anytime and everybody knows. And 99.9 percent of the time it's false rhetoric designed to deface and humiliate the accused.
Politics is for those too ugly or untalented to make it in Hollywood,
but still want to be center stage.

A truly great tune and true to this day....probably til the end of days.

My daughter, a dancer, said this would make a great jazz dance with the dancers in jazz heels, white button up shirts and tight dance skirts with desks as props. Can't you see it? :)
Here’s the First Thing I would do As a sitting R Senator at the ‘Hearing’ Tomorrow:I would interrupt Grassley within the first words of his opening statement and vehemently DEMAND that Senator Corey Booker voluntarily step down or be removed from the committee AND the Senate based upon his Own Admission of SEXUALLY ASSAULTING a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL (based upon his published editorial). And I would DEMAND that he be removed from the Current Process and inquiry based upon the ‘assumption’ that ‘HE’ Cannot be allowed to question a “female” about ‘HER’ accusations of sexual assault due to the FACT that HE is a ‘male’ and an an admitted Sexual Predator himself!

And I would keep interrupting throughout the hearing with those charges and demands for an FBI investigation (under penalty of perjury), especially when it would be his turn to speak either by allotted time or any point of order as he spoke (conveniently supported by my ‘unknown, unlinked to me’ invited guest’s timely theatrical interruptions based upon that same reasoning using the same accusation and verbiage of His Own Penned and PUBLISHED Admission in his own editorial.
More accusers; same problem.

If it was this egregious; there would have been some report...some one telling the school headmaster, the owner of the house where these wild parties took place, some security guard....some authority figure.

I don't care if 50 more come forward or 500 more come forward. If it wasn't important enough then to elevate to the level where you tell someone about this guy cramming his junk in your face or forcing you to have sex or's not important enough now. Yes....I understand and am sympathetic to the plight of some women who do not want to re-live the trauma of assault and prefer to keep silent. Sorry but our system is one of your having to put it in the record for it to count. Your silence then weighs heavily that it wasn't that tragic. That is the only conclusion that can be drawn.

Now show me where one of these women or his fellow male classmates reported that he was out of control and have some associated finding of fact or investigation and now you have a new ballgame. Until then, Kav has done nothing to signal that he would be anything but an impartial jurist.
I have a poll downstairs, did anyone personally attend a party where a gang rape was taking place, and out of twenty responses, NONE ever did. The three who said a friend had been at such a party and told them about it, every one of them said that the boys doing the raping were arrested within hours or a couple of days.
I have a feeling Swetnik's boys were in the hall for some other reason. Maybe the bathroom? Do rich boys not piss off the back porch?

A truly great tune and true to this day....probably til the end of days.

My daughter, a dancer, said this would make a great jazz dance with the dancers in jazz heels, white button up shirts and tight dance skirts with desks as props. Can't you see it? :)

Yeah, I can kind of visualize it, I hope she does well finding her way in the world, and it's always great to do something you love doing.

On the other hand, this time of the year, some women have no problem getting a man's motor running just by saying, "Let's get cold, wet, dirty, paint our faces and go kill some shit". Not to mention that if a guy knows you could drop his ass at 100 yards, he is less likely to make poor decisions regarding unwanted advances. :21:

I have no idea what the circus will look like today, chances are, it won't make anyone look any better.
prosecutor just boomed with a how did you know there was a conversation after Ford said she couldn't hear anything downstairs.

Ford said she assumes there was a conversation. That sounded awful
Contrary to all the desperate whistling-past-the-graveyard comments that Ford would not show up, she showed up.

But good God that woman's voice is the most whiny voice I have ever heard!

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