The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

If inflation keeps going up, Americans will be furious if libs try to make illegal aliens citizens, with them entitled to all sorts of welfare benefits, paid for courtesy of American taxpayers. They’ll think, “hey, I can barely put gas in the car and beef on the table, and I’m supposed to help support illegals who broke into the country?” Any Dem who votes for such a travesty will be kicked to the curb.
The last time they checked they found that illegal adult males worked 94%, 65% pay taxes, and 35% owned homes. They work like hell, brainwashed functional moron racist bigot twit change the channel God will not be amused.....Change the channel and go after the scumbags who are actually ****** you, the greedy idiot mega rich GOP swine, dumb ass. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started with an ID card (the only solution, already in other modern counties with the problem...) and end this GOP scam disaster. Try reality...
Every lowlife illegal who comes in is due to America’s fault, of course. Everything is always the fault of the country you libs hate.
Enjoy hell. You know nothing about it but hateful racist propaganda .Latin America is a crap GOP production, War on drugs= gang rule, Denying GW = hurricanes like never before and drought ditto, and covert sabotage and support of corrupt oligarchs. You know, like HERE and your orange cretin's pals in Russia...change the channel and check reality fcs...
If inflation keeps going up, Americans will be furious if libs try to make illegal aliens citizens, with them entitled to all sorts of welfare benefits, paid for courtesy of American taxpayers. They’ll think, “hey, I can barely put gas in the car and beef on the table, and I’m supposed to help support illegals who broke into the country?” Any Dem who votes for such a travesty will be kicked to the curb.

The problem is they don't care. Look at the polls. It's amazing that Dementia has any support. But the Communists don't care about the country, they care about power only. They know we Americans have a short memory. After the screw up the country and get voted out, within time, they will get voted back in. It's unfortunate but also reality.
I want those who commit the very worst murders against the very most innocent and defenseless of all human beings to be brought to proper justice. It is a bizarre demonstration of just how soulless and how morally and ethically fucked up you are, that you believe you have the high ground here.

If that were the case, why were women never charged with "murder" for having abortions, even before Roe v. Wade. Nor were abortionists ever charged with murder. They were charged with performing abortions, which never really carried all that much jail time.

As a religious notion, Fetal Personhood might have a certain logic, but as a legal one, not really. It means a fetus has more rights than the person it is inside.

A murderer is a murderer.

And those who murder innocent children are the very lowest of them all.

Right, because a woman should give up her whole future for a blob of unviable tissue the size of a kidney bean.
The problem is they don't care. Look at the polls. It's amazing that Dementia has any support. But the Communists don't care about the country, they care about power only. They know we Americans have a short memory. After the screw up the country and get voted out, within time, they will get voted back in. It's unfortunate but also reality.

Uh, no, not really. Democrats didn't get voted out in 2000 or 2016. They cheated using the EC.

The reality. Clinton and Obama and Biden got economies that were absolute wrecks. They turned them around. Clinton and Obama got re-elected, and probably so will Biden, if he chooses to run again.

Maybe you guys can game the system like you did in 00 and 16, but it won't because the people suddenly learned to love you.
Actually, no, it isn't... people are seeing it for the bigotry that it is.

When school districts start getting buried in expensive lawsuits, you are going to find out how really unpopular these laws are.

Actually, polls showed Trump losing to Biden long before Covid required us to do remote voting.

I know, Democracy terrifies you guys, that's why you engage in voter suppression.

And you'll do okay in the midterms and interpret that as 'voters really like our crazy ideas", not "Most people don't vote in midterms"
More lies from idiot Joe.

Even Dem voters see through your bullshit. Over 60% APPROVAL of this LAW when people are read the actual bill and not your lies. No matter how much pervert lovers like you cry and lie and whine. People are seeing lowlifes like you as exactly what you are. You losers are on the wrong side as always. Yet more Joe love for criminals and scumbags.
Did she say the mall you went to?
Nope, but it still disproves her lie.
Trump was worse? You can't get worse than the highest inflation rate in 40 years, the worst border problem in 20 years, a supply chain problem that goes hand and hand with a workforce problem, making the Afghanistan Taliban the most well armed terrorist group in the world, on the verge of a nuclear war with Russia, double the cost of fuel.

Uh, guy, mild inflation is just not that big of a deal, compared to double digit unemployment, pandemics and fucking race riots.

I told you when you lie you're going to get called out on it. But you leftists never learn. You keep repeating the lies over and over again. If you really think Trump was worse than that, you're one of the stupid uneducated voters I was referring to.
Uh, guy, an opinion that doesn't share yours isn't a lie.

Me, I'm VASTLY better off in the last year than I was in 2020, and this year is going to be even better for me.

Once people get out of their Covid Funk, they'll realize how good we actually have it.
Even Dem voters see through your bullshit. Over 60% APPROVAL of this LAW when people are read the actual bill and not your lies. No matter how much pervert lovers like you cry and lie and whine. People are seeing lowlifes like you as exactly what you are. You losers are on the wrong side as always. Yet more Joe love for criminals and scumbags.

Nope... that's kind of a questionable poll, that really doesn't jive with the others.

The funny thing is, you guys keep going back to the Homophobia well long after it ran dry.

Then again, you are the one still going back to the Racism well.. so there's that.
They won’t be able to do that if we get the majority in Congress and can block their takeover attempt. That is clearly a big part of Biden’s import of 18,000 illegals a day. And just think…..these illegals are mostly poor and dependent, and the Communists know they can buy their votes. With OUR money.

Again, we spend 2.5 TRILLION on entitlements (AKA White People welfare) and only a pittance on poverty relief.

If you guys really wanted to end illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them.
Nope... that's kind of a questionable poll, that really doesn't jive with the others.

The funny thing is, you guys keep going back to the Homophobia well long after it ran dry.

Then again, you are the one still going back to the Racism well.. so there's that.
Wrong again asswipe. You keep pulling up shit from garbage sources and clinging to it like a license preserver. Take your homophobia and racism bullshit and shove it back up your ass moron. Funny thing is, people know you’re a low education asshole who keeps throwing out racism and homophobia because you’re losing the fight here. Hell, you lost it long ago. Hey asshole, where did I mention race? I didn’t racist asshole, YOU did. So fuck you.
With no SS number, how is that possible? You must be lying again. Oh and, who is this "they" you mention?
Of course he’s lying. When libs can’t defend their anti-American positions, they lie through their teeth and lash out with venom at anyone who dares question them.

I’ve put a few of them on ignore. There’s just no reasoning with people who have everything upside-down.
Of course he’s lying. When libs can’t defend their anti-American positions, they lie through their teeth and lash out with venom at anyone who dares question them.

I’ve put a few of them on ignore. There’s just no reasoning with people who have everything upside-down.
I've got most all the lying sob on ignore.

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