The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie

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The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.

Trump solidified the fact that he's a racist by telling women of color to go back where they came from.

And you're a LIAR. Dose of reality liar:

A. You misrepresented your point. He told ONE WOMAN to do that and Omar has it coming. I'd like to see her get the fuck out too, she's an extremely ugly person. You probably like her.

B. What if she was white? HTF did you come to the conclusion this was racially charged? How in your tiny head have you concluded Trump attacking snowflake "people of color" must be an exercise of racism, when he attacks whites as well? According to your measure of things, he must be racist toward white people.
The peaceful, permit holding protesters, known as White Supremacists by the rabid left, wanted to exercise their first amendment right but were attacked by an antifa flash mob of bigots who were unable to accept any differing opinions. The antifa anarchists went there looking for trouble and they got it. Trump was right, there was wrong on both sides. Personally, I blame antifa more than the permit holding protesters.

You are pretty much correct. Here is the bottom line, and what Trump was talking about:

You had an issue: Statues being torn down.

On both sides of the issue you had good every-day Americans (including blacks like Condi Rice and Herman Cain who did not want the statues torn down). This is what Trump meant when he correctly said you had good people on both sides.

Now, enter the hate groups. The Nazis hooked their claws into one sides of the argument, and the Antifa (who are every bit just as evil) hooked their claws into the other side. This is who Trump spoke of when he rightly condemned that hate on both sides.

Next comes that fake news and their leftwing lies. Their spin? "Trump says Nazis are good people", an obvious lie. This is what we correctly mean when we say Fake News CNN, NBC and the rest are the enemy of the people, because they lie and foment hate and violence.

I would be a happy girl if just one Democrat here can be honest and admit this is true, and that the media lied about what Trump said. Is there one honest Democrat here? I am just looking for one, thats all.

I don't lie.

Here's your chance to prove it.

"Very fine people" don't march with Nazis, dope.

There is no way to spin that. He said what he said.

You want to disagree with what he said? That is fine. I would love to have that discussion.

BUT, first we have to stop the Big Lie that your fellow lefties keep telling about it.

We can't have a rational discussion, with vile filthy liars throwing hate bombs willy nilly.

The only lie is yours.
There cannot be "very fine people" on both sides when one side is white supremacists marching in a protest of the removal of statues of white supremacist leaders that was organized by white supremacists, dope.

The statue in question was of a military leader, not a white supremacist.

IMO, you certainly can have "very fine people" in favor of a statue commemorating a military leader.

And my point stands. IT is one thing to disagree with my above statement.

It is another to claim that what I (or trump) said was that some nazis "are very fine people".

Whch do you want to do? Do you want to disagree with the idea that people can support a statue of Lee without being nazis?

Or do you want to lie about what I (and Trump) said?

Pick one.

Hitler was a military leader. You can't separate a military leader from his ideologies.

Lee was a white nationalist who did not believe in equality for blacks and ultimately had to surrender. He was a racist pig. We need to move beyond veneration of racist pigs.

'Very fine people' do not support statues of Lee. Only racists.
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.

Trump solidified the fact that he's a racist by telling women of color to go back where they came from.
There's really no question after this weekend. I expect we'll be hearing about the pogroms soon.

The President of the United States is:
—Telling members of Congress to leave the country.
—Ordering mass raids on immigrants.
—Building more camps to detain migrant children.
—Ordering the government to collect citizenship information.
ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie
The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN

QUOTE: Whenever Democrats want to blame President Trump for an act of white supremacist violence such as the horrific attack in New Zealand or the imagined attack on Jussie Smollett in Chicago, they and their allies in the national news media invariably cite his statements in the wake of the deadly riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"President Trump called white supremacists 'very fine people!'" they shriek.
Only he didn't. He actually said the exact opposite.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time.
The President's inclusion of the phrase "on many sides" immediately set off a media feeding frenzy. Even though violent members of Antifa had joined with those peacefully protesting the "Unite the Right" rally and had sparked physical altercations with the white supremacists attending the rally, Trump critics immediately pounced on what they considered to be equivocation........

Keep reading: The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN
One of Fox New's regular Dem guests tried to pull that on Ingraham's show about a week ago and she cut him off saying "that isn't true, you know it isn't true, and I'm not gonna sit here and just let it just slide by." (paraphrase)

You go girlfriend!!
The left is mentally bankrupt.....

The scum bags use made up racism to suppress the truth that they can’t dispel otherwise.

It’s saul alinsky oldest trick in the book.
I guess you are too dumb to know alinski S 10 rules were not in his book?
Scumbag, dead giveaway for zero college.
Your college darlin?
Trump u?
Too dumb to know it was fined and shut down?

You have no idea how ignorant you look while trying to act smart.

Plain to see you are a Dumb Ass with zero common sense....

Trump U is kicking your Tard asses......

Definition of ADAGE

Tag....You're the Dumb ASS......….
It's tough to look reasonable to KKK white boys.
Trump u got fined and shut down
ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie
The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN

QUOTE: Whenever Democrats want to blame President Trump for an act of white supremacist violence such as the horrific attack in New Zealand or the imagined attack on Jussie Smollett in Chicago, they and their allies in the national news media invariably cite his statements in the wake of the deadly riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"President Trump called white supremacists 'very fine people!'" they shriek.
Only he didn't. He actually said the exact opposite.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time.
The President's inclusion of the phrase "on many sides" immediately set off a media feeding frenzy. Even though violent members of Antifa had joined with those peacefully protesting the "Unite the Right" rally and had sparked physical altercations with the white supremacists attending the rally, Trump critics immediately pounced on what they considered to be equivocation........

Keep reading: The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN
One of Fox New's regular Dem guests tried to pull that on Ingraham's show about a week ago and she cut him off saying "that isn't true, you know it isn't true, and I'm not gonna sit here and just let it just slide by." (paraphrase)

You go girlfriend!!
Who killed who there?
A brown anti fa terrorist?
Please don't say you watch knees news "the more you watch the more uninformed,you get" the study said
Knees news didn't tell you where he said on both sides
And you're a LIAR. Dose of reality liar:

A. You misrepresented your point. He told ONE WOMAN to do that
Notice how the worthless lying scum Trump Nazis try to change what worthless lying scum Tramp says and then accuse others of misrepresentation. Lying scum Tramp clearly and undeniably used many PLURALS to describe the "ONE WOMAN."
"'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe,"
- Donald Jackass Trump

Now lie your way out of all those PLURALS!
His actions and the people he puts in the depts. and the people he hangs with say something different.
You are a liar, plain and simple.

I don't lie.

Actually, you are lying when you say that Trump is a racist and all the people he puts in the departments who are racist and that all the people he hangs out with are racists.

And, you lied when you said you don't lie.

He does have a few black evangelicals around him.
You are pretty much correct. Here is the bottom line, and what Trump was talking about:

You had an issue: Statues being torn down.

On both sides of the issue you had good every-day Americans (including blacks like Condi Rice and Herman Cain who did not want the statues torn down). This is what Trump meant when he correctly said you had good people on both sides.

Now, enter the hate groups. The Nazis hooked their claws into one sides of the argument, and the Antifa (who are every bit just as evil) hooked their claws into the other side. This is who Trump spoke of when he rightly condemned that hate on both sides.

Next comes that fake news and their leftwing lies. Their spin? "Trump says Nazis are good people", an obvious lie. This is what we correctly mean when we say Fake News CNN, NBC and the rest are the enemy of the people, because they lie and foment hate and violence.

I would be a happy girl if just one Democrat here can be honest and admit this is true, and that the media lied about what Trump said. Is there one honest Democrat here? I am just looking for one, thats all.

Here's your chance to prove it.

"Very fine people" don't march with Nazis, dope.

There is no way to spin that. He said what he said.

You want to disagree with what he said? That is fine. I would love to have that discussion.

BUT, first we have to stop the Big Lie that your fellow lefties keep telling about it.

We can't have a rational discussion, with vile filthy liars throwing hate bombs willy nilly.

The only lie is yours.
There cannot be "very fine people" on both sides when one side is white supremacists marching in a protest of the removal of statues of white supremacist leaders that was organized by white supremacists, dope.

The statue in question was of a military leader, not a white supremacist.

IMO, you certainly can have "very fine people" in favor of a statue commemorating a military leader.

And my point stands. IT is one thing to disagree with my above statement.

It is another to claim that what I (or trump) said was that some nazis "are very fine people".

Whch do you want to do? Do you want to disagree with the idea that people can support a statue of Lee without being nazis?

Or do you want to lie about what I (and Trump) said?

Pick one.

Hitler was a military leader. You can't separate a military leader from his ideologies.

Lee was a white nationalist who did not believe in equality for blacks and ultimately had to surrender. He was a racist pig. We need to move beyond veneration of racist pigs.

'Very fine people' do not support statues of Lee. Only racists.

Almost every thing you wrote in your post was wrong and betrays your ignorance of history.

Hitler was a POLITICAL leader who thought he could command the German military better than the German generals.

Lee did condemn slavery as an institution, though he enforced discipline against rebellious slaves.
What Robert E. Lee Wrote to The Times About Slavery in 1858

Very fine people do not tear down monuments and statutes they don't agree with...the Taliban does.
Charlottesville stopped being a march about statues the minute the white power crowd showed up

Trump refused to acknowledge it
And the sons of the confederacy and womens "heritage" groups refused to condemn them. Nor did Trump. For 2 days

Trump spends half his day watching TV to find out what they are saying about him

That he could watch the violence in Charlottesville for two days and remain silent is intolerable
I just disagree. Trump is a racist. I don't like the politics of the four dem women reps, and I sure as hell won't call them "progressive." They want take away my health insurance, and I worked a long time to get this job.
But their color and ethnicity are irrelevant. And to be honest, I think most Americans want Donald Trump to get the fuck out and go back to Germany, but the Germans sure don't want him either

Has nothing to do with Charlottesville

Trump watched racist rioting and demonstrations and refused to condemn it
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.

Trump solidified the fact that he's a racist by telling women of color to go back where they came from.
There's really no question after this weekend. I expect we'll be hearing about the pogroms soon.

The President of the United States is:
—Telling members of Congress to leave the country.
—Ordering mass raids on immigrants.
—Building more camps to detain migrant children.
—Ordering the government to collect citizenship information.

The President of the United States is:
—Telling members of Congress to leave the country. Omar, and she had it coming. She defines nasty. This country gave her everything, and she despises us for it.

—Ordering mass raids on immigrants. You're lying. He's ordering "mass" raids on ILLEGALS.

—Building more camps to detain migrant children. WTF are we supposed to do, take them to Disneyland? Course you don't have an answer.

—Ordering the government to collect citizenship information. Pretty please explain why we're not supposed to collect data on who is supposed to be here and those who shouldn't be?
Last edited:
Charlottesville stopped being a march about statues the minute the white power crowd showed up

Trump refused to acknowledge it
And the sons of the confederacy and womens "heritage" groups refused to condemn them. Nor did Trump. For 2 days

Trump spends half his day watching TV to find out what they are saying about him

That he could watch the violence in Charlottesville for two days and remain silent is intolerable
I just disagree. Trump is a racist. I don't like the politics of the four dem women reps, and I sure as hell won't call them "progressive." They want take away my health insurance, and I worked a long time to get this job.
But their color and ethnicity are irrelevant. And to be honest, I think most Americans want Donald Trump to get the fuck out and go back to Germany, but the Germans sure don't want him either

Has nothing to do with Charlottesville

Trump watched racist rioting and demonstrations and refused to condemn it

Guess you're a disgusting liar as well.

"The president said he condemned “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” on Saturday. He then repeated the phrase “on many sides” for emphasis. A White House spokesperson later amplified the president’s remarks, telling the Guardian: “The president was condemning hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides. There was violence between protesters and counter-protesters today.”

Donald Trump under fire after failing to denounce Virginia white supremacists
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist

My a
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist

More lies.

Exactly. Progs WANT to believe Trump is racist. It gives them personal gratification. They assume embrace the idea, because their weak spines prevent them from recognizing they've been had, and they've become the problem.
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