The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie

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You are pretty much correct. Here is the bottom line, and what Trump was talking about:

You had an issue: Statues being torn down.

On both sides of the issue you had good every-day Americans (including blacks like Condi Rice and Herman Cain who did not want the statues torn down). This is what Trump meant when he correctly said you had good people on both sides.

Now, enter the hate groups. The Nazis hooked their claws into one sides of the argument, and the Antifa (who are every bit just as evil) hooked their claws into the other side. This is who Trump spoke of when he rightly condemned that hate on both sides.

Next comes that fake news and their leftwing lies. Their spin? "Trump says Nazis are good people", an obvious lie. This is what we correctly mean when we say Fake News CNN, NBC and the rest are the enemy of the people, because they lie and foment hate and violence.

I would be a happy girl if just one Democrat here can be honest and admit this is true, and that the media lied about what Trump said. Is there one honest Democrat here? I am just looking for one, thats all.

Here's your chance to prove it.

"Very fine people" don't march with Nazis, dope.

There is no way to spin that. He said what he said.

You want to disagree with what he said? That is fine. I would love to have that discussion.

BUT, first we have to stop the Big Lie that your fellow lefties keep telling about it.

We can't have a rational discussion, with vile filthy liars throwing hate bombs willy nilly.

The only lie is yours.
There cannot be "very fine people" on both sides when one side is white supremacists marching in a protest of the removal of statues of white supremacist leaders that was organized by white supremacists, dope.

The statue in question was of a military leader, not a white supremacist.

IMO, you certainly can have "very fine people" in favor of a statue commemorating a military leader.

And my point stands. IT is one thing to disagree with my above statement.

It is another to claim that what I (or trump) said was that some nazis "are very fine people".

Whch do you want to do? Do you want to disagree with the idea that people can support a statue of Lee without being nazis?

Or do you want to lie about what I (and Trump) said?

Pick one.

"Very fine people" don't march in an event organized by, promoted by and populated with white supremacists.

There were only two sides.There is no getting around that.

So, to be clear, your position that Trump and I are WRONG, about the kind of people were at the event, NOT that Trump (and I ) are saying that "nazis are very fine people".

So, thank you. BIG DIFFERENCE from being wrong about something than being nazis sympathic.

IDEA: Let's continue the discussion about whether we are wrong, and you are right on what kind of people could or would attend that rally in another thread set up just for THAT subject,

while in this thread, you help me, explain to people that TRump (and I) are NOT saying that Nazis are "very fine people" and that that is a terrible slanderous lie about us.

You up for that?
I think Trump's statements have been parsed far too much. It's much simpler than all this.

Trump, since Day One, has had an innate understanding of his "base", informed significantly by his relationships with people like Hannity and Limbaugh.

So all we was doing was covering his political flank by saying something that he naturally sensed would mitigate the situation with his base.

Sure, he was characteristically clumsy and inarticulate in the way he did it, but we know that those qualities are not important in his case.

He was pleasing his base. That was, is, and will continue to be his Number One Priority for the duration. It's really pretty simple.
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You are pretty much correct. Here is the bottom line, and what Trump was talking about:

You had an issue: Statues being torn down.

On both sides of the issue you had good every-day Americans (including blacks like Condi Rice and Herman Cain who did not want the statues torn down). This is what Trump meant when he correctly said you had good people on both sides.

Now, enter the hate groups. The Nazis hooked their claws into one sides of the argument, and the Antifa (who are every bit just as evil) hooked their claws into the other side. This is who Trump spoke of when he rightly condemned that hate on both sides.

Next comes that fake news and their leftwing lies. Their spin? "Trump says Nazis are good people", an obvious lie. This is what we correctly mean when we say Fake News CNN, NBC and the rest are the enemy of the people, because they lie and foment hate and violence.

I would be a happy girl if just one Democrat here can be honest and admit this is true, and that the media lied about what Trump said. Is there one honest Democrat here? I am just looking for one, thats all.

Here's your chance to prove it.

"Very fine people" don't march with Nazis, dope.

There is no way to spin that. He said what he said.

You want to disagree with what he said? That is fine. I would love to have that discussion.

BUT, first we have to stop the Big Lie that your fellow lefties keep telling about it.

We can't have a rational discussion, with vile filthy liars throwing hate bombs willy nilly.

The only lie is yours.
There cannot be "very fine people" on both sides when one side is white supremacists marching in a protest of the removal of statues of white supremacist leaders that was organized by white supremacists, dope.

The statue in question was of a military leader, not a white supremacist.

IMO, you certainly can have "very fine people" in favor of a statue commemorating a military leader.

And my point stands. IT is one thing to disagree with my above statement.

It is another to claim that what I (or trump) said was that some nazis "are very fine people".

Whch do you want to do? Do you want to disagree with the idea that people can support a statue of Lee without being nazis?

Or do you want to lie about what I (and Trump) said?

Pick one.

Hitler was a military leader. You can't separate a military leader from his ideologies.

Lee was a white nationalist who did not believe in equality for blacks and ultimately had to surrender. He was a racist pig. We need to move beyond veneration of racist pigs.

'Very fine people' do not support statues of Lee. Only racists.

You can indeed separate a military leader from his ideologies. Especially when he was a reluctant servant of those ideologies and later in life supported healing the wounds of those ideologies.

Hitler is a pretty extreme example. Unfairly so. You weren't trying to be unfair were you?
The statue in question was of a military leader, not a white supremacist.
An anti-American white supremacist military leader fighting to destroy the Union of the USA.

A pathetically ignorant statement. His home state rose up in rebellion and he choose to fight for it, instead of against it.

Civil Wars put people in difficult situations.

If your state rose in rebellion against the US government, would you like to lead an invading army, into the area where your family and friends live?
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist

Except for the fact that he was quite clear and strong in his condemnation.

Why do you tell lies that turn Americans against each other?
Answering your own question. Nice.

But your answer flied in the face of the posted transcripts, where he clearly condemned white supremacy, over and over again, even in his initial statement.

AND you are misquoting him. The bit you quote, he specifically stated that he was NOT referring to white supremacists.

"And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
You are quoting Trump out of context

To actually put Trump in context, you have to cover all sides of the issue

In Charlottesville, Trump was initially dead silent as the racists marched. Then, once it became violent, he condemned both sides
Once he was criticized for not condemning racism, he finally issued the statement you quoted

He was "Silent" because the march of a few white supremacists is not news.

When violence erupted, he condemned the violent people on both sides.

When attacked for not specifically condemning the white supremacists, he specifically condemned the white supremacists.

How does that context change anything from my post?

Especially as how to you purposefully MIS quoted him?
A few?


Correct. Note the close in photography, designed to give the feel of a large crowd.

If it was really a large crowd, you would seem a picture more like this.

View attachment 269507

My answer stands.

He was "Silent" because the march of a few white supremacists is not news.

When violence erupted, he condemned the violent people on both sides.

When attacked for not specifically condemning the white supremacists, he specifically condemned the white supremacists.

How does that context change anything from my post?

Especially as how to you purposefully MIS quoted him?
More Bullshit Klan Boy

It was the top news story for days, a story Trump chose to ignore, until he was forced to reply

His reply was offensive


Why do you think that rally was so much more successful than all the others? And did you personally know that that was going to happen? And if so how? HOw many attendees were there?
ME: Out of the four years of lies and propaganda we have heard from fake news CNN and the rest of fake news, this is ion the top five biggies. Soon I will do a series on the biggest lies told about Trump. This is one of them:

The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie
The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN

QUOTE: Whenever Democrats want to blame President Trump for an act of white supremacist violence such as the horrific attack in New Zealand or the imagined attack on Jussie Smollett in Chicago, they and their allies in the national news media invariably cite his statements in the wake of the deadly riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"President Trump called white supremacists 'very fine people!'" they shriek.
Only he didn't. He actually said the exact opposite.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time.
The President's inclusion of the phrase "on many sides" immediately set off a media feeding frenzy. Even though violent members of Antifa had joined with those peacefully protesting the "Unite the Right" rally and had sparked physical altercations with the white supremacists attending the rally, Trump critics immediately pounced on what they considered to be equivocation........

Keep reading: The Left's Enduring Charlottesville Lie | Dan O'Donnell | News/Talk 1130 WISN
During his press conference in which Trump called some of the Nazis "very fine people", Trump also spewed a frequent far left talking point: "George Washington was a slave owner."

Say clown-fuck, give us a link showing Trump calling some Nazis very fine people. Truth doesn't matter to you anyway, you're a prog-It.
At best, he called people who march with Nazis and KKK fine people
Like his father
Has nothing to do with Charlottesville

Trump watched racist rioting and demonstrations and refused to condemn it

Guess you're a disgusting liar as well.

"The president said he condemned “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” on Saturday. He then repeated the phrase “on many sides” for emphasis. A White House spokesperson later amplified the president’s remarks, telling the Guardian: “The president was condemning hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides. There was violence between protesters and counter-protesters today.”

Donald Trump under fire after failing to denounce Virginia white supremacists
It is easy to condemn hatred, bigotry and violence after you have been beaten up in the press for two days for refusing to do so

He reluctantly gave the statement and then insisted on placing blame on both sides

You continue to be a disgusting liar.

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Read the complete transcript of President Trump's remarks at Trump Tower on Charlottesville
When Trump had a chance to stand up against hate groups, he chose to blame both sides

Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate
Guess you're a disgusting liar as well.

"The president said he condemned “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” on Saturday. He then repeated the phrase “on many sides” for emphasis. A White House spokesperson later amplified the president’s remarks, telling the Guardian: “The president was condemning hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides. There was violence between protesters and counter-protesters today.”

Donald Trump under fire after failing to denounce Virginia white supremacists
It is easy to condemn hatred, bigotry and violence after you have been beaten up in the press for two days for refusing to do so

He reluctantly gave the statement and then insisted on placing blame on both sides

You continue to be a disgusting liar.

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Read the complete transcript of President Trump's remarks at Trump Tower on Charlottesville
When Trump had a chance to stand up against hate groups, he chose to blame both sides

Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist

Except for the fact that he was quite clear and strong in his condemnation.

Why do you tell lies that turn Americans against each other?
He was far from strong or clear

His first impulse was to ignore the hate rally for two days
Only after he came under extreme criticism did he speak out

Rather than speak out against hate, he issued a statement blaming both sides

That brought more criticism. At that point, his staff wrote him a nice statement condemning hate groups

WEAK leadership
It is easy to condemn hatred, bigotry and violence after you have been beaten up in the press for two days for refusing to do so

He reluctantly gave the statement and then insisted on placing blame on both sides

You continue to be a disgusting liar.

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Read the complete transcript of President Trump's remarks at Trump Tower on Charlottesville
When Trump had a chance to stand up against hate groups, he chose to blame both sides

Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up
The progs triggered great false hatred over the incident. The idea Trump is racist was built off Charlottesville, and progs are too emotionally confused to comprehend they've been had.
Trumps timidness in condemning racism and ultimate sharing of blame made it obvious he was a racist

Except for the fact that he was quite clear and strong in his condemnation.

Why do you tell lies that turn Americans against each other?
He was far from strong or clear

His first impulse was to ignore the hate rally for two days
Only after he came under extreme criticism did he speak out

Rather than speak out against hate, he issued a statement blaming both sides

That brought more criticism. At that point, his staff wrote him a nice statement condemning hate groups

WEAK leadership

1. Ignoring white supremacists is a great way to marginalize them. You do realize they LOVE it when they get coverage, right? Hell, that is WHY they have rallies. to get publicity.

2. When someone was actually killed he spoke on it. He did not have the information, and did not jump on the conclusion the way the libs did. That is not weakness.

3. His points about Antifa were reasonable and correct.

4. I repeat, why do you lie like this?

Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up

Interesting claim.

Do you imagine that the people that were there about the statues, magically were teleported away, when the hate groups showed up?

Please explain your statement. I do not understand it.
When Trump had a chance to stand up against hate groups, he chose to blame both sides

Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up

Interesting claim.

Do you imagine that the people that were there about the statues, magically were teleported away, when the hate groups showed up?

Please explain your statement. I do not understand it.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up. Then it became a hate march

Note to statue lovers.....when you look to your left and see a Nazi and look to your right and see KKK

It is time to leave
Prog-speak. On one hand you fucks say Trump called "NAZIS" very fine people. Now you say he blamed both sides. Why wouldn't he blame both sides when two sides were at fault? Is this where we turn a blind eye to leftists assaulting others? Are your heads okay? Hardly a chance, seek help.
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up

Interesting claim.

Do you imagine that the people that were there about the statues, magically were teleported away, when the hate groups showed up?

Please explain your statement. I do not understand it.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up. Then it became a hate march

Yes, I understand your position. I am asking you to explain it.

There were people there that were there to protest the removal of the statue.

At what point in your mind, and how, did they stop being there for that?
Because one side was a hate group and the other side was there to protest against hate

Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up

Interesting claim.

Do you imagine that the people that were there about the statues, magically were teleported away, when the hate groups showed up?

Please explain your statement. I do not understand it.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up. Then it became a hate march

Yes, I understand your position. I am asking you to explain it.

There were people there that were there to protest the removal of the statue.

At what point in your mind, and how, did they stop being there for that?
Been Splained

You are just too thick to understand it
I think Trump's statements have been parsed far too much. It's much simpler than all this.

Trump, since Day One, has had an innate understanding of his "base", informed significantly by his relationships with people like Hannity and Limbaugh.

So all we was doing was covering his political flank by saying something that he naturally sensed would mitigate the situation with his base.

Sure, he was characteristically clumsy and inarticulate in the way he did it, but we know that those qualities are not important in his case.

He was pleasing his base. That was, is, and will continue to be his Number One Priority for the duration. It's really pretty simple.

So, you're saying the base is racist. Yeah, we knew that already.
Not true and you know it.

The stated purpose of the rally, was against removing a historical statue.

You are a liar.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up

Interesting claim.

Do you imagine that the people that were there about the statues, magically were teleported away, when the hate groups showed up?

Please explain your statement. I do not understand it.
It stopped being about statues the minute hate groups showed up. Then it became a hate march

Yes, I understand your position. I am asking you to explain it.

There were people there that were there to protest the removal of the statue.

At what point in your mind, and how, did they stop being there for that?
Been Splained

You are just too thick to understand it

So, dumb it down for me.

Let's say this guy here.


went to the rally, because he is a huge history buff and is strongly opposed to taking down the Statue.

At what point, does his motivation stop being that?

You say when the hate groups show up. Does he have to see them, or is there presence nearby, enough to change his motivation?

Does he have a Mulligan? If he sees one "hater" and thinks that that might be just a lone guy, is he still there for historical reasons?

How long does he have to leave, after seeing (or not?!), the hate groups,, does he have to leave? DOes he have to run at full speed or can he walk? What if he has no transportation? Does it matter?

You made a claim, but you explained NOTHING.
The peaceful, permit holding protesters, known as White Supremacists by the rabid left, wanted to exercise their first amendment right but were attacked by an antifa flash mob of bigots who were unable to accept any differing opinions. The antifa anarchists went there looking for trouble and they got it. Trump was right, there was wrong on both sides. Personally, I blame antifa more than the permit holding protesters.

Did that permit allow them to drive through a crowd of victims to kill those who couldn't get out of the way in time? Where do you get a permit like that?
They didn't do that, jackass.

I'm sure the dead girl's parents will be glad to hear that.

Uncalled for. Simply uncalled for. You’re an asshole. Well I already knew that. Fortunately you’re old and won’t be around much longer.
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