The Lily white movement

Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
What took you so long to get to the mud huts?
Studying history (not just reading garbage from white supremacist groups) would give you a longer view of what is going on in Africa. There is no reason for your disrespect of the people on that continent.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
What took you so long to get to the mud huts?
Studying history (not just reading garbage from white supremacist groups) would give you a longer view of what is going on in Africa. There is no reason for your disrespect of the people on that continent.
Not dissing them, just stating a fact that their countries haven't reached the levels ours have. What's your problem? Hate reality?
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
What took you so long to get to the mud huts?
Studying history (not just reading garbage from white supremacist groups) would give you a longer view of what is going on in Africa. There is no reason for your disrespect of the people on that continent.
Not dissing them, just stating a fact that their countries haven't reached the levels ours have. What's your problem? Hate reality?
Nope. I just believe there are reasons for things and I'm more interested in that than making blanket judgments on Africans.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
Politically and socially all peoples must be like you?
What politics must they adopt? Socially, what must they be like?
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
What took you so long to get to the mud huts?
Studying history (not just reading garbage from white supremacist groups) would give you a longer view of what is going on in Africa. There is no reason for your disrespect of the people on that continent.

Of course there is a reason....or a fewl:

1. Misinformed ignorance
2. Stupidity
3. Bigotry

No need to elaborate any further.
No, but blacks are at a lower level of development politically, socially and intellectually as of today. Not saying they are incapable of reaching the same level as whites and asians, just that as of today, they aren't.
I'm guessing if you studied a little history of African nations, you would learn much to answer your questions. It took "us" hundreds and hundreds of years to shake off authoritarian rule by kings and establish stable democracies. Oceans of blood spent. The Revolutions of the late 1700's and 1800's weren't the beginning of that idea; they were the culmination.
Of course, not all cultures value individualism above the needs of the community. Democracies are not the only way to run a country.
I guess for you, living off of flies in a mud hut is the way to go?
What took you so long to get to the mud huts?
Studying history (not just reading garbage from white supremacist groups) would give you a longer view of what is going on in Africa. There is no reason for your disrespect of the people on that continent.
Not dissing them, just stating a fact that their countries haven't reached the levels ours have. What's your problem? Hate reality?
Nope. I just believe there are reasons for things and I'm more interested in that than making blanket judgments on Africans.
. Hmm, so what has been the reason for the lagging behind other nations as a people on the continent ?? Have they been fighting their own inward demons forever on that continent as a people ? I mean they rounded up and sold people into slavery right ? Look at Somalia and Mogadishu when we were there, and tell me why that place had trucks with large caliber weapons mounted upon them, and had what looked like gangs riding aboard them ? Why have they been in civil war after civil war in that place, and why the out of control birth rates that over run the resources where next you had the tribes killing one another off for the preservation of those very resources ? What is the role of nations like us along with Russia, China, etc. supposed to be for that place ? Does the (African)-American here have tribal cultural ritualistic characters still found in their thought processes ? For example - Listening to the repetitive beat that is found in the music for the one's who relate to or show great interest in such a thing as a bass turned up to high levels (ear splitting levels), as something they love to do. What are the traits of the African, and how does these traits fit into modern day societies ? Are they excepted widely or are they rejected by many in which for whom culturally have a hard time relating to such things as that ear splitting beat or pants on the ground, gang lifestyles etc. ? Are whites to blame for all rejection of the African culture or is some of the culture rejected for good reason by not only whites, but by others as well ? Southern redneck culture is rejected by many whites as well as blacks, but does that stop the rednecks from being prideful in what they see as a legitimate culture to them ? Blacks shouldn't let a rejection of their culture in some avenues stop them from doing their thing just like any other as long as it's peaceful and innocent. It's when cultures clash to the point of violence and rejection that usually ends with the many doors being shut in respect to any violent culture that spirals out of control be splintering into sub-cultures off of a main culture that was peaceful and innocent. People need to check themselves and their cultures, and if the majority are against certain aspects of a culture, then maybe that should cause the culture to try and change a little in order to assimilate, and to get along in modern day society. Now a culture seeking not to change, but to try and force everyone else to change is going to continually find itself struggling in life.
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Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
. Hmmm, so how did these African people allow this to happen to them ? Why did other nations see Africa as a place to exploit or pilage if true ? When did Africa begin to move away from being tribes with leaders of these tribes, and on to a more recognizable styled government that mimicks modernized nations of today ?? Was their tribalism a downfall that left them vulnerable ?
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
Boo fucking hoo. Blame others, typical. Look, blacks in the US are further ahead socially and intellectually than blacks in Africa, showing that they are capable of more than what you see today in Africa. Even the Chinese had to come to Africa recently to show them how to grow food, which Africans really suck at.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
. Hmmm, so how did these African people allow this to happen to them ? Why did other nations see Africa as a place to exploit or pilage if true ? When did Africa begin to move away from being tribes with leaders of these tribes, and on to a more recognizable styled government that mimicks modernized nations of today ?? Was their tribalism a downfall that left them vulnerable ?
According to a book I read called The Story of England, they spent many years in feudalism and tribal warfare. When they progressed to capitalism, and decided to take capitalism to America, they did not have the manpower to do the building, so they looked to the nearest continent, Africa. According to the book The Underdevelopment of Africa, the continent was, at that time, still in the feudalistic stage of development.

When the Europeans saw this, they knew how to pit one tribe against another and tempt tribal leaders with goods and guns from their country. They took their prisoners of war in exchange for these things. After some time, some of the African leaders found out that they were being shipped to America and permanently enslaved and started to fight back. Then they were chased and kidnapped.

Had the Europeans decided to help Africa reach the next stage of development instead of exploiting them, things would have turned out differently.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
. Hmmm, so how did these African people allow this to happen to them ? Why did other nations see Africa as a place to exploit or pilage if true ? When did Africa begin to move away from being tribes with leaders of these tribes, and on to a more recognizable styled government that mimicks modernized nations of today ?? Was their tribalism a downfall that left them vulnerable ?
According to a book I read called The Story of England, they spent many years in feudalism and tribal warfare. When they progressed to capitalism, and decided to take capitalism to America, they did not have the manpower to do the building, so they looked to the nearest continent, Africa. According to the book The Underdevelopment of Africa, the continent was, at that time, still in the feudalistic stage of development.

When the Europeans saw this, they knew how to pit one tribe against another and tempt tribal leaders with goods and guns from their country. They took their prisoners of war in exchange for these things. After some time, some of the African leaders found out that they were being shipped to America and permanently enslaved and started to fight back. Then they were chased and kidnapped.

Had the Europeans decided to help Africa reach the next stage of development instead of exploiting them, things would have turned out differently.

Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
. Hmmm, so how did these African people allow this to happen to them ? Why did other nations see Africa as a place to exploit or pilage if true ? When did Africa begin to move away from being tribes with leaders of these tribes, and on to a more recognizable styled government that mimicks modernized nations of today ?? Was their tribalism a downfall that left them vulnerable ?
According to a book I read called The Story of England, they spent many years in feudalism and tribal warfare. When they progressed to capitalism, and decided to take capitalism to America, they did not have the manpower to do the building, so they looked to the nearest continent, Africa. According to the book The Underdevelopment of Africa, the continent was, at that time, still in the feudalistic stage of development.

When the Europeans saw this, they knew how to pit one tribe against another and tempt tribal leaders with goods and guns from their country. They took their prisoners of war in exchange for these things. After some time, some of the African leaders found out that they were being shipped to America and permanently enslaved and started to fight back. Then they were chased and kidnapped.

Had the Europeans decided to help Africa reach the next stage of development instead of exploiting them, things would have turned out differently.

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I don't believe that for a minute. People, even scientists can research and test things to find evidence of what they already believe instead of going where the research actually takes them.
Lefties finally found a racist republican organization in the late 19th and early 20th century but it never resulted in violence or murder. Nothing can compare with the democrats and the KKK during the late 19th to mid 20th century. FDR even nominated a KKK member to the Supreme Court.
Lincoln's greatest achievement was halted by a southern Democrat. Had he not been assassinated; the US today would be a far better place.
Lincoln's achievement was substantially halted by the corrupt bargain the Republicans made in order to win the election of 1876. Can't pin it all on the Dems. Except for the Cleveland's two terms they held the presidency from 1869 to 1912 and did nothing to end Jim Crow.

Actually Lincoln's 'achievement' was halted by Republican radicals and the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and the greed of Chase Court, all even more corrupt than Lincoln himself. The irony is that Lincoln himself would probably been impeached if he had lived, since he would have been far more lenient to the South than the radicals, and merely wanted to rob them and tax them to fund his corporate welfare agenda that would benefit the northern states, particularly the mid-western states, and wanted the southern economy left intact. His plan for the 'freed' slaves was to order them kept on the plantations and unable to leave without written permission from the owners and keep picking that cotton, only they would be paid a salary; he decided $3 a month was sufficient wages for 'free' black labor, and of course blacks were to be kept out the midwest and the new territories completely.
The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to
Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

According to author and professor Michael K. Fauntroy,

The lily white movement is one of the darkest and underexamined eras of US Republicanism.

—Michael K. Fauntroy, The Huffington Post
This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.

Lily-white movement

You republicans have lied long enough. You might be the party of Lincoln but then again here's Lincoln:

Lincoln's greatest achievement was halted by a southern Democrat. Had he not been assasinated; the US today would be a far better place...

True. Even though he started an illegal war and ordered the massacres of many, he would have left the South largely intact and functioning, and not subjected to the ruthless plundering the Radicals engaged in.
Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.

In the U.S. that is all mostly self-inflicted; under Nixon they got the quota system and the result was a large chunk of the black middle class keeping the ghetto schools utter wastes of time and the residents stupid and violent while the black middle class fled to the Burbs right along with 'white flight', and ever since merely use the hood rats as hostages to extort bennies for themselves.

It takes a special kind of idiocy to take a massive, successful Civil Rights and Voting Rights agenda and go backwards in social development and educational achievements.
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Taken as a whole, Blacks STILL aren't the intellectual equals to Asians and Whites, which is why they are STILL politically and socially not at the same level as Whites in the US and elsewhere. Need an example? Africa, whose countries are politically and socially below the level of Whites and Asians.
According to a book I just read, "The Underdevelopment of Africa," social and political development in Africa was interfered with when they were invaded, conquered and colonized. Their resources, both natural and human, were stripped and used to benefit other countries and peoples, while leaving them to struggle in a way they would not have had to otherwise.
. Hmmm, so how did these African people allow this to happen to them ? Why did other nations see Africa as a place to exploit or pilage if true ? When did Africa begin to move away from being tribes with leaders of these tribes, and on to a more recognizable styled government that mimicks modernized nations of today ?? Was their tribalism a downfall that left them vulnerable ?
According to a book I read called The Story of England, they spent many years in feudalism and tribal warfare. When they progressed to capitalism, and decided to take capitalism to America, they did not have the manpower to do the building, so they looked to the nearest continent, Africa. According to the book The Underdevelopment of Africa, the continent was, at that time, still in the feudalistic stage of development.

When the Europeans saw this, they knew how to pit one tribe against another and tempt tribal leaders with goods and guns from their country. They took their prisoners of war in exchange for these things. After some time, some of the African leaders found out that they were being shipped to America and permanently enslaved and started to fight back. Then they were chased and kidnapped.

Had the Europeans decided to help Africa reach the next stage of development instead of exploiting them, things would have turned out differently.

So you're saying that despite thousands of years of a head start, they're still 'under-developed' socially and economically. Yes, that is what is being observed here. Their own reliance on slavery and tribal racism is what keeps them stuck in the ancient era, not 'whitey' or anybody else. Cultures that rely on slavery stagnate and have no incentive to advance and improve; we see this also in the western hemisphere as well, with slavery so prevalent they didn't have the drive or need to even invent the wheel.
After looking up this 'author' and his blogs and the like, he's just another race hustler fishing for gigs at NPR and marketing himself as 'The Voice of Black America' and shilling for Democratic Party racists; even has the cute lil Farrakhan bow tie to announce he's a fashion victim and pandering to the PC nazis. I seriously doubt his 'history' book is anything but the usual tired collection of old memes and sloganeering rubbish and nothing new to add to the genuine historical record.
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