The lunacy of electric cars

EVs cost way more than internal combustion cars. And you never make up the difference in gas savings.
Price is one minus for EVs

and the higher price is driven entirely by the batteries

at this time consumers have to be bribed or forced to buy EVs

sales would be much lower otherwise
No, they do not.

You seem to think oil refining does not create carbon emissions.

Experts broadly agree that electric vehicles create a lower carbon footprint over the course of their lifetime than do cars and trucks that use traditional, internal combustion engines.

We will agree to disagree on EV lifespans vs combustion engine lifespans and the environmental cost of both manufacturing and disposing of EV's. It's not just a question of carbon emissions. Then there's the environmental damage Dem run cities are doing far beyond carbon emissions they knowingly do but choose to ignore. Their house is on fire and they are focused on lawn maintenance.
Yeah okay how long does your rechargeable batteries last? Combustion engines last decades. Now a program to refurbish combustion engines for use in new vehicles, extracting 20 years or more from a combustion engine that has real promise but the greenies don't want to hear it.
No worries, ICE's aren't going away and will likely continue to improve.
Yeah okay how long does your rechargeable batteries last? Combustion engines last decades. Now a program to refurbish combustion engines for use in new vehicles, extracting 20 years or more from a combustion engine that has real promise but the greenies don't want to hear it.
A Tesla battery has to be replaced between 65,000 and 100,000 miles and costs about $20,000.

The cheapest Tesla is about $50,000.

That's why you never catch up on gas savings.
Am I correct that those of you that are critical of EV's are trying to make the case that no one should buy one? And if someone does buy one how does that change your life for the worse?
A Tesla battery has to be replaced between 65,000 and 100,000 miles and costs about $20,000.

The cheapest Tesla is about $50,000.

That's why you never catch up on gas savings.
If an EV could draw power from an electrical grid built into the roadway vs carrying it's own batteries and all the recharging crap, maybe just for the interstates at first I'd like to see the analysis on that. Even electrical assist up long grades.
Am I correct that those of you that are critical of EV's are trying to make the case that no one should buy one? And if someone does buy one how does that change your life for the worse?
You are not correct. I have nothing against EV's. I am against the stupidity of not acknowledging the environment downside to manufacturing and disposal of EV's and the notion that we should take the environmental hit until some wishful thinking day when that impact is abated is also stupid. I hate the EV propaganda that suggests EV is totally clean and the propaganda against fossil fuels which is equally as SPUN negative.
Wait until they get a $20,000 plus bill for replacing that battery. Wonder what the core disposal charge is?
Nobody replaces the batteries. The cars have very little resale value once the battery wears out. The cars just get junked and people buy a new one. There are electric car graveyards stacked up from one side to the other in Europe.
Its amazing how ignorant the EV advocates are about basic science and energy. They seem to think that an EV just runs forever without any input of any kind. If they get beyond that they think the recharging is free and doesn't require additional generating capacity. Ignorance abounds on the left, they prove it every day.
Which came first- the invention of the automobile or gas stations on every corner?
Nobody replaces the batteries. The cars have very little resale value once the battery wears out. The cars just get junked and people buy a new one. There are electric car graveyards stacked up from one side to the other in Europe.
My ex has a 2006 prius with well over 200k miles. Replaced the front disk brakes twice or maybe three times and the starter battery once, which costs about $250. She said it blue books for about 20k. I didn't think so but checked it and they goes for that much.
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My ex has a 2006 prius with well over 200k miles. Replaced the front disk brakes twice or maybe three times and the starter battery once, which costs about $250. She said it blue books for about 20k. I didn't think so but checked it and they goes for that much.
A Prius is a hybrid. It uses gas.
A Tesla battery has to be replaced between 65,000 and 100,000 miles and costs about $20,000.

The cheapest Tesla is about $50,000.

That's why you never catch up on gas savings.
you do know there are other EVs out there that cost under 30K right?
What happens when the power goes out and doesn’t come back on?
EVs would be the least of your worries if that happens. Society would completely break down within a week or two. Also, even gas powered vehicles would eventually become useless as stored gas turns to jelly after a couple of years, and there would be no way to refine more gas without power.
That is not true. It shifts the generation to fossil fuel power plants.

The ONLY way to make it work with a lesser footprint is to greatly increase nuclear power. Geo-thermal is way too sparse to even consider.
But electricity production to charge an EV still produces less emissions than an ICE car does.

It's not like electricity generation changes when you plug in your car to charge up. All that power is still being made anyway

But there is a tipping point where an EV becomes cleaner than an ICE car.

It take more energy to make an EV but Evs are cleaner to operate so for small EV's the tipping point as to when it becomes cleaner is about 12000 miles. The bigger the EV car the higher the mileage of the tipping point becomes which is why electric PU trucks and full size electric SUVs aren't worth it

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