The lunacy of electric cars

Its amazing how ignorant the EV advocates are about basic science and energy. They seem to think that an EV just runs forever without any input of any kind. If they get beyond that they think the recharging is free and doesn't require additional generating capacity. Ignorance abounds on the left, they prove it every day.
Yes people realize that EV don't run forever without any input of any kind. You are an idiot. Or the people you know are idiots. Probably, both.
All the EV revolution is accomplishing is shifting the source of pollution from one source to another.
No engine oil changes (or leaks), ever.
Fuel is transported through wires; no pipeline spills.
Fewer moving parts to wear out.
Fuel up in your driveway.
No oil spots in your driveway.
No dirty oil spilled all over the place by DIY mechanics.
No air pollution in heavy traffic areas.
Wide range of sources to provide electricity.

One point I want to address. My sister - who is both a flaming leftist and has a shopping addiction - decided she really wanted an electric vehicle. Then she looked into charging it at home. Turns out the only way she'd be able to do that would be to triple-quadruple her electric bill every month, or outfit the entire roof of the house with solar panels.

Needless to say, she does not have an electric vehicle.
The whole point of tablets is to make them cheap enough that they are disposable. If you lose one, no big deal. Buy a new one and download your data from the cloud.

Not that I trust the cloud.


Actually, the way the market it going, it's pretty clear that the industry wants tablets to replace laptops. Laptops themselves are turning more tablet-like. Either way, when the "cheap" ones of a thing cost over a hundred bucks, then they are not a cheap, disposable thing, period.

As for the cloud, I advise self hosting a private cloud. To hell with the brand name spywares.
That is not true. It shifts the generation to fossil fuel power plants.

The ONLY way to make it work with a lesser footprint is to greatly increase nuclear power. Geo-thermal is way too sparse to even consider.
Yes, it is true.

Economies scale. Generating power at a power plant, no matter what the source is, will be FAR more efficient than the tiny CE in your car. That is just a reality. Same holds for all sources of power which is why solar panel homes and a windmill in the back yard was also always a pipe dream.

It is always more efficient to centralize that power generation than it is to spread it out over a thousand smaller sources.
The cost of electricity does not change throughout the day. Where did you get such a silly idea?
Yes it does.

Your backyard is not the entire country. Just because you do not get a variable electrical plan does not mean that others do not. Most places I have lived operate with variable costs.
Electric cars are not insane they have several positive attributes
the lunacy is coming from rabid EV advocates on the left with their mindless hate for fossil fuel

Yes. Electric cars are a fabulous potential. The entire drive train essentially is two pieces fit behind each wheel that produce little heat loss converting nearly all power to forward drive.

  • Regular cars carry a fuel supply that is both stable and very energy dense.
  • So the problem with EVs become how to power them?
    1. They either carry a vast supply of stored electrical potential in heavy batteries that can combine explosively if defective while adding 40% to the cost and weight of the vehicle.
    2. They have the electric power brought to them via some sort of network of overhead or in-the-road power connections with just minimal storage for limited local driving off grid, which is the better solution so long as the grid doesn't go down.
Yes. Electric cars are a fabulous potential. The entire drive train essentially is two pieces fit behind each wheel that produce little heat loss converting nearly all power to forward drive.

  • Regular cars carry a fuel supply that is both stable and very energy dense.
  • So the problem with EVs become how to power them?
    1. They either carry a vast supply of stored electrical potential in heavy batteries that can combine explosively if defective while adding 40% to the cost and weight of the vehicle.
    2. They have the electric power brought to them via some sort of network of overhead or in-the-road power connections with just minimal storage for limited local driving off grid, which is the better solution so long as the grid doesn't go down.
#2 just requires far to much infrastructure to already me in place. Though a better overall solution, it just is not workable for a very long time.
Yes it does.

Your backyard is not the entire country. Just because you do not get a variable electrical plan does not mean that others do not. Most places I have lived operate with variable costs.
I have lived in 2 places in KY, 2 places in AL, GA, RI, FL, SC and VA. Not once have I had variable electrical costs.
Yes it does.

Your backyard is not the entire country. Just because you do not get a variable electrical plan does not mean that others do not. Most places I have lived operate with variable costs.
Did you notice only two states where I have lived, out of that laundry list in your link, is it even offered?

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