The meaning of "GOP" has changed to ... Government Over People

Ali, can you say "deregulation"? That is not a Dem thing.

That is the main thing that landed US in this mess GENIUS!

don't confuse that poor dumb fuck with facts Ray... she needs to hold onto her delusion that it's all the Dems fault...
It's the Federal Reserve's fault and the government believing it needs to regulate the market in the first place. This partisan non-sense is simply distracting people from the real problem. Both Democrats and Republicans support the Fed and refuse to believe that maybe just maybe that's where the problem lies.

the original plan was the plan of the white house, the treasury's plan, the second plan was a compromise plan between both moderate republicans and democrats that were part of the committees responsible using paulson's plan as a guideline, i heard on the 24/7 news that the 3rd plan is a plan of staunch conservatives which was presented to the president and secretary paulson this past tuesday, of which the whitehouse and paulson rejected....

this third plan is the one being spouted now by the conservative repubs as ''their'' plan....this was rejected by the whitehouse already, but they want it to now be considered by the repubs and dems in the committees, for an eventual vote on the floor....they are going against paulson and the whitehouse....and many democrats ALSO want this 3rd plan to be considered.... not all dems are agreeing with the committee on this either...

but the real ''rift'' is actually between moderate repubs that side with bush/paulson plan and conservative repubs that like their own plan which paulson rejected....

And the Dems "fighting for the homeowners" is what landed us here in the first place, genius.


The deregulated masters of the market screwed this up, not government.

This event basically goes to prove that:


Hey I'm a Lying Bitch, might want to check the news again dear.

Paulson and Bernanke (the people who are the architects) are NOT in the democratic corner.

The deregulated masters of the market screwed this up, not government.

This event basically goes to prove that:


The Soviet Union thought central planning and state controlled businesses were a good idea too.
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It's the Federal Reserve's fault and the government believing it needs to regulate the market in the first place. This partisan non-sense is simply distracting people from the real problem. Both Democrats and Republicans support the Fed and refuse to believe that maybe just maybe that's where the problem lies.

Deregulation is what made the fucking market melt in the first place dumbass.
Let me see if I get this straight...

Republians hate poor people because they refuse to give them other people's money.

Poor people get loans to buy houses they can't afford.

Poor people default on said loans.

And this is the republican's fault, how?
Let me see if I get this straight...

Republians hate poor people because they refuse to give them other people's money.

Poor people get loans to buy houses they can't afford.

Poor people default on said loans.

And this is the republican's fault, how?

Let me explain it to you.

Phil Gramm snuck an ammendment into an appropriations bill on Dec. 15, 2000. This ammendment deregulated financial institutions and created derivatives. Derivatives allowed companies to lend more money than they actually had. In addition, deregulation allowed companies to sell mortgages on the day after closing, so there was no risk to the company giving the loan if the borrower defaulted. Because there was no risk, the companies had no problem giving out risky loans.
Let me see if I get this straight...

Republians hate poor people because they refuse to give them other people's money.

Poor people get loans to buy houses they can't afford.

Poor people default on said loans.

And this is the republican's fault, how?

The Republicans created the loopholes to allow this to happen.....thru deregulations...

though I can not stress enough that it was the financial institutions themsleves and their greed that abused these newer loopholes and were neglegent to their stockholders with their gambling and lack of proper business practices and risk assessment.
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The Republicans created the loopholes to allow this to happen.....thru deregulations...

though I can not stress enough that it was the financial institutions themsleves and their greed that abused these newer loopholes and were neglegent to their stockholders with their gambling and lack of proper business practices and risk assessment.

Did any democrats make changes that had any effect on the Graham legislation ?
no point--apparently no one can discuss this issue with being consumed by partisanship.

nooooooooo, i'm not kidding, i mean it....i am willing to read everything i can on this mess....i've learned a great deal more, just in a few days of googling 24/7....i'm just burnt out on if you got something, link it and i will read it!!!!

i don't see this as a partisan mess at this point...i see it as, ''the love of money, being the root of ALL evils''....a greed problem, and very risky financial behaviors....

nooooooooo, i'm not kidding, i mean it....i am willing to read everything i can on this mess....i've learned a great deal more, just in a few days of googling 24/7....i'm just burnt out on if you got something, link it and i will read it!!!!

i don't see this as a partisan mess at this point...i see it as, ''the love of money, being the root of ALL evils''....a greed problem, and very risky financial behaviors....


This crisis is a perfect opportunity for Americans to examine how those that get elected to represent us, those they appoint and agencies sanctioned by them have failed us. ANY attempt to hold either party accountable blocks our ability to understand and resolve the problem.
This crisis is a perfect opportunity for Americans to examine how those that get elected to represent us, those they appoint and agencies sanctioned by them have failed us. ANY attempt to hold either party accountable blocks our ability to understand and resolve the problem.

NO DOUBT :( the money influence of corporate lobbyists rule the roost.....

we, the individual, have no influence on our own representation....
NO DOUBT :( the money influence of corporate lobbyists rule the roost.....

we, the individual, have no influence on our own representation....

We never will unless we objectively educate ourselves to the problem. That responsibility lies directly at our feet.
funny though...the democrats are fighting for the homeowners and the republicans are fighting for wall street....which are you?

Is that why the demos have loaded the bill with pork. Such as a 20% pay day for ACORN?
let then all go down. Republicans, Democrats, WallStreet and Stupidass Homeowners too. I am fed up with the scam.

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