The MSM IS the Enemy of the People

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This unelected 4th branch of government needs to be taken down. Tuesday is our chance (Wednesday if you vote Democrat)

This unelected 4th branch of government needs to be taken down. Tuesday is our chance (Wednesday if you vote Democrat)

Unbelievable..... The enemies of the people are the Republican and Democrat Parties, not the media.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

Um with the exception of Hannity, Levin and Rush were both never-TRUMPers. Not sure why lefties can't comprehend TRUMP is in control of the GOP, and he is in control because people were tired of the previous leadership making big promises but producing little results filled with big compromises with democrats. People are supporting TRUMP because they see him actually accomplishing or working to accomplish what he campaigned on with little compromises. Democrats are freaking out because they know if they don't get the house TRUMP will be able to do much more with Ryan gone.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

Um with the exception of Hannity, Levin and Rush were both never-TRUMPers. Not sure why lefties can't comprehend TRUMP is in control of the GOP, and he is in control because people were tired of the previous leadership making big promises but producing little results filled with big compromises with democrats. People are supporting TRUMP because they see him actually accomplishing or working to accomplish what he campaigned on with little compromises. Democrats are freaking out because they know if they don't get the house TRUMP will be able to do much more with Ryan gone.
WE are sick to death of a Ruling Class that sells us out to foreign scum like Merkel and May..
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP. Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.
Um with the exception of Hannity, Levin and Rush were both never-TRUMPers. Not sure why lefties can't comprehend TRUMP is in control of the GOP, and he is in control because people were tired of the previous leadership making big promises but producing little results filled with big compromises with democrats. People are supporting TRUMP because they see him actually accomplishing or working to accomplish what he campaigned on with little compromises. Democrats are freaking out because they know if they don't get the house TRUMP will be able to do much more with Ryan gone.
That just isn't true. Hannity was his usual vague, non-committal self until Trump was the nominee, then he just LOVED him.

Rush backed Scott Walker until one day he miraculously switched to Trump and his flock miraculously switched right with him.

I listen. Including right now, as he's talking about a controversial immigration ad.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

It's sickening see what these retards spew daily.
This unelected 4th branch of government needs to be taken down. Tuesday is our chance (Wednesday if you vote Democrat)

I suppose you celebrated when the Saudi’s murdered and dismembered the WashPo journalist. Trump swept it under the rug for them as a thank you.
That just isn't true. Hannity was his usual vague, non-committal self until Trump was the nominee, then he just LOVED him.

Rush backed Scott Walker until one day he miraculously switched to Trump and his flock miraculously switched right with him.

I listen. Including right now, as he's talking about a controversial immigration ad.
What, you think this is unusual? EVERY ELECTION the supporters of candidates switch candidates for various reasons.

I started supporting Jim Webb till it became painfully obvious the Dems were not going to give him a fair chance.

I then went to Rand Paul because he seemed more moderate over all, then dropped him when he refused to do anything other than lecture the American people on why he was the best pick.

Then I went to Bernie Sanders as an anti-Establishment candidate, then Ted Cruz. Only when it seemed that Trump was the only other choice than Hillary did I decide to hold my nose and support Trump.

I was never a Never Trumpster. That kind of attitude is arrogant and obnoxious.

But my changing my vote and support is not unusual at all in party politics and neither is it for Rush, who is a party shill, Levin, who is an arrogant bombastic prick, or Hannity who is just boring to me usually.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

It's sickening see what these retards spew daily.

The truth always sickens Lefties like you. You don't want to hear it and can't deal with it when you do.
This unelected 4th branch of government needs to be taken down. Tuesday is our chance (Wednesday if you vote Democrat)

I suppose you celebrated when the Saudi’s murdered and dismembered the WashPo journalist. Trump swept it under the rug for them as a thank you.

What the hell did you want him to do? The skank was a Saudi citizen responsible for rousing people against the rulers of the kingdom. He took the good of this country into account when he simple kept us out of the mess that was none of our business.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

It's sickening see what these retards spew daily.

The truth always sickens Lefties like you. You don't want to hear it and can't deal with it when you do.

Deal with what? I flat out don't deal with wingers. You people wouldn't know truth if it bit you in your stupid faces. I point and laugh at you.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

It's sickening see what these retards spew daily.

The truth always sickens Lefties like you. You don't want to hear it and can't deal with it when you do.

Deal with what? I flat out don't deal with wingers. You people wouldn't know truth if it bit you in your stupid faces. I point and laugh at you.

This unelected 4th branch of government needs to be taken down. Tuesday is our chance (Wednesday if you vote Democrat)

I suppose you celebrated when the Saudi’s murdered and dismembered the WashPo journalist. Trump swept it under the rug for them as a thank you.

What the hell did you want him to do? The skank was a Saudi citizen responsible for rousing people against the rulers of the kingdom. He took the good of this country into account when he simple kept us out of the mess that was none of our business.

longknife, I will forever remember this as the moment that you endorsed the murder and dismemberment of dissenters by secret government assassins as a legitimate governing strategy.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.
Says a Hillary voter.
That just isn't true. Hannity was his usual vague, non-committal self until Trump was the nominee, then he just LOVED him.

Rush backed Scott Walker until one day he miraculously switched to Trump and his flock miraculously switched right with him.

I listen. Including right now, as he's talking about a controversial immigration ad.
What, you think this is unusual? EVERY ELECTION the supporters of candidates switch candidates for various reasons.

I started supporting Jim Webb till it became painfully obvious the Dems were not going to give him a fair chance.

I then went to Rand Paul because he seemed more moderate over all, then dropped him when he refused to do anything other than lecture the American people on why he was the best pick.

Then I went to Bernie Sanders as an anti-Establishment candidate, then Ted Cruz. Only when it seemed that Trump was the only other choice than Hillary did I decide to hold my nose and support Trump.

I was never a Never Trumpster. That kind of attitude is arrogant and obnoxious.

But my changing my vote and support is not unusual at all in party politics and neither is it for Rush, who is a party shill, Levin, who is an arrogant bombastic prick, or Hannity who is just boring to me usually.
I was just pointing out that those guys were never "never Trumpers", as claimed.

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