The MSM IS the Enemy of the People

But my changing my vote and support is not unusual at all in party politics and neither is it for Rush
You don't listen to him. He's NOT a Republican. He's a Conservative, but you'll find ZERO conservatives in the Democrat Party.
Rush supported George W Bush in 92 after that piece of shyte proved to everyone with an ounce of honesty that he was not conservative, just a lying hypocrital politician. Wow, talk about a redundant phrase.

Perot was the real conservative but Rush banned people from his show rather than let any Perot supporters speak on his radio show.

Dont tell me I dont listen to that shill, because that is all he is, a GOP party shill who is just more clever than most in hood winking you.

I rarely listen to Rush any more but I still hear him enough that I know he is not changed at all.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.

It's sickening see what these retards spew daily.

The truth always sickens Lefties like you. You don't want to hear it and can't deal with it when you do.

Deal with what? I flat out don't deal with wingers. You people wouldn't know truth if it bit you in your stupid faces. I point and laugh at you.


That's right. Run along, kitten.
Yes, Mark Levin. One third of the Trumpian Triumvirate (with Hannity & Rush) that is firmly in control of the GOP.

Listen to their words and thought processes on the radio, see them in print here. Sometimes within mere minutes.
Men who speak the truth should be our ideological leaders.
Nobody here who disagrees with what Mark Levin said has the balls to even attempt to refute him. Tards have nothing.

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