The myth of Matthew Shepard is unravelling

I followed this case very carefully at the time and this was never a theory. It might be coming up now, because now opinion is running against drug dealers. Anything can be made up after the fact. The two killers had a long history of being anti gay, Shepard just pushed them too far when he wouldn't give up his flirting.

The nature of the crime is not of a drug deal gone bad. The nature of the crime shows a deep visceral rage. In drug deals gone bad, the motivation is a sense of justice, the one on the losing side is wronged. It ends with the dealer dead. This wasn't like that. This was a rage that comes from the deepest parts of the psyche.
I followed this case very carefully at the time and this was never a theory. It might be coming up now, because now opinion is running against drug dealers. Anything can be made up after the fact. The two killers had a long history of being anti gay, Shepard just pushed them too far when he wouldn't give up his flirting.

The nature of the crime is not of a drug deal gone bad. The nature of the crime shows a deep visceral rage. In drug deals gone bad, the motivation is a sense of justice, the one on the losing side is wronged. It ends with the dealer dead. This wasn't like that. This was a rage that comes from the deepest parts of the psyche.

So your psychoanalysis decades later trumps known facts about Shepard and McKinney?

I read about this way back then, though Id dint know (still don't) that McKinney and Shepard actually buggered each other.

Drug dealer kills are some of the most vicious things at times as the dealers try to send their rivals and enemies a message about how 'bad' they be.

The parable drawn from the crime was supplemented with beauty shots of Mr. Shepard that made him look like a frail James Dean, and arraignment photos of Mr. McKinney and Mr. Henderson that made them look like tight-lipped white power people.

The men, however, did not have ideologies. They were full-time roofers with steady girlfriends. But Mr. McKinney was also a speed freak, an operator who won $100,000 in a malpractice settlement (his mother had died in a botched surgery) and spent it on "cars and drugs," he says now. According to a drug buddy interviewed by Ms. Vargas, Mr. McKinney had been on a weeklong no-sleeping bender before he murdered Mr. Shepard. Mr. Henderson says on camera that he was so worried about Mr. McKinney's drug-induced volatility that night that he hoped to keep him drinking in a local bar until he calmed down.

Newly armed with a large-frame revolver - the impressive kind that Dirty Harry used, says the man who traded it to him for drugs - Mr. McKinney was hoping to commit a robbery. He was full of scattershot rage. When Mr. Shepard, who was also at the bar, asked him for a ride home, he agreed, planning to steal his wallet for drug money. Mr. Henderson went along on the drive, and after Mr. McKinney beat Mr. Shepard senseless with the gun, he tied him to a fence in a remote field. The two men then took off for town, where Mr. McKinney attacked another guy he came across, cracking the man's skull....

But it's Mr. McKinney's story that's the real showstopper here. As a tweaker and dealer, he appears to have liked the high life - or whatever he could buy of it in Laramie.

But Mr. Shepard did, too. Like Mr. McKinney, he had a meth habit, his friends say here. And this is where the documentary spirals into a real twist - the kind generally reserved for episodes of "Mystery!" or Errol Morris documentaries.

It turns out that if you like high life in the high plains, you go for limousines - namely, the rental fleet owned and chauffeured by Doc O'Connor. Mr. Shepard hired one of these, which Mr. O'Connor drove, to get to a gay bar one night in Fort Collins, Colo. Mr. O'Connor noticed he was upset on the drive home, and later, Mr. O'Connor tells Ms. Vargas, Mr. Shepard told him he was H.I.V. positive. "20/20" relies heavily on the interview with Mr. O'Connor, who comes across as an invention of David Lynch. (His accusations are not confirmed with anyone else on camera.)

But that's not the end of Mr. O'Connor's involvement in this story. In defending himself from charges of homophobia Mr. McKinney says, noxiously, "I have gay friends," which gives the documentary a chance for a bravura transition.

"One of McKinney's gay friends may have been Matthew Shepard," Ms. Vargas says in voice-over.

What? They knew each other?

Mr. McKinney denies it to Ms. Vargas, but "20/20" then produces several interviews with people who had seen the men together. And then a bomb is dropped.

Mr. O'Connor, ever the mixer here, volunteers that Mr. McKinney didn't hate gays because "I know of an instance where he had a three-way - two guys and one girl at a party, an all-nighter." After confirming that Mr. McKinney had had sex with the man of the trio, Ms. Vargas asks Mr. O'Connor how he knows about such an intimate experience.

"Because he did it with me," the limo driver says.

Now what does this prove? That Mr. McKinney was bisexual, as his girlfriend goes on to confirm? (Mr. McKinney denies that he has ever had sex with a man.) Does that mean he wasn't homophobic? And as for the news about Mr. Shepard - so what if he did meth or had H.I.V.?

Lies! Lies! Lies! ALL LIES I TELL YOU!

roflmao, saint Gay Martyr Boy is just a myth, like Saint Skittles? lolol

The 20/20 episode and the NYT article ran on November 26, 2004. The press wants to keep the myth going and so these things are consistently ignored and the lies are the only things left in peoples memory instead of the Truth.
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The REAL story here is why would the RW try so hard to deny what really happened. That in modern day America, this would happen to a gay man. They don't like gays, but they really don't like anything that shows that in a red state, it can be just as bad as, let's say, the ME.

They are torn, really they grasp as straws as to why this was not a gay-bashing murder.

Revisionist History 101

Also known as....Blame the victim

It is part of the GOP playbook
Good gawd, what has become you people? This threads is just nuts...entertaining on a perverse level but still.nuts

Good gawd, are you saying the New York Times is nuts? lol, libtards will say anything, tell any lie, do any crime against country, God or fellow man if it suits their purposes.

You people are evil. I mean in the old sense of the word, evil, as in I would not be shocked to find out you are all in some fucking Satanic cult, sacrificing dogs in the moonlight and shit, lol.

The parable drawn from the crime was supplemented with beauty shots of Mr. Shepard that made him look like a frail James Dean, and arraignment photos of Mr. McKinney and Mr. Henderson that made them look like tight-lipped white power people.

The men, however, did not have ideologies. They were full-time roofers with steady girlfriends. But Mr. McKinney was also a speed freak, an operator who won $100,000 in a malpractice settlement (his mother had died in a botched surgery) and spent it on "cars and drugs," he says now. According to a drug buddy interviewed by Ms. Vargas, Mr. McKinney had been on a weeklong no-sleeping bender before he murdered Mr. Shepard. Mr. Henderson says on camera that he was so worried about Mr. McKinney's drug-induced volatility that night that he hoped to keep him drinking in a local bar until he calmed down.

Newly armed with a large-frame revolver - the impressive kind that Dirty Harry used, says the man who traded it to him for drugs - Mr. McKinney was hoping to commit a robbery. He was full of scattershot rage. When Mr. Shepard, who was also at the bar, asked him for a ride home, he agreed, planning to steal his wallet for drug money. Mr. Henderson went along on the drive, and after Mr. McKinney beat Mr. Shepard senseless with the gun, he tied him to a fence in a remote field. The two men then took off for town, where Mr. McKinney attacked another guy he came across, cracking the man's skull....

But it's Mr. McKinney's story that's the real showstopper here. As a tweaker and dealer, he appears to have liked the high life - or whatever he could buy of it in Laramie.

But Mr. Shepard did, too. Like Mr. McKinney, he had a meth habit, his friends say here. And this is where the documentary spirals into a real twist - the kind generally reserved for episodes of "Mystery!" or Errol Morris documentaries.

It turns out that if you like high life in the high plains, you go for limousines - namely, the rental fleet owned and chauffeured by Doc O'Connor. Mr. Shepard hired one of these, which Mr. O'Connor drove, to get to a gay bar one night in Fort Collins, Colo. Mr. O'Connor noticed he was upset on the drive home, and later, Mr. O'Connor tells Ms. Vargas, Mr. Shepard told him he was H.I.V. positive. "20/20" relies heavily on the interview with Mr. O'Connor, who comes across as an invention of David Lynch. (His accusations are not confirmed with anyone else on camera.)

But that's not the end of Mr. O'Connor's involvement in this story. In defending himself from charges of homophobia Mr. McKinney says, noxiously, "I have gay friends," which gives the documentary a chance for a bravura transition.

"One of McKinney's gay friends may have been Matthew Shepard," Ms. Vargas says in voice-over.

What? They knew each other?

Mr. McKinney denies it to Ms. Vargas, but "20/20" then produces several interviews with people who had seen the men together. And then a bomb is dropped.

Mr. O'Connor, ever the mixer here, volunteers that Mr. McKinney didn't hate gays because "I know of an instance where he had a three-way - two guys and one girl at a party, an all-nighter." After confirming that Mr. McKinney had had sex with the man of the trio, Ms. Vargas asks Mr. O'Connor how he knows about such an intimate experience.

"Because he did it with me," the limo driver says.

Now what does this prove? That Mr. McKinney was bisexual, as his girlfriend goes on to confirm? (Mr. McKinney denies that he has ever had sex with a man.) Does that mean he wasn't homophobic? And as for the news about Mr. Shepard - so what if he did meth or had H.I.V.?
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The REAL story here is why would the RW try so hard to deny what really happened. That in modern day America, this would happen to a gay man. They don't like gays, but they really don't like anything that shows that in a red state, it can be just as bad as, let's say, the ME.

They are torn, really they grasp as straws as to why this was not a gay-bashing murder.

Revisionist History 101

Also known as....Blame the victim

It is part of the GOP playbook

Yeah, right, and you are really a rightwinger, sure.

You are such a deranged liar that you don't even remember all the lies you are STILL TELLING!

Why do you pursue such stories?

Does you hate toward others make you feel better. Shepard is a very old story, I don't care why he was killed, no one deserved to die that way and if it wasn't because he was gay? The group that killed him went out of their way to make it look like he was.

the story in question is important because it was used by leftards to claim it was a "hate crime", which it obviously was not, unless you put this retarded word combination as a label to any murder.

Are you suggesting there are no hate crimes? That gays aren't attacked and even killed for being gay? That would be a ridiculous thing to suggest. Homosexuals have been attacked and killed for centuries for being gay. The left doesn't need to make anything up to present horrendous, vicious attacks against homosexuals.
The REAL story here is why would the RW try so hard to deny what really happened. That in modern day America, this would happen to a gay man. They don't like gays, but they really don't like anything that shows that in a red state, it can be just as bad as, let's say, the ME.

They are torn, really they grasp as straws as to why this was not a gay-bashing murder.

Revisionist History 101

Also known as....Blame the victim

It is part of the GOP playbook

Yeah, right, and you are really a rightwinger, sure.

You are such a deranged liar that you don't even remember all the lies you are STILL TELLING!


Liar, liar pants on fire

You really didn't die at the Alamo
Why do you pursue such stories?

Does you hate toward others make you feel better. Shepard is a very old story, I don't care why he was killed, no one deserved to die that way and if it wasn't because he was gay? The group that killed him went out of their way to make it look like he was.

the story in question is important because it was used by leftards to claim it was a "hate crime", which it obviously was not, unless you put this retarded word combination as a label to any murder.

Are you suggesting there are no hate crimes? That gays aren't attacked and even killed for being gay? That would be a ridiculous thing to suggest. Homosexuals have been attacked and killed for centuries for being gay. The left doesn't need to make anything up to present horrendous, vicious attacks against homosexuals.

Maybe what the dude is saying is that ALL crimes as vicious as this one was are HATE crimes, regardless whether the victim was a member of a libtard protected group or not.
Revisionist History 101

Also known as....Blame the victim

It is part of the GOP playbook

Yeah, right, and you are really a rightwinger, sure.

You are such a deranged liar that you don't even remember all the lies you are STILL TELLING!


Liar, liar pants on fire

You really didn't die at the Alamo

lol, you fucking moron, I obviously use that name because I admire Jim Bowie.

You do not admire nor are you rightwing. It is just another libtard lie that is considered to be clever by other libtards.

BTW, fuck off.
Why are the HIV positives blaming right wingers for what is in the forward? It's to the left of the huffington post
Why do you pursue such stories?

Does you hate toward others make you feel better. Shepard is a very old story, I don't care why he was killed, no one deserved to die that way and if it wasn't because he was gay? The group that killed him went out of their way to make it look like he was.

the story in question is important because it was used by leftards to claim it was a "hate crime", which it obviously was not, unless you put this retarded word combination as a label to any murder.

Are you suggesting there are no hate crimes? That gays aren't attacked and even killed for being gay? That would be a ridiculous thing to suggest. Homosexuals have been attacked and killed for centuries for being gay. The left doesn't need to make anything up to present horrendous, vicious attacks against homosexuals.
But that's not the case here and what about trayvon attacking Zimmerman because he thought zim was gay? Or was rachael lying?
the story in question is important because it was used by leftards to claim it was a "hate crime", which it obviously was not, unless you put this retarded word combination as a label to any murder.

Are you suggesting there are no hate crimes? That gays aren't attacked and even killed for being gay? That would be a ridiculous thing to suggest. Homosexuals have been attacked and killed for centuries for being gay. The left doesn't need to make anything up to present horrendous, vicious attacks against homosexuals.
But that's not the case here and what about trayvon attacking Zimmerman because he thought zim was gay? Or was rachael lying?

It can be said to you a million and a half times and you still won't get it: we only have Zimmerman's story to say he was attacked by Trayvon. It is only one man's story, and a proven liar at that. Rachael never said Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

And you don't know what the case is with Mathew Shepard. You weren't there. We only have the murderer's story to go on. The dead cannot tell their side of things.
Are you suggesting there are no hate crimes? That gays aren't attacked and even killed for being gay? That would be a ridiculous thing to suggest. Homosexuals have been attacked and killed for centuries for being gay. The left doesn't need to make anything up to present horrendous, vicious attacks against homosexuals.
But that's not the case here and what about trayvon attacking Zimmerman because he thought zim was gay? Or was rachael lying?

It can be said to you a million and a half times and you still won't get it: we only have Zimmerman's story to say he was attacked by Trayvon. It is only one man's story, and a proven liar at that. Rachael never said Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

And people have been telling libtards like you ten gazillion times that there WERE OTHER WITNESSES THAT CONFIRMED GZ's story.

Good lawd almighty you people are fucking dense as hell.

And you don't know what the case is with Mathew Shepard. You weren't there. We only have the murderer's story to go on. The dead cannot tell their side of things.

Yes, and neither were you. But ABC, 20.20, And the New York Times risked pissing off most of their readership to report the FACTS they uncovered.

And you think it is a lie only for the sole reason that it contradicts your bullshit view of life.

So please, go learn something and then try and discuss it without all the self-righteous bilge. How about it?
Rachael said that trayvon was afraid zim might rape him. That means he thought zim was gay and attacked him for that reason
But that's not the case here and what about trayvon attacking Zimmerman because he thought zim was gay? Or was rachael lying?

It can be said to you a million and a half times and you still won't get it: we only have Zimmerman's story to say he was attacked by Trayvon. It is only one man's story, and a proven liar at that. Rachael never said Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

And people have been telling libtards like you ten gazillion times that there WERE OTHER WITNESSES THAT CONFIRMED GZ's story.

Good lawd almighty you people are fucking dense as hell.

And you don't know what the case is with Mathew Shepard. You weren't there. We only have the murderer's story to go on. The dead cannot tell their side of things.

Yes, and neither were you. But ABC, 20.20, And the New York Times risked pissing off most of their readership to report the FACTS they uncovered.

And you think it is a lie only for the sole reason that it contradicts your bullshit view of life.

So please, go learn something and then try and discuss it without all the self-righteous bilge. How about it?

Where did I say it was a lie? You must have me mixed up with someone else. I have not addressed whether the initial story was a lie. I am addressing the fact you folks need to dredge this up in order to seemingly pretend such events don't happen to homosexuals. They do. Hate crimes do happen, and they are sometimes incredibly violent and viscious. There is no need for anyone to make up a hate crime against gays as there are so many stories that are true, and that has been the case as far back as history goes. As well, I think perhaps you are the one who needs to be better informed.
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